Kevin listened to what Lynn said in the live broadcast room.

Then he couldn't help but look at Mei.

Mei at this time.

The eyes also happened to float over.

The gaze of the two.

Eyes facing each other in the air.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

Alicia broke the silence of the two: "If the person who changed Kevin is Mei." "

"But now Dr. May is fine here. "

"Does that mean..."

"Dr. Mei in the future, for some kind of accident?"

As soon as these words are spoken.

Kevin's face changed slightly.

And Su's face and Mei's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Because both of them hold a common secret.

That is, Mei has contracted Honkai disease.

And it's the incurable kind.

The last time I was dealing with the Law of a Thousand People.

May in order to fish it out.

The blank key is used directly.

And a variety of powers are used.

This led to Mei's erosion by the core of the Lawyer.

Directly contracted the collapse disease in the eyes.

For all this time, Sue has been trying to find a way to heal.

But all that can be done is to extend Mei's life.

To appease everyone.

Also to appease Kevin.

At May's request.

Sue promised to keep the secret.

Now it seems...

Most likely this is the reason.

At this time, Mebius said calmly: "No matter what the reason. "

"It can make a difference for people like Kevin. "

"Something must have happened. "

"And it should only happen in the future." "

There is no doubt about that.

Because in the memory of everyone.

It seems that no such major event has happened yet.

So it's only possible to happen in the future.

May also said in time: "Professor Mebius is right. "

"If the story Lynn is the future. "

"Then we still have the possibility of correcting the future." "

"Anyway, let's read it first. "

Mei has always been the same existence as the backbone of the main heart.

As soon as she finished.

Everyone agreed.

That's right, the future that doesn't happen can change.

As long as you can know what happened.

It can be corrected.

Alicia smiled and said, "Perhaps, our story." "

"It will also be because of Lynn's appearance. "

"And what about the change in outcome?"

Everyone was stunned.

This possibility was also thought of.

Just avoid the future where surprises happen.

What you can create.

Isn't it a better future?

Pardophyllis: "Sister Ellie, you are really too smart. "850

Mebius poured a bucket of cold water: "Just a guess. "

"Authenticity is a bit debatable. "

"Let's keep reading. "

Vilvie: "I see you're curious about what happened to change Kevin." "

Mebius smiled slightly.

It's kind of acquiesced.

In fact, it wasn't just Mebius who was curious.

The heroes present, including Mei, were curious.

Especially Mei.

Is it really that his future is eroded by the collapse disease?

With a nervous heart.

It's like a child who has broken his secret.

May continued to look at Lynn in the live broadcast room.

Operate this game interface.

Click on the game chapter inside.

Quantum Sea.

Xi'er said nervously: "Unexpectedly, we will already have contact with Kevin in the Quantum Sea in the future." "

"Still with Sister Bronia and Walter. "

Hei Xi's brows also frowned slightly.

If it's something else.

I can solve it myself.

If only he fought with a guy like Kevin.

Then there really is no chance of winning at all.

Salary Yan, Thunder, Theory.

The three major lawyers, all seconded.

Although Heishi is still confident in his strength.

But not to that extent.

"Let's take a look first. "

"If there is any danger, it is good to hide a little later." "

"According to Lynn, we should have entered some world bubble together. "

Xi'er: "World bubble?"

Hei Xi nodded: "The Quantum Sea is originally a mysterious sea. "

"Kevin's obsession is projected as a bubble of the world that runs on a fixed story trajectory. "

"It's not impossible. "

"Maybe he's at our feet right now. "

Xi'er tensed up and moved her feet a few steps to the side.

Hei Xi was suddenly speechless: "I'm talking about the sea." "

"We're in..."

Heixi didn't know how to describe this ghost place.

Anyway, a building on top of the Quantum Sea is right.

"Don't worry anyway. "

"People bound by the Quantum Sea are basically impossible to escape without the help of the outside world. "

"But I really didn't expect that Kevin actually left his own backhand and organization in the outside intrinsic world. "

"What a smart man. "

Xi'er: "Actually, I'm not worried about myself. "

"It's Sister Bronia. "

Heixi: "Sister, you don't have to worry even more." "

"In the future, she can still stand by Kiana's side and continue to fight with Kevin." "

"It means we (CEDA) will all be fine in the end." "

"And obviously, Kevin's purpose wasn't to hurt anyone. "

"It's about accomplishing something. "

Xi'er nodded.

