"Abominable! Abominable!"

"Lynn, this guy, actually dares to tease me!"

"me off, me off!"

The Wise Stomp his foot angrily on the top of the mountain.

Just saw what quiz game Lynn was playing.

I thought Lynn was answering those previous stories.

What a lawyer's problem.

What a problem.

There is also about the pre-civilization era, and the future Kiana whether they can defeat Kevin.

That's what she knows.

That's why she put it on the barrage.

As a result, Lynn actually answered her barrage.

And future adventures to attract her.

Then wait until it's time to ask yourself questions.

He didn't say it again.

The one who knows the law is now angry in his heart!

No other story.

She really wanted to know.

How did that brick come about.

It seems to be!

Abominable and abominable!!

If only before, the Laws of Knowledge would have rushed forward and threatened.

But now people are in the live broadcast room.

How to rush over?

I don't even know where the other party is.

It is completely impossible to threaten the other side.

Rather, the law of knowledge is arrogant and arrogant.

But it's not stupid at all.

It's still very good at judging the situation.

and Fu Hua's low emotional intelligence are completely different things.

So she also understands.

Lynn can do this in several worlds, several timelines such back and forth into the live broadcast room.

There must also be something extraordinary about him.

It's really going to be right.

Not necessarily an opponent.

How was Kevin defeated in the end?

It's not because the Hyperion who loves sauce is good.

The ability to launch a network explosion?

After thinking about it, the person who knew the law also calmed down.

Don't get angry anymore.

"Forget it!"

"Let him go first!"

"I don't believe it, I just watched in his live broadcast room to see if he could broadcast a future plot once. "

"Don't tell me yes!"

"Then I won't ask either!"

The Knower of the Law also became stubborn.

Then he continued to look at the light curtain: "I don't know what he will tell the story of that time period next." "

"I know?"

"Or I don't know?"

The Law of Knowers has now been captivated by Lynn's live content.

As soon as Lynn ended.

Start the next one right away.

What are you still grinding and chirping?


And at this time in the Star Dome train.

Walter followed several people from the train set.

Will break some of the world's follow-up things.

March Seven's tearful eyes: "Kevin is really great. "

"Such sacrifices for humanity. "

"It turns out that what he did was to make mankind a successful leap to the end. "

Walt nodded: "Well, if it's not like this." "

"Finally, let Kiana become the final lawyer. "

"Finally, the true Law of Perfection has come, and maybe you won't see me now." "

Star: "That means the members of the Star Dome train group have one more choice?"

Walter: "???"

You devil, the devil, speak???

March Seven moved the star: "Don't say the words in your heart." "

Danheng: "Don't be so direct next time. "

Himeko covered her mouth and smiled.

Walter could only push his glasses.

Also know that they are joking.

At this time, March Seven remembered another thing: "By the way, Uncle Yang. "

"Just now Bronia took out a round ball. "

"How do I feel that the energy emanating from it is somewhat similar to your ability?"

Valte nodded: "That is the Star of Eden, the key of the ninth god, which can be regarded as the weapon of the Law of Knowledge." "

"The first generation of Laws of Knowledge and I both used this auxiliary to fight. "

"Even now I am no exception. "

Walter squeezed the scepter in his hand.

A tiny purple black hole appeared on it.

A strange attraction to the surroundings occurs.

March Seven saw Walter's technique every time.

I couldn't help but marvel.

This is simply the ability to manipulate black holes.

However, Walter continued: "Unfortunately, the one I have at hand is not really the key of God. "

"Can't exert 100% of God's key ability. "

"Otherwise, my strength should be stronger. "

There was some pity in Walter's eyes.

So are several others.

After all, the stronger Walter is.

The safer they are.

Walter is equivalent to a patriarch on the Star Dome train set.

And the owner of this Star Dome train.

It's Himeko.

Himeko looked at the lost looks of several people and comforted: "Maybe in the future we will be on a pioneering journey." "

"To be able to find something to complement the Star of Eden. "

"After all, the universe is so big, anything can happen. "

For Himeko's statement.

Walter also nodded in agreement.

After all, the Star Dome universe is really too big.

There are also all kinds of strange power systems.

In the final analysis, the collapsed world is limited to the solar system.

Compared with the collapsed universe, it is obvious that the Star Dome universe has more infinite possibilities.

Walter no longer thinks about the Star of Eden.

