In the game story screen.

Kiana slowly raised her head, tears running down her cheeks.

Teary-eyed look.

To the audience in front of the light curtain.

Second crit.

That aggrieved look.

Who doesn't feel distressed when they see it?

Kiana looked at Himeko in front of her.

"I obviously have a lot more to say to you..."

"Those boasting about Haikou..."

"I haven't achieved it yet..."

"It's a dream..."

"The eleventh lawyer, the twelfth lawyer..."

"Even if they are the Ultimate Lawyers, I will defeat them..."

"I will turn this imperfect story into what we expect..."

Kiana looked at Himeko: "I just..."

"I want you to see it all too..."

Himeko's hand rested on Kiana's head.

Gently comforting the student who was crying like a child.

"Of course I can see."


"If you want, I can see."

"Because I'm in your heart..."

Even though Himeko said this, Yana was crying.

Aggrieved face.

Biting lips.

Himeko tells Kiana stories about her childhood.

Then tell Kiana.

She will turn into a star and watch Kiana in the sky.

Guarding Kiana in the night sky.

Even if the torch goes out, the moon loses its light.

This constant shimmer will also light up the direction for you.

"When you're confused, look up at the starry sky."

"Where will I be, illuminate the whole night for you."

Kiana nodded vigorously and made up her mind.

Because outside.

And their own partners are waiting.

"Thank you, Himeko-sensei."


"Time to go."

Himeko nodded and lowered her hand.

"Well, go ahead."

"Take a step forward, Kiana."

"Just go bold."

"I will always bless you and watch over you."

"After all..."

Himeko's eyes curved into a crescent moon, and she smiled gently, "You are my immeasurable tower Himeko's student." "

This sentence.

It is the biggest recognition of Kiana.

Kiana felt a sense of happiness from the bottom of her heart.

Then broke into laughter.


"It's a pleasure to be your student!"

"It is my honor to meet you."

Himeko: "It's also my honor. "

"Go, Kiana!"

"Everyone is waiting for you outside!"

Finish the sentence.

This is the end of the plot.

Lin 317 En put his hands on the keyboard, his eyes were slightly red.

After the plot ends.

The right to operate was back in Lynn's hands.

At this time, Kiana was standing on the white school road.

On the side is where Himeko is standing as an NPC.

Lynn can now manipulate Kiana to walk forward and step through the door and leave the space.

When hands are on the keyboard.

Lynn also glanced at the barrage.

[Kiana: Himeko-sensei, it's a pleasure to be your student! 】

【Nha Yi: Himeko-sensei, it's a pleasure to be your student! 】 】

[Bronia: Himeko-sensei, it's a pleasure to be your student! 】

[Fu Hua: Major Himeko, it's a pleasure to be guided by you! ] 】

[Honkai Himeko: It is also my honor to be your teacher! ] 】

[March 7: Your relationship is really good, I really... (Tears) (Tears) (Tears)]

[Teresa: I know that I am stupid who sacrifices myself, and I know that I care about me. 】

[Rita: Lord Teresa, is this saying the opposite? 】

[Otto: My lovely granddaughter, isn't that it? 】

[Li Suxiang: The anchor is really too good, you accompany my tears!! 】

[Knowledgeable Lawyer: You shouldn't have believed this big liar from the beginning, me off! 】

[Alicia: Wise Lawyer, why are you angry? 】

[Sue: I can feel that the person who knows the law does not seem to be angry because he was deceived. 】

[Star: Is there another story in this?] 】

[Danheng: In addition to being moved, I also wonder why the reaction of the Law of Knowledge is greater than that of Kiana. 】


Look at the angry look of the lawyer on the barrage.

Lynn could guess why she was so angry.

Because she was in Fuhua when dealing with the Law of a Thousand People.

was given a routine by Fu Hua.

He who surrendered the power of his own knowledge.

Let Fu Hua successfully deal with the Thousand Laws of Talent.

And this scene is also called the mother-in-law scam!

However, Lynn did not finish the live broadcast next, so he said casually: "Because the law of knowledge, in this plot." "



Originally, everyone was still immersed in the sadness of the game screen.

As a result, Lynn said so.

The style of painting on the barrage changed all of a sudden.

