Kiana when she saw her last appearance.

The person was directly stunned.

The strongest and strongest showdown.

Guessed so many people myself.

I didn't guess it was myself.

And it's still the three of them.

Even the always calm Blow ~ Nia.

At this time, it is also a little unsettled.

She also analyzed a lot of people just now.

But really never- never thought about it.

It's going to be the three of them.

Bud Yi looked at Bronia, and then at Kiana.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

Only Fu Hua said lightly: "Kiana, it seems that in the future." "

"Your dream has come true. "

"Become the strongest Valkyrie. "

Kiana didn't react for a while.

Oh, yes.

This also came a little too suddenly.

Bronia calmly analyzed: "I am still a lawyer. "

"Sister Bud Yi is still the Law of Thunder. "

"And the power in Kiana's body does not seem to be the Void Lawyer. "

"That big sword is a bit like the Divine Meteor Sword in Himeko-sensei's hand. "

"And the flames. "

"Did you say..."

Fu Hua nodded, fixing Bronia's guess: "Maybe it is the ability of the Law of Flame." "

"The future Kiana has received new lawyer powers. "

This reversal came too quickly.

Kiana was still confused at this moment.

There is absolutely no way to understand what the situation is really like now.

How did he suddenly become one of the strongest imperial three families.

How come he is suddenly the lawyer of inflammation again.

All this is changing a little too fast.

Kiana is even smarter.

I can't react for a while.

At this time, Bud Yi lightly put her hand on Kiana's shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, Kiana." "

"Don't worry too much. "

"Let's watch first. "

"And I'm sure Lynn will give us answers next." "

"I believe that many people did not expect that the Royal Three Family is the three of us. "

Bronia: "Even I can't think of it. "

Fu Hua smiled faintly.

Didn't say much.

Together with the three of them, they continued to look at the live broadcast room.

It's not just the three of them, of course.

Viewers in the live broadcast room.

Out of the law of knowledge who already knows the truth.

There are also the Star Dome train crew and others who were informed by Walter in advance.

No one else could have guessed that this was the case.

Teresa and Himeko are two people.

When I saw the three of them appear one after another.

The mouth is getting bigger and bigger.

When Kiana finally appeared.

Himeko exclaimed even more: "Kiana!"

Teresa was also surprised.

Just said when Kiana will become the strongest Valkyrie.

This will be a slap in the face.

"So the three royal families are Kiana and Bud Yi, and Bronia!"

"This squad of theirs is the Royal Three Families!"

Himeko swallowed her saliva: "And Bronia and Bud Yi are both lawyers." "

"Kiana, she..."

Himeko couldn't help but be a little worried.

Kiana didn't look like an empty lawyer holding a flame sword.

Wait a minute!

Suddenly, Himeko was stunned.

Flame Great Sword?

How is it so much like the self who put on the true red knight lunar eclipse before.


Himeko and Teresa were in the minds of both.

An impractical one emerged.

But there are common sense ideas.

Almost at the same time, the two said in unison: "Kiana is the Law of Flame!"

The Teresa people were directly numb.

Another lawyer!!

"Himeko, I think my memory is out of order. "

"You tell us, according to the records left by the pre-civilization era, how many lawyers. "

Himeko Mumu counted it in his mind.

Then he said, "13." "

Teresa looked at the three people in the live broadcast room.

"Yes, there are only 13 lawyers. "

That is to say, there are only 13 types of legal powers. "

"The total population of the world is billions, and although the number of Valkyries is small, there are tens of thousands. "

"There are four kinds of Saint Freya Academy in my little one, isn't it!"

"It's the power of the five laws!"

What kind of Saint Freya Academy is this!

Simply change the name to the Lawyer Academy and forget it.

Teresa's whole body was numb.

I could only look at Himeko with resentful eyes.

The meaning is obvious.

You're awesome!

Go out and pick up four or five lawyers.

Himeko is also helpless about this.

Who would have thought that in the end, all three of them would become lawyers?

Only bud clothes are picked up when they are picked up.

Know that she is the Law of Thunder.

Kiana and Bronia were really accidental.

But let's talk about it.

Sad to sad.

