"Bronia, it turns out that you keep calling me stupid Kiana."

"There's such a meaning in it."

Kiana looked at Bronia with an evil smile.

Although the two people are always noisy.

When the relationship between two people can be said to be not bad at all.


If the relationship is bad.

It's impossible to be so noisy every day.

Still a good teammate.

Bronia was expressionless.

With a classic Bronia face, he looked at Kiana: "No, Kiana. "

"The stupid Kiana that Bronia has always said."

"It means Kiana is an idiot."

"No superfluous meaning."

Kiana's face is also very thick.

Even though Bronia said this, Kiana laughed and quipped, "It's not." "

"It turns out that I am so powerful in Bronia's heart."

Bronia looked disgusted.

But it didn't stop Kiana from putting her hand on her shoulder.

Then poke your face with your finger.

Bronia continued: "Sister Bud, can you save Bronia? "

"Bronia is worried about being held by the stupid Kiana like this."

"Will be infected with the stupid attribute of the stupid Kiana."

"In that case, Bronia will not be a hacker."

Bud Yi covered her mouth and smiled: "Okay, Kiana." "

"But then again."

"The technology of the pre-civilization era is really powerful."

"In the video of the last lesson before, the true red knight moon eclipse on Teacher Himeko has obviously been ruined into that."

"I didn't expect it to turn into a broken sword."

"It can even play its own role as the key of God, inlaid with the core of the lawyer."

Bronia also nodded: "The technology of the pre-civilization era." "

"It's really going to a height that we can't reach."

"Lynn has also passed before, and many of the means of fighting collapse in the current civilization era are basically summarized and left over from the pre-civilization era."

"The technology of Mandate of Heaven today is also developed on this basis."

Fu Hua: "In that case, the ruler of domination can also be regarded as lifting a stone and shooting himself in the foot." "

Kiana looked at Fu Hua suspiciously: "Squad leader, what does this sentence mean?" "

"Also, just now you said the special meaning of that ponytail."

"Where the hell is it?"

Bronia shook her head helplessly: "Stupid Kiana, you don't want to use your brain at all." "

Nha Yi: "Kiana, in fact, if you think about it, you should be able to understand." "

Kiana said apologetically, "Bud Yi, you should know." "

"The most annoying thing for me is using my brain."

"It's more tiring than 110 battles."

"Good bud Yi, just tell me directly."

After seeing Kiana's pleading eyes.

Explained: "Kiana, do you remember the three of us who fought Kevin? "

Kiana recalled: "The Royal Three Family? "

Bronia nodded: "You think back to what you looked like. "

Suddenly, Kiana's eyes lit up.

"The hairstyle of the Law of Fire is this ponytail!"

Fu Hua snorted: "From the beginning of your counterattack, you began to transform. "

"Step by step, we are becoming the lawyer of salary."

Kiana: "That's what it means!" "

Kiana finally understood.

"Then you just said that the Dominator is lifting a stone and shooting himself in the foot?"

Bud Yi: "If she hadn't killed you, she would have given you the Disease Gem and the True Red Knight Lunar Eclipse." "

"Maybe in the future, you won't be able to gain the power of the Law of Flame and say goodbye to Himeko-sensei."

"Finally, use this great sword to control the power of the Law of Reason."

Kiana: "That's what it means. "

"Then how to say, this ruling law is still strange."

Fu Hua: "His fundamental purpose is to use these things to break your heart." "

"It's just that your growth is its unexpected."

Kiana clenched her fists hard: "Understood." "

"So the future me."

"Let's start repaying him well!"

Bud Yi and Bronia smiled slightly: "Since he is going to hurt the people around us." "

"You're welcome."

Bud Yi: "yes, for this kind of guy. "

"Just cut it off."

Fu Hua: "Well, just do it directly..."

On the Star Dome train.


March 7 looked like he suddenly realized.

Just now, Walter explained to her what was going on with that ponytail.

March 7: "It turns out that there is such a layer of meaning. "

"That means Kiana will fight next."

"A little bit of metamorphosis into a lawyer of salary."

"Xuan Yan is not only the red flame passed down by Teacher Himeko, but also the strong bond between him and his friends!"

Star gave March Seven a thumbs up: "Not bad." "

"You've learned to sum up."

March Seven raised his head proudly: "Of course, I am very smart." "

"It's just that I didn't react for a while."

"If I did it again, I'd definitely understand what it meant."

