In front of the light curtain live broadcast room.

Kiana wiped the tears she had just left.

Before after watching the last lesson.

There has always been a little mustard ~ Ti in my heart.

But now.

After watching the game, Kiana and Himeko's goodbye.

And those words that Hime-ko said at the end.

Kiana's heart was relieved at once.

"Himeko-sensei, I will definitely fulfill my promises one by one."

"I'll make this bad story."

"It became what we wanted it to be."

Beside him, Bud Yi spoke, "I will always be by your side, Kiana." "

"Even if I'm not here."

"My heart is also closely connected to you."

Bronia on the other side.

While hearing Bud Yi say these words.

He looked at Nha Yi in surprise: "Sister Nha Yi, when did you learn these words?" "

Bud Yi was stunned.

I also realized how numb what I just said was.

What's going on.

I usually don't talk like that.

Suddenly, Nha Yi's face turned red.

Bronia tilted her head and looked at Bud Yi suspiciously.

Kiana hugged Nha Yi happily: "I know that Bud Yi is best for me." "

"Bud Yi's favorite person is really me."

"Reload the rabbit, check the status of Sister Bud."

"After the inspection, there is no problem with Sister Bud Yi."

Kiana looked at Bronia with an angry expression: "You are just jealous that Bud Yi is too good for me." "

Bronia spoke softly, "Stupid Kiana. "

Then he ignored the angry arrogance and looked at Fu Hua: "Squad leader, what do you think is wrong with Sister Nha Yi?" "

Bud Yi immediately defended anxiously: "Bronia, I'm fine. "

"I just said it was too fast."


Kiana immediately replied, "I accidentally said the words in my heart, didn't I?" "

Fu Hua looked at Bronia: "I'm sorry Bronia, I was thinking about the Law of Knowledge just now." "

"So I didn't hear what you guys were communicating."

Bud Yi also immediately began to change the topic: "Squad leader, did you find any memories in the body of the Law of Knowledge?" "

Fu Hua shook his head: "No, I'm just thinking." "

"What kind of person can deceive such a wise person as the Law of Knowledge."

"My memory, I don't think is very important."

Bronia: "Judging from the performance of the person who knows the law, it should be a very close person." "

Kiana: "I think it should be the same, Xiaozhi is so cute, how can that person be willing to deceive Xiaozhi." "

"It's just too much."

Fu Hua looked at Kiana curiously: "Xiaozhi? "

Kiana nodded: "Yes, although the person who feels the law of knowledge is very grinning, he also has a hot temper." "

"It's like a little kid."

"The four words of the shouting law of knowledge are too troublesome, so I will call her Xiaozhi."

Bronia said very directly: "If you call her like this, the person who knows the law will definitely not agree." "

"Maybe I'll have a fight with you."

Bud Yi: "Well, the wise will do this kind of thing." "

Fu Hua: "I think she should have no time to pay attention to Kiana now." "

"After all, such embarrassment was exposed."

"What she wants to deal with most now should be the party who deceived her, and Lynn."

Fu Hua analyzed it with a clear eye.

I didn't realize at all who was the right culprit.

And the three of Kiana are also the result of Fu Hua's analysis.

Nodded that made sense.

And at this time on the Star Dome train.

March Seven looked at Walter: "Uncle Yang, what are you worried about." "

"You are saying here that the one who knows the law does not know."

"As long as you don't say we don't say it, no sixth person will know."

Walter: "Well, then I won't say it. "

March 7: "..."

"I don't mean that, I mean let's not say it to anyone other than us."

Walter spread his hands helplessly: "March 7, if I know about this." "

"It's okay to tell you, the one who knows the law is just angry and just talks casually."

"She's not as grumpy as you think."

Star: "We don't think she's grumpy either. "

"It's not so much a grumpy as a kid who wants attention."

The summary of the stars is in place.

Several people nodded together.

Walter: "You all see that? "

March 7: "Are we not blind?" "


Walter continued: "When I first dealt with the Law of Domination, I and several doctors of anti-entropy. "

"They are all supporting them from the outside."

"So it's not clear what happened inside."

"The subsequent mission report was also about how to deal with the Thousand Laws of Justice."

"There is no detailed mention of the fact that the Knowing Law is deceived."

"So just now on the barrage, it's not that I don't want to say it, it's because I really don't know."

