"That's interesting. "

"I didn't expect that the test product K423 was not a law of emptiness in the end. "

"It's the law of flame. "

"However, the Disease Gem has always been placed by me on the Valkyrie armor of the True Red Knight's Lunar Eclipse. "

"Did you say it was taken away too?"

Otto thought thoughtfully.

Thinking about what's going on.

Because according to his Celine plan.

Kiana should have become the Law of Emptiness.

Now he has actually become the Law of Thunder.

And there are also the laws of reason and the daughter of Raiden Ryoma who became the laws of thunder.

"It seems that the latter two. "

"It must have been Joyce-like mutation. "

"That's why it's like this. "

"There is also something going through in the middle of the test product K423. "

Otto looked at the picture in the live broadcast room.

A slight smile.

In any case, in the end, there are so many lawyers, who are on the side of humanity.

And they are all students of St. Freya Academy.

Valkyrie of Destiny.

"Teresa, I love my granddaughter. "

"Your luck is really good. "

Just as Otto pondered.

Lauderdale's voice came: "Bishop, the position of the lawyers." "

"It seems to be different from the record of pre-civilizations. "

"Doesn't this matter need to be investigated?"

Rita spoke, "If needed." "

"I can take care of this task from start to finish. "

Otto shook his head: "Not for now. "

"After all, these things were broadcast by this anchor named Lynn. "

"I don't know how much credibility it can be for the time being. "

"Just think of it as a rare time off and watch a movie." "

Lauderdale spoke, "Bishop, you are really leisurely. "

Otto: "You have to trust me, Bianca. "

"I can also feel that this guy doesn't seem to have any ill will towards us. "

Rita: "If you want to say so, the people in the basic live broadcast room have no malice towards me. "

"Only Walter is full of malice towards you, Lord Otto. "

Otto was speechless for a moment.

This is which pot does not mention which pot.

However, Otto did not respond directly to Rita's words.

Instead, continue to look at the live broadcast room.

Want to see the next game action.

What's going on again.

Maybe you can give yourself that game.

What about some inspiration?

Youlandale also continued to look at the live broadcast room.

But I care so much more than anyone else.

Ullander generally pays little attention to these things.

And this time.

There was a very strange feeling in Youlandell's heart.

Look at the picture in the live broadcast room.

The feeling in Youlander's heart was even stronger: "Kiana..."

"The New Law of Flame?"

Rita was stunned, and asked with a smile: "Lord Langdale, it seems to be to this Valkyrie named Kiana." "

"Very concerned look?"

Youlandale shook his head lightly: "It's not a concern, it's just that she gives me a more special feeling." "

Otto on one side.

Upon hearing this phrase from Urandell.

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Star Dome Universe.

Silver Wolf looked at the open game.

That beautiful picture.

It's really to make her a game master.

After reading it, I couldn't help but move my index finger.

I really want to go up and rub two handfuls.

Kafka saw the silver wolf's heart and teased, "It's better if you let Lynn give you the code." "

"I believe in your abilities. "

"It's not a problem to make it. "

Silver Wolf continued: "It's really not difficult for me to make a game like this. "

"But playing games isn't just about playing inside. "

"And the plot in it, and the interaction with the characters in the game. "

"These are also the most important parts of the game. "

"It's useless to come code, it's all about these things. "

But obviously.

Kafka doesn't understand these very well.

After all, she is not someone who likes to play games.

However, she did not refute the silver wolf.

Everyone has something they like.

She is no exception.

Kafka continued: "Then let's enjoy it together, and then Lynn's operation in the game." "

Silver Wolf nodded.

As a veteran gaming fan.

At this time, she is the most fascinating.

Kafka looked at the appearance of the silver wolf.

He looked at the live broadcast room with a slight smile: "Fusion warriors, lawyers, artificial collapses..."

"It seems that the Honkai world is really exciting. "

"If I have the chance, I would really like to see it. "

"Get to know this group of people. "

"Listen to them tell their stories. "

"Maybe it's a very different feeling. "

Kafka didn't expect it either.

One day I will be so interested in another world.

There will be a day.

Stand with the silver wolf.

Watch a game live.

"Elio, this scene. "

"Could it be in your script as well?"

Kafka thought to herself.

But he didn't say what he thought.

In front of the computer.

Lynn clicked on the plot of this chapter.

This chapter, Lynn played in a previous life.

The plot before Bronia becomes the Law of Truth.

The first battle between the Mizo family and Kevin.

In short, this point in time, Lynn Card is very clever.

