St. Freya Academy.

In the Valkyrie dormitory.

Kiana after watching the last lesson for the first time.

Although under the comfort of the three of Bud Yi.

Gradually let go.

But that doesn't mean Kiana will forget.

In order to save herself, Himeko put on the moment when the True Red Knight eclipse.

Himeko finally fought for her life in imaginary space.

Just to inject the God Killer Gun.

Kiana will never forget this scene.

Just bury it deep in the heart.

And swear not to let such a future come.

But what if it comes?

What if the end doesn't change?

Will you not even have the opportunity to say goodbye to Teacher Himeko?

And now...

The final goodbye is just around the corner.


This is all a completion of the plot of the last lesson.

It is an explanation to Kiana.

It is also an explanation to Himeko.

Kiana had tears in her eyes.

Watch tightly.

A final goodbye to Mr. Himeko.

Nha Yi asked a little worriedly, "Kiana, are you okay?" "

Kiana Yaoyao nodded: "I'm okay budding." "

"After the last lesson, I was able to have this opportunity to meet Himeko-sensei."

"I'm really happy."

"I believe that in the future, I will have a lot to say to Himeko-sensei."

Bronia nodded to Bud Yi: "Sister Bud Yi, don't worry." "

"Kiana is an idiot."

"It's because she's an idiot that she's going to come out of her grief quickly."

"And bury this sadness in the deepest part of the low heart."

"Turn it into your own power and keep going."

Bronia continued to look at the light curtain: "Before we were all wondering why Kiana became a law of flame and mastered the power of the Disease Gem. "

"It seems that this is the answer."

Fu Hua: "Maybe at that last moment, the epidemic gem also recognized Himeko. "

"That's why Himeko has a trace of consciousness remaining inside the Disease Gem."

"After Kiana was recognized by the Disease Gem, she naturally met Himeko."

Kiana: "Whatever the situation. "

"As long as I can say goodbye to Teacher Himeko."

"That's enough."

"Future me, I know you've been through a lot of pain."

"But please go bravely, there is not only Himeko-sensei behind you."

"And everyone around me."

Kiana seems to be encouraging Kiana in the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Saying these words.

It is precisely because she is also Kiana.

So I can empathize with emotions.

When he saw Himeko sacrifice for herself.

Kiana's heart didn't know how much it hurt.

So I want to do my best to prevent this future.

And in a future that cannot be changed.

Let's say goodbye to Himeko-sensei.

Kiana thought so.

Himeko in the conference room.

That's how I think so.

Teresa next to Himeko stomped her foot angrily: "This anchor Lynn is really hateful!" "

"Actually give such a knife plot."

"That's so easy to say!"

"Abominable, abominable!"

Himeko smiled and said, "Okay, Teresa. "

"Isn't that nice?"

Teresa said angrily, "Where is it?" "

Himeko smiled slightly: "I have a good goodbye to Kiana." "

"At the same time, you can see Kiana's growth..."

"What could be happier for a teacher than to see your students grow."

Teresa: "Don't worry, Himeko, I won't let this happen." "

"I promise that you in the future will not die in battle!"

Himeko smiled.

She believed in Teresa.

"But what about me in the game world?"

"Or another timeline that hasn't been changed by my destiny?"

Teresa was silent.

Himeko seemed to be saying something very common: "The teacher saved her favorite student with her own sacrifice." "

"The students repaid the teacher's expectations with their own efforts."

"Finally, they had the opportunity to stand face to face for their final goodbyes."

"A lot of things are said."

"Isn't that quite romantic?"

Teresa acknowledged Himeko's statement.


But still snorted.


Himeko looked at Teresa: "What's wrong?" "

"You really are a teacher who is least like a teacher."

Himeko knew what Teresa was trying to say.

He smiled and said, "I'm just praising me." "

The two continued to look at the live broadcast screen.

Watch Kiana and Himeko say their final goodbyes.

In the game screen.

Himeko looked at Kiana with a smile and asked gently, "I..."

"Did it appear too suddenly?"

Kiana shook her head vigorously.

Himeko smiled and said, "That's good. "

Look at Kiana's appearance.

It was completely different from when he left, and he said with satisfaction: "You have changed a lot." "

Kiana forced herself to cry and bit her lip: "Himeko-sensei..."

