
"Sister Sakura, it should be fine in the future."

Xi'er looked at the barrage on the live broadcast room.

And those words that Lynn said.

A big stone in my heart was also put down.

Although she doesn't know Sakura yet.

But for the feelings between sisters, Xi'er can still understand.

Just like she and Bronia.

They can all sacrifice each other for each other.

But if you let them face each other with swords.

That heartache feeling, Xi'er couldn't even believe it.

So Xi'er can feel it.

But when Sakura did it to her sister, the pain in her heart must have been great.

So in seeing that such a future will not happen again.

Xi'er's heart was full of joy.

And this strange information can also be felt by Hei Xi in Xi'er's consciousness.

Hei Xi smiled slightly: "Xi'er, you don't have to be happy to be like this, right?" "

Xi'er replied with a smile, "Well, it's okay to see Sister Sakura and her sister. "

"I'm really happy."

"And in the future, we will also know Sister Sakura, right?"

Heishi nodded.

"It seems that we are in the quantum sea in the future."

"It's going to be a different adventure."

"Kevin's world bubble, and Bronia and Walter."

"Suddenly there is some anticipation."

Since entering the Quantum Sea.

Heixi was dying of boredom.

This ghost place where birds don't.

It doesn't match your own personality at all.

If not there is no way.

Hei Xi had already escaped from here with Xi'er.

It's a pity.

Places like the Quantum Sea.

Basically, it is difficult to come in and go out.

Thinking of this, Hei Xi could only sigh helplessly: "Well, the sensational story has been read." "

"The two sisters will not have such a parting of life and death in their future."

"It's a happy ending." Three Three Seven""

Xi'er nodded vigorously and snorted.

Seeing Xi'er so happy.

Hei Xi's mood also improved with it.

Continue to look at Lynn's live broadcast room.

"This guy, what the hell is going on."

"You can actually change the timeline so arbitrarily?"

Heishi's true identity to Lynn.

I'm getting more and more curious.

In her perception, it is based on the knowledge left over from the legacy of the pre-civilizational era.

Heishi is clear.

Want to change an established fact.

What a price it will pay.

And Lynn just relied on a live broadcast room, and connected to that timeline to do it easily.

This made Heishi admire Lynn at the same time.

I became even more curious.

However, Hei Xi did not tell Xi'er what he was thinking at this time.

Because she knows.

Yixi'er's character will not overthink this.

Now Xi'er is the happiest thing.

It's in the barrage and the audience.

Watch these stories with Bronia...

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Otto's hand in the cuff unconsciously clenched his fist.

Envy of what happened to Sakura.

The same bad future.

Why didn't I enter this live broadcast room first at the beginning.

What about seeing that future?

If known in advance.

Is everything going to be different?


In Otto's heart, he once again remembered the name that had accompanied him for more than 500 years.

It is also his obsession that has lived for so long.

Although at this time various complicated emotions rose in Otto's heart.

But on the surface, he still behaved very calmly.

So the two S-class Valkyries, Lauderdale and Rita, didn't find anything strange.

Instead, it continues to communicate.

Rita looked at the live broadcast room with a smile: "It's good, so that Miss Sakura can continue to protect her sister in the future." "

Lauderdale nodded: "Hmm..."

"I think it's not just her, Kevin's heart should be able to relax a lot."

"After all, Sakura's death in the future also brought a lot of shock to Kevin."

"Otherwise, Kevin would not have made a promise to them under the cherry blossom tree later."

Lauderdale didn't know why.

Every time I see Kevin.

There is always a strange feeling.

It was the same when I saw Kiana at the beginning.

But not as strong as Kiana.

"Is it because of the sympathy between the strong?"

Lauderdale could only think of such a reason.

After all, they are all the strongest...

For such an ending.

Lauderdale was satisfied.

Although the scene of Sakura's death also reminded Lauderdale of some regretful things.

But those can't make up for it.

But watching others can make up for it.

Can change regret.

In Lauderdale's heart, she will still be happy for her.

The same.

It's the same in Rita's heart.

She and Lauderdale will embark on the path of Valkyries together.

Also because of a pity ...

But this regret is in the past.

Now it is clearly irreparable.

But watching Sakura's future be changed.

