Teresa looked at the way Vita looked at little Vita.

He said lightly: "This guy named Vita doesn't look like a bad person. "

"Judging by her chat with little Vitta."

"She seems to really create Little Vita herself."

"Treat it like your own sister."

"And these little Vita are also very serious about managing this city in the world bubble."

Teresa originally loved children.

After seeing Vita so good to small children.

The perception of Vita in my heart also improved a little.

And it doesn't seem like Vita is a bad person.

Whether she abducted Fu Hua was a misunderstanding.

Or is there some other purpose?

Himeko also nodded gently, and said in agreement: "There is such a disturbance and persuasion for a child. "

"Even bad people don't go bad."

Teresa was curious: "Then what is the reason why she brought Fu Hua to this world?" "

"Is there something you can't solve by yourself?"

"Want to get Fu Hua to help?"

Himeko thought for a while: "Could it be related to the several plans to save the world that Lynn said just now?" "

"Fu Hua is the implementer of the Tinder Plan."

"Maybe she also wants to do the Tinder Project."

"So find Fu Hua?"

Teresa: "Well, Lynn doesn't say anything unrelated before the live content. "

"The four salvation plans correspond to the four heroes."

"Kevin is no longer there at that point in time, and Sue seems to have confirmed his death."

"Grace is missing."

"She took Fu Hua away again, maybe all she wants is information related to the Tinder Project."

The other three heroes.

Long gone from Earth.

Plus Lynn talked about these four plans before.

The person who was abducted was Fu Hua.

Naturally, it made the two think.

Bring Fuhua to the world bubble.

Could it be related to the Tinder Plan executed by Fu Hua?

All this is just speculation.

If you want to know the answer, continue to watch Lynn's live broadcast.

Teresa and Himeko are not without thought.

Do you want to ask Lynn what's going on on at the barrage.

But with prior experience.

They both know it.

Lynn won't reveal the content of the stream.

Will only do some simple synopsis.

Let the audience understand the plot.

Teresa: "Keep watching. "

"After all, this matter concerns Fu Hua."

"Fu Hua is not only a hero of the pre-civilization era, but also the class leader of our school."

Ji Zi nodded: "Yes, I didn't know that Fu Hua's origin was so big before." "

"To be her teacher."

"It's really my honor."

897 Teresa: "Well, it's an honor to know you. "

"Keep watching, I always feel that this matter is not so simple."

"This one named Vita is a good guy though."

"But I can feel it, and she's also very scheming."

"And Fu Hua's performance is also a little strange."

Himeko agreed with Teresa's idea.

Because she feels that way too.

It's not just them.

Almost everyone who is familiar with Fu Hua.

All can be seen.

Fu Hua is wrong!

Something is wrong with nine points.

"No, such vigilance."

"It's not like Sister Hua at all."

Pardolfelis looked at Fu Hua's performance in the game screen.

I thought it was strange.

Mebius: "Maybe it's a guinea pig, after so many years." "

"It's becoming sluggish in everything."

Hua looked at Mebius, and then shook his head: "People who practice martial arts will constantly strengthen themselves. "

"You don't want your reflexes and other physical skills to decline too quickly."

Mei also spoke: "The particularity given to her by Hua's Avalanche Beast Factor. "

"It's not going to happen."

Kevin: "Hua is not the kind of person who will slack off his training and senses. "

Sakura: "That's right, in that case it won't be Hua." "

Kosmo: "But the future one is Fu Hua, which seems to be very different from our Hua here." "

Grace: "Grace believes that Hua she will not change. "

Vilvie: "It's precisely because nothing like this happens in Hua." "

"So when I see Hua like this."

"We just feel strange."

Suddenly snapped.

Alicia clapped her hands: "Guys, have you thought of another possibility?" "

Everyone looked at Alicia.

Eden: "Ellie, what did you say?" "

Alicia looked at Hua: "It's Hua..."

"To be more precise, it should be the future Fuhua."

"She is acting, she has just come to this world, and she still doesn't know a lot about it."

"Since the mastermind behind the scenes has appeared, and it seems to be intended to guide Fu Hua's appearance."

"I think Fu Hua should be calculated."

"I want to see what her real purpose is."

Pardophyllis listened: "Sister Hua's acting skills, will it become so good in the future?" "

Hua: "It doesn't sound like something I'm going to do. "

Eden smiled slightly: "You who are with us, you may not be able to do it." "

"But in the future, the people next to you will be Kiana."

"Maybe in and under the influence of getting along with them."

"You've made some changes too?"