The game screen begins.

Right in the middle of a huge ice crystal palace.

Kiana, who has become the law of the flames, has arrived.

Looking at Kevin, who was in the form of karma not far away.

Directly rushed over.

Lynn commented synchronously: "Because it's a game operation. "

"It's actually a three-man squad. "

"It's just a way of playing, Kiana is walking around alone. "

"When the cutscene comes, the three of them will appear together. "

After Lynn finished speaking, Kiana, who operated the Law of Flame, continued to rush over.

When it came to Kevin.

The picture is black.

Then comes the cutscene.

Show a vista.

Kiana's side followed Fu Hua and Bronia to Kevin.

As Lynn just explained.

[Kiana: I seem to have played this kind of game. 】

[Bronia: Many games will choose this approach in order to reduce some unnecessary game rendering. 】

[Silver Wolf: That's right, after all, it's a game, not the real world. The method of expression must not be as smooth as the real world. 】

[Teresa: I didn't expect that the production of the game still has so many twists and turns. 】

[Otto: So it is...]

[Rita: Lord Otto, how do I feel that you are also interested in games?"

[Walter: He? He just wants revenge on people. 】

[March 7: I smell melons. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Hahaha, Otto, has this been turned off by Walter again.] 】

[Honkai Himeko: It seems that our Archbishop of Destiny has a lot of handles here in Walter. 】

[Xing: In that case, threaten him, let him give up his position as the Archbishop of Heavenly Destiny, and come to apologize to Uncle Yang!"

[Danheng: How do you feel like a villain. 】

[Li Suxiang: I think it's okay to do this, and the person who made a mistake should apologize. 】

[Otto: There's nothing wrong with me. 】

[Nha Yi: Is this place on the moon? 】

[Pardol Phyllis: How do I feel that Boss Kevin is more oppressive. 】

[Alicia: It seems that Kevin has also gained incredible power in the process of carrying out the stigmata plan. 】

[Mebius: Looks pretty good.] 】

[Mei: Kevin, is this what you choose and do in the future. 】

[Sue: The three of them are no matter how you look at it, Kevin's opponents. 】

[Hua: Basically, it is impossible to defeat, and it is too difficult for these three lawyers. 】

[Kiana: Don't underestimate us, only with Bud Yi by my side, I have the power of a hundred Kiana. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Then I am by your side, do you have a thousand? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

[March 7: People who know the law sometimes have a little low emotional intelligence. 】

[Star: Agreed. 】

Lynn looked at the barrage and explained: "There was a fight between Fu Hua and Kevin before this. "

"But those don't matter for the time being. "

"The next plot is important. "

Under the control of Lynn.

The plot continues to advance.

The three came to Kevin.

Without waiting for the three to speak, Kevin took the lead in speaking: "Let's explain another thing clearly." "

"Fu Hua, she..."

"Not here..."

Bud Yi narrowed his eyes at Kevin.

Kevin continued: "She is my only remaining comrade in the world and a respectable opponent. "

"But Project Stigmata doesn't need that. "

"So I don't mind going my own way and giving her a break." "

Not many words.

But it reveals enough information.

For example, Fu Hua's identity.

Kevin's former comrade-in-arms.

One of the thirteen heroes of the fire!

The uninformed viewers in front of the screen immediately understood.

Fu Hua, like Kevin, is a pioneer of this era.

It is the heroism of the former civilization.

At the same time, the thirteen heroes of the fire reached this era of civilization.

There are only two people left.

One is Fu Hua, and the other is Kevin.

At the same time, Lynn also explained: "Fuhua is Hua, and Hua is Fuhua." "

"Only the same person from two civilizational eras. "

"Fu Hua, like Kevin, became a pioneer and came to this era of civilization, and then lived in the ancient god state to pass on civilization. "

"Execute the plan left over from the pre-civilization era to fight against Honkai. "

"Left myths and legends for the Shenzhou civilization, and Fu Hua at that time was named Red Kite. "

"It has always existed in the land of Shenzhou, and I know that I left it more than 500 years ago. "

"And the time span between the collapsed world of the current civilization era and the pre-civilization era is 50,000 years!"

As for her strength, she can be recognized by Kevin. "

"I don't need to say more. "

The barrage was instantly fried.

[Kiana: That is, the squad leader is now more than 55,000 years old! (surprised) (surprised) (surprised)]

[Bronia: No wonder the class leader also has a very peculiar sense of maturity...]

