"How do you feel, the next ruler of civilization." ...

"And which Dominating Lawyer appeared before our side."

"It's a little different..."

Pardophyllis looked at the broken hands that appeared in the light curtain live broadcast room suspiciously.

How does it look so netherworld.

Although the Dominating Law that I encountered before is also very netherworld.

Mei looked at those broken hands and slowly spoke, "It's no different. "

"It's just compared to the way you directly control ordinary humans and other warriors."

"The next civilization's dominant lawyer chose to directly defeat this group of warriors through psychological warfare."

Alicia nodded, "That's right, Phyllis. "

"Those who will be controlled by the law of domination are also dragged into the theater of domination and defeated by psychological games."

Sue: "The law of domination, the most terrifying place is here." "

"She will attack the most vulnerable places of the human psyche."

"If defeated by the Law of Domination in this case, then the body will become an empty shell."

"Completely governed by the law of domination."

"That's how our fighters were controlled by it."

"This is also the origin of the name Domination."

Mebius: "Kiana's position now is to dominate the theater. "

"It's also the most vulnerable place in her soul."

"If it fails, it becomes a puppet of the Law of Domination."

Mei: "Although knowing that Kiana will not fail. "

"But being able to see Domination Theatre up close is also good for our research."

Vilway: "Yes, the power of the lawyer seems to create some special space. "

"If only I could figure out how this works."

"Our God's Key can become even stronger."

Eden looked at the live broadcast room and smiled slightly: "What a strong child." "

No wonder the Law of Domination "Two-Four-Seven" had no way to defeat her. "

"With the final goodbye to Himeko."

"The Law of Domination, even if you want to use Himeko as a breakthrough to defeat Kiana, it will be difficult to do it."

Alicia: "Yes, our Kiana is very strong now." "

"There are so many reliable partners around."

"There is also a teacher who guides her, and I believe that the power of the Dominating Law cannot affect Kiana."

Ying Wei and Mei both looked at the live broadcast room with torch-like eyes.

Compared to how the Law of Domination is defeated.

They are even more curious now.

The Law of Inflammation.

How it was born.

Among them, the most curious is Alicia.

She really wanted to know.

What kind of situation is it?

The name of the lawyer will be given a completely new meaning.

This is important to her!

Very important.

So Alicia, who has always grinned.

At this moment, I also looked at it seriously.

This is a small change.

It was also seen by everyone.

After all, the usual Alicia.

That's not the case.

However, the heroes and May who were present did not ask much.


Star Dome Universe.

Silver Wolf made a serious analysis: "This game, when designing the combat system. "

"At the same time, it also sets up a lot of transitional animation plots."

"And the plot production of the animation is also very beautiful."

"It gives players a very unique sense of substitution."

"It's like following the protagonists through these adventures."

"Generally we call this peculiar gaming experience a sense of substitution."

Kafka looked at the silver wolf's serious analysis.

He shook his head helplessly.

"Silver Wolf, shouldn't we be more concerned about the plot now?"

"Aren't you curious."

"In what way did the combatants of that world evolve their power?"

Silver Wolf shook his head: "It's okay, it doesn't help my ability. "

"I'm more concerned about the quality of the game than that."

Kafka understood.

"Then I'm more concerned about their stories."

Silver Wolf continued: "These cutscene PVs are their stories. "

"It's like a script written by Elio."

Kafka complained: "Elio's script will not be so intuitively displayed. "

In the face of Kafka's complaint.

Silver Wolf shrugged.

It's not her who spits anyway.

Of course it doesn't matter.

Kafka continued: "By the way, Silver Wolf, what do you think of the games the company has released so far. "

"Is there one that can be compared to this?"

Silver Wolf thought for a moment.

For games to compare this kind of problem.

Of course, think about it.

"As far as Lynn shows."

"This game is a first-class production level, both in terms of story and ease of operation."

"It's a shame to be the only place."

Kafka asked curiously, "What is it?" "

In fact, Kafka asked this question.

is asking the silver wolf in disguise what he thinks about the Honkai world.

After all, Kafka doesn't really like to play games.

For the good or bad of the game.

She would only choose to listen to the silver wolf complain.

Do not actively ask questions.

So this time it's a special case.

