"I didn't expect this anchor to listen to advice."

"Say no knife."

"Let go of the fun, he really let go!"

March Seven pairs of fists clenched.

There was some excitement in my heart.

After all, Lynn said just now, after these two old friends reunited.

There will be a lot of things that will be revealed.

March 7 felt this way.

For example, Danheng.

Now he will often reveal his previous black material in front of the star.

The point is that these black materials do not even remember themselves.

Come to think of it.

March Seven looked at Danheng with a resentful expression.

Danheng noticed March Seven's eyes and didn't understand why March Seven looked at him with such eyes.

With an innocent face, he asked, "What's wrong?" "

March Seven snorted.

Don't want to explain anything.

Xing spoke, "Maybe I complain that you often expose her black material..."

Danheng: "I'm just repeating what she used to do." "

March 7: "Danheng, you you you!" "

March Seven was angry.

But helplessly.

Ji Zi smiled and said, "Danheng, occasionally don't say it in front of March Seven." "

Danheng: "Understood. "

Star: "So next time we're going to speak ill of her behind March Seven." "

March Qi's face immediately changed: "Not allowed!" "

"Speak ill of me next time."

"I have to be there."

"Otherwise, I don't know how you will slander the lovely me."

The three of them should not say bad things behind their backs.

A discussion took place.

Himeko and Walter looked at each other and smiled.

With the addition of stars, the Star Dome train will become more and more lively in the future.

Himeko then asked, "Mr. Walter, do you know which story Lynn is going to tell next?" "

Walter smiled and shook his head: "I don't know." "

"There are so many stories in that world, old friends reuniting with this theme."

"There are quite a few."

Saying that, Walter's heart sank.

It won't be the part where I and Tesla reunite, right?

Tesla's fiery temper, after he went out of the quantum sea.

Back to inverse entropy.

Tesla scolded himself with a slash in the face.

If only this was released.

Then he will die!

The 24 elephants that were finally established in the Star Dome train.

Wait until this video ruins...

Walter immediately tensed up.

Because of the characteristics that Lynn just said.

It's all in line with what happened when I reunited with Tesla.

"Wouldn't you?"

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Walter's forehead.

Xing immediately caught Walter's slightest mistake and looked at Walter: "Uncle Yang, what are you nervous about?" "

March 7 was also discovered.

"Uncle Yang, it won't..."

Danheng speaks straight and fast.

"Could it be that Lynn will wait for the live broadcast."

"Will it be Mr. Walter's story?"

March Seven's eyes shine.

The soul of gossip burned brightly: "Uncle Yang Uncle Yang." "

"Do you remember your own black history?"

Xing thought for a moment: "I remembered when Uncle Yang first appeared on the barrage just now. "

"Many people in the other world thought that Uncle Yang was dead."

"Later, I learned that Uncle Yang was in the Quantum Sea."

"That is to say, for a long time, Uncle Yang was in a state of disappearance, but many people thought that Uncle Yang was dead."

March Seven immediately understood: "Later, Uncle Yang escaped from the Quantum Sea with Bronia and Xi'er. "

"Reunited with my partner."

Lynn said old friends reunited.

Isn't that right?

Walter's face darkened.

March 7, you're pretty clever at a time like this.

This was analyzed at once.

Guessed it had something to do with Walter.

March Seven's gaze towards the live broadcast room became even more fiery.

Xing flicked the pot to: "Uncle Yang, you can't blame me for this." "

"It was all analyzed by March 7 himself."

Walter gave Star a roll of his eyes.

Not you to start.

Will she end?

"Forget it, it's not a big deal."

Walter is rotten.

Exposure is exposure.

This kind of thing, everyone also wants to have fun.

After a long time, I forget it.

After all, it is someone who has experienced all the stories of the Honkai world.

So Walter's heart.

It's still very powerful.

Since it can't be stopped.

Just put it on the table.

Himeko looked at Walter who was already rotten and didn't want to care.

Covered his mouth and smiled: "Mr. Walter, you recovered really quickly." "

Walter said helplessly: "It's okay. "

"This kind of black history is also good to make everyone happy."

Himeko nodded: "Sometimes Mr. Walter's open-mindedness is really something that many people can't catch up." "

For Himeko's compliment.

Walter could only smile bitterly.

Is there any way to do it?

I can only watch it together.

Other viewers in front of the live broadcast room.

Not a single Walter broke his own material.