After a while, Teresa, who had figured it out, still showed a hint of a smile: "Forget it." "

"Who let these children be my students at the St. Freya Academy? "

Himeko: "yes, it's really bad. "

"But it's gratifying, isn't it, Teresa. "

Teresa nodded: "Yes, Kiana really did it." "

"Become the strongest Valkyrie. "

"And Bronia and Bud Yi, who also stood by Kiana's side in the final battle. "

"None of the three of them have ever been left behind, and they are all walking side by side. "

Himeko: "These children, how long has it been." "

"This will still be a B-class Valkyrie. "

Himeko was a little in a trance.

In her impression, these three little guys are the B-grade Valkyries of Heaven's Destiny.

There is nothing special about it.

Kiana didn't try very hard either.

But that's how far they got there.

became the three strongest Valkyries.

In Himeko's eyes, a trace of tears slowly appeared.

Not sad.

It's so fun.

Happy for the growth of the three of them.

Happy for their future...

"It's wonderful. "

"You three little guys have such a powerful future. "

"There's really nothing wrong with me bringing you all back..."

Teresa's eyes were relieved.

A big stone hanging in my heart for a long time.

At this moment, I finally let go.

"Cecilia, Ziegfried. "

"If you see Kiana's future. "

"I guess I'll be happy too. "

"I wish you could see Kiana who will save the world alone when she grows up." "

Teresa watched Kiana rush towards Kevin's back without hesitation as she held a large sword.

"You and Cecilia are really alike. "


The barrage is also boiling.

[Silver Wolf: I thought about many situations, but I never expected such a combination. 】

[Lauderdale: It seems that these are the Valkyries who will surpass me in the future. 】

[Rita: It should be, the strongest and strongest battle without Miss Lauderdale. 】

[Li Suxiang: Why don't you even have my isotope!

[Xi'er: Sister Bronia, it's really good. Is the future sister Bronia already so powerful. 】

[Otto: It's her, it seems that my experiment is very successful. 】

[Alicia: Three Lawyers, challenge Karma Kevin for humanity?]

[Teresa: Karma? does it mean Kevin's form?]

[Mei: Yes, it is a fusion warrior's use of their own abilities, also known as artificial caving. 】

[Pardolphilis: At this time, we should stand on that side and cheer. 】

[Sakura: As Kevin's partner, I should be on Kevin's side. 】

Sue: But as humans, we should be on Kiana's side. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

[Hua: Are the three of them the strongest three in the next era of civilization? 】

[Li Suxiang: No, I guessed wrong. 】

[Knower: Hahaha, just now I saw that you were guessing that I wanted to laugh, only I know the answer. 】

[Xi'er: It's too much...]

[March 7: Hahaha, Uncle Yang told us the answer at the beginning, so we are also watching. 】

[Silver Wolf: If you all do such an excessive act, can't you share it?]

[The Law of Knowledge: If you share it, you won't see this good show, hahaha. ] 】

[Fu Hua: The Law of Knowledge, you are really funny. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: I want you to take care of it, old antique!]

At this time, in the lake in the live broadcast room.

The three families attacked Kevin.

The power of power in the body is cathartic.

The battle begins on the moon.

The final scene.

It was Kevin standing high in the sky.

The three people below are ready to go.

Kiana stood at the front, holding the Great Sword of Flame.

Bud Yi and Bronia one left and one right.

Bronia set up a cannon.

Bud Yi's hand flashed with thunder.

It's like the collision of two eras.

It is full of an indescribable sense of epic and destiny.

Lynn looked at the barrage sent by the audience.

Explained together: "Because in the game Bang 3, the protagonist group is Kiana three people. "

"Our captain used their storyline to understand the story of the entire Honkai 3 world. "

"You can understand that the Gosanjia is the protagonist of almost the entire game. "

"In addition, Kiana at this time is the law of fire. "

"Instead of the Law of Flame that everyone speculated, the power is the same but the meaning is different. "

We'll talk about that later. "

Lynn moved her fingers, and then said with a smile: "Okay, the story of the final chapter is warmed up." "

"The next thing is the show. "

"There are many more stories, and I will explain them to you in the next battle with Kevin. "

[Knower: It's a pity that I didn't participate in this final battle, otherwise I would have won more easily. 】

[Pardolphilis: With the ability of the three lawyers, it feels impossible to defeat Boss Kevin. 】

[Sue: These three lawyers' powers are not Kevin's opponents at all. 】

[Kiana: As long as we work together, there will be no enemy that cannot be defeated. 】

[Nya: No, Kiana, I also feel like we're no match for Kevin. 】

[Walter: Yes, it is basically impossible to fight Kevin with the power of ordinary lawyers. 】

[March 7: Yes, Kevin is super powerful!]

