
"It's as simple as ???"

After hearing about Lynn's solution to the Law of Erosion.

Directly in place.

Just now, they were discussing what to do about this with a desperate look.

The method of the result resolution.

That's it???

It's not just her.

The others followed suit and went down for three seconds.

May didn't expect it either.

Just now the burden that followed.

It was solved at once.

What's more...

The solution is so simple.

Just protect Sakura-'s sister?

Mei looked at Sakura.

Sakura's face at this time was also pale from the beginning.

Gradually transformed into surprise.

Sister she was saved.

Mebius smiled slightly: "If it's just simple protection." "

"It's not hard not to let her get hurt. "

Wilvie: "That's right, I can build such a shelter casually. "

Alicia: "But if that's the case, what's the difference between it and imprisoning Orochimaru." "

Sue: "That's right, I think the best way is still not to let Sakura's sister become the host of the Law of Erosion. "

"That's the best solution. "

Eden: "Exactly. "

Hua: "But is there a way to do that?"

The crowd was silent.

Indeed, it is too difficult to prevent a person from becoming a lawyer.

Because these are the choices of the broken consciousness.

They simply can't intervene.

Every time it is when a great collapse occurs, and the lawyer is about to appear.

In order to detect those abnormal huge collapse energy reactions.

In comparison.

Wait until Orochimaru becomes the host of the Law of Erosion.

Then protect it.

It's a lot simpler.

And more importantly.

Being able to monitor a lawyer...

Sakura thought of this too.

Unconsciously, he clenched the handle of the knife in his hand.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

This subtle movement was immediately seen by Kevin.

He knew what Sakura was thinking.

He is also a member of the Thirteen Yingji.

Comrades again.

Kevin can guarantee that everyone present will not hurt Sakura's sister, Orochimaru.

But know

In the moth of fire.

It's not just Thirteen Ying and Mei.

There is another group of leaders who are vegetarian in corpses.

That group of people, in the name of fighting Honkai.

But what is satisfied is their own selfish desires.

For various reasons, Mei still needs their strength.

So you can't do anything to this group of people for the time being.

If only this group of people knew the news.

So Sakura's sister.

Death is certainly not going to die.

Because that group of people is more afraid of death.

More afraid of the lawyer.

But in what way will it live.

It's not clear.

Sakura trusts everyone in this room.

But do not believe in the moth of fire.

Hua also noticed Sakura's movements and immediately said, "Sakura, you calm down first." "

"There must be other ways to solve this matter." "

Sakura also wanted to calm down.

But it's about his sister.

There is definitely no way to calm down.

At this moment, Padophelis said anxiously: "Everyone, in fact, you don't have to worry so much." "

Everyone was stunned.

He looked at Padophelis suspiciously.

It's all come to this.

You say don't worry.

Sakura didn't let go of any possibility at this time.

"Phyllis, did you think of any solution?"

Alicia: "Yes, Phyllis. "

"If you think of something, just say it. "

Pardolphyllis was still grinning.

Pointing to Dr. Mei: "Didn't Dr. Mei say when the law of restraint was the ruler." "

"Honkai has its own consciousness, which is why the Law of Restraint was created to target us fusion warriors. "

Mei's eyes lit up.

The key point immediately came to mind.

Pardophyllis continued: "Since Honkai is conscious, then we just need to protect Sakura's sister in advance. "

"This way, Honkai saw that Sakura's sister had been monitored in advance. "

"Wouldn't it make her a law of erosion?"

Pardolphyllis spoke quieter and quieter after that.

Because she saw that everyone's eyes were getting hotter and hotter.

I thought I said the wrong thing.

I already knew not to speak.

Such a stupid head himself.

Obviously, there are three more doctors here.

"Sorry, did I say something wrong again. "

Vilvie smiled faintly: "Unexpectedly, in the end, it was Little Padot who thought of a solution." "

Mebius: "yes, this time we were clever. "

Pardophyllis: "Huh?"

Kevin: "It's a bit risky, but there's an element of gambling in it. "

"But you can give it a try. "

Su: "That's right, maybe Honkai chose Scarlet Jade Pill." "

"We just want us to start disintegrating from within. "

"But if we see the purpose of the collapse in advance, it will choose a more suitable person to become the twelfth lawyer. "

Sue's mind is also clear-headed.