The silver wolf said with a dissatisfied look: "There are too many knives in this game..."

"I play games for excitement and pleasure."

"I'm not here to find abuse."

If Lynn could hear what the silver wolf said at this time.

Be sure to give the silver wolf a thumbs up.

That's right!

That's right, Silver Wolf Sauce!

But the abominable rice flickered.

Just want the knife man!

Kafka was stunned.

It is indeed an irrefutable reason.

But that's the reality, isn't it?


Elio doesn't have to...

Kafka smiled bitterly: "Maybe Lynn appeared here because of this?" "

"It's like Ellio."

"I want to lead this story to a better ending."

The silver wolf was silent for a moment.

Then continue to look at the live broadcast room: I think maybe it is...

A silver wolf who is a genius hacker.

Or the first time I used such ambiguous words to return to Kafka.

Because this time even her.

There is no way to give a perfect answer with your own smart mind.

She followed Elio's side.

It also has a similar purpose.

Think of these.

Those knives or something, in the eyes of the silver wolf.

It also became somewhat reasonable.

"Perhaps, this is the real story of a group of people."

In a trance, the silver wolf seemed to understand something.

In the live broadcast room screen.

As Kiana's gasping voice sounded, a figure wearing the armor of the White Valkyrie began to appear in a gloomy environment.

Kiana clenched the broken sword in both hands.

Slowly walk out of this dark cave.

As soon as he stepped out, the sound of stage lights lighting up sounded.

Directly illuminate the place.

The complete Domination Theater also appeared in front of the audience in the live broadcast room.

A huge stage.

It's like it's on a show.

Above the stage, there are countless silk threads intertwined.

At the moment when the lights come on.

A calm and gloomy voice sounded: "Kiana, give up the struggle." "

Kiana blocked the harsh light with her hand.

Look up in the direction of the sound.

It was at this glance that Rong Kiana's pupils directly contracted.

Among those silk threads are two familiar figures.

is being tightly tied.

It looks very pupils.


"Squad leader..." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Yes, those two are Kiana's partners.

Bronia and Fu Hua.

At this time, the two looked a little embarrassed.

At the same time, there are countless small puppets in the two of them.

These little puppets slowly descend.

It began to surround Kiana.

The shape of the little puppet is like a little girl.

But that long split mouth.

It gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

And right in front of the stage.

Where a giant black puppet appears.

The voice just now was made by him.

Around him are also surrounded by these countless giant hands.

Under the control of those giant hands, the puppets began to surround Kiana.

[Mei: Is this the aggregate of the Thousand Laws? 】

[Alicia: It seems that yes, it seems that they have absorbed the lessons of failure in this era of civilization and intend to gather their strength. 】

[Pardophyllis: If you can't break them one by one, it's a bit difficult to beat. 】

[Xi'er: Bronia... Sister? 】

[Su: Hua, you will be really embarrassed in the future. 】

[Hua: I don't need to say it specifically, I can see it. 】

[Sakura: It seems that your power will also be weakened a lot in the future, otherwise this Dominating Law is not your opponent. 】

[The Knower: That's not that she deserves it, let her not go casually, just don't listen. 】

[Teresa: Were your pre-civilization era fusion warriors so powerful? 】

[Eden: Theoretically, several warriors in the battle form have the strength to surpass the law. 】

[Pardophyllis: Boss Kevin is super strong, and the lawyer is simply not enough to see in front of him. 】

[Honkai Himeko: No wonder, Destiny regards the legacy of the pre-civilization era as a treasure. 】

[March 7: Your strength is really short-range. 】

[Fu Hua: I feel that there should be a reason why I will lose such a battle. 】

[Walter: Yes, because I want to help Kiana. 】

[Kiana: The sword in my hand seems to be Himeko-sensei's sword?] 】

[Bronia: It doesn't look like it. 】

[Bud Yi: There are still some differences in morphology. 】

Lynn saw the person on the barrage and became curious about the broken sword in Kiana's hand.

After all, Kiana was holding two guns in the memory space of the Epidemic Gem just now.

How did it become a broken sword as soon as it came out?

And it is so similar to Himeko's original Divine Fall Sword.

