In the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy.

Bronia looked at Fu Hua in surprise: "Squad leader, I really didn't expect that you were actually the Watson of Sherlock Holmes?" "

Fu Hua shook his head: "I didn't expect it myself." "

"It's really a wonderful ~ unpleasant thing."

Kiana: "Squad leader, although you have amnesia now. "

"But I still want to say, can you give me an autograph?"

Bronia: "But shouldn't you ask the squad leader if he has Sherlock Holmes' signature hidden?" "

Bud Yi: "Even if there is, the current squad leader should not be able to remember." "

Kiana: "Could there be many famous figures in history who are related to the class leader?" "

Fu Hua could not answer this.

Because she really doesn't remember these things.

Fu Hua continued, "The day I regain my memory, I will tell you anything you want to know. "

"But unfortunately not now."

"If you want to know now, you can only ask Lynn or the Law of Knowledge."

Kiana glanced at the live broadcast room: "It's okay squad leader." "

"I'll ask when your memory is restored."

Bronia: "Yes, squad leader, Bronia is not in a hurry. "

Bud Yi smiled and said, "There are some things that you should ask people who have experienced it firsthand." "

The corner of Fu Hua's mouth raised a smile.

"Okay, wait until the day my memory recovers."

"It should help you find Sherlock Holmes' signature." 1

The three heard Fu Hua's assurance.


At this time, Vita's voice came out.

Attracted everyone's attention.

In the game screen.

Vita was helpless.

"Okay, okay, I'm okay if I don't talk, right?"

"You're going against me anyway."

At the moment when Lynn manipulated Fu Hua and solved the last quantum monster.

Fu Hua's surroundings fell into a pure white space.

Vita's gentle and helpless voice was in this space: "Hey, hey..."

"I said this student, have you forgotten the purpose of coming here."

"Alas, just come with me."

"There's no other way anyway."

The next moment, the white space faded.

Fu Hua returned to his previous position.

Not far away is the previous point of light.

Vita continued: "You should rejoice. "

"I'm a very patient person."

"If you change to someone else, you will already be angry and run away."

The Law of Knowledge who is watching at this time.

It feels so right!

Fu Hua looked around and asked, "So... Who are you. "

Vita replied, "I..."

"My name is Xiaowei, although we can't meet for the time being."

"But during the time of travel, I will guide you well."

Fu Hua: "Why are you helping me?" "

Vita: "Why?" "

"Maybe it's because I'm kinder?"

"Let's not talk about that."

"Because of the first loophole, it has appeared."

Under the guidance of Vita.

Lynn manipulated Fu Hua to continue walking forward.

In that place.

It's a little console.

Different colors and shapes.

It is very abrupt in this white space.


"You mean this console?"

Fu Hua asked Vita as she asked.

Vita let out a humming sound.

Indicates the right one.

Fu Hua then asked his doubts: "But why did it suddenly appear here?" "

"In a fog."

At this time, Vita spoke in a tone of sudden realization: "It turns out that the forbidden land in your eyes is a fog..."


The two saw different things.

"What about me?"

"What I am like."

Fu Hua looked at the light in front of him: "You are..."

"A cloud of light."

Vita said with some pity: "Well~ it seems that you have no imagination." "

"If it's an illusion created by me, there must be birds singing here."


"Hee-hee, no kidding."

Vita snorted and continued to explain: "Simply put, the fog in your eyes. "

"It's just an illusion that closes the curtain on reality."

"Of course, the presentation of illusions is also closely related to you."

"As for the console, it would have been a real-life console."

"It's a flaw in the curtain."

"That's why I called it a loophole, right?"

Fu Hua immediately understood: "Then, if you can keep the loophole expanding." "

"Can you completely tear and ease, and then see the truth again?"

Vita replied in the affirmative, "That's right! "

"It's like a window with a hole will soon be all shattered."

Fu Hua nodded: "Listening to your description, this is not difficult. "

"But what exactly should I do?"

Vita continued: "Put your hands on the control panel. "

"After that, I will enter the vulnerability through your touch on the console."

"Dig up the available information first, and then do some damage inside!"

Vita looked at Fu Hua's pensive look.

