
"Damn it, you dare to deal with your sister like this!"

Heishi saw Bronia being treated that way by the Law of Domination.

Suddenly, his eyes burst out.

Dark red energy shrouded the surroundings.

Even Xi'er, who has always been gentle, had a hint of anger in her eyes.

"Sister Bronia."

"This Dominating Lawr..."

Hei Xi forced down the anger in his heart.

Because she understood that there was no use in getting angry in such a place at this time.

First of all, there is no way for them to go outside the quantum world.

Secondly, even if you can go out.

This is the story that will happen in the future.

Heishi can't travel through the timeline like Lynn.

So now I can only do it in a hurry.

"This law of domination is so despicable."

"I want to use my sister and Fu Hua to disturb Kiana's heart in this way."

"And then defeat Kiana from the softest place in your heart."

Xi'er asked in a very nervous tone, "Can Kiana still defeat the Law of Domination?" "

Hei Xi retorted unceremoniously, "I don't care if she can defeat the Law of Domination." "

"She has to save her sister no matter what."

"Otherwise, the first thing I will do after I go out of the Quantum Sea will be to settle accounts with her."

"It is clear that my sister trusts her so much, but I put my sister in danger."

Heishi breathed fire in both eyes.

I can't wait to rush in now and tear up all those puppets and trample them all.

Cut off the head of that big guy.

Then step on the foot.

Let it understand that making a move on Bronia is the wrong thing it has done in his life.

After Xi'er calmed down, she continued: "Another me, don't worry. "

"I believe Kiana is the one who can overcome the law of domination."

"Then save Sister Bronia."

Hei Xi also slowly calmed down.

Because it's useless to be in a hurry and get angry.

Now all hope is pinned on Kiana.

Although she also understands.

In the end, it must be Kiana, their victory over the Law of Domination.

But after seeing Bronia injured and treated like this.

She still can't help but be anxious and angry.

After suppressing the power that escaped from the body.

Hei Xi said coldly: "It's better to be like this!" "

"If Sister Bronia gets hurt by something24."

"After I go out, I will find out this law of domination as soon as possible!"

Heishi was angry.

The consequences are serious.

Xi'er continued: "The other me, we should believe in Kiana as much as Sister Bronia. "

"I believe that Sister Bronia must also have this firm belief in her heart at this time."

"I firmly believe that Kiana can defeat the Law of Knowledge, and then leave the Domination Theater with them!"

Heixi: "Okay, I see. "

"Don't preach to me, just watch it."

"Obviously I don't understand anything, and I pretend to be able to preach to others."

Hei Xi glanced at Xi'er in disgust.

Then the tsundere cut it.

Continue to look at the live room.

"Kiana, Sister Bronia will be handed over to you..."

"How despicable!"

In the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven.

After Lauderdale saw what the Law of Domination had done to Bronia and Fuhua.

I understand the idea of the Law of Domination.

Want to influence Kiana through the two of them.

In the sight that Kiana is in danger.

Lauderdale couldn't help but clench her fists.

I was very anxious.

She also didn't understand why she was like this.

Obviously his own knowledge of Kiana.

It's just on the light curtain live screen and the barrage.

But in this case.

She just wanted to rush over to protect Kiana.

Rita noticed Lauderdale's anxious look, and her heart was also curious.

Although Lauderdale has always shouldered the fate of many people.

It's getting stronger.

But the look of such a gaffe.

Or the first time.

Rita asked with concern, "Lord Lauderdale, are you all right?" "

Lauderdale took a deep breath and relaxed her nervousness.

"I'm okay Rita."

"It may be that it is too despicable to see the fighting style of the Law of Domination."

"That's why you're so angry."

Rita nodded in understanding.

Because now I am really a little angry.

Be a lawyer.

The way the Dominating Law fights is indeed a bit despicable and shameless.

It is completely different from the impression that I have of those who will bring absolute destruction and destruction to the world.

More like a shameless villain who plays with intrigue.

Looking at the reaction of the two, Otto smiled slightly: "Sometimes as long as you can win." "

"What kind of means is actually not that important."

"After all, victory is written by the victor, for Honkai and its apostolic lawyer."

"As long as it can destroy human civilization, it will do."

Lauderdale and Rita looked at Otto.

That's right, though.

But when seeing this kind of battle.

They still can't help but get angry.