Hua looked at the live broadcast room.

Kiana came to mind.

I remembered the scene when she said goodbye to Himeko-sensei.

Himeko's face...

Exactly like someone in the back of her mind.

It's like Bud Yi and Mei.

And her future self is also Himeko's student.

When Himeko said goodbye to Kiana, she also brought some words to Fu Hua.

After a moment of silence.

Hua said lightly, "Maybe..."

Everyone heard Hua's answer.

Also stunned.

They couldn't help but look at Hua more.

Then look into the live room.

Alicia looked at Hua with very gentle eyes.

Then smiled slightly: "It seems that you in the future." "

"It's really changed a lot."

"Kiana, you really have a different kind of magic."

Lynn, who was live broadcasting, took the audience to experience a short plot of Vita and Little Vita together.

Continued commentary: "The plot of Vita and Little Vita is not very related to our next plot. "

"In the future, we can experience it slowly if we have the opportunity."

"One thing I need to make clear to everyone is that Vita is not a villain."

"You'll understand the plot later."

In the game screen.

After breaking away from the plot of Vita and Little Vitta.

That image directly becomes a point of light.

Fly into the distance.

At this time, Vita's voice sounded: "Don't stare at a weapon that has nothing, come with me." "

Fu Hua asked warily, "Who are you?" "

The voice continued: "I'll tell you when you come over~"

Fu Hua began to doubt in his heart.

Slowly stopped.

"The other party seems to know the inside story of the forbidden land better than me, but the problem is..."

"What to do, trust her?"

"Follow the light group? Or go on your own? "

Lynn continued: "At this time, we will give the player, that is, the next captain two options. "

"I can go in the opposite direction without following Vita's guidance."

"You can also continue walking."

"The final ending is the same, only it triggers a different dialogue in Vita's voice."

"In the end, we haven't gone back yet."

"But we are people, and the main thing is to listen to advice."

"So I choose, go by myself!"


【Kiana:??? I thought you were going to follow the voice, but you laid the groundwork for so long, and you said you were going to rebel? 】

[Bronia: The interaction of this game is quite interesting. 】

[March 7: Hahaha, who plays games with you like this.] 】

[Li Suxiang: Yes, yes, so what is obedient for. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[The Law of Knowledge: I don't know why, I think this choice is more in line with the character of the old antique. 】

[Fu Hua: Will I be like this? 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Yes! ] You'll be angry! 】

[Alicia: Oh, little knowledge. Don't complain about Fu Hua, this is also her cute place. 】


[Pardophyllis: It seems that he is a person who knows the law, and he really hates Fu Hua. 】

[Himeko Hoshidome: It's not so much a disgust as an alternative disgust. 】

[Star: To put it bluntly, I like it, but I don't know how to say it. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Don't talk nonsense, where do I like this old antique. 】

[Nha Yi: It's obviously obvious. 】

[Silver Wolf: Anchor, if you play a game so rebelliously, you will be planned to beat. ] 】

[Xi'er: Why do I think it's so good and personal. 】

[Otto: It's like seeing my (cedi) lovely granddaughter entering a period of rebellion. 】

[Teresa: If it weren't for what you did, would I have left the headquarters? 】

[Rita: Yes, Lord Teresa will leave Destiny, and it is basically Lord Otto's fault. 】

Walter: He made mistakes all the time, and he never stopped. 】

[Lauderdale: Every time the bishop thinks, I know he wants to do something bad. 】

[Sakura: It seems that this leader of Destiny is also a villain. 】


Lynn looked at the audience on the barrage.

An evaluation of one's own rebellious behavior.

Opened his mouth lightly: "Isn't this to let the audience experience a more comprehensive plot?" "

"And don't worry, this one is fast."

"I'm quick to decide."

Lynn manipulated Fu Hua and rebelled in the opposite direction.

Just walked out not far away.

Immediately, monsters from the Quantum Sea appeared to block the footsteps.

"These quantum monsters again!"

Lynn manipulated Fu Hua.

Without further ado, start fighting directly.

At this time, it also triggered Vita's Easter egg voice.

"It looks quiet and quiet, but I can't imagine that I am quite rebellious in my bones."

"Or do you say..."

"You actually enjoy beating them?"

Fu Hua did not answer.

After solving the monsters playing Quantum Sea.

Continue running in an unknown direction.

At this time, Fu Hua's inner analysis drama was also running synchronously.

"Rather than guiding the way, she seemed to want to take me away from some information that shouldn't be seen."

"In that case..."

"Instead, I should stick to my own ideas."