And the law of knowledge wants to break his little head.

I can't even think of it.

These points Lynn said.

It will correspond to the scene in my memory.

"That's not right!"

"Is it playing something from the future?"

The Knower sets his sights on the future he does not know.

Maybe it's like that brick.

It is the story of the future at this point in time.

That seems to be the only possibility.

"It looks like it's the future again."

The Wise Law Man smiled with satisfaction: "Che, just said that he didn't want to tell me about the next adventure." "

"The results are released now."

"You're not honest, Lynn."


The law of knowledge is narcissistic thinking.

Lynn wanted to do it this way.

Tell her about future adventures.

If only Lynn knew what the Law of Knowledge was thinking at the moment.

It will definitely be in the live broadcast room.

Say to the lawyer: "You think too much. "

With such an idea.

The Law of Knowledge looked into the eyes of the live broadcast room.

It also became a little hot.

This is the video that the captain specially showed me.

Definitely need to pay more attention.

And it's also a story for the future.

Those who know the law are even more curious.

"Wait until I know what's going to happen."

"I'll take the old antiques and go out with the waves."

"Then everything is uncertain."

The one who knows the law can already think of it.

When the time comes, everyone will see that they are strategizing.

That envious look.

It's cool to imagine!

However, it was when Lynn clicked on the game chapter.

The moment the game screen appears.

The person who knows the law is not calm in his whole person: "I rely on !! "

"It's !!"

When Lynn clicked on this chapter.

There was not much smile on the corners of his mouth.

Although I said it with a smile on my face.

But when you really have to face this plot.

Lynn still has a feeling of a knife in her heart.

The plot he wants to play.

It's not Walter's plot.

But in the plot of the Law of a Thousand People.

After Kiana defeated the consciousness of the Void Lawyer in her body.

Recognized by the Disease Gemstone.

In the interior space of the Plague Gem.

Met the last bit of consciousness left by Himeko.

In this space.

Kiana and Himeko said their final goodbyes.

The plot of the last lesson has been completed.

Click on at the same time.

Lynn couldn't help but scold: "Mi Yu, you really damn it!" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As the game screen in the live broadcast room lights up.

A white landscape.

Then, as if opening his eyes, the scene in front of him began to become clear.

The whole space is white.

And in this white space.

A touch of red is particularly conspicuous.

Almost everyone in the Honkai world recognizes this place.

[Teresa: This is the St. Freya Academy? But why is it white, is it snowing? 】

[Kiana: Aunt, even if it snows, it can't be like this.] 】

[Otto: St. Freya's Academy should not be like this, this state is more like some kind of memory, or a special space. 】

[Rita: Who is, Miss Himeko?] 】

[Lauderdale: It turns out that this is St. Freya's Academy, a place I didn't go to in the first place. 】

[March 7: Huh? It turns out that it has nothing to do with Uncle Yang. 】

[Walter: What is this scene?] 】

[The Law of Knowledge: The anchor you come out, you call this scene a reunion of old friends, you call this scene a revelation? ] 】

[Silver Wolf: The Law of Knowledge, you seem to be very angry. 】

[Kafka: Is there a discrepancy between what Lynn said? 】

[Alicia: Oh, why is the law of knowledge so angry. 】

[Pardophyllis: I also feel that this white space looks strange. 】

[Sue: This kind of space is a bit like a space of consciousness. 】

[Mei: In short, it should not be real space. 】

[Knower: Why am I so angry? Because we were all deceived by the anchor, this episode is not happy at all and will be very knifed! 】

In front of the light curtain.

The law of knowledge stomped his foot angrily.

Good, good, play like this.

Play the plot of the Thousand Men Lawyer, and play the plot of Kiana and Himeko saying goodbye.

And in fact.

What makes the law of knowledge angry the most.

It's not this plot.

It's the story of the Law of a Thousand People.

He was deceived by Fu Hua of all his strength.

And this power was also stolen by the law of a thousand people.

That's why she recognized it at a glance.

The origin of this plot.

At that time, his own lawyer power was in the thousand-man lawyer.

Shrouded the entire domination theater.

So here is the scene where Kiana and Himeko say goodbye.

The person who knows the law is also a different kind of witness.

At that time, it also touched the person who knew the law.

At this time, Lynn in the live broadcast room spoke.

Lynn: "Everyone, don't be impatient. "

"Keep reading, and you'll know I'm right."

"How could I lie to you as an honest anchor?"

