"These are..."

"Those things down there."

Heixi's body fluttered slightly and came to the edge of the platform where he was standing.

Below is an endless sea.

From a distance, it looks like something is really swimming in the sea.

It's just that the distance is too far.

There is simply no way to see clearly.

But Heishi knew.

Those things are the Fuhua in the game screen now.

Encounter these monsters.

Xi'er said with some worry: "Will that Fuhua be dangerous?" "

Hei Xi shook his head: "Those little guys can't hurt her." "

"But it's strange why these monsters appear in the world bubble."

"Under normal circumstances, a complete world bubble protects the barrier of this world."

"So these monsters of the Quantum Sea can't get in."

"But if it's a broken bubble of the world, why does it give people a very stable feeling."

Hei Xi will not understand for a while.

Xi'er said at this time: "Could it be that someone brought it in?" "

As soon as he said this, Hei Xi immediately thought of something.

"It's possible."

"The world bubble can be explored, then it is not ruled out that someone will bring these monsters in the quantum sea into it."


"Another me, but what?"

Hei Xi glanced at the endless quantum sea: "I want to bring these monsters into the world bubble." "

"This person must have the ability to travel through the quantum sea and locate the world bubble."

"This ability..."

"Unlikely to exist."

"You know, even Kevin will be trapped in the quantum sea."

"Not to mention anyone else."

Xi'er understood what Hei Xi meant.

"That is, will this enemy that Fu Hua is facing now be very powerful?"

Heishi: "Not necessarily, it could be other reasons. "

"In short, there is so little news revealed now."

"So it's not easy to judge at all."

Xi'er: "Another me, you look quickly!" "

"Fu Hua's side seems to be someone."

Hei Xi immediately looked over and saw that Fu Hua was defeating those monsters of the Quantum Sea.

As she said.

These monsters couldn't stop Fu Hua at all.

However, just after Fuhua defeated them.

The whole picture shook.

Fu Hua also made a motion to hold his head.

It seems to be showing that Fu Hua is in a mental trance.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of feet appeared beside Fu Hua.

Stepping on black high heels.

Hei Xi's face turned sharp: "Could it be..."

Xi'er: "The other me, will it be the one you just said?" "

"Someone who has the ability to travel through the sea of quantum."

Hei Xi: "I can't be sure, but I can quietly appear next to Fu Hua in this way." "

"Her strength is definitely not bad."

"It's really strange that Fu Hua didn't even notice anything."

Heishi also found it strange.

Judging from the words of the law of knowledge, Fu Hua at this time.

It should be very strong.

Why didn't anyone even notice that someone appeared next to her?


The audience who watched the live broadcast room all found out.

[Li Suxiang: Did a strange guy appear next to Fu Hua just now, did you see it? 】

[March 7: I saw it, it was so weird, it was terrible. 】

[Otto: The quantum sea has always been a difficult field to explore, and it seems that there is a different existence in that place. 】

[Mei: I have always thought that there is only a world bubble in the quantum sea, and with the strength of the world bubble, it is impossible to give birth to something more powerful than the intrinsic world. 】

[Mebius: It seems that this time, we all miscalculated. 】

[Wilvie: So Mr. Lynn, can you answer us what is going on? 】

[Pardolphilis: In other words, is there any danger in Sister Hua's appearance, she doesn't seem to be aware of the existence of that guy at all. 】

[Knower: But this is not right, it does not look like the style of an old antique. 】

[Fu Hua: Maybe the other party's strength is really stronger than mine. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: No, not quite like that. I always feel like I'm being well-behaved, a déjà vu feeling. 】

[Kiana: Squad leader, you must be careful. 】

[Silver Wolf: The picture just now jumped, and what I want to express should be that Fu Hua's consciousness has been invaded. ] 】

[Kafka: The existence in the Quantum Sea, I didn't expect to be where...]

[Danheng: In the records of the Star Dome train, there is also very little description of the Quantum Sea. 】

[Himeko Hoshidome: Indeed, that place is too vast. 】

[Lauderdale: The sea of quantum, it's really a memorable memory. 】

[Rita: Yes, Lord Lauderdale. 】

[Bud Yi: Squad leader, did she really not find the person just now? ] 】

[Sakura: If it's Hua, I'm sure she's already found out. 】

[Cosmoz: Hua's intuition has always been very keen, and it should be impossible not to find out. 】

Lynn looked at the feedback from the audience on the barrage.