"It hasn't changed at all."

Himeko: "Is it?" Then I'm quite happy. "

After a moment of silence.

Kiana finally asked the sentence strongly: "This is just an afterimage of consciousness, right?" "

Himeko looked around: "Yes..."

"At least time won't flow here."

Kiana continued to hold back her tears.

She didn't want Himeko to see her vulnerable side.

Himeko said comfortingly: "However, we can still talk like this." "

Saying that, Himeko raised her hand.

In a slightly apologetic tone, he touched Kiana's head with tenderness.

"I've grown taller, Kiana."

"I'm sorry..."

"I didn't get by your side."

Kiana immediately shook her head: "No, it's okay. "

"I'm glad to see Himeko-sensei again."

"At least, I can say goodbye to you in this form."

This is a simple conversation.

Especially when Himeko said that sorry.

The audience collectively broke their defenses.

It is clear that Himeko saved Kiana at that time.

But he still said such a thing...

There was really an apology in the tone that she couldn't grow up with Kiana.

Just in order to make the audience watch seamlessly.

Lynn also to the later audience.

A brief introduction to the content of the last lesson before that.

A few people who will be thirteen heroes.

Touched a mess.

Because of their many people.

There were also such ancestors.

[March 7: Lynn, you scoundrel, why do you put this ah (cry) (cry) (cry)]

[Pardophyllis: yes, it's really excessive. This scene of life and death is really sad. 】

[Kiana: Himeko-sensei... (Tears) (Tears) (Tears)]

[Hua: They really look alike...]

[The Law of Knowledge: It's very similar.] 】

[Fu Hua: What are you talking about? 】

[Alicia: Fu Hua, have you lost a lot of memories? 】

[Eden: It seems that yes, is it a side effect after using Yudo Dust, or did you deliberately seal it? ] 】

[Fu Hua: Sorry, I don't know about this. 】

[Otto: It seems that everyone knows Fu Hua's identity. 】

[Lauderdale: Identity? 】

[Teresa: Fu Hua is a Red Kite Immortal of Shenzhou, and also one of the thirteen heroes of the pre-civilization era! ] 】

[Rita: I didn't expect that Miss Fu Hua still has such an identity. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Li Suxiang: Why are you talking about Fu Hua, have you all watched such a touching scene (crying) (crying) (crying)]

[Silver Wolf: The emotional portrayal of this game is very delicate, more delicate than any I've ever played. 】

[Kafka: Yes, the reunion of two people can be portrayed so perfectly, it is almost like experiencing it firsthand. 】

[Bronia: Because that's our story. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Kiana really cries like a child. 】

[Sakura: You can say goodbye and have no regrets. 】

[Star: It's really emotional. 】

In front of the computer.

Lynn is also watching the plot of this paragraph attentively.

Himeko asked Kiana about a lot of things.

Himeko then asks Kiana if she wants to go to St. Freya Academy for another visit.

So I used Himeko's memory as a template.

The St. Freya Academy on a white background was dyed in color.

Then Himeko took Kiana around the St. Freya Academy.

Accompany Kiana to reminisce about her life at St. Freya's Academy.

It began when Kiana became the Law of Emptiness.

After the War of Destiny.

They never came back.

Kiana is also in Himeko's consciousness.

Relive the campus memories of that year.

There is Kiana skipping class.

There is Himeko drunk.

Memories of Bud Yi's meals.

Tell everyone's story.

Himeko knows the story that Kiana experienced later.

Nha Yi, Bronia, Fu Hua, Teresa...

Everyone in St. Freya's Academy.

They were all brought up again.

Kiana spoke to Himeko about what had happened.

While the two were talking.

A thunderous explosion sounded in the air.

Kiana looked at the sky: "What is this sound?" "

Himeko glanced at it: "I'm afraid it's what happened outside..."

Kiana immediately thought of everyone who was trapped in the Domination Theater together: "Outside? "

"It's everyone!"

Himeko nodded: "It seems that they are fighting with the lawyers." "

"In this way, the time of stagnation here has finally begun to falter."

"Look what I say, Kiana."

"You've never been alone!"

Then came another thunderclap...

"The power of the Dominating Law has weakened."

Himeko looked at the sky.