She felt it too.

Kevin: He's not a bad guy.

But even if not a bad person.

It's better to be on the opposite side of everyone.

Now Xi'er still can't figure out what is going on.

Hei Xi could also guess what was in Xi'er's mind.

He continued: "Since you can't think of it, you don't have to think about it. "

"Keep reading. "

"Lynn will reveal the final answer for us. "

Xi'er nodded and looked at the live broadcast room in the light curtain.

Hei Xi through Xi'er's perspective.

I also watched it attentively.

This time the story even Xi'er was involved.

So she had to be a little more careful.

Only one person.

At this time, he had a sad face.

That is the Knower who was still angry just now.

"Are you going to tell that story?"

A person who possesses all of Fuhua's memory.

Of course, I know what the event that changed Kevin's mind was.

That time didn't just change Kevin's mind.

Let Kevin say his greatest goal: "No matter what the cost, humanity will eventually defeat Honkai!"

It almost let the thirteen heroes of the fire disintegrate directly from the inside.

Later, it was the sacrifice of one person that brought about the reunification of the remaining heroes.

Together, the fight came to an end.

And the end result is failure ...

With Fu Hua's memory.

Those who know the law can also experience Fu Hua's original feelings.

So in Lynn intends to pass through the perspective of the game.

Experience the beginning of that change.

The heart of the lawyer hangs.

If you can.

She didn't want to see it happen again.

But at the same time, the heart of the person who knows the law also understands a truth.

If only Ying Wei of the pre-civilization era could know about this in advance.

Then in that future this thing can be avoided.


The eyes of those who know the law light up.

"They have a chance to cross the end?"

Although a bit of an exaggeration.

But the chances were slim.

It seems to have gone up a bit.

Because don't forget.

In the thirteen heroes of the fire.

There is also a lawyer.

The one that is second only to the end... (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The Law of the Origin!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the person who knew the law gradually became excited.

Look into the live room.

Lynn's also enters the chapter story.

The beginning of the story.

It was Ciel and Kevin standing in a place that resembled a warehouse.

Xi'er exclaimed: "What happened?"

"What about Sister Sakura?"

Kevin said expressionlessly, "She's gone." "

Xi'er said with concern: "We have to hurry up and help her!"

"She's going to be in danger. "

Kevin was silent for a moment, his eyes looking in the other direction: "... No, there is no need for that. "

Right at this moment.

A sigh of communication came.

Then the screen went black.

Mei's voice came from the live broadcast screen.

Delivered to everyone's ears: "Kevin, I made it." "

"The lawyer fell into a trap and was trapped in the main control system by the isolation process. "

"I'll find a way to transfer it to the black box. "

Mei saw that the other party did not respond.

A little anxiously asked, "Kevin, what's wrong?"

"Can you hear me?"

Kevin's voice became a little heavy and said, "Sorry, May. "

"Can you give me a moment. "

"I have some things to deal with..."

After speaking, Kevin hung up the phone.

[Pardolphilis: The first time I heard Boss Kevin's tone like this, Dr. May is fine, is it Sakura...]

[Alicia: Now it seems that it should be another problem of the lawyer. 】

[Mebius: This kind of world bubble cannot change the outcome of its events, even if one knows the outcome of events. 】

[Mei: Once you stop things from being normal and can't walk according to the trajectory of your original memories, the world bubble will be directly shattered. 】

[Kiana: This tone sounds so uncomfortable. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Finally have to face that scene again?

[March 7: The Law of Knowledge, Do You Know What Happened?]

[Star: Looks like she should know. 】

[Knower: I know, but I don't want to say, let Lynn, the jack of all trades, tell you. 】

[Fu Hua: Don't be angry first, it seems that something really happened very important. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Old antique, sometimes I really envy that you can forget your memory. 】

[Hua: So the person who had the accident was Sakura, right?]

[Walter: I'm really sorry, I don't know what happened in this story. 】

[Bronia: The story that Mr. Walter can get from the data has limitations after all. 】

[Bud Yi: In short, there is a sense of foreboding. 】

[Sakura: I also think that the person who had the accident will be me. 】

[Thousand Calamities: How is it possible, you are so powerful. 】

[Eden: But the opponent, the lawyer... Even if they are not strong, those strange powers can cause great lethality. 】

[Grace: Mr. Lynn, is it Sakura's sister who happened?]