He continued: "Are you worried about what I will do? "

Fu Hua said very directly: "In this environment, I met someone who was willing to help me. "

"I'm really grateful."

"But I have not seen people who show goodwill first and take their lives later."

"But right now, I really don't have any other choice."

"So....... Please! "


Vita said a good ~ with satisfaction in a long tail note

Fu Hua did what Vita said.

Place your hands on the console.

After a short while.

A piece of text appeared on the console's light screen.

The text is also enlarged directly to the game screen.

Fu Hua in the game was directly stunned when he saw this text.

The audience in front of the screen was also shocked.

Especially the heroes of the pre-civilizational era.

At this moment, they all stood up from their positions.

Except for Kosmo.

Kosmo's voice trembled and said: "Future Hua, have you found Grace?" "

Kevin: "Not necessarily, now the man named Vita doesn't know for what purpose. "

"And judging by her abilities, it seems that she can manipulate consciousness or something."

"In short, this paragraph of the report cannot be taken seriously for the time being."

Alicia: "But now for sure. "

"The reason why the anchor Mr. Lynn just mentioned those four plans, it seems that we all guessed wrong."

"It has nothing to do with Project Tinder."

"Maybe the real focus should be on the Ark plan that Grace went to execute."

Mei glanced at it: "That's right, this is the report template on the Ark Project. "

"But this should not appear in Hua's memory."

"I separate each plan."

"No one knows the details of these plans except the experimenters and the executives."

Mebius looked at Mebius: "So you mean." "

"The future Grace is not missing."

"But strayed into the world bubble where Vita is?"

Mei nodded: "A report of the Ark plan will appear in this place. "

"It's quite possible."

"Anyway, let's watch it first."

"If Grace is okay in the future, this is good news for us."

The heroes calmed their excited hearts.

At first, I heard Lynn say that Grace had not been heard from later.

Don't mention how bad it is.

They can't even imagine.

Grace was alone in space, what happened to him.

It will disappear in the end.

Looking at the little Grace in the conference room.

Everyone's hearts were distressed.

Even in May's choice, the Ark plan has the idea of substitution.

And now I can get news from Grace.

It's so good!

A lot of heroes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They all stared at the live broadcast room.

Kosmo began to read the report more carefully.

Don't dare to leave anything out.

After all, Grace was the Ark plan to execute in his place.

Compared to the thirteen heroes who chased the fire.

The rest of the audience saw Grace's return report.

There was a pang of rejoicing in my heart.

But it didn't have as much of a reaction as the heroes.

After all, they and Grace are not very familiar yet.

Only one person.

That is the law of knowledge on the top of the mountain.

When she saw Grace's Ark report.

The whole person was struck by lightning.

Directly froze in place.

A person who possesses all the memories of Fuhua.

Naturally, he knew Grace's position in the hearts of many heroes.

And Fu Hua is also very fond of Grace.

At the beginning, he also made a jade pendant for Grace.

Later, after the Ark Project lost contact, Fu Hua alone tried many ways to contact Grace on Earth.

But to no avail.

Now Grace's clues have finally emerged.

"If I tell the old antique the news."

"She'll be happy."

At this time, the person who knows the law is also very excited.

Received the influence of Fuhua's memory.

The Wise Man has a special affection for each of the thirteen heroes.

Not to mention the original group pet Grace.

The person who knows the law is about to rejoice with Fu Hua.

Immediately stopped: "No, now I just found a report on the Ark Project." "

"It doesn't prove that Grace is still alive!"

Indeed, this report.

And doesn't prove anything.

Maybe it's just the wreckage of the Ark that fell in this world.

Grace has been missing for too long, too long.

Even if it is the law of knowledge.

All maintain a pessimistic attitude.

"Let's wait first."

"Wait until you're really sure Grace is okay."

"Go tell the old antiques again."

"Otherwise, it will hurt the old antiques too much."

When Fu Hua couldn't contact Grace Xiu at the beginning.

But it was sad for a long time.

The Law of Knowledge continued to look at the live broadcast room.

The text above is still there.

Lynn didn't hit OK.

Then the text box will not disappear.

