Seeing the Law of Domination, he began to become afraid.

Champagne has been opened on the barrage.

After all, how annoying the Law of Domination was just now.

How happy everyone is now.

Listen to the change in tone of the Dominating Law.

The audience's hearts were dark.

In the Star Dome train.

March 71 looked like he was beaten: "Cut, the law of domination." "

"You laugh again!"

"Can't laugh anymore!"

"The voice of the previous speech ~ is really annoying."

"You're right, Star."

Star nodded: "I still like the way he was unruly at first-." "

"Hopefully he can recover."

"Then while laughing, she was broken by Kiana."

March 7: "Hahaha, it's you who has to be crumbs!" "

Walter and Danheng both looked at the two helplessly.

It was as if the two of them were cleaning up the law of domination.

Himeko smiled and said, "It's no wonder the two of them are so excited." "

"Just as the Dominating Law just now looks, I want to go up and teach him a lesson."

It's really bad.

Walt nodded: "I didn't know he was so annoying." "

"Otherwise, I would have rushed in and slapped him twice."

Danheng said insightfully: "A villain who can do so many people hate him. "

"It's a different kind of success."

Jizi also felt that what Danheng said was quite reasonable.

The Law of Domination managed to make all the viewers in the live broadcast room hate him.

It's also a skill.

Suddenly, Himeko looked at Walter: "Mr. Walter, except for the Law of Domination." "

"Are there similar villains in your world?"

Walter just wanted to blurt out that it was Otto.

Suddenly discovered.

Otto and him are another matter.

It seems that the mouth is so broken.

Talk so badly.

There is only this law of domination.

When he was just born.

But tossing broke the destiny and anti-entropy at that time.

Walter: "I guess there should be none." "

March Seven immediately came over at this time: "Uncle Yang, don't you hate Otto?" "

"Why didn't you say it was him just now."

Walter shook his head helplessly.

There is no explanation for this.

Just said: "Otto this person is too complicated. "

Star glanced at it curiously.

However, Walter did not want to expand the story.

Just looking at the light curtain live room.

One looks like he doesn't want to pay attention to March 7.

Because Walter knows.

Words again.

She was about to break the casserole again.

March Seven looked at Walter's appearance and cut it.

Then continue to look at the light curtain live broadcast room.

"Kiana, break him!!"


In the game screen.

The Law of Domination watched as Kiana regained all her power.

Immediately began to attack Kiana.

Two long golden whips were thrown directly towards Kiana.

Kiana flashed in the air.

At the same time, the voice of the heart sounded.

Every word spoken by the Dominating Law before denying them one by one.

"Of course the world is not beautiful."

"But there are also people who tell me not to give up."

"They guided me and proved to me that the world is not so bad!"

"I love them!"

"Love everything they love too!"

The double whips of the Dominating Law were directly cut off by Kiana's Great Sword.

The Law of Domination once again invokes his power.

Countless gears flew in front of Kiana.

Combined into one giant cog.

It's like a giant mouth of the abyss.

Towards Kiana.

Kiana holds the Great Sword in one hand.

Without hesitation, he rushed in.

The sword erupted with fiery flames.


The huge gear giant mouth exploded directly in the air.

into debris.

"This sword is connected to us!"

"It will burn the dark sky."

"Let the light !!"

"Shine farther!"

And the one who dominates.

At this time, he still does not change his sinister cunning.

Which blow just now was just a pretense to deceive Kiana.

And he himself is already in the place of the chest.

A cannon of energy was stocked.

At the same time that Kiana broke through the giant mouth of the gear.

Terrifying energy poured out.

Kiana was not afraid, and the great sword in her hand carried the power of Yanyan.

Directly chopped over.

In a terrifying blow.

A path was split.

Resist the attacks of the Dominating Law.

Kiana clenched the Great Sword in her hand, and the flames began to condense around her.

In the flames behind it.

More people vaguely appeared.

They both put their hands on Kiana's back.

Fu Hua, Bronia, Nha Yi, and Teresa.

Kiana used all her strength, and the flames on her body burst violently.

Directly blast the energy beam of the Dominating Law.

"This is it!"

"My way home with everyone.!"

When Kiana shouted this sentence.

The background music also reaches its climax.

Each other.

As if telling everyone.

Kiana has grown up!

The fire shines on the ruins below.

Bronia and Fu Hua were also illuminated.