At this time, Fu Hua's inner analysis.

It formed a good match with the rebellion of Lynn, the captain.

It was as if Fu Hua was running in the other direction.

It wasn't Lynn who manipulated it.

It is Fu Hua's own analysis and intuition in his heart.

At this time, Vita's voice sighed.

Very helpless said: "Alas~ you are so stubborn!" "

"I said, you like to read stories so much?"

What is said here.

Naturally, it was the story of Vita and Little Vita that Fu Hua had just seen.

"If you continue to wander around, you accidentally run into some horror story."

"I'm not in charge."

Fu Hua ignored Vita's words.

Keep running: "If it really sprays the horror story she said." "

"Maybe it will open up a whole new path for me."

"Just like when you came."

As soon as this sentence is spoken.

The audience of the entire barrage couldn't hold back.

[Kiana: Hahaha, I originally thought that the captain wanted to play rebellion, but I didn't expect the squad leader to be so rebellious in his bones. 】

[Nha Yi: It's really a bit like the doubts and judgments that the squad leader will make. 】

[Sakura: Well, it's a little wary. 】

[March 7: Hahaha, it's so funny.] People Vita was helpless. 】

[Walter: I really seem to have told Fu Hua in the game that Vita has no malice. 】

[Star: The main thing is an anti-bone, 100 pounds of Fuhua, and 99 pounds of anti-bone! ] 】

[Silver Wolf: So that's the case, has the planning been prepared for both sides in the text?] It's really a little Easter egg. 】

[Kafka: Silver Wolf, you are also too serious in your analysis. 】

[Li Sushang: Like! ] So much like that! 】

[Danheng: I feel that Fu Hua at this time is particularly like a detective. 】

[Bronia: Yes, Bronia also feels this way, the squad leader has become like a detective to analyze a lot of clues. 】

[Bud Yi: Our Bronia is also a detective. 】

[Xi'er: Yes, Sister Bronia is also very powerful. 】

[Teresa: Don't say that Fu Hua's dress really looks like a qualified detective. 】

[Honkai Himeko: yes, it really feels like a detective. 】

[Rita: It's like Sherlock Holmes. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Hahaha, Vita was right just now, the old antique is such a stubborn person. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Oh, I almost forgot that you didn't know that the old antique was a detective. 】

[Kiana: Really? The squad leader also worked as a detective? 】

[Bronia: I can't see it at all! 】

[Teresa: Really fake? 】

[March 7: There are melons and melons, what kind of peculiar melon is this?] 】


Lynn, who is controlling Fuhua's battle with the quantum monster.

I also saw what the Law of Knowledge said.

So he narrated: "Fu Hua not only worked as a detective, but also a well-known detective Sherlock Holmes..."

Sherlock holmes?

Is Fuhua Sherlock Holmes?

The audience was thrilled at once.

That's a world-famous detective!

I didn't expect it to be Fu Hua.

Few people in this collapsed world did not doubt it.

After all, Fu Hua really lived that long.

As a result, Lynn's words were not finished.

Just gasped a little.

"Sherlock Holmes' helper - Watson!"

Instantly, everyone's hearts felt like a roller coaster.

But it's fine.

Even if not Sherlock Holmes.

That's Watson too.

Although not as famous as Sherlock Holmes.

But also Sherlock Holmes' assistant.

[Li Sushang: So who are Sherlock Holmes and Watson? 】

[Knowledgeable Law: Captain, the way you speak and gasp, I really convinced you. 】

[Teresa: I thought Fuhua was Sherlock Holmes.] 】

[Honkai Himeko: Captain, next time you play like this, be careful that I go to trouble you. 】

[Bronia: Reload the bunny and prepare to find the position of the captain, Bronia is going to take revenge. ] 】

[Fu Hua: Sorry, I don't have a memory of this. 】

[Pardol Phyllis: It seems that Sister Hua's adventure is really very interesting. 】

[Mebius: It seems that in the history of our world, there has also been a Sherlock Holmes. 】

[March 7: So who is that Sherlock Holmes?] 】

[Walter: A world-famous detective. 】

[Xing: To put it simply, she is a very popular person, Fu Hua used to be her assistant...]


"Hahaha, this captain is also too good at playing."

"Panting like this."

The stomach of the lawyer laughs and hurts.

Just now, she wanted to tell everyone, but she was preempted by the captain.

Originally, I was a little angry.

Now not only is he not angry, but the thief who laughs is happy.

"Stubborn old antique."

"Finally someone thinks the same way I do."


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