Lynn explained: "The Law of Domination originally obtained Himeko's body in the imaginary space, as well as the Disease Gem and the True Red Knight Lunar Eclipse. "

"At that time, in order to make Kiana's psychological defense collapse."

"The Law of Domination threw these things to Kiana."

"Although the True Red Knight Lunar Eclipse is broken, it is after all the Blank Key of the God Key created by the pre-civilization era."

"So there's something special about it, too."

"This broken sword can be simply understood as a refusion of part of the True Red Knight's Lunar Eclipse."

"This is also the particularity of the material of soul steel."

"Oh~ right!"

"In the pre-civilization era, the Law of Domination was also killed by Dr. May wearing a blank key."

"This can also be regarded as the good reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao."

Lynn also explained to the people of the former civilization era that Otto relied on the Blank Key to create the Valkyrie armor.

[Mebius: I really didn't expect that the armor Kiana wore when they fought also had something to do with us. 】

[Otto: That's right, relying on the legacy of the pre-civilization era, we can hold out for a while on the battlefield of head-on confrontation with collapse. 】

[Mei: You are very good at being able to study the blank key and create armor that adapts to the Avalanche Energy. 】

[Walter: That's what he can brag about. 】

[March 7: Hahaha, Uncle Yang, you really look like Otto. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: No way, how can an anti-entropy alliance master and a bishop of destiny deal with it. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: But I don't agree with Walter's statement, because it seems to me that Otto's brain is not bad. 】

[Alicia: You speak really bluntly, Xiaozhi. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Small? Little knowledge? Who allows you..."

[Alicia: Because the Knower seems to me to be very much like a child, that's what it is. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: ....... Forget it, for your special sake, I don't count with you. 】

[Kiana: Then can I also call you Xiaozhi? 】

[March 7: I also think the name Xiaozhi is good. 】

[Bronia: Strange, why didn't the Law of Knowledge refute it? 】

[Nha Yi: Yes, it doesn't look like the character of a person who knows the law at all. 】

[Silver Wolf: Well, she seems to be a little different when she faces Alicia. 】

[Kafka: Perhaps, what is the special relationship between them? 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Are you worthy! Just call me Little Knowledge, call me the Great Lady of the Lawyer! 】

Lynn watched the interaction between the Law of Knowledge and Alicia.

A faint smile.

Those who know the law have Fu Hua's memory in it, in the thirteen Yingqi of chasing fire.

Alicia can be said to be dead, everyone is dead.

Not to mention Fu Hua, who is not emotionally intelligent.

Therefore, the reaction of the law of knowledge to Alicia is engraved in the bones.

It was like she had seen Mei in the world bubble before.

It's also a strange look.

And plus Alicia's special status.

The attitude of the Law of Knowledge towards Alicia is also reasonable 3.2.

"Do you want to expose it now?"

Lynn thought for a moment, then shook her head.

This secret is a good opportunity to reap popularity points.

It can't be wasted here in vain.

While looking at the picture in the live broadcast room, Lynn explained the relationship between the pre-civilization era and the current civilization era.

In the game screen.

The Dominating Lawyer appeared in front of Kiana and said in a mocking tone: "There is no Lawyer power. "

"You're just an ordinary ..."


Say this at the same time.

The Law of Domination also pulls the thread in his hand.

Bronia and Fu Hua in the air.

The body was suddenly twisted.

Make a snort of pain.

Watching your partner suffer.

Kiana's anger also came up at this moment.

"Give it to me!"

"Let them go!"

"Empty faith..."

"But nothing can be done..."

The tone of the Dominating Law was always with mocking laughter.

It was very hot to listen to.

At the same time, they are constantly moving the silk threads that are wrapped around Bronia and Fuhua.

It was extremely painful for the two in mid-air.

Kiana waved the broken sword in her hand and slashed at the puppet beside her: "Stop!! "

Want to save Bronia and Fu Hua.

The only way is to defeat the current Law of Domination.


Kiana was incredibly clear.

So it must be done quickly!!

But there are too many puppets of the Dominating Law.

Although the strength is very poor.

But more and more puppets are coming towards Kiana.

There are also all sorts of weapons in his hands ...


Densely packed like locusts.

It caused a lot of trouble to Kiana...

Today is still explosive!!。

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