[March 7: Can't you? The lawyer should look very smart. 】

[Star: Maybe it's just the look. 】

[Sue: Can the original law of consciousness also be deceived? Wouldn't that be a better solution? 】

[Kevin: It seems that the lawyer of the next civilization era is much weaker than ours. 】

[Alicia: Kevin, not being smart doesn't mean being weak, you will be hated by the law of knowledge. 】

[Kiana: So who the law of knowledge was deceived by? 】

[Himeko Hoshiki: Mr. Walter, do you know who deceived the Law of Knowledge?] 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Walter, you are not allowed to say, if you say it, I will rush to reverse entropy and kill you now! ] 】

[Walter: Then I won't say it, she can really do it. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Abominable and Abominable! You guys are so abominable, and Lynn. 】

[Li Suxiang: Don't be angry, don't be angry. 】

[Fu Hua: Don't get angry so easily, the more angry you are, the more Lynn says is true. 】

[Knower: Abominable old antique, I don't want to talk to you anymore. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: I'm angry.] 】

[Star: Didn't you say that you don't speak yourself? 】

[March 7: If you say two words, those who wait for the law of knowledge will be angry to death. 】

[Teresa: It seems that what Lynn said is true. 】

[Xi'er: Don't provoke the Law of Knowledge anymore. 】

[Bronia: It's really strange. 】



The Law of Knowledge is angry.

Angry straight stomp.

I can't wait to rush into the live broadcast room now and fight with Lynn.

and Kevin can be five-five.

She didn't believe that there was nothing she could do with Lynn.

It's so abominable!!

"Lynn, you still shake this out."

"It's really me off!"

Those who know the law regard this as a black spot for their entire lives.

At the beginning, Fu Hua got her power.

A bunch of good things were said.

But if she said two more words, he gave her strength.

She is not the kind of person who is unreasonable.

Plus it was Kiana who helped.

She won't stand idly by.

The front is all made for that old antique to see.

As a result, the law of knowledge did not expect it!!

That Fu Hua, who has always had low emotional intelligence.

Actually came to deceive!

Come sneak attack!

Sneak up on yourself a three-year-old ...

Sneak attack on the great Lady of the Law of Knowledge.

Take advantage of your distraction.

Directly took away all the power.

In the end, the power of the law of knowledge was dominated by the law of a thousand people.

Wise myself I!

It was here in Fuhua that the car overturned.

Now it is being brought up again and known by so many people!

"Abominable Lynn!"

"You are the most hateful captain!"

The Knower is angry.

But there was nothing to do.

Cross your hands over your chest.

Continue to look at the live broadcast room: "I must find a way for you to take off the mask." "

"Then find you."

"Beat you up!"

The law of knowledge decides.

Whether it can be fought or not.

You have to fight.


In her heart, she couldn't get through this level herself.

And Lynn, who was live at this time.

I didn't know that I was hated by the Law of Knowledge. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The sentence just now was just that he saw that the audience on the barrage was so concerned.

Just say it casually.

Of course, even if you know, you don't care.

Because of Lynn's current strength.

It has gone far beyond the law of knowledge.

He will do all the moves of the Knower.

On the contrary, he will make moves, but those who know the law will not.

Lynn accepted the manipulation of Kiana, and then continued: "Okay, this is the end of the plot. "

"But what, at the time of making this game."

"The production team left a small Easter egg."

"That is to continue the continuous conversation with Himeko-sensei, which can trigger Himeko-sensei to tell another story."

Lynn controlled Kiana to walk forward.

Just when the audience thought Lynn (CEBF) was going to trigger that Easter egg.

Lynn skipped Himeko.

[March 7: Why don't you go over and talk to Himeko-sensei to trigger Easter eggs? 】

[Kiana: Himeko-sensei's Easter egg, what kind of story is it. 】

[Silver Wolf: The design of this game is really intentional. 】

[Bronia: The details are in place, and the background music used during the farewell is the same as the background music of the last lesson before. 】

[Star: That's why it's tear-jerking enough.] 】

[Li Suxiang: The most annoying thing is Lynn, I haven't cried so much in a long time. 】

[Alicia: Sometimes crying is also good for the body. 】

[Hua: No matter where you are, you are the same gentle. 】

[Eden: Hua..."

[Mei: The thousand-man lawyer of the next era of civilization is even more difficult than us. 】

[Aponia: It seems so, but Honkai still underestimates the human heart. 】

[Walter: Well, emotions between people are not something that can be seduced by just a few words. 】

[March 7: No, don't you all care about that Easter egg? 】

[Teresa: It doesn't matter what kind of story it is to educate people. 】

[Honkai Himeko: yes, I'm just a little more verbose. 】

[Lauderdale: You're still on the same path as Ragnar. 】

[Rita: You are more like a student of Mr. Ragnar than me and Miss Lauderdale. 】


Lynn manipulated Kiana towards the door, and then said, "Since you have already told Himeko-sensei, you have to say goodbye." "

"Just leave in style."