Explained with a smile: "Whether Fu Hua has discovered the existence of this person here, I will leave a suspense first~." "

"But I could introduce it to you."

"Who is this person who just appeared..."

Lynn spoke halfway.

The audience in the barrage immediately became curious.

People from the pre-civilization era wondered who this person could appear at Fu Hua's side so quietly.

And it seems to have also affected Fu Hua's consciousness?

Teresa and Kiana were worried about whether this person would cause any harm to Fu Hua.

Otto, on the other hand, was curious about who this person in the Quantum Sea was.

Several people in the Star Dome Universe are in a state of eating melons and watching plays.

Lynn continued: "Actually, this person, maybe let's make an analogy. "

"It's more like a spokesperson for the collapse of our world."

"It's just that she... betrayed Honkai..."

"In short, in the quantum sea, there is an existence similar to the end."

"It's called Jiao!"

"Unlike the final Yan, in the Quantum Sea, by destroying the world bubble, you can get the energy of the world bubble to enhance yourself."

"And the woman who appeared next to Fu Hua just now, named Vita was originally a subordinate of Fu Hua."

"But now at this point in time, she has betrayed."

Lynn said this.

It's like a bombshell dropped on a fish pond.

Directly exploded the pot.

In the sea of quantums.

There is actually an existence similar to the end of the end?

Pre-civilizational era.

Mei stood up directly from her position: "The Quantum Sea..."

"How is this possible?"

Mebius is more calm: "Our research on the quantum sea is not deep. "

"So it's normal to have no understanding of the aspect."

Mei shook her head: "No, the Hengsha plan is also in the testing stage at present. "

"But as far as the worlds observed so far are concerned, there is nothing unusual."

"Moreover, a place like the Quantum Sea is itself full of all kinds of uncertainties."

"Even more vast and vast than the universe of the original world."

"If there is a existence similar to the end in this case, then how powerful it must be."

Alicia looked at Mei: "Dr. May, you are too smart, so you misunderstood Lynn's words." "

"Lynn never said that the other party was strong from beginning to end."

"One of the points he highlighted was similarity."

"The metaphor behind is that it is destroying the world."

Mei was stunned.

Then take a deep breath and calm down.

Carefully analyzed Lynn's words just now.

"Indeed, Lynn said so."

"But even so, we need to pay attention."

"After all, the place where Hengsha plans to observe is the Quantum Sea, if there is any unnecessary conflict with him."

"It is undoubtedly an enemy added to our civilization."

To this.

The other heroes all nodded in agreement.

After all, now it's just about dealing with Honkai.

They are already understaffed.

If only I added another one.

It's even more troublesome.

Kevin didn't say much.

Everything listens to Mei.

Mei was also thinking about how to avoid this guy named Jiao.

Because Lynn didn't say.

So what people don't know is.

He didn't have the guts to come to the vicinity of the innate world.

The reason why Mei did not find it in the experiment of observing the quantum sea.

It's all because I'm hiding from the observation of the intrinsic world.

However, at this time, the discussion of the thirteen heroes, Lynn did not know.

Therefore, there is no detailed background on the background.

Instead, he introduced Vita to him.

"Vita, roughly the owner of this world bubble." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"And she wants to facilitate the management of this world-bubble city."

"So seven little Vita were created."

"Little Vita manages the city for her, while she is out there and back to the space from time to time."

"Did you notice the afterimage in front of you?"

Under Lynn's prompts and actions.

The audience just found out.

Not far from the picture, there seems to be a projection in the white space.

A small child and an adult.

The adult crouched in front of the child, as if to comfort her.

"These are the memories of Vita and Little Vita getting along."

"I used to be able to read and play..."

After the explanation, Lynn manipulated Fu Hua and walked towards the projection.