Look at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

The result that everyone guessed.

But no one dared to confirm it.

"I really didn't expect that the person who knew the law would actually be angry because of this kind of thing. "

"I always thought that her feelings were used on Fu Hua's body. "

Now it seems that because of her memory, she also has her own feelings for the people who are chasing the thirteen heroes. "

Lynn probably guessed the reason why the Law of Knowledge was angry.

Then he said, "It is the twelfth law that erodes the law." "

"The power of this lawyer can be directly understood as a super virus without living bodies, which can invade any object. "

"Including those mechanical bodies, controlling the mechanical bodies. "

"Originally, with Sakura's ability, it would be difficult for the Erosive Law to directly hurt her. "

"In real space, the power of the Law of Erosion does not show much power, but the Law of Erosion is Sakura's sister... Orochimaru..."

Younger sister?

Viewers in the live broadcast room.

Suddenly, his face changed.

His own sister became the Law of Erosion.

At last......

The audience can probably imagine that scene.

Sisters cannibalize!

And in the pre-civilizational era.

Sakura stood up sharply when she heard Lynn pronounce Orochimaru's name.


"Become a lawyer?"

Sakura couldn't accept this fact.

All the time.

All the effort she made.

Everything she did was to cure Orochimaru's illness.

As a result, now Scarlet Jade Pill has actually become the twelfth lawyer.

How can this be acceptable to yourself?

In this era of civilization.

Lawyer does not have his own consciousness.

They are all Honkai puppets.

Once born awakened.

It will begin to destroy human civilization with impunity.

And they must be between the survival of human civilization and family affection.

Choose one.

Sakura, who had just stood up, slumped down directly.

The whole person became empty and godless.

"How so..."

The heroes present.

I didn't know how to comfort Sakura for a moment.

Hua could only sit next to Sakura.



The whole room fell silent.

No one knows how to open the first opening.

As comrades-in-arms.

They all understand how important Orochimaru is to Sakura.

But the most resistant to the collapse of the hero.

They understand better that a lawyer is left unchecked.

What kind of consequences will there be...

Kevin slowly spoke at this time: "Let's finish reading it first." "

"Maybe we can find a way to prevent Orochimaru from becoming a lawyer. "

"And that day hasn't come yet. "

"Are you going to give up, Sakura..."

Sakura shuttled.

"Yes, I can't give up!"

"Orochimaru still has a chance before he becomes a lawyer. "

Mei also spoke at this time: "Before becoming a lawyer, there is a condition that the body must accumulate enough collapse energy. "

"If we could make something that isolates the energy of collapse. "

"Before the Law of Erosion appears, let Orochimaru stay inside. "

"This may prevent Orochimaru from becoming the Twelfth Lawyer. "

Heard May's solution.

Several agreed that it was feasible.

Even if it is not feasible, there seems to be no other way to do it now.

It can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Sakura bowed gently to Mei, "That's it, Dr. Mei." "

May nodded.

I took on this heavy responsibility.

Suddenly Alicia spoke, "Wait, listen to what Lynn is saying..."

Just now, everyone was frightened by Sakura's reaction.

I didn't watch the live room at all.

Look at the past again.

Lynn has already explained some of the before and after plots.

So that viewers can continue to broadcast seamlessly.

Finally, Lynn added: "Although the Twelfth Law erodes the Law is despicable and shameless!"

Speaking of the Law of Erosion.

Lynn is on fire!

If it weren't for this dog thing.

Will the promised land turn into crushed ice?

Damn it!

"But there is one caveat. "

"The law of erosion has more troublesome conditions for his law than other lawyers. "

"The host chosen by the Law of Erosion will not directly become the Law of Erosion. "

"It's just that you can observe a huge amount of collapse energy reaction in her body. "

"But the reaction is basically harmless. "

"And the method of activating the Law of Erosion is troublesome, but it is also simple. "

"As long as someone kills Scarlet Jade Pill, the Law of Erosion will be activated through Scarlet Jade Pill's hatred before death..."

Not bad.

This is one of the peculiarities of the Law of Erosion.

If Orochimaru hadn't been killed by humans.

It is also impossible for the latter to activate the Law of Erosion.

Then directly destroy the last few remaining cities of humanity.

It's also embarrassing.

Lynn sighed softly...

And at this time, Sakura and Hideki who heard the news.

They were all stunned....

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