The Law of Knowledge listened to Lynn's honest tone.

The violent temper suddenly came up: "You lied." "

What old friends reunited...

What to break the news with each other...

The Wise Man thinks about this carefully.

It seems that Lynn really didn't lie.

From the space where they met in the Epidemic Gem, Kiana and Himeko, who had been separated for a long time, were indeed old friends reunited.

And Kiana was joyful the first moment she saw Himeko.

Sadness, that's what happened later.

And it did break a lot of things.

But it's all things Himeko doesn't know.

Kiana relayed it.

They also reminisced about their past lives.

Lynn's description of the story just now.

Those who know the law are not careful, and they are all right.

For a while, I couldn't find anything to refute Lynn.

"Good, good, play like this!"

The Knower gritted his teeth.

But I can't find where the point of rebuttal is.

Because Lynn really wasn't lying.

He just told the story in another way.

The Wise Man sat down angrily.

Wait until you calm down.

The Knower exhaled.

"The first video is the last lesson..."

When the first video was played, the Law Knower did not come.

But also know the content.

"Kiana saw Himeko because she died in battle."

"It must be sad."

"This video can also untie her heart."

"Forget it."

"What do I care about!"

"Lynn, this liar!"

"Lies abound."

"Isn't this a tear that deliberately deceives us!"

Lynn watched as the story had begun.

Himeko appeared in front of Kiana.

So he began to explain: "The plot here is when the law of a thousand people. "

"The ability of the law of a thousand people..."

"So at that time, many people were pulled into the theater of domination, and Kiana and the Void Law in the body unfolded absolutely."

"In the end, he defeated the Law of Void with the power of the Disease Gem."

"Then I was pulled into the consciousness space by the Epidemic Gem, and here I met Himeko-sensei, who died in the last lesson."

680 "In this space, I said my final goodbye to Himeko-sensei. "

"By the way, the body that Teacher Himeko dropped at the beginning was found by the Thousand Laws of the People, and the disease gem was also recovered by the Law of the Thousand Men at that time..."

"The reason why I chose this one is to make up for Kiana's regrets."

"It's also to make up for Himeko's regret."

"Let Kiana and Himeko in the live broadcast room know that you will have a good farewell in the future."

[Honkai Himeko: You call this an old friend reunion? 】

[Kiana: Damn, you made me cry. 】

[Teresa: Although you do it well, I don't like your title. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: He's a bad guy! 】

[Otto: So it is, there is another such experience. 】

[Alicia: It's really sweet, Mr. Anchor. 】

[Sue: Let Kiana, can you untie your heart because of this? 】

[Silver Wolf: It's really excessive, anchor. 】

[Kafka: It's a little bit bad, and it makes us feel like a roller coaster. 】

[Li Suchang: It's so bad! ] 】

[March 7: You are a big villain, and you want to lie to our tears again, can't you put something funny? (Tears) (Tears) (Tears)]

[Star: You're so damned! 】

[Walter: I just heard them mention this paragraph. 】

[Danheng: Let's see how many knives it can have. 】

[Pardolphyllis: Actually, we just came in, and we haven't been knifed yet. 】

[Eden: That's not what you said when you saw Sakura hurt. 】

[Pardophyllis: Isn't Sister Sakura okay! ] 】

[Sakura: Well, I'm okay to believe in the future. 】

[Hua: Do you make up for the regret of not saying goodbye properly? 】

A lot floated across the barrage.

Lynn only gave a cursory glance, and then continued to look at the game screen.

"Well, you don't know."

"It's a big knife for me too."

"Let's watch together, let's get knifed together."

"I was someone who experienced these episodes firsthand."

Lynn really said it this time, very sincerely.

When I was going through this plot.

A big man, almost couldn't hold back.

Holding back tears.

This scene is really too touching...

In the game screen.

Kiana breathed rapidly after seeing Himeko's back.

Since Himeko's sacrifice.

She was thinking about Himeko all the time.

Thinking about what Himeko said to herself.

Now I finally see Himeko again.

Obviously there is a lot to say, but when we really meet again.

But I don't know what to say.

Under the control of Lynn.

Kiana slowly stepped forward and approached Himeko.

Himeko also slowly turned around.

With one hand crossed at the waist, with the most delicate smile Kiana can remember.

The most familiar voice said: "Long time no see, Kiana..."

Kiana said tremblingly, "Himeko..."



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