It was as if it was Kiana's promise.

Take everyone home with you.

The Law of Domination did not expect.

The blow was also broken.



"You are all losers, how is it possible to do this."

"How is it possible!"

to this moment.

The Law of Domination still doesn't understand where he's lost.

It is clear that he is the one who plays with people's hearts.

It is clear that he was the biggest winner from the beginning.

Those people obviously fell one after another.

Why can I finally stand up?

In the light of the fire, Kiana descended from the sky and slashed a sword at the Dominating Lawyer.

The Law of Domination immediately opened his shield.

Want to keep struggling!

It would have been someone else who was struggling.

Now it's the Law of Dominance struggling!

But it doesn't work.

Kiana's sword slashed at the shield.

The protective cover is directly deformed and extruded.

The Law of Domination struggles to support.

He still didn't want to believe it.

I lost like that.

In the flames, Kiana was shocked, and seemed to look at her side with a sense of feeling.

In the firelight.

The fiery red figure slowly turned his head to look at Xiang Qiana.

As the flames dissipated, the body left with a satisfied smile.

In a trance, Kiana seemed to hear a familiar shout.

"Go, Kiana!"

From this moment on.

Kiana truly untied her heart.

Accepted Himeko's departure.

and took over the salary Yan inherited by Himeko.

There was a sense of relief in his eyes.

Then he turned into a firm gaze to the Dominating Lawyer and roared.

The power of the Lawyer.

Full power release.

Under the watch of the audience in the live broadcast room, Lynn slowly stood up and spoke: "Bronia bundled her up and reforged the broken sword." "

"Fu Hua put on her gauntlets and armor."

"Himeko draped her with a cloak of flame and pointed out the future."

"She is born in the fire, she is smiling in the fire."


Everything that happened just now was summed up by Lynn.

Audience members in the live broadcast room.

After hearing Lynn's summary, I also recalled everyone who appeared next to Kiana just now.

Every occurrence.

Kiana took a step in the direction of the Law of Flame.

Until the appearance of Himeko-sensei at the end. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She was born in the fire!

Kiana untied her heart and never again got confused and blamed herself.

She smiled in the fire!

Watching his students, he finally grew up and no longer felt guilty about his departure.

Himeko can also leave satisfied.

And Lynn's summary.

It also makes the end of this story directly sublimated.

[March 7: Damn, I obviously see Kiana playing the Law of Dominance very cool, but Lynn you scoundrel, too bad!! (Don't hold back crying)]

[Li Suchang: It turns out that the ponytail just now also means this! ] (tears)]

[Knowledgeable Lawyer: Really, isn't it quite happy to fight, why stand up and say this kind of thing so formally for no reason. ] 】

[Pardophyllis: I'm most afraid of suddenly sensationalizing, it's so hateful! ] But I was so impressed. 】

[Alicia: I really didn't expect that the power of the lawyer could also be given such a name. 】

[Eden: Yes, it is clear that in our civilizational era, the names of the Lawbreakers represent their power, as well as destruction and calamity. 】

[Mebius: Really, isn't it good according to the beginning? 】

[Walter: Lynn's summary elevates this PV to a whole new level. 】

[Silver Wolf: Is this also spontaneous by players?] 】

[Kafka: What a perfect story with a touch of regret. 】

[Himeko Hoshidome: But it's because of this regret that it's more perfect, isn't it? 】

[Teresa: yes, there's no perfect story. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Kiana, I'm really happy to see you grow like this in the future. 】

[Kiana: Himeko-sensei... (Crying)(Crying)(Crying)】

[Kiana: It's all to blame on this anchor, I wasn't so sad. ] 】

[Bronia: Is this the power of language? 】


Computer screen.

Kiana slashed her sword at the Dominating Law with all her might.

The fire shines.

The Law of Flame is known as the most aggressive lawyer.

It has the strongest destructive power.

At the moment, the shield of the Dominating Law was vulnerable to Kiana.

Under the full burst of strength.

It's like paper paste.

Explode directly!

The union of the Dominating Law was also engulfed in flames at this moment.

Then the entire domination theater was engulfed in flames.

The final scene comes over a city.

At this point, PV is over.

Lynn clicked.

Returning to the main interface of the game, he slowly spoke: "Audience, this is the end of the story from the last lesson." "

"Kiana in the game finally grew into a solo Valkyrie."