[Nha Yi: Even so, it's still amazing. 】

[Teresa: So Fu Hua is the Red Kite Immortal who has been legendary in Shenzhou for more than 5,000 years, and it is the Red Kite Immortal who defeated the Far Eastern Army of the Mandate of Heaven that year. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Such a person is my student, and I am her teacher?]

[Fu Hua: There is a succession of hearing the Tao, and there is a specialization in the art industry. Teachers are not predominantly older. 】

[Hua: So we're the same person. 】

[Knower: That's right, the two of you are the same person, an old antique has a headache, and now there are two. 】

[Mei: The lifespan of a fusion warrior can indeed reach a long span. 】

[Alicia: Hua and Kevin, both went to the next era of civilization, but they also embarked on different paths. 】

[Vilvie: That seems to be exactly what it means now. 】

[Li Suxiang: 50,000 years ???? more outrageous than our immortal seed, you are the God of Abundance Star. 】

[Walter: The blessing of abundance has side effects, and the fusion warrior basically has no side effects as long as he succeeds. 】

[Grace: There are still some inhuman characteristics on the body. 】

[March 7: For example?]

[Alicia: Like my cute elf ears. 】

[Star: Isn't that a side effect? Isn't that cuter?]

[Mebius: Side effects vary from person to person, and they are basically related to the genes used by the Avalanche Beast, for example, Hua has no side effects. 】

Li Suxiang listened to Lynn's explanation.

Watch the barrage of conversation.

More than 55,000 years!

This number is something that even Li Suxiang, an immortal species, can't believe.

And the immortal seeds are in the late years.

In case of accumulation of various diseases.

Will become a demon body.

Becoming a fusion warrior is just a little change in body shape.

And not necessarily.

Li Suxiang: "I really envy them." "

Li Da Pillow's brain can only think of this.

If only the other immortal species on the Immortal Boat knew about it

It is estimated that I have to envy to death.

This is the long-term vision that their ancestors had crossed the universe to pursue for a lifetime.

What kind of longevity is the longevity of the plague!

Just a liar!

And our big pillow Li is not clear about this kind of thing.

It is more accurate to say that the school palace taught.

But she didn't listen to her class when she slept.

So didn't think of this aspect to go.

In short, her heart now.

To Fu Hua and Hua is envy.

"It seems that the marshal didn't live this long, did he?"

Li Suxiang was not sure.

After all, no one seems to know the age of Marshal Xianzhou.

But that's okay.

After being surprised.

Li Suxiang continued to look at the live broadcast room.

"I also want to play games like this. "

Inside the live broadcast room.

Lynn explained the basic situation of Fu Hua.

The game continued.

The content of the conversation between several people is actually very simple.

To put it simply, the three want to stop Kevin from implementing the stigmata plan.

And Kevin is willing to explain the nature of the stigmata plan for them.

Accept all their challenges and inquiries.

In order to avoid the audience listening in the clouds.

Lynn also explained the origin of the Stigmata Plan and the Final Dynasty.

And about the origin of the end.

3.4 Nature is the theory derived by Dr. Mei in the pre-civilizational era.

Through constant reincarnation of human history.

Let mankind walk on the historical road of the same kind for a day.

Then make the same kind.

Finally, embrace the same kind.

And at the end of the conversation of the four.

Kevin also voiced why he is stronger now.

That is the power of the end.

The exchange ends and the battle begins.

Lynn controls Kiana and fights Kevin.

Fingers fly above the keyboard.

The flames on Kiana's body jumped.

Fight with Kevin.

But anyone can see it.

In the setting of the game.

At this time, Kevin did not try his best.

Not only that, but you can also fight on the side.

While talking to Kiana about the power of the end.

Tell Kiana and the others how powerful they are in the end.

Lynn continued: "The combat system designed by Honkai 3 is very interesting. "

"Even if you are fighting alone, you can summon your teammates to support you after playing a certain number of combos. "

"And the big move. "

"There are avatars of teammates on the right, and you can switch teammates to fight. "

"And there are all kinds of attribute restraints, which I will show you one by one later." "

"In the game, we can rely on output to beat Kevin. "

But in fact, Kevin's combat power at this time is far more than the sum of the three. "

"So we're going to lose this fight, no matter how well I play. "

Sure enough, Lynn's words just fell.

The plot kill is coming.

Rely on the void created by the Star of Eden in Bronia's hands.

But was ridiculed by Kevin for being too slow.

Then all three were brought down by Kevin at the same time...

There was little to no way to fight back.

Kevin was like playing just now...

Booking !!!

Booking !!!。

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