Otto continued: "Kevin has said before, no one has any feelings in the end. "

"Humans and human civilization are grass mustard insects for it."

"So in its cognition, as long as it can destroy human beings."

"As for what meanness is, it doesn't have that concept."

Lauderdale didn't know how to refute Otto's theory for a while.

Rita, on the other hand, said, "But against the fragility of the human heart." "

"But it also underestimates the strength of the human heart."

"Kiana will become extremely vulnerable because of Himeko-sensei's death, but Himeko has shown her the way forward."

"She will go on without hesitation and fulfill her promise to Himeko-sensei."

"Everyone around me is Kiana's weakness."

"Dominating lawyers, you can catch them and use them to threaten Kiana."

"But Kiana wants to save their thoughts and hearts."

"It will also burst out with endless power."

Otto was silent for a moment.

Because this is the Celine plan that he has been experimenting with.

Let Kiana become the Law of Emptiness.

Then kill someone who is important to Kiana with his own hands.

In this way, Kiana's consciousness can overcome Celine's consciousness and regain her body.

The power of the Law of Emptiness can be used by humans.

For this project, he cooperated with Kokolia.

Let Teresa and they find the test product K423.

And let her live for several years at the St. Freya Academy.

In order to cultivate their emotions.

Otto has always believed in one thing in his heart.

That's human emotion.

It's the most powerful force.

This force can break through the blockade of Honkai consciousness.

Let the human burst out with power sufficient to fight the collapse.

And this scene is happening right now.

Rita looked at Kiana, who was fighting countless puppets in the live screen.

"The Law of Domination is doomed to failure."

"Because he underestimated the most powerful link in the human heart."

"That's the bond that connects people."

Youlauderdale smiled lightly: "Yes..."

She is also for this reason.

To protect those you like.

Protect the people they like, everything they like.

She is constantly getting stronger on this path.

"Kiana, come on!"

"You will become the strongest Valkyrie beyond me."

"You are really good!"

"Use your posture to smash the power of domination."

Lauderdale's fists clenched.

Otto looked at Lauderdale.

He smiled faintly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Kalien, this is the future you want to see..."

"The future you've been looking forward to..."

On the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Everyone also cheered for Kiana. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

[Xi'er: Come on, Kiana! Get Sister Bronia out. 】

[Bronia: Kiana, you can! He who will be able to overcome the law of domination. 】

[Knowledgeable Law: Kiana, beat this guy hard, it's annoying when you see him! ] 】

[March 7: It's abominable to smash this despicable guy. 】

[Pardophyllis: Come on, Kiana, don't be influenced by him, just be like he's farting.] 】

[Star: Isn't that still stinky. 】

[Himeko Hoshidome: It's over, there is a sense of picture. 】

[Li Suxiang: Hey, how did you manage to ruin the atmosphere with one sentence. 】

[Sue: ... You guy, really crumbs! 】

[Alicia: Kiana, in what way will you defeat him? 】

[Teresa: It's a really worrying niece, but I'm sure you'll be able to rule the law of the god of war.] 】

[Silver Wolf: In the game, isn't it normal for the protagonist to win, let him show the blood bar. ] 】

[Walter: In the end, Kiana will win this unfair battle in the most beautiful way. 】

And in the game screen of the live broadcast room.

The law of domination, its own combat effectiveness is really average.

So when Kiana dealt with a large number of puppets.

The Law of Domination continues to output all kinds of trash talk, trying to disturb Kiana's heart.

Just completely defeat Kiana.

He will be able to begin the plan to destroy human civilization.

"Just by virtue of the so-called sense of justice and good and evil."

"At the end of the day, it's all self-touching."

"You can't change the malice in people's hearts."

"Can't change this ugly world..."


Kiana attacked a puppet, but the puppet suddenly exploded at close range.

Blow up Kiana.

At the same time, a group of puppets swarmed up.

Suppress Kiana to the ground.

"Not even close!"

As if declaring his victory, the Law of Domination: "Look..."

"Can't you protect them..."

The words were full of mockery.

Kiana's pupils suddenly turned into the starry eyes exclusive to the lawyer.

Above the Dominating Theater.

Several Arcane Spears began to appear!

He stabbed down at the Law of Domination.

And the Dominator only moved his finger slightly.

Those sub-spears were entangled in silk threads.