Being a conscious body here.

She could sense a lot more than Kiana.

In other words.

The time the two spend together.

It's almost over.

Kiana's eyes closed slightly, and she said with determination: "I know, Himeko-sensei..."

Himeko smiled gratifyingly: "Come on, let's walk a little longer." "

Himeko said as she walked: "The yesterday of St. Freya Academy seems to be still vividly remembered. "

"Remember when you first entered school, you yelled to become the strongest Valkyrie."

"In the blink of an eye, you've grown so much."

"To be honest, I also want to watch you grow up and continue to accompany you to class..."

"My time at St. Freya is my most precious memory."

"There is still a long way to go, but I can't go down with you."

"But it's okay Kiana, you never let me down."

"~ Always remember that there are always many people around you who will always support you and protect you!"

"That includes me."

This is a teacher who is leaving.

A final message to your own students.

As the two walked towards St. Freya's door.

The surrounding colors are also slowly beginning to peel off

The pure white space is once again revealed.

At the end of the road, a door stands.

As if announcing the end of the journey.

Himeko stopped in front of the door with Kiana: "My journey is over. "

"From here, Kiana."

"That's your way."

Kiana: "After leaving that door, it's all going to be like, right?" "

Himeko shook her head: "I don't know, but..."

"It should be."

Kiana nodded vigorously.

Indicate that he accepted the result.

No matter how free Himeko said.

But at this time, there was still a trace of reluctance in his eyes: "Remember to say goodbye to everyone in St. Freya on my behalf." "

Kiana: "Good. "

Himeko: "Tell Nha Yi that I support her choice, but next time I can't put such a heavy hand on my friend." "

Kiana: "I will." "

Himeko: "Tell Bronia that I am happy to see her grow now, and she will definitely be a good leader in the future." "

Kiana: "I think so too. "

Himeko: "Tell Fu Hua, although you can't meet again in the future." "

"But whether Saint Freya is still there or not, she will always be everyone's class leader."

Kiana held back her tears.

Nodded vigorously: "Hmm." "

Himeko continued: "In the future, Teresa will be left alone to take care of you. "

"You all have to be obedient and don't make the school principal angry."

"It's better to help her more, don't see her stubborn."

"Actually, much harder than us."

Kiana: "I know. "

Himeko: "Finally, tell yourself Kiana." "

"I will always be by your side..."

The audience saw it.

Himeko also has a lot to say to Kiana.

I want to talk to Kiana a lot.

I want to explain a lot of things.

But time has not allowed it anymore.

There was also silence on the barrage.

Quietly watch this final goodbye.

A (good Zhao Zhao) teacher's instruction.

The departure of a student.

Himeko smiled gently, "Kiana don't care too much. "

"Think of this place as a dream."

"When the dream wakes up, everything will pass."

"Don't be afraid to say goodbye."

"To say goodbye to the past is to move towards the future."

Kiana finally couldn't hold back her tears: "I understand..."


"I understand..."

When Kiana said this.

The accompanying music also sounded.

And this music has been heard by audiences before.

It was when Himeko was sacrificed.

That background music sounded.

With tears in her eyes, Kiana said, "I'm sorry, Himeko-sensei." "

"I know that at this time, I should say goodbye to you with a smile."

"You should walk out of that door strongly..."

"But I still wonder if nothing here will change as long as I don't walk out that door."

"I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to you..."

Kiana's suppressed cry.

It's like a sharp knife.

Piercing the hearts of the audience.

[March 7: Lynn, you big badass! You stab us with a knife. 】

[Kiana: In the future, I should be brave enough to go out and let Himeko-sensei see your strong back (tears) (tears) (tears)]

[Nha Yi: I'm sure the future Kiana also understands, but she just can't help it. Scared]

[Li Suxiang: This music is so foul, I originally put up with it, and I wanted to cry when the music started. 】

[Alicia: It's really excessive, actually playing such a game plot, even if you haven't experienced it, you can feel the most sincere emotions between the two of them. ] 】

[Pardophyllis: I came to see the fun, but you made me cry, Lynn you really damn (knife) (knife) (knife)]

[Walter: Is this the scene when Kiana and Himeko said goodbye in the Domination Theater...]

[Star: Yes. 】


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