"This little Easter egg won't be triggered."

"Himeko-sensei, the best in the world, goodbye..."

That Easter egg.

Lynn had triggered it before.

But then I thought about it.

It is only right to leave in such a dashing manner.

Instead of continuing to stay there.

Himeko-sensei has already finished all the explanations.

All I wanted to see was the back of Kiana striding away.

This means that Kiana is ready to move on.

So this time, Lynn didn't choose to trigger the Easter egg.

Instead, he continued to walk forward and came to the door.

A flash of white light flashed.

End of plot.

Lynn whispered silently, "Goodbye, best Himeko-sensei." "

Lynn's eyes were slightly red.

Revisit the plot again.

It's still full of emotion and knives.

"Otherwise, send the next plot as well."

"I lied to everyone like that just now, and I really didn't care."

Lynn thought for a moment.

Think so.

Just link it together.

Let Himeko in the live broadcast room.

Take a good look at Kiana's growth in the future.

That one-sided look.

There is also the fact that the law of a thousand people is really bad.

After experiencing the plot of Himeko and Kiana saying goodbye again.

Lynn remembered that the Law of a Thousand Men used Himeko's death to stimulate Kiana's heart.

So you have to let the audience take a look.

How did the Law of a Thousand People get beaten flat by Kiana!

Lynn decided right away.

The content of the next live stream.

Let's perpetuate it.

It was a perfect end to the three live broadcasts.

But not until then.

Let's settle the popularity value first.

"End of the tenth live broadcast."

"Popularity Settlement: Interact with the audience and gain popularity value: 1333"

"Explain the plot, play the short film of the plot chapter, tear the audience, gain popularity value: 3631"

"Deceive the audience, expose the embarrassment of the law of knowledge, and gain popularity: 2760"

"Final control, avoid Himeko Easter eggs, gain popularity value: 1366"

"Total Popularity: 50076/46666"

"So many?"

Lynn didn't expect that.

This time, it actually directly broke through the 50,000 mark.

More than three thousand exceeded the system requirements.

It was a real accident.

Especially when I saw the embarrassment of the person who exposed the law of knowledge.

Lynn swore.

That really wasn't intentional.

Just casually mention,

"It's over, this time Zhibao must have remembered me."

"If I use the world shuttle to play in the Honkai World in the future, will she hunt me down?"

It will definitely be.

Lynn knows the temper of the Law of Knowledge too well.

If there is a vendetta, it must be repaid.

What's more, she still poked out that she was deceived by her own mother.


Take it one step at a time.

It's all already happened.

Then there is no way.

Even those who apologize now will not forgive her.

Lynn continued to look at the system's prompt.

"Popularity collection reaches the 50,000 milestone!"

"One reward chest, open it to get random items."

"The popularity collection task is completed, and the reward is distributed!"

"Live Mission Completion Reward: Small Space with You (100 cubic meters)"

"New Mission: Gain Popularity: 56666"

"Current Popularity: 50076/56666"

When the first milestone is achieved.

Lynn was stunned.

There is actually such a hidden task.

A treasure chest is also rewarded.

But Lynn didn't wait for him to be happy.

The rewards for completing the mission are a bit chilling.

Portable space?

This thing is useless for itself now.

Before the strength, Lynn didn't want to go outside and wave.

And only a hundred cubic meters ...

What is sold in the system store is not very expensive.

"Forget it, talk is better than nothing."

"I don't know what I can get after opening this treasure chest."

"Open the chest."

Lynn didn't hesitate and had no habit of keeping such a box.

Directly selected Open.

After opening, the system prompt also pops up again.

When seeing the above thing.

Lynn's face instantly turned into surprise: "This thing." "

"It's kind of interesting!"

"Tip: The treasure chest is successfully opened, and you get: the liquid of imaginary numbers."

"Imaginary Liquid: A liquid condensed by the energy of imaginary space, which can be used to water the seedlings of the Imaginary Tree, and can also be used for itself."

"Hint: If it is used for itself, it absorbs according to its own strength, and the more it absorbs, the more energy it can be transferred from the imaginary space."

"Not bad, not at a loss."

Lynn directly put this thing into her carry-on space.

Wait until you're strong enough.

If you use this thing again, you can become stronger.

"I wonder when I will reach the level of Ling?"

Lynn is looking forward to that day...


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