Just now I roughly analyzed it.

Once Sakura's sister became a lawyer.

Various things that will happen later.

Alicia: "Yes, Sakura. "

"You don't have to worry about it now. "

Thousand Calamities: "It means that we put on a play to deceive Honkai?"

Cosm: "It seems to mean that." "

Sakura: "But can this really be done?"


Mei's eyes became firm as she looked at Sakura.

"The end has its own consciousness. "

"I'm sure of that. "

"So just let him know that Orochimaru becoming a Law of Erosion is only bad for him, and there is no benefit. "

"Then it succeeded. "

Kevin: "May, do you have any plans?"

Mei nodded: "But it still needs to be improved." "

"But there is enough time. "

"Sakura, you don't have to worry. "

"Your sister, you protect it. "

Sakura's hand clenched the hilt at his waist again: "I trust you." "

"Dr. May!"

Alicia: "Okay, okay. "

"This time everyone was happy. "

"It seems that there are still benefits to watching live broadcasts. "

"This anchor named Lynn is really getting more and more mysterious. "

"I'm more interested in him..."

Everyone continued to look at the light curtain.

Oh, yes.

If Lynn hadn't exposed this future today.


They can only face that desperate reality.

And on the barrage, the audience is also brushing at this time.

[Kiana: Anchor, you are so hateful, there is a solution you didn't say first, it made us so anxious. ] 】

[Bronia: I almost thought they were going to kill sisters. 】

[Bud Yi: If this is the result, it is something that no one wants to see. 】

[Fu Hua: However, since you said it, then the sisters' anti-purpose thing should not happen. 】

[Silver Wolf: Does such a random change in the future really cause other problems?]

[Kafka: It's okay, Elio also started a new script in his own way. 】

[Walter: At most, there will be new branches.] 】

[March 7: What does Eda mean?]

[Lauderdale: A crisis in the pre-civilization era, did the anchor solve it like this?]

[Rita: It seems so, Lord Lauderdale. 】

[Teresa: Just as we see Himeko's future, preparation can change. 】

[Star: That is, Lynn is spoilers!]

[Otto: If you could have appeared earlier, would I have changed that outcome too?]

Lynn looked at the barrage that was sent.

He said, "There has to be a process to storytelling. "

"I also shared the method of controlling the Law of Erosion. "

"And I'm sure they can find a better way." "

"In short, regret will not happen again this time. "

Last word.

When he said it, Lynn's heart relaxed.

Yes! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

How is this not his regret when he played the game?

It's all to blame for the rice flickering!

Pass knives every day.

Lynn continued to look at the game screen.

In the game screen.

After Kevin hung up May's communication.

The picture lights up again.

A scene that appears.

Let the audience in the live broadcast room feel tight.

One has long pink hair.

A girl with rabbit ears on her head.

In his hand was a sword that emitted this blue light.

The hollow-eyed seat leaned in a corner.

The clothes on his body were torn and bruised, and there were blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

A weak breath.

All illustrate.

She went through a big war.

And there is no doubt about it.

This is Sakura in the thirteen heroes of the fire.

Sakura collapsed in the endless metal debris.

Like a lonely flower in ruins.

Sakura didn't lift her head and felt someone coming.

Weakly asked, "Kevin..."

"And Xi'er?"

Xi'er saw this scene.

The whole person was shocked: "Sister Sakura..."

"No... No..."

She couldn't believe the scene.

Sakura continued breathlessly, "Kevin..."

"I know you're right. "

And Kevin's mood still did not have any fluctuations.

He said lightly, "Mei has sealed the lawyer. "

She said, at the last minute. "

"There is an unexplained disorder in the activities of the lawyer. "

"She didn't miss that opportunity. "

Sakura suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "I accompanied her to the last moment." "

"Until the end . ."

"She's still my sister..."

"I held on..."

"The pride of being a sister..."

Kevin was silent for a moment and continued: "You have no regrets until the end. "

"That's enough. "

After listening to Kevin's last words.

Sakura's eyes gradually lost their light.

Then a faint smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Kevin, I'm finally..."

"There is one more request. "

Kevin nodded: "I'm listening." "

Sakura continued, "Ci'er..."

"Take her back to our hometown..."

"I promised her to take her to the square where the cherry blossoms bloom..."