That doesn't happen.

Her heart is also very happy.

With a smile on his face.

Taking a deep breath, Lauderdale calmed her heart that was disturbed by the mood swing just now.

Then he said: "It seems that this live broadcast room can reveal the information." "

"It's really extraordinary."

"Maybe if we continue to watch, we can also avoid the crisis that will occur in the future."

Rita nodded, "Yes, Miss Lauderdale. "

"Mr. Lynn, I must also want to go through live broadcasting."

"Tell us these things."

Otto slowly spoke at this time: "I just don't know." "

"Can he say what I want to know."

Lauderdale smiled and said, "Bishop, is there anything else you don't know?" "

Rita also smiled and said: "In this world, in addition to the future, is there anything that you, the Archbishop of Heavenly Destiny, cannot investigate?" "

Hearing this, Otto smiled bitterly: "If the investigation is found..."

"Maybe I'm not the Archbishop of Destiny for a long time."

Last word.

Otto said this in his heart.

So in the opinion of Lauderdale and Rita.

It's Otto who is selling.

But the two are not the kind of people who will gossip to the end.

So there was not much inquiry.

Rather, after seeing the idea that Otto did not continue.

Just continue to look at the live broadcast room.

Looking forward to the next live broadcast.

Lauderdale said at this time: "I feel that playing games is quite fun." "

"Rita, let's try it together next time."

Rita bowed slightly, like a maid who had served Lauderdale.

Gracefully and respectfully, he said, "Yes, Lord Lauderdale. "

"But in this regard of the game, you still have to go to Lord Teresa."

"Her gaming skills are the best I've ever seen."

Otto's face darkened.

Teresa's game technology...

Talk about this.

Otto remembered his first place.

It was taken away by Teresa.

Teresa in St. Freya's Academy at this time.

He sneezed coldly.

Himeko said with concern: "Teresa, did you catch a cold?" "

Teresa replied, "My physique is different from yours. "

"I'm not going to get sick or anything."

Himeko spread her hands: "Then even if I care about you in vain." "

"Let's continue watching the live broadcast."

"I don't know why, but seeing Sakura's future changed." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It was as if I had received some kind of release in my heart."

"It's a little easier."

Teresa hit the nail on the head: "Maybe it's because it's in your heart." "

"I have the same regrets as Sakura."

"So I'm witnessing Sakura's future change."

"That's how I feel..."

"Just like I . . ."

Himeko looked at Teresa.

The regret in Teresa's heart...

Is it Cecilia?

Teresa did not continue.

The regret in her heart.

More than Cecilia.

"If I had known the story earlier."

"Is it their family..."

"Now you can continue to stay by my side..."

It's not just these few viewers.

Viewers in front of the live broadcast room.

There was a slight wave in my heart.

Everyone has different regrets.

They all want to be able to change or make up for it.

But obviously, not everyone has this opportunity like Sakura...

In front of the computer.

Lynn knew it would resonate somewhat.

But it's not clear.

That's what they think.

And at this time in front of Lynn.

The new popularity settlement also jumped out.

"End of the ninth live broadcast."

"Popularity Settlement: Interact with the audience and gain popularity: 2112"

"Explain the plot, play the short film of the plot chapter, gain popularity: 1833"

"Provide a way to contain the Law of Erosion and reap popularity: 2063"

"Finally summarized, aroused the audience's resonance of regret, and gained popularity value: 3016"

"Total Popularity: 40986/38888"

When Lynn saw the last one.

"So high, the popularity value gained after resonance actually reached 3000+

What a bonus.

This is still live until now.

The first one exceeded 3000+ popularity points.

"As the number of people increases, the income from popularity value also becomes much higher."

"The next step is more interaction."

"If you earn more tears, will your popularity be higher?"

Lynn nodded confidently.

After all, it has been experimented with before.

After resonating with the audience and mood swings.

The popularity value of the harvest will be higher.

"Since this regret has caused so much resonance."

"Then go even harder."

"This time is my regret."

"Then let you make up for yourselves with regrets."

"And the foreshadowing before..."

Lynn nodded...

Determined the content of the next live broadcast.

At the same time, the system's task completion reward also bounced out.

"The popularity collection task is completed, and the reward is distributed!"