【Ark Log 001】

Recorder: Grace

Place of origin: Earth

Destination: Unknown

Sailing time: 09:12:11

Now, in the window on the left, I can see the earth we all live on. It is much larger than the picture in the book, and it is also much darker than the picture on the book.

Those as complex as shell patterns, with ups and downs, are continents.

The only light group on the continent is where I live with Aponia's mother and Kosmo.

And the blue with no end in sight outside the continent is the sea.

Sister Sakura told me before that the sea is wider than the continent, but much smaller than the universe, probably a grain of sand on the ground, and the whole piece of sand.

But now the earth has not yet turned to the other side, and the sea can only see half of it.

This logbook.

Everyone saw it.

It was when the ark had just sailed out of Earth.

That is, 50,000 years ago since the era of civilization...

In this piece of log.

The audience seemed to see a little girl.

Snuggled up by the ship's window.

It looks like the Earth is gradually moving away from itself.

Remembering my friends and family on Earth.

Throughout the report, there is an indescribable sense of loneliness.

[March 7: I don't know why, I feel a little sad when I see this report. 】

[Pardolphyllis: Grace, you really don't have to carry out this plan by yourself. 】

[Kafka: In such an apocalypse, many people should be unable to help themselves. 】

[Cosmoz: Grace, I will never let you go instead of me in the future. 】

[Star: Just left the earth, and have you already begun to miss everyone on the earth? 】

[Kiana: It's so lonely, I feel lonely just thinking about it. 】

[Xi'er: Grace..."

[Bronia: Although it is Grace's own choice, she is really strong. 】

[Otto: I also always thought that the Ark project of the pre-civilization era failed, and I tried to contact this plan after I learned about it, but it didn't work. 】

[Rita: Lord Otto, you have other purposes. 】

[Teresa: Grandpa must have wanted to get the cutting-edge technology above.] 】

[Otto: As long as people can come back, what does it matter what my purpose is? 】

[Mei: So the Ark Project also ended in failure? 】

In front of the computer.

Lynn saw this report after that.

It was also a long breath.

After all, Grace is such a cute and understanding woman.

Alone in the universe for so many years.

It hurts to think about it.

"It's okay, I'll go home right away."

"Let Fu Hua take you home."

Lynn continued to live the plot while continuing to explain some of the pre-plot: "In fact, after Fu Hua came to this world. "

"I found a lot of clues related to Grace."

"She also had a guess in her heart."

"But what really made her happy and sure it was Gresius was this journal."

"Audiences can continue to watch with confidence, I promise this ending will be sweet."

Lynn said as she continued to press the keyboard in her hand.

Quick conversations.


When Fu Hua saw this report, his eyes became extremely happy.

The corners of his mouth also raised a smile.

Vita's voice came out again: "I'm also very happy to see you so happy." "

"Unfortunately, the loopholes here are relatively small."

"There is limited information available."

"However, the next loophole may not be the same~"

Fu Hua nodded.

Continue on under the guidance of Vita.

Suddenly, several monsters from the Quantum Sea ran out.

Vita's voice apologized embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I accidentally touched the Forbidden Land Defense System. "

"It's okay, they won't get in my way."

Three down five divided by two.

After solving several monsters of the Quantum Sea.

Fu Hua moved on.

Soon came the new vulnerability.

And this time something.

It's an artboard.

An ordinary drawing board.

Vita reminded, "Fu Hua, like last time. "

"Put your hands on the drawing board."

Fu Hua nodded: "Good!" "

After putting the hand up.

Fu Hua's consciousness once again entered a white space.

Just when Fu Hua thought there was nothing.

A voice familiar enough to make Fu Hua tremble sounded.

The voice of a delicate little girl.

Gently and tactfully, he said: "Marven, you are very curious about what I am drawing, right? "

"I'm drawing a planet."

"The planet is first of all white, and there is nothing on it."

"You say planets can't be made up of separate patches of color?"

"I know, but you see, I'm the one holding the brush."

"And, I've seen everyone, now."

"The colors they paint with their own brushes, most of them are colorful, but a little messy."

"The people before were different, that was everyone, there were only one or two colors..."

..... Thousand..

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