Kevin: "I'll try my best..."

At this time, Xi'er had already cried into tears.

"Sister Sakura..."

"Ciel... Don't be sad..."


"There are some regrets... There's nothing we can do..."

Sakura's breath has become more and more dispersed.

But I can still talk a lot to Xi'er.

Tell Ciel not to have regrets.

Tell Nozomi to stand with the person she wants to protect, and Sakura is familiar.

You can still feel the beauty of the world.

Spectators in front of the light curtain.

Everyone understands that this is Sakura's return light.

Also know.

With Lynn's intervention.

That future may not happen.

But before seeing Sakura's confession.

Viewers of the Honkai world.

There are mixed tastes in the heart.

Because of such a parting of life and death.

They have all experienced it as Valkyries...

On the way to the fight against Honkai.

There are never fewer ancestors who sacrifice.

It's just that their aspirations and ideals will continue to be passed on.

Then continue to take root and sprout ...

[Kiana: Sakura continued to be a sister at the last moment. 】

[Nha Yi: Although I don't know what happened to her fight with the Law of Erosion, Sakura must have been very uncomfortable swinging a knife at her sister. 】

[Bronia: But in the end, she is also relieved, and she will continue to protect her sister in another world. 】

[Knowers: It's all a group... Stupid!]

[Fu Hua: Sakura, rest well. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Did the final explanation to Xi'er ever happen?]

[Otto: The general direction of the world bubble derived from this memory will remain the same, and some small details will be presented in another way. 】

[Mei: Maybe only Kevin was by Sakura's side, and Sakura's request should be to ask Kevin to bring his body back. 】

[Sakura: Well, if I die in battle, I really hope that my comrades will bury their ashes under the cherry blossom tree. 】

[Pardol Phyllis: Don't be so heavy, I don't believe this will happen in the future. 】

[March 7: That's it, thanks to the anchor's advance warning. 】

[Walter: It seems that the trajectory is really about to change. 】

[Star: Wasn't it already happening when Himeko was before. 】

[Kafka: Mr. Lynn, do you think the same as Elio, let the story end with a more perfect solution. 】


Lynn saw the barrage of Kafka.

A faint smile: "Who knows?"

At this point, this chapter of the game is nearing its end.

All that remains is Kevin's confession.

Just like May guessed.

Only Kevin was by Sakura's side.

Kevin recounted what happened next.

It's like saying it to Xi'er.

"I brought her body back to my hometown. "

"All I see is a wasteland with nothing. "

"The Lawyer took control of the silo and completely destroyed the only three remaining cities of mankind with nuclear bombs. "

"I stand in a ruined city. "

"In my eyes, I can't see a single cherry blossom..."

The sadness in Kevin's tone.

Completely substitute the emotions of the audience.

As if in this instant.

All the viewers saw Kevin, standing on a ruin.

Failed to fulfill promises to his comrades.

Then some of the picture changed again.

Kevin stood in front of a blooming cherry blossom tree.

Slowly spoke, "On the burnt earth." "

"I made a promise to her, to everyone. "

"No matter how much it costs, human!"

"Mankind will definitely defeat Honkai!"

Kevin slowly turned his head, his eyes extremely determined.

At this moment set his goal.

This is the end of the chapter animation.

Before returning to the main screen of the game, Lynn continued: "Sakura's death has strengthened Kevin's final determination to fight Honkai. "

So he became a pioneer and started Project Stigmata in the present era of civilization. "

"That's what I promised. "

"And in the future, he did fulfill this promise..."

"I played the story of this chapter to let everyone understand the change in this man's heart. "

"I also want to change the ending of Sakura. "

"As for whether you can do it, it's up to you. "

"Heroes who chase the fire. "

Finish the closing remarks.

Lynn returned to the main game screen.

Ready for the next live broadcast.

At the same time, Lynn also felt a relief in her heart.

This feeling of making up for regrets and changing regrets is really good.

The ending of Sakura and her sister changed.

This means that the ending of Thirteen Yingji has been affected to a certain extent.

"Okay, what's going on next?"


I'm sorry to all readers, Sakura's sister called Suzu, I was negligent.

I remember that in the related manga I used to read, Sakura's sister was named this way.

Thank you for your great correction!

I'm sorry! Readers!!

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