"Lived up to Himeko-sensei's expectations."

"I believe that when Himeko-sensei left, she also saw Kiana's appearance and left with a smile."

"This is both the story in the game and the future of the real world of Collapse."

"So what you do next is up to you."

"Come on, Kiana!"

Lynn cheered Kiana in the live broadcast room.

As a captain.

He also hopes.

In the future, Himeko sacrifices this kind of thing, don't happen again.

They deserve a more perfect ending.

and the future...

[March 7: Is this the end?] One more, one more! 】

[Li Suxiang: It's not enough to watch at all, continue broadcasting! ] 】

[Star: You two were still crying just now, why are you so excited. 】

[Walter: The two of them are on top. 】

[Kiana: I will captain, you must have experienced our story from beginning to end. 】

[Bronia: You have regrets in the game story, so I hope our story will not have such regrets again. 】

[Nha Yi: Thank you, Captain, for telling us about this future. 】

[Honkai Himeko: This is the first time I have called someone else captain, thank you captain. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: This captain is the worst. 】

[Fu Hua: Do I need to call together too? 】

[Alicia: Hahaha, are you so cute in the future? 】

[Silver Wolf: Go ahead, I can't wait to see the end of this game.] 】

[Lauderdale: As long as our story doesn't end, this game has no ending. 】

[Rita: But as long as the connection and bond between us remains, this story will not end. 】

[Star: Card bug??? 】

[March 7: Poof, hahahaha...]

[Danheng: Xing, you really, I feel that you will cause public anger like the law of domination. 】


Lynn couldn't wait to see the audience.

So he said, "Yes, go to the next live broadcast right away." "

"The previous few games were too depressing."

"In the next one, let's put some good news a little."

"After everyone reads it, they will be happy."

[March 7: We don't believe you anymore! 】

[Danheng: You have already used this routine to deceive us once before. 】

[Otto: You're more than I am. 】

[Walter: Are you qualified to say this? 】

[Kiana: Captain, I won't believe you! 】

[Bronia: Captain, the trust in this kind of thing was consumed by you from the video where Kiana and Himeko said goodbye. 】

[Nha Yi: Yes Captain. 】

[Li Suxiang: I don't believe you either. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Can't believe it, this captain is the worst. 】

[Fu Hua: I think he is quite sincere this time. 】

[Pardolphyllis: He was also quite sincere last time. 】

[Lauderdale: Yes, it's better not to believe him.] 】

[Xi'er: I feel that the captain should not have any bad intentions. 】


Lynn looked at the contents of the barrage.

Suddenly, his face turned dark.

I didn't lie to anyone last time.

Why don't you believe me now?


But Lynn didn't care about them.

As a qualified anchor, it is still such a B-frame anchor across the world and timeline.

It will be because of your distrust.

Did you choose not to broadcast?

Of course not!

To say that it is good news is good news.

I, Lynn, never lie.

But not until then.

First settle the popularity value.

"The eleventh live stream is over."

"Popularity Settlement: Interact with the audience and gain popularity: 2366"

"Broadcast salary is eternal, causing strong mood swings to gain popularity value: 4066"

"Plot explanation and Q&A, gain popularity value: 2156"

"Finally, it resonated with the audience for the second time, and the popularity value doubled: 5934"

"Total Popularity: 64598/56666"

"You can actually double your popularity value!"

This is the first time it has appeared.

So Lynn couldn't help but take two more looks.

Sure enough!

"It seems that it is necessary to constantly stimulate the emotions of the audience."

"Only the emotions are maximized, and the benefits of collecting popularity value are maximized!"

It started when Lynn understood this.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to lead to the doomsday.

A system prompt appears.

It made Lynn's face happy again.

"The next stage mission popularity value is 63888, and the total popularity value is 64598/63888"

"The popularity collection task is completed ahead of schedule, and additional rewards are issued!"

"Live Mission Completion Reward: Power of Domination"

"Extra Rewards: Imaginary Space Coordinates, Fate Fragments*3 (6 in total)"

"New Mission: Gain Popularity 72,000"

"Current Popularity: 64598/72000"

"Coordinates of imaginary space?"

When Lynn saw this reward, there was not much fluctuation in her heart.

Because it doesn't seem to be useful.

Why go into imaginary space?

That's probably what Otto wants to go.

"Forget it, remember it first."

... Work....

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