Instead, he said, "Let's keep watching. "

"Maybe the Star Dome World will appear in the next live broadcast. "

"The fact that I came into this world shows that our world is connected in a sense. "

"Maybe you can also find the real reason why I and Void Manzo came to this world in Lynn's live broadcast. "

Himeko nodded: "Speaking of which, you said that the Void Manzo is exactly the same as Otto's. "

"I wanted to ask you about this just now. "

"What's going on. "

Star asked curiously, "Who is the Void Wanzo?"

I didn't wait for Danheng, a jack of all trades, to speak.

March 7 rushed to answer: "Oh, it's a weird person who was picked up by Himeko's sister with Mr. Walter." "

"It's still quite straightforward. "

"So Otto looks like that too?"

Valt nodded: "Yes, because he borrowed Otto's body." "

"As an ordinary person, Otto can live for more than 500 years by relying on a body made of soul steel. "

"Then transfer your consciousness to the past. "

"Use this to prolong your life. "

While speaking, Walter also remembered the different Otto he had seen in the Honkai world before.

"The Void is the key of the first god of the pre-civilization era, constructed with the core of the Law of Reason. "

"In addition, to help humanity complete its mission against Honkai. "

Dr. Mei, who was in the pre-civilization era, also implanted a top-level artificial intelligence system for it. "

"It's because of this that he has a sense of self. "

Later, he was banished by Otto to imaginary space and walked out by his own ability. "

"From an abandoned branch of Heavenly Destiny, Otto's soul steel body was used..."

"Then he came into the world with me. "

Walter briefly said something that happened in the middle.

Count it for the people on the train set.

Sorted out the relationship between Void Manzo and Otto.

As for why Void Manzo left the train set later.

In fact, it is that different ways do not conspire against each other.

Compared to Otto.

Walter still doesn't hate the void very much.

Provided, of course, that he does not talk to himself with that face of Otto.

After listening to March 7, he summed up four words: "Your circle is really chaotic. "

"Let's watch the live broadcast. "

Star: "Makes sense. "

Walter: "..."

Didn't you want to know it yourself?

And Lynn who was in front of the computer at this time.

I was shocked by the variety of products in the system store.

Then gritted his teeth and blurted out: "Profiteers!"

He finally understood now.

Why 30,000 popularity to open this system store? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Because of what is sold in this system store.

The cheapest one has 5,000 popularity points.

It's still the same thing that doesn't work at all for Lynn now.

"Anti-Entropy New Stealth Teta Robot: Priced at 5,000 Popularity Value!"

What's the use of this thing?

If you want combat power, you can't fight power.

You can only deal with Wendy.

And the most expensive.

Lynn also found it.

"Imaginary Tree Seedlings: **Popularity Value!"

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Lynn even felt that the tree of imaginary numbers was more cost-effective than the inverse entropy one.

After all, this is the tree of imaginary numbers!

A timeline in itself.

A branch on a tree is a world.

Rooted in imaginary space.

In the universe of Honkai and Star Iron.

All sources of strength.

Whether it is the final Yan or the star god, it comes from imaginary space.

"Forget it, you can't afford it. "

"Look at something else. "

"This will be comfortable if the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sect rescues me. "

After looking at the system store for a while.

Lynn was shocked again.

It's really everything!

"Otherworld Summoning: Price: 66666 popularity value (Select the target to summon at any time, even if it is not in the same world.) )"

"Quantum Sea Shuttle Ability Price: 59999 popularity value (can travel freely in the Quantum Sea, will not be disoriented, will not be trapped.) )"

"Quantum Sea Positioning Price: 69999 popularity value (You can locate the orientation in the Quantum Sea at any time and find the world bubble you are looking for.) )"

"Creation Possibility Price: 100,000 popularity points (can change the outcome of an event, creating new possibilities on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.) )"

"If this thing were for Otto. "

"I'm afraid he doesn't want to exchange the whole Mandate of Heaven with me. "

Lynn looked at the barrage of goods.

The more expensive the bug!

It is even possible to create a destiny and become something that becomes a star god.

After watching for a while.

Lynn put away the system store.

Can't afford to buy!

Or wait until the popularity value is a little more.

Let's look at it again.

Just in the process of watching.

Lynn had already picked out two things.

The price is not high.

Even now, he can't afford it.

So let's do it first.

Continue streaming.

Accumulate popularity!

After closing the system store.

The dialog box just now pops up again.

It's a new live task.