Star: "And the law of knowledge thinks you know." "

Valt nodded.

March Qiyi's face was disappointed: "I thought Uncle Yang would know." "

"It's really boring."

Xing also looked at Walter with a look of disdain: "Fallen, Uncle Yang." "

"I didn't expect you to end up in the field."

Himeko: "Mr. Walter, it is actually very important to be a foreign aid. "

Danheng glanced at Walter.

Didn't say anything.

But the look in the eyes is already obvious.

Walter: "..."

How dangerous the situation was at that time.

You don't know anything!

My foreign aid is also very important.

However, several people knew that Walter did not know about it.

Can't eat melons.

No longer lingering on Walter's side.

Continue to look at the light curtain live room.

Looking forward to what Lynn can do next.

After all, Lynn deceived all the audience at once just now.

And so that all the audience can not find any flaws.

This strength.

Everyone is still very impressed.

Walter watched several people continue to look at the live broadcast room without looking back.

Suddenly there was a feeling of abandonment.

Are these people too realistic?

Or get out of the car.

Feeling with them...

There is no future.

[March 7: Anchor anchor, start the next show soon, I can't wait.] 】

[Silver Wolf: Obviously I cried so sadly just now, did you adjust it so quickly? ] 】

[Alicia: Yes, everyone was stabbed in the heart. Need to slow down. 】

[Pardophyllis: It's okay, I can stand it. 】

[Kafka: Silver Wolf, you were lost for a while. 】

[Silver Wolf: Kafka, there is no need to say this kind of thing. 】

[Sue: Although it is indeed very knife, such a future should not happen. 】

Kiana: Of course, I won't let that happen in the future. 】

[Fu Hua: Yes, since we already know the future. You have to do everything you can to change it. 】

[Otto: So it is...]

[Rita: How do you feel that Lord Otto is a bit yin and yang weird. 】

[Teresa: Grandpa often said things that others didn't understand. 】

[Walter: Maybe he's trying to do something bad again.] 】

[Otto: Walter, how can you think that I am such a person. 】

[Teresa: Grandpa, it's not just Walter, I think the same way. 】

[Lauderdale: Me too. 】

[March 7: If there is nothing else to eat, I will continue to urge the anchor. 】

[Honkai Himeko: You are really at the forefront of eating melons. 】

In the office of St. Freya's Academy.

Himeko looked at Teresa: "If you say Otto directly, he will be sad." "

Teresa: "I don't care, he has a good quality in his heart." "

"And he often has bad intentions, I know that."

"You don't have to talk about him either."

"You're also half a pound and eight taels."

Himeko was stunned.

What's the matter with me?

Teresa looked at Himeko: "You said you, leave and leave." "

"There are so many more to explain to Kiana."

"He also said I was tired."

"These are your heart's words." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Himeko: "I say this in the hope that Kiana and them can help you a lot." "

Teresa: "If you really want me to take it easy." "

"Just live well, don't leave so easily."

"What you can do, they can't do."

"Only you can help me."

Hear Teresa say this.

Himeko smiled slightly: "So I am so important in your heart?" "

Teresa's mouth was hard: "You think too much." "

"It's just that the teacher who came to St. Freya Academy is not easy to recruit."

"Other Valkyries, many of which I can't look at."

Himeko: "If that's really the case. "

"I'm going to raise my salary."


Teresa folded her hands in front of her chest.

"Oops, I don't know what live stream Lynn will have next."

"Let's continue watching the live broadcast."

Himeko said in disgust: "Teresa, your transition is very blunt." "

Teresa shot back, "You're pretty much the same." "

The two continued to look at the light curtain.

All the tacit understanding is in silence.

Both of them unconsciously showed a hint of a smile.

And Lynn in the live broadcast room.

I also began to interact with the audience.

"The plot just now was after Kiana got a small part of the power of the Disease Gem and defeated the Void Law."

"Just unfolded."

"That is to say, the current Kiana has at least two kinds of powers: void and flame."

"But because it is in the theater of domination, if the power of the lawyer has contact with the law of a thousand people, it is deprived."

"I just said that."

Just now, when introducing the basic plot.

Lynn said some of the abilities of the Thousand Laws.

Then Lynn changed his tone: "In that plot of Kevin before." "

"Everyone should have seen that Kiana is the law of fire."