"Live Mission Completion Reward: World Bubble Creation (Once)."

"World bubble manufacturing: You can create a complete world bubble according to memories and ideas and drop it into the quantum sea, note that the rules and power of the world bubble cannot exceed the intrinsic world in which it is located."

Lynn: "I didn't expect it to be another one-time ability. "

"Create a world?"

"Kind of interesting..."

"I seem to have seen this thing in the system store, and I remember the price was 100,000?"

Lynn recalled.

When I looked at the system mall before, there were too many things.

So Lynn just glanced at a lot of things.

And didn't write it down.

It's just a rare impression.

"It's fun, but it's not very useful."

At least Lynn now.

There is no interest in creating a world.

Maybe it can be used for other things later.

This is followed by a new live task pop-up.

"New Mission: Gain Popularity 46666"

"Current Popularity: 40986/46666"

When you see the string of 6s in the back.

Lynn immediately became strange.

This system issues tasks at the time.

Do you still bring auspicious?

Lynn turned off all the system's prompts and continued to look at the live broadcast room on the computer.

[The Law of Knowledge: Hey, hey, where is the anchor?] Hurry up and start the next one. 】

[March 7: Next, hurry up! ] I can't wait. 】

[Kiana: I don't know whose story will be in the live broadcast room next. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Let's have a little fun after reading it.] 】

[Star: I don't want to sing my guess once for the person who knows the law, and show the audience the singing voice of the person who knows the law. ] 】

[The law of knowledge: not allowed, not allowed! ] 】

[March 7: Agree!! 】

[Lauderdale: Does the Knower sing well?] 】

[Alicia: I really didn't expect that you, as a lawyer, still have such abilities. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: I want you to take care of it, Lynn is not allowed to put that again! ] 】

[Xi'er: If you say this, Xi'er is also curious about what it looks like. 】

[Bronia: I still don't want it, Xi'er, I'm afraid you'll have nightmares in the Quantum Sea. 】

[Li Suxiang: My mother often likes to listen to music, I don't know if it will be the same. 】

[Otto: I think it should be different. 】

[Teresa: I also think that we should put something fun out of it. 】

[Himeko Hoshiki: Yes, otherwise it would be too knife. Everyone was depressed after reading it. 】

[Star: Do you want to burst other people's ugly material? 】

[Danheng: Do you think that you have no previous black history, so you are so unscrupulous? 】

[Rita: Is there anything about Otto?] 】

[Otto: ...]

Lynn looked at the requests made by the audience in the live broadcast room.

Apparently I think there are a few video knives that have gone a bit.

Want something cheerful.

As a qualified streamer.


Of course I will listen to the advice.

3.8 Lynn thought for a moment to say: "Okay then. "

"Since everyone has asked for it."

"Then I'll show you a plot of the reunion of the old people."

"Imagine two people separated for a long time and then meeting again."

"That sense of joy after reunion."

"It must be the most moving, right?"

"And when old friends meet, it must be indispensable to all kinds of revelations."

"How about I come to this plot?"

Viewers in the live broadcast room.

After listening to Lynn's description, they all felt good.

[Kiana: Sounds okay, at least better than the plot of Sakura. 】

[Fu Hua: Yes, the plot of the reunion is generally not too swordy. 】

[Bronia: Old friends reunions are generally cheerful. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Good, good, just put this.] 】

[March 7: It's a little interesting, what I want to see most now is black material! ] 】

[Star: Please start your show. 】

[Otto: This scene sounds pretty good. 】

[Teresa: Well~ yes, such a plot. 】

[Li Suxiang: It's not bad, you have summed it all up, I want to hear those black materials even more. ] 】

[Xi'er: I just don't know who the protagonist of the reunion is. 】

[Nha Yi: Yes, it is indeed very happy to meet old friends after many years. 】

[Alicia: Oh, I love watching this kind of happy story. 】

[Pardophyllis: I like it too. 】

[Vilvie: Is my performance good?] 】

Eden: It's like watching a movie. 】

Lynn looked at the barrage above.

This time, I don't plan to do a pre-plot commentary.

Let them first feel the sinister of society.

Let's start the commentary again.

"That's the chapter."

"The plot begins, everyone..."


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