[Alicia: yes, Kevin is very strong, so what's the way? 】

【Thousand Calamities:.......】

[Kevin: This is just a preview, and it may not be that the three of them will challenge me with this kind of power in the end. 】

[Star: So this whole episode is a teaser scam. 】

[Danheng: That's a little too much. 】

[Mei: The Law of Flame? Did the Law of Flame change his name?]

[Mebius: I always feel that this name has some special meaning. 】

[Kosmo: yes, it's a different feeling. 】

[Lauderdale: Kevin, is it so powerful...]

Lynn clicked on the plot of the final battle of the final chapter.

While answering the question on the barrage: "Of course, Kevin is not just powerful. "

"It is also the ancestor of the Kaslana family, one of the three major families of the Mandate of Heaven. "

"His full name is Kevin Kaslana. "

"Kaslanna's strong resistance to Avalana is inherited from him. "

"After he first came to the era of civilization, he brought his bloodline with him and became the later Kaslana family. "

Lynn continued to operate in the game interface.

Choose a three-person squad and match the stigmata and equipment.

And the information that Lynn exposed.

It also made the audience of the collapsed world in front of the live broadcast room a little unable to sit still.

[Kiana: Kevin is the ancestor of the Kaslana family?]

[Star: So Kiana, this is not an alternative kind of domestic violence. 】

[Lauderdale: It turns out that this is the origin of the Caslana family. 】

[Pardol Phyllis: So who is our boss Kevin's wife?]

[Alicia: Does this still need to be said...]

Pre-civilizational era.

Kevin, who was not very interested in the content on the light curtain.

After hearing that he had children.

I still couldn't help but pay attention.

Mei, who was standing at the front, blushed.

Probably guessed.

The origin of that bloodline that Kevin brought to the next world.

But May didn't say it directly.

Before Pardophyllis, the gossipy kitten, started to discuss.

Take the lead in diverting the topic.

"It seems that Kevin should be one of the people in the Pioneer program. "

"It also shows from the side that our world is fighting against collapse to the end. "

"The end was a failure. "

As soon as these words came out.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy.

Only Alicia still kept looking at the light curtain with a smile on her face.

What comes to mind is.

The final scene of the Royal Three against Kevin.

The Lawyer is also on the side of humanity.

It's really great!

In Alicia's heart.

It's all these self-talk.

Didn't say it directly.

Eden glanced at Alicia's appearance, and smiled faintly without poking.

Kevin said at this time: "That may just be one of the futures." "

"We're not there yet. "

Kevin's words gave great encouragement to those present.

Su also said at the right time: "Indeed, there are so many worlds in the Quantum Sea. "

"There are countless possibilities for representing this world. "

"We don't necessarily end up like Lynn said. "

Sakura: "But Lynn never mentioned our ending. "

"We guessed it all based on the description on the barrage and the content released in the live broadcast room. "

Mebius: "I don't care, I don't believe in this ethereal future. "

"There has always been only one thing I want to do. "

Virvi: "Mebius, you're really persistent." "

May looked at everyone.


Nothing more was said.

Everyone's reaction was not as disappointing as they were in disbelief.

It's Alicia.

Seems a little too excited.

Is it really just because you see good-looking girls?

May is skeptical.

But like Eden, he didn't say anything.

Pressing matter.

It is still necessary to understand what this light curtain is projecting.

A little true, a little fake.

This group of viewers who have been in the live broadcast room.

Mei rubbed her temples: "There are so many things this day." "

As the chief scientist of the fire-chasing moth.

Mei's pressure can be imagined.

But to fight against Honkai.

All this time, Mei has been holding back.

Intensive research and experiments are conducted.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to develop a fusion warrior plan.

There is also the God's Key Project.

And so on and so on for the pre-civilization era is the future civilization era, all of great help.

May's idea is actually quite simple.

Do your best.

Go fight Honkai!

Before he died...

Completely eliminate Honkai!

Suddenly, Pardophilis stood up: "Look, the game has begun!"

"What a beautiful game picture!"

The first order is requested on the shelf, which is the second change after the listing.

Day 10-12 more!

First order!!!


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