"Everyone who has broken the world should also be curious about why the Law of Flame is the One."

"There will be another name."

[Pardolphilis: Yes, yes, why is it called the Law of Flame. 】

[Alicia: So does that mean that the power of the lawyer has been given a new name? 】

[Mei: Could it be that it was after the Law of a Thousand People? 】

[Teresa: Does this word have any special meaning? 】

[Kiana: I know, because I am the new law of inflammation, I am called the new law of inflammation. 】、

[Bronia: Stupid Kiana, neither of them is a word, just the same pronunciation. 】

[Fu Hua: Indeed, a subtle difference, even if the pronunciation is the same, represents a completely different meaning. 】

[Danheng: There are many meanings of the word salary. 】

[March 7: You are all so literate, and I am already looking forward to the next live content. 】

[Li Suxiang: It turns out that there are so many differences in pronunciation. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Cut! ] Bells and whistles. 】

[Silver Wolf: Having said all this, do you want us to witness how Kiana grew into a lawyer? 】

Lynn: "That's right, you're the right silver wolf." "

"The plot is a continuation of the story after Kiana leaves the memory space of the Epidemic Gem."

"The thunder sound before was actually Bronia and Fu Hua."

"And the sound of Kiana's other friends fighting the Thousand Lawyers."

"But it's a pity that because of the peculiarities of the Thousand Laws, they all fell."

"But it also created enough opportunities for Kiana."

"And in this process, it is still our Himeko-sensei who helps Kiana the most."

"Next, there is the final closing ceremony of the last lesson and the farewell just now."

"The continuation of the dream between Himeko-sensei and Kiana."

"The inheritance of the flame is passed on like a torch."

"The next thing that will be played for you is—"

"Kiana the Lawyer of Salary vs the Rabble of the Law of a Thousand People!"

"Forever burning!"

Just when I explained the plot to the audience.

Lynn has already found the PV chapter in the game.

After saying that.

The play button was pressed.

New game PV began to be presented to the audience.

On the Senzhou.

Li Suxiang's head tilted slightly: "I don't understand it." "

"I remember the teacher in the school palace said that the word salary seems to refer to firewood."

"How can firewood still go hand in hand with inheritance?"

If the teacher of the school palace.

After seeing Li Suxiang say this, it is estimated that he will hang himself angrily.

People Lynn said it so clearly.

That's the salary of the torch!

Not a salary for firewood.

Fortunately, the immortal species of Xianzhou will not give birth to too outrageous diseases.


With Li Sushang's IQ.

I don't know if I want to put the teacher of the school palace.

How much cerebral hemorrhage comes out of the air.

But Li Suxiang will always be the one with the biggest heart.

In case of not figuring it out.

Just don't want to.

It's about emptying your head.

Continue to look at the live broadcast room in the light curtain.

She now has only one request.

That is, Lynn must not let go of the knife person's pv.

"Since it is said that it is VS, it must be a battle."

"Fighting this kind of thing is only victory and defeat."

"It should be impossible to send knives."

Li Suxiang firmly believes!

A fight is a fight.

It must be different from the scene just now.

After persuading yourself to succeed.

Li Suxiang then continued to look at the live broadcast room in the light curtain with confidence.

After Lynn presses the play button.

The screen in the live broadcast room was filled again.

As the picture lights up.

A terrifying scene appeared in front of the audience.

In a bottom-up perspective.

Dark and oppressive air.

Numerous stump and severed arms appeared.

Each palm hangs in mid-air like this.

It's like being bound by something.

There's no way to fly up.

There is no way to fall.

[March 7: Oh my God, what is this?] It's terrifying. 】

[Pardophyllis: Is this a game PV or a horror movie. 】

[Silver Wolf: This is just a method of expression, it seems that the boss of this level is very powerful, giving players a sense of oppression. ] 】

[Bronia: Although this is a game PV, this is also Kiana's future. 】

[Bud Yi: It seems that the Law of Dominance is really powerful. 】

[Sue: No, the Law of Monolithic Battle Dominance should be the weakest existence of all the Law Lords, they are just a little more intrigued. 】

[Sakura: At this point of exploiting people's hearts, there is no lawyer who is his opponent. 】

[Grace: Let's draw this scene, it feels quite terrifying. 】

[Cosmor: Don't draw everything, Grace..."

..... Finish..

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