March 7 is forcibly finding himself back on the field.

But (CECC) others didn't poke it.

So as not to hurt the young heart of March Seven.

However, compared to March 7, he set his sights on these directions.

Danheng asked a question that he was more concerned about: "Mr. Walter, I have something I am curious about and want to ask you." "

Valte nodded: "You ask, Danheng." "

Danheng: "The power of the lawyer." "

"Before, I thought it was just a simple manipulation of those elemental powers."

"But the power of the Law of Reason has obviously exceeded this category and has the ability to construct."

"Now the power of the Laws of Domination can directly attack from the hearts of people."

"This power..."

"It's like..."

Danheng didn't say the next words.

Walter spoke up for him: "Rules are as powerful as rules. "

"Therefore, the lawyer can directly bring destruction to human civilization."

"In the pre-civilizational era, their groping for Honkai began from 0."

"So they suffered heavy casualties, and the appearance of every lawyer was a disaster that destroyed the world and the earth."

"In the end, it wasn't until the first fusion warrior appeared that the situation improved slightly."

Walter's thoughts drifted into the distance, looking at the picture in the live broadcast room.

"The power of the lawyer."

"Directly from the imaginary space, the final cocoon can directly obtain power from the imaginary space."

"Through its projection, these forces become the power of the lawyer."

It is actually an imaginary space.

Danheng's face sank.

There was no further inquiry.

Because he asked this step, he probably knew the answer.

And March 7 for this kind of thing.

Doesn't seem particularly interested.

After all, in the Star Dome universe, there are also many people's source of power is imaginary space.

So March 7 didn't find anything strange.

Only Hoshi and Himeko had thoughts.

But seeing that the two no longer talked about this topic.

The two of them didn't say much and continued to ask.

Instead, it follows March 7.

Continue to watch the battle between Kiana and the Law of Domination in the live broadcast room.

The sound of the background music gradually increased.

The Law of Domination lifts the walls at the same time.

I also flew high in the air.

The hand falls down.

The pillars fell towards Kiana.

Constructed floating cannon.

Under such an impact.

Smash one by one.

Kiana also immediately raised her big sword to block.

Just when the Law of Domination thought the blow worked.

A stale red feather slowly fell from the air.

Then Fu Hua's voice sounded: "She changed me." "

"Changed a lot of people."

"In the future, she will change more people."

"I want to see that day come."

The Law of Domination looked up.

A sphere of feathers hovers in midair.

The moment the feather exploded.

Kiana fell from the air.

On another groove on the greatsword.

An orange-red lawyer core appears.

Kiana slashed down with a large sword. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Fu Hua turned into the phantom of the Red Kite Immortal and leaned against Kiana.

The sword in his hand points to the Law of Domination.

The two said together: "So, we won't stop there. "

The powerful sword qi turned into flames, including Kiana, and rushed down towards the Domination.

The Dominating Law immediately arouses the other big hands around him.

Start blocking Kiana's attack.

Those big hands that had just manipulated the dominant silk thread flaunting their might.

The moment was like paper paste.

Crushed by Kiana one by one!

The Wise Man saw this scene and was extremely excited to send a barrage.

[Knower: Well, this is much more handsome than Bronia just now! ] That's my power! 】

[Pardol Phyllis: Isn't this the power of Sister Hua? 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Of course not, it was her who stole my power to be able to exert it in this way. 】

[Fu Hua: Did I do this to you? 】

[Alicia: Hua, it seems that you will also have a great relationship with the lawyer in the future. 】

[Hua: I don't know, after all, that's the future me. 】

[Knowledgeable Lawyer: These are not important, just ask if you are handsome! ] 】

[March 7: Handsome!! He who knows the law, he who knows the law is the most handsome!! 】

[Li Suchang: This move seems to be too illusory sword technique! ] 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Hahahaha...]

[Walter: So it is...]

[Kiana: It turns out that Xiaozhi will be such an important partner for us in the future. 】

[Bronia: It seems to be, if it is really like the law of knowledge said, then thank her for her help. 】

[Nha Yi: Yes...]