[Bronia: If there is such a dangerous existence in the Quantum Sea, then Xi'er her. 】

[Walter: Bronia, don't worry. You couldn't have met her at that point in time. 】

[March 7: It's both a slight and a final, my head is so big! ] 】

[Star: It's to force yourself without using your brain, and your unused brain can still be sold at a good price. ] 】

[Li Suxiang: Hahaha, can you still scold people like this. 】

[Silver Wolf: The worldview background of this game is really huge. 】

[Teresa: Since it is based on the story of our world, then the worldview should be the same as ours. 】

[Kafka: And Walter is the collapsed world, maybe the final story will continue into our world. 】

[Pardophyllis: Since Bronia and their time will not meet Bronia, what about us? 】

Walter: You guys too, but that's all I can say. 】

[March 7: Uncle Yang, you are really worried about destroying the timeline of the world. 】

[Star Dome Himeko: Little March, you can also understand Uncle Yang. 】

[Mebius: That's enough, we don't have to worry about that guy. 】

[Otto: L has been so many years, Walter, you are still as respectful and cautious as ever. 】

[Xi'er: Then I won't meet Xi'er either? 】

[Kiana: According to what Walter just said, we will not meet Yan at this time. 】

[Nha Yi: That's good. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: So that's the guy named Vita who brought old antiques into this world?] 】


"I know that this guy of the old antique, without me around, can't do it."

"It's only been a long time since I left, and something happened."

The person who knew the law shook his head helplessly.

After hearing Lynn say that Fu Hua would be fine.

The hanging heart can be regarded as relaxed.

"Forget it, wait until the live broadcast on Lynn's side ends."

"Just go back to the old antique."

"How old are the people, I still need to take care of them."

"That's this guy named Vita, right, see if I don't beat you up when the time comes!"

The Law of Knowledge clenched his fists.

In her opinion, no one could hurt Fu Hua.

There is nothing else to do. It just doesn't work!

The Wise One looked at the town below the mountain.

Here is after she and Fu Hua settled everything.

The first stop on the tour.

And Fu Hua stayed here for too long.

If you annoy her, you will be the first to run out.

Now I know that the next Fuhua will be in danger.

The Knower of the Law is not going to go.

"Alas, Kiana should not have been promised to take on this chore in the first place."

"I should go around the world by myself."

"Let this old antique stay in the fate of heaven."

The person who knows the law looks like he has a great responsibility.

That being said.

But her color has never left the live broadcast room.

I have been watching Fu Hua explore that white mist space.

I'm afraid something will happen to Fu Hua.

"That squatting adult is Vita right?"

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Otto looked at Lauderdale: "Lauderdale, you also have the ability to swim in the Quantum Sea in a short time. "

"Have you found anything unusual?"

Lauderdale shook her head: "Although I have that ability." "

"But every use must be fully focused on the quantum sea."

"Otherwise, I will lose my way easily."

"So the number of times I use it is also flashy."

Rita: "And this trick is also very dangerous, so usually I forbid Lord Lauderdale to use it unless it is a special situation." "

Otomo clenched his chin: "Interesting, I really didn't expect that there was such a thing in the Quantum Sea." "

"I just don't know another place."

"Is there such a thing?"

Lauderdale's eyes narrowed: "Bishop, what place are you talking about?" "

Otto smiled slightly: "Imaginary space, the source of the power of the lawyer." "

"That place may be the truth of all the world."

The name Lauderdale and Rita have also been mentioned.

But there is no very in-depth study.

In the Mandate of Heaven, information about imaginary space is also accessible only to bishops.

More precisely.

It's Otto who has been working on this stuff.

No one helped.

Only himself.

For what Otto wants to do.

Lauderdale also rarely cared.

Not to mention Rita.

Lauderdale continued to look at the light curtain: "This is, the story of Vita and Little Vita getting along?" "

Rita: "Vita doesn't seem to be as bad as she thought. "

"It's quite gentle."

In the live broadcast room at this time, Lynn manipulated Fu Hua to contact the projection.

A video recording appeared.

It is a memory image of Vita comforting little Vita in her life.

It can be seen.

Vita really looks like little Vitta's big sister.

Trying to comfort her.

No matter what just happened.

At this moment, in the eyes of the audience.

Vita is an empathetic big sister.

is taking care of his little sister.

There doesn't seem to be anything very bad.

Could it be that such a guy wants to make a move on Fu Hua?


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