"Kiana, don't be defeated like this!"

Himeko clenched her fists.

That anxious look on his face.

You can imagine this moment.

How nervous she was.

After seeing Kiana wrapped in those big invisible hands.

Himeko's heart suddenly mentioned the eyes of the throat.

Going to lose?

Teresa also had a gloomy face at this time: "Kiana, you are Cecilia's woman. "

"Don't be so quick and admit defeat in front of the Law of Domination."

"We're sure you can do it."

As the head of St. Freya Academy.

At the same time, as a relative of Kiana.

Teresa believed in Kiana unconditionally, in this child.

It can bring a different future to this world.

And Himeko has always believed in this.

These children are the future of this world.


"This Dominating Law is really too despicable!"

Himeko slammed the table angrily.

There was a muffled sound.

Teresa is a Valkyrie who was educated by Otto.

So when seeing what the Dominating Law has done.

Although also angry.

But there is no way.

If Kiana can't grow up from such setbacks.

Then she can't become stronger.

Life is like that.

It won't always be smooth sailing.

Even Teresa is the same.

She also experienced the pain of her last friend leaving her.

And the real strong.

Don't trip over pain.

Instead, bury this pain deep in my heart.

Use it as motivation for yourself.

Keep getting stronger.

Don't let that happen again.

Teresa did just that.

Lauderdale did the same.

Many, many people do that.

Now it's Kiana's turn.

In the plot just now, Teresa understood that Kiana had said her final goodbye to Himeko.

But actually in Kiana's heart.

I still have some nostalgia for Himeko.

This can be seen from her reluctance to leave in the end.

But sometimes a lot of things, you have to let go.

If you have been sinking into the self-blame of the past.

Then it will never grow.

Teresa looked at Kiana who was caught in the game screen of the live broadcast room.

Taking a deep breath, he spoke, "Kiana, these threads are not bound to you by the Law of Domination. "

"It's your own heart that binds you."

"Go ahead bravely."

"Himeko will become a star watching you, and we will support you behind your back."

"We are at this point in time."

"I won't let that regret happen again."

Himeko: "Kiana, you will always be my best student. "

"Stand up."

"Defeat this despicable guy completely, and then take Bronia and Fuhua with you."

"Come back..."

On the barrage.

It's also an encouragement to Kiana.

[Xi'er: Come on, Kiana! 】

[Nha Yi: You can definitely do it, Kiana! 】

[Bronia: Stupid Kiana, you will not be easily defeated. 】

[March 7: Come on! Kiana! 】

[Alicia: Stand up, Kiana, and defeat this lawyer. 】

[Mei: If it were you, you would be able to do it, because you are Kevin's descendant! 】

[Lauderdale: Defeat her, and then surpass me in the future, Kiana. 】

[Silver Wolf: The protagonist of the game, you shouldn't fall in this kind of place! ] 】

[Knower: Although I know the ending, I still have to say that if you are defeated by this kind of guy, it will be too wasted. 】

[Pardolphilis: Kiana, defeat this annoying thousand-man lawyer! ] 】

[Fu Hua: I believe you will be able to do it. 】

Lynn looked at the barrage of cheering Kiana on in the live broadcast room.

"It seems that everyone has taken the place."

"It's obviously a story that knows the result, but every time I watch it, I feel very touched."

Lynn knew that clearly.

The next plot is the climax.

Facing the live broadcast room, Lynn slowly spoke: "Everyone, let's witness it next..."

"The birth of the Law of Flame!"

Footage from the live broadcast room.

Kiana was held tightly by those big hands.

Whatever Kiana struggles.

There is no way to break free.

The Law of Domination continued: "We are all losers... ~.."

"Humans are losers..."

Kiana struggled hard: "No, I will definitely not give in to you. "

The Law of Domination: "They have fallen." "

"And you, the best one..."


Under the shackles of the power of domination, Kiana gradually became a little unable to get up in her heart.

The eyes also began to become empty.

It is also gradually blurred.

"I just..."


Just when Kiana's consciousness gradually blurred.

A red back appeared in front of him.

It's Himeko's back.

Kiana's eyes returned to their brilliance: "She..."

"Never give up!"

"Now it's my turn!"