[Teresa: I can't see it, she'll help.] 】

[Honkai Himeko: But didn't the person who knew the law just now say that this is the power that Fu Hua stole it. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: If I hadn't deliberately revealed flaws, how could old antiques have been stolen.] 】

[Rita: I see. 】

[Mei: It seems that in the future, more and more lawyers, will choose to take the side of humanity. 】

[Alicia: Yes, finally no longer an enemy with humans. 】

[Mebius: But why is this happening? 】

[Alicia: Maybe it's because humans are so cute, all the lawyers, can't bear to hurt humans, after all, they were also humans in the first place. 】

[Vilvie: This conclusion obviously does not hold. 】

[Eden: But that's a beautiful conclusion, isn't it. 】

[Li Suxiang: Look at it, Kiana has been returned! ] 】

In the PV screen of the game.

Which blow Kiana and Fu Hua launched together was powerful.

But after being weakened by those big hands.

The Law of Domination uses the Collapse Energy to form a new big hand.

It is several times larger than the palm just now.

Resisted the past against Kiana.

There are more and more palms.

The powerful force pushes Kiana back.

And directly wrapped up.

"Your ideal cannot be to think!"

"The world is never beautiful!"

Kiana who was caught again.

This time there will be no more indifference because of the words of the Dominating Law.

Kiana in the dark.

The eyes are extremely firm.

On the last groove on the great sword.

A red flame erupted.

"It's not!"

Kiana's firm eyes burst out with great power.

The flames burst out directly.

It's like fireworks in the air.

In the midst of the flames, Kiana was dressed in armor.

Head bundle ponytail.

Even the original broken sword was completed at this moment.

Turned into a complete big sword.

The four Legalist gemstones above emitted a different light one after another.

Light up this dim sky.

Kiana raised her great sword above her head.

The powerful energy suddenly exploded.

In the sky like a newborn sun.

Incomparably dazzling.

Confusion in the eyes, despair in the heart.

At this moment, they were burned by the flames of Yanyan.

In its place is the brand new Kiana.

One remembers the past.

Be bold into the future.

Carrying Himeko's wishes.

Friends' expectations.

The Law of Inflammation!

Kiana Kaslana!

At this moment, the rabble of the Dominating Law finally couldn't make that nasty sound of ridicule.

Instead, he looked at Kiana in the air.

The tone was full of disbelief and trepidation: "How is this possible!" "

"How the hell did you do that?"

"I obviously took away all your legal powers!"

[March 7: Okay! This guy finally doesn't let out that annoying laugh, does he? 】

[Li Suchang: Is this the law of salary? How handsome! 】

[Alicia: Is it finally born?] A different lawyer who carries hope and inheritance. 】

[Mei: This has never been seen in our civilizational era, right, Kevin. 】

[Kevin: Well, it's a powerful force. 】

[Kiana: I'm too handsome. 】

[Nha Yi: Well, it's really handsome, especially this sword drawing style. 】

[Fu Hua: It seems that the future Kiana also has a certain understanding of the Tai Void Sword Technique. 】

[Knower: If I didn't have part of my strength, I wouldn't be so handsome. 】

[Bronia: But now Kiana uses more of the power of the Law of Flame. 】

[Star: The Law of Dominance is anxious. 】

[Teresa: Hmph, who let her do so many bad things to all of us, clean up her and take Kiana. 】

[Lauderdale: The Law of Flame.......] You are surpassing me, Kiana. 】

[Otto: That's good, this force. 】

In front of the computer.

Lynn looked at Kiana's knife drawing style, and slowly spoke to the audience: "Bundle up and scatter, break the sword and reforge." "

"At this moment, let us welcome the birth of the Law of Flame."

"With this fire, there is no end!"

"Kiana, from this moment on, you have truly grown into a solo Valkyrie."

"How many 648s did it cost me to draw the law of inflammation in the first place!"

Lynn remembered that time.

I feel nostalgic.

[March 7:648 What does it mean?] 】

[Bronia: It should be the amount of card draw after recharging, if Bronia guessed correctly, in this game, except for some characters are free, other characters want to graduate to draw cards. ] 】

[Silver Wolf: After drawing cards, you can unlock different forms of game characters or some voice Easter eggs. ] 】

[Star: How do you know so much? 】

[Bronia: Because we also encounter this kind of game. 】

[Silver Wolf: The Star Dome universe also has it. 】

[Kiana: Do you draw cards?] I'm super European, and Bronia asks me to help him smoke it every time. 】

[Bronia: I don't want to admit it, but it's true. 】

[Nha Yi: Kiana's luck has always been good. 】

【Fu Hua:......】

[The Law of Knowledge: This is a contrast with old antiques.] 】

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