"New Mission: Gain Popularity 38888"

"Current Popularity: 31962/38888"

"Good fellow, you still have zero and whole this time!"

Lynn was stunned, and thought it would always be the end of 0.

I didn't expect it to be so auspicious this time.

Gili to Geely.

The live broadcast still has to continue.

Lynn looked at the audience on the barrage.

The previous plot is still being discussed.

Already a variety of possibilities and conjectures.

When it comes to Xing's head.

One after another, Aitlynn came out to say.

Tell everyone what's going on.

Lynn looked at it, all boring questions.

What bud clothes horns are good to touch.

Who is Kevin's wife.

Where is the world's biggest treasure.

How to keep the stupid Kiana away from Sister Bud.

And how to quickly return to Sister Bronia's side.

The answers to these questions.

Lynn kept it all.

Is this the answer?

This is not!

It's all popularity!

Lynn opened the microphone again: "~ Okay, audience. "

"It seems that everyone is already familiar with friends in different worlds and timelines. "

"So I'll do something different this time. "

"A story about the pre-civilizational era. "

[Padofelis: Is it finally our turn to tell the story?]

[Alicia: Which part will it be?]

[Kiana: A little expectant, the stories of people before. 】

[Teresa: The documentary records that can be found by the Mandate of Heaven have very few records of the heroes of the pre-civilization era, and now I finally have the opportunity to learn about it. ] 】

[The Law of Knowledge: What is there to understand, not all of them are fighting against collapse like you. 】

[Walter: It's not the same, maybe it can be used as a reference.] 】

[March 7: Anyway, other people's stories can always be enjoyed. 】

[Silver Wolf: As long as it is the content of the game, I will not reject it. 】

[Bronia: Me too. 】

[Xi'er: I can, after all, I don't have anything to do in the quantum sea. 】

[Lauderdale: Is it Kevin's, or someone else's.] I would like to know how Kevin was so powerful. 】

[Otto: Yes, such a powerful fighter. If only I had one. 】

[Teresa: Grandpa, Lauderdale is very powerful. 】

[Kafka: I always feel that there is something bad about it. 】

[Li Suxiang: I have already taken the food, so I should watch the play. 】

[Sue: Our story is nearing its end. 】

[Sakura: No matter what the ending of the story is, we just have to give it our all. 】

[Grace: Could it be the story of Cosmor?]

[Aponia: Maybe it's our story together. 】

Lynn began to pick up chapters.

Then continued: "This story is not a complete Yingji story, more like a memory of Kevin. "

"During a certain period of time when Fu Hua was still a Red Kite Immortal in Shenzhou. "

"Kevin was trapped in the Sea of Quantums and spent fifteen hundred years in the Sea of Quantum. "

And just as he was about to leave, Walter and Ciel and Bronia appeared, trying to prevent Kevin from returning to the real world. "

And the initiator is Walter, who wants to trap Kevin in the quantum sea forever, because he thinks that the snake will destroy the world when he goes out and returns to the native world. "

"But the end result is known to everyone. "

"Walter failed, and Kevin returned to the Origin World and began to lay out the Stigmata Project as the World Serpent Venerable. "

[Kiana: I've been trapped for more than fifteen hundred years, which is too long. 】

[Bronia: So it's the story that happened when I entered the Quantum Sea. 】

[Alicia: Who has the ability to trap Kevin in the Quantum Sea?]

[Xi'er: It's also about me. 】

[Walter: It's a bit humiliating to say. 】

[March 7: I didn't expect to have Uncle Yang's share. 】

[Otto: So it is, the lord of the world serpent is Kevin, that mysterious organization. 】

[Teresa: It was an organization independent of reverse entropy and destiny, and I didn't expect such a background. 】

[Honkai Himeko: They've always been active around the world as intelligence traffickers, right?]

[Rita: That's right, Destiny sometimes buys intelligence with them. 】

[Danheng: Your business is really extensive. 】

Lynn went on to describe: "That's right, in the quantum sea. "

Kevin's memories were projected because of the special energy domain of the Quantum Sea. "

"It's a new world bubble. "

"And Xi'er, as a comer, experienced what Kevin once experienced..."

That passage changed Kevin's perception and thinking. "

"Painful memories . . ."

Pre-civilization era nagging.

After hearing Lynn narrate.

Everyone looked at Kevin.

In everyone's impression, Kevin should not have such memories.

If it's really painful.

Could it be related to Mei?


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