"Do what I have to do!!"

Kiana burst out with great power, and flames began to appear on her body.

The broken sword not far away seemed to hear Kiana's call.


It was as if shattering this dark space.

Kiana struggled and pressed her hand on the hilt.

"I'm going to tell everyone!"

"Tell everyone around me."

"Tell them they didn't make a mistake!"

The moment you hold the hilt of your sword.

The energy of the Law of Flame began to explode.

All the puppets that pressed on Kiana to form a suppressive force.

Explode instantly.

Kiana stood there, holding a sword in one hand.

This moment.

Audience in the live broadcast room.

As if at this moment, I saw another figure folding together with Kiana's figure.

The same is facing the lawyer.

The same is to stand up from an attack that is fatal enough.

In the same confident tone, the same words were spoken.

"Your attack."

"Is it over?"

The Law of Domination couldn't believe the scene in front of him, why couldn't he dominate Kiana's Law of Flame power this time?


Kiana's eyes turned into star pupils again.

With the broken sword in hand, he rushed over: "Now it's my turn." "

"No comment!"

And what made the audience in the live broadcast room cry even more.

When Kiana got back on her feet.

The background music also played.

It is as if a passage crosses time and space.

The story of inheritance is told.

Some of the deserts on this planet were once oceans

Where the night is shrouded, there will also be sunshine


With the sound of music.

It was as if the clarion call for a counteroffensive had sounded.

Kiana holds a broken sword.

Start hacking down those puppets.

"Why do you have to stand up?"

"No matter how much you struggle, the end will not change."

This moment dominates the words of the lawyer.

There is no mockery at the beginning.

Instead, he began to get anxious.

He suddenly felt that his domination of Kiana had begun to work.

The broken sword in Kiana's hand.

The power of flames has erupted.

But after all, Kiana is still only one person.

There are still too many puppets of the Dominating Law.

I accidentally got caught with a flaw.

They were tied with rope-like weapons.

Then a group of puppets jumped up.

Attacked Kiana.

Just when Kiana couldn't fight back.

Another direction.

Several lasers came.

Directly put those puppets who intend to do something to Kiana.

Shoot through them all! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Turned into a lifeless puppet and smashed to the ground.

Fell to pieces.

Kiana's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Only one person can do this.

Bronia !!

Bronia behind her was covered with a layer of light blue energy.

Several laser floating cannons slowly disappeared.

Just now, Bronia used the power of the Law of Reason.

The Dominating Law also began to panic.

[March 7: So handsome! ] Bronia, this rescue scene is really handsome! 】

[Pardolphilis: I was in a hurry just now, I was really afraid that Kiana would be tied up again. 】

[Teresa: Really, do you have to make people so worried?] 】

[Xi'er: Great, sister Bronia is fine. 】

[Silver Wolf: Well done, my isotope. 】

[Kafka: Well, I didn't expect that. Friends who are attacked like that and consciously support themselves. 】

[Walter: It is precisely because of Bronia, with such a heart, that she will become the strongest lawyer. 】

[Xing: If you say this, Uncle Yang, don't you have such a heart? 】

[Danheng: Xing, it's hurtful for you to talk like this. 】

[Grace: Because you want to help your friends, have your strong faith regained the power of the Law of Reason? 】

[Mei: Yes, the power of the lawyer of domination, can no longer shake them, it has begun to loosen, and the power of the lawyer that belongs to them has begun to return. 】

[Alicia: It's really clever but cleverly misunderstood, and the ruler of dominance should be anxious. 】

[Kevin: If the power of domination begins to fail, then the law of domination is a joke. 】

[Li Sushang: So handsome, Bronia! ] 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Why only say that Bronia is handsome, wait a minute, there is a more handsome good! ] 】

[Eden: Is that right? I'm looking forward to it. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Of course! 】


Quantum Sea.

When the power of the one who sees the law of reason is being exerted.

Heishi was finally relieved.

Xi'er also shouted happily: "Another me, you look quickly." "

"Sister Bronia, she's fine."

Heishi replied arrogantly, "I see." "

"I'm not blind."

"Very good Kiana, just fight back like this and smash that annoying guy!"

"Crush it hard!"