Then with a slight movement of his fingers, all the Yakong Spears were destroyed.

Kiana's pupils instantly changed back to their original state.

The power of the Void Law is stripped of domination.

And the one who dominates.

As if victorious, he looked at Bronia and Fu Hua in the air.

A wave of both hands.

The silk thread that bound the two in an instant drew sharply closer.

The bodies of the two were distorted by a strange arc.

At the same time, blood shot out.

It rained down from the sky above the dominating theater.

Viewers in the live broadcast room.

After seeing this scene, I was dumbfounded.

The Law of Emptiness is stripped of its power.

Kiana was suppressed.

Even if Fu Hua and Bronia were not dead, they were deeply injured.

How big is that?

Quantum Sea.

When Xi'er saw Bronia's blood spilled over the theater, she cried out in pain: "Sister Bronia! "

Heihi's eyes.

Erupted into rage again.

The powerful black-red Avalanche energy even began to affect the clothes on Xi'er's body.

Will Xi'er white and blue skirt.

It was also dyed black.

Hei Xi gritted his teeth: "The Law of Domination!" "

"After I go out, I must tear you up fiercely!"

"Abominable and abominable!!"

Xi'er's whole person was stunned.

Pupil dilation.

I don't know how to accept this scene at all.

"Sister Bronia..."

Fortunately, at this time, Lynn in the live broadcast room spoke: "Don't worry, Fu Hua and Bronia will not die because of this small injury." "

"The Laws of Domination also need their bodies."

"Because only in this way can we perfectly control their power."

"So this scene looks terrifying."

"It's actually a more dangerous move taken by the Law of Domination in order to break Kiana's psychological defenses."

"It's still mean, though."

The barrage also exploded.

[Pardophyllis: Sister Hua, you are really embarrassed 763. 】

[Hua: I don't know why my future me will become so fragile. 】

[Fu Hua: I don't know, I always feel that there is a power in my body that has not been used. 】

[Mei: Maybe it's because Fu Hua was seriously injured. 】

[Kiana: It's abominable, why can't I protect Bronia and the squad leader! ] 】

[Bronia: The main thing is the ability of the lawyer, it is too weird, and the power of the void lawyer is instantly taken away. 】

[Walter: No, although the power of the lawyer has been taken away, it is not that it cannot be taken back. 】

[March 7: Uncle Yang, what are your high opinions? I'm really upset with this guy. 】

[Star: Mean, Kiana they still have a chance to regain their powers? 】

[Mebius: Yes, we later studied that if the law of domination wants to dominate a person's strength, he must dominate the weak heart. 】

[Vilvie: In other words, as long as you get out of the language trap and psychological offensive of the Dominating Law, you can regain your power and power. 】

[Li Sushang: I see, this guy has been twittering when he fights to deprive Kiana of her powers. 】

[Teresa: Isn't that fact always obvious? 】

[Lauderdale: In any case, I believe Kiana will defeat the Law of Domination next. 】

[Ciel: Kiana, rescue Sister Bronia and defeat the Law of Domination. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Look at the old antiques, no one cares, do you need me to mean to send a barrage? ] 】

[Fu Hua: Thank you, the law of knowledge. But don't bother so much. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: I..."

[Honkai Himeko: Fu Hua, you this.......]

[Alicia: Oh, Hua. Even if you are in the distant future, you are still so unkind. 】

[Sakura: Yes, what the person who knew the law just now just said something nice for you to say. 】

[Hua: I didn't hear it. 】

[Fu Hua: I'm sorry, I didn't hear it. 】

[Knower: I don't mean that, I'm just laughing at old antiques, you all shut up for me! ] Damn it! 】

The barrage was discussed one by one.

The game screen also continues to play.

Kiana when she saw the blood underneath.

His face changed drastically.

Struggling to get up from the puppet pile.

But more and more puppets gathered around.

Constantly suppressing Kiana.

In the end, Kiana's eyes fell into endless darkness.

The mocking voice of the Dominating Law continued to sound: "This is the end of man..."

The picture then fell into darkness.

The only light in the darkness is Kiana.

Kiana kept struggling, and the silk threads on her body tightly bound Kiana.

Then a pair of large, invisible hands closed Kiana.

The voice of the Dominating Lawyer.

It sounded again in this darkness.

The sarcasm in the tone never changed.

It's even more obvious.

"We are all losers..."


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