"Use your power of the Law of Voidness and the power of the Law of Flame."

"Completely smash the guy who hurt my sister."

Heishi's hatred of the Law of Domination.

From the moment he dealt with Bronia, he was constantly accumulating.

After seeing Kiana start to fight back.

The breath held in Heixi's chest finally relaxed.

Xi'er also clenched her fists: "Kiana, sister Bronia!" "

"Defeat this annoying lawyer of domination!"

This moment.

Hei Xi and Xi'er have the same mind.

That was looking at Kiana.

Put this guy hurting Bronia.


In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Although Bronia was lying down, her voice sounded: "~ Kiana won't care about what you say." "

"Because she's an idiot!"


"Won't give up!"

Suddenly, the big sword in Kiana's hand.

The last product of the blank key flashed with a burst of blue light.

The light shines between them.

A Rational Law Core is embedded in it.

Kiana looked at the extra core of the Law of Reason.

Instantly received the heart conveyed by Bronia.

Kiana slowly raised her head, and the phantom of Bronia, the lawyer of reason, appeared beside her.

The hands of the two were raised together.

The power of the Law of Reason was activated, and floating cannons built by the power of the Law of Reason began to appear around them.

Surround the entire domination theater.

Kiana's star pupils also have two powers.

It became two colors.

At the same time, Kiana's originally loose hair.

It is tied into a high ponytail.

After the floating cannon was built, the two spoke at the same time: "Fire!! "

In an instant, the entire Domination Theater burst into flames.

The puppets, which originally had a numerical advantage, fell a large piece.

"No, it can't be!"

"Obviously the power you are proud of."

"It should all be dominated by me!"

The Law of Domination cannot be believed.

The power of power was recaptured!!

Lift your hands firmly.

The walls that hold the entire domination theater are lifted up like pillars of stone.

The picture also gives a vista.

In a bizarre space.

The Domination Theater is a large round stage in the center.

And those rising walls are huge stone pillars.

At this time, it was aimed in the direction of Kiana in the middle.

[March 7: Have you noticed, Kiana's hair is tied up. 】

[Xi'er: Well, I see. It is clear that it was scattered at the beginning, and it was tied up after receiving the power of the law of reason. 】

[Star: Can the power of the law of reason still tie hair? 】

[Alicia: Oh, it seems that you didn't find out. 】

[Pardophyllis: Sister Ellie, what have you discovered, tell us about it.] 】

[Eden: Yes, it's not okay to sell Guanzi (Zhao Zhao Hao) Okay, Ellie. 】

[Bud Yi: So that's the case, I understand what the anchor just meant. 】

[Kiana: Nha Yi, you understand something, you can say it quickly. 】

[Bronia: So it is...]

[Danheng: That's what it means. 】

[Li Suxiang: What are you playing dumb riddles, and now is not the Lantern Festival. 】

[Silver Wolf: It's really a small detail, the animation of this game is really done carefully. 】

[Mei: Because it is a blank key, it is a coincidence that it can embed the core of the Law of Reason. 】

[Vilvie: How do I feel like the law of domination is killing himself? 】

[March 7: So what do you mean!! 】

[Teresa: March 7, learn to discover those details yourself, and you can't always ask others to remind you. 】

[Li Suxiang: There is no one else around me, and I can't figure out what to do. 】

【Pardolphyllis: +1】

[Kiana: Nha Yi and Bronia and the squad leader don't tell me, oh what the hell is going on. 】


Lynn knew.

Someone will find out this little detail.

"Kiana really."

"I'm obviously not stupid at all, I just don't want to spend time thinking."

"The bloodline of the Kaslana family, but the combination of May and Kevin, your family is not stupid."

"It's all natural."

Lynn shook her head with a smile.

As for this little detail of the ponytail.

Let's explain it later.

Let's let the bullets fly for a while...

"Kiana after the Dominating Lawyer incident."

"It can be regarded as a real Valkyrie who has grown into a solitary leader."

"Start relying on the strength of your friends."

"Instead of always thinking about taking on all the demons by yourself."

"This scene, Teacher Himeko can also see."

Lynn smiled inwardly.

While making up for their regrets.

It's also making up for the regrets I regretted when I played the game at the beginning...


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