In the white space.

Fu Hua quietly listened to every word Grace said.

It seems that the person who talks to Grace is a man named Marven?

The dialogue is that Grace is drawing a planet.

At the same time, spread your vision on this planet.

And in Grace's words.

From time to time, he will compare the planet he drew with the earth.

Anyone can hear it.

Grace misses Earth.

Since this time it is not a log.

So Grace painted the painting after how long after leaving Earth.

No one knows that.

Could it be a year?

Or maybe ten years?

Maybe even a hundred years?

Pre-civilizational era.

After hearing Grace's words.

I felt like something was being poked in my heart.

It's very uncomfortable.

They spent the longest time with Grace.

Although Grace's speed and intonation of speech has always been like this.

But they could still hear it.

Grace was talking to the man named Marven about Earth.

That emotion of missing the earth.

There is also the verbal urgency to find a habitable planet sooner.

Mei listened to Grace's words and unconsciously closed her eyes.

Wei Wei said curiously: "Who is this named Marven?" "

"If it's human."

"During the time that Grace was looking for a planet in the universe, he encountered a habitable planet."

"But apparently, the context of their conversation is still on the way to find the planet."

Alicia: "Could it not be a human, but some artificial intelligence on the spaceship?" "

May and Mebius shook their heads together.

Mebius explained: "The artificial intelligence on the spaceship is not called Marvin. "

"And Grace describes the situation on Earth in such detail."

It is enough to prove that this one named Marven may not have much to do with our earth. "

Pardo Phyllis: "Could it be a robot?" "

Eden: "Or maybe it's a little pet that little Grey cultivates." "

Kevin said lightly at this time: "It may also be the partner that Grace created for himself." "

"He can be anything."

"It's just a matter of finding someone to talk to, that's all."

Kevin is really not talking at times.

Just quietly.

When speaking.

Directly stabbed everyone present in the heart.

All of a sudden.

I have that scene in my head.

In the icy and endless dark universe.

A ship full of tin pimples is drifting.

A little girl sits in front of her drawing board as if she were on earth.

It's just that the mattress is no longer comfortable under your feet.

Or a warm room.

It's an icy iron.

Then the little girl drew and faced a doll.

Or gadgets made from existing materials.

Speak to it.

Ask it for advice...

The little girl is so that she is not so lonely.

Also named this little thing - Marvin!

All the heroes were silent.

I don't know how to face Grace in front of him.

In the future, they are.

What kind of thinking is it?

Only then will Grace be left alone to carry out the Ark plan.

Although there is no way to say that in such a situation.

But it really shouldn't be done like that.

Among them, Kosmo's heart is the most uncomfortable.

The person who should obviously carry out this plan should be himself.

As a result, it was indeed Grace who finally stepped on the boat.

Grace was keenly aware of everyone's mood.

"Everyone, don't worry."

"I'll be fine."

"As long as I can find a habitable planet, then I can also return to Earth."

"Although everyone may not be there at that time."

"But Sister Hua, are you still waiting for me on Earth."

Hua nodded vigorously: "Grace, the future me." "

"It will definitely be waiting for you on Earth."

"Even if you're gone, I'll find you."

"It's like me in the game."

Lynn also said it just now.

Fu Hua discovered that this world bubble has a clue to Grace.

will investigate the world so thoroughly.

St. Freya Academy.

Fu Hua when he heard Grace's voice.

There was also a trace of feeling in my heart.

But due to memory loss at this time.

So it's not so obvious.

But this little feeling also made Fu Hua understand.

This girl is called Grace.

What an important place in your own heart.

Kiana said with some sympathy: "It's really lonely, looking for a new home in the universe alone." "

Bronia couldn't express her feelings.

Therefore, he said rationally: "At that time, for the continuation of human civilization, in order to defeat Honkai from another angle." "

"Maybe the heroes of the pre-civilizational era."

"There's no way around it."

"After all, if she could, Bronia believed they wouldn't let Grace go to space alone."

Bud Yi nodded: "Yes, I think after hearing Grace's voice." "

"The most uncomfortable thing in my heart now should be everyone who is chasing the fire thirteen heroes."

Fu Hua: "Well, I can probably understand that feeling. "

"Fortunately, it seems that I will find Grace soon in the future."

Kiana: "Well, when you find it, bring it back to our St. Freya Academy." "

"Grace can live with all of us too."

Fu Hua looked at Kiana: "Thank you, Kiana." "

And Bronia poured cold water: "Kiana, don't be happy too early." "

"These only indications are that Grace may be staying in this place or something."

"It doesn't mean that Grace is alive."

"I'm sure you understand that."

It doesn't make sense to say so.

In fact, it's not just Kiana who understands.

Everyone who chased the fire thirteen heroes also understood.

[March 7: If we could pick up Grace in the universe, wouldn't she be so lonely.] 】

[Teresa: Can people still pick it up from the universe? 】

[Danheng: Yes, March Seven and Mr. Walter were picked up by Himeko from the universe. 】

[Star Dome Himeko: This is the particularity of the Star Dome train, and you can also directly understand it as a lawyer's power. 】

[Otto: So that's the case, did Walter strayed into that world? 】

[Walter: In a sense, coming into this world is also inseparable from you. 】

[Teresa: What bad thing did grandpa do again? 】

[Kiana: This should be the so-called scourge left behind for a thousand years. 】

[Silver Wolf: The plot of this game is really an unexpected unfolding, and an old friend who has not been seen for many years suddenly appears in front of him. ] 】

[Kafka: So in the Honkai world, they don't have the technology and ability to travel in the universe. 】

[Mebius: If it weren't for the existence of Honkai, I think I would have developed such an ability long ago. 】

[Mei: In the Star Dome universe, the footsteps of human beings all over the universe are really enviable, if we also have it, we should not be limited by the collapse. ] 】

[Himeko Hoshiki: For now, we just haven't mastered the way to get to your world. 】

[March 7: And the reason why our universe can be connected is mainly due to the development of the star god. 】

[Star: So you know about this too, March. 】

[March 7: Nonsense, it's also a pioneer! ] 】

In front of the computer.

Lynn watched the discussion.

Didn't get involved.

Because now he doesn't know.

Although the two universes are connected.

What kind of relationship exists between the Star Dome Universe and the Collapsed Universe?

The only thing that is known is.

Both universes are related to Mihayou.

Lynn went on to explain, "If you want to figure out your relationship. "

"Maybe we can start with the quantum sea and imaginary number space."

Then Lynn saw May and a few others questioning Lynn on the barrage.

Whether or not you know the relationship between the two universes.

and the way to travel directly from the two universes.

Lynn smiled slightly: "Can't say." "

"I can't reveal enough about you for the time being." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

You asked me.

How do I know?

But Lynn himself now has the ability to shuttle.

It's a pity.

Only once.

After the draw is permanent.

Try again to travel to the Honkai World to play.

Lynn diverted the topic and continued to explain the plot: "This drawing board is left by Grace. "

"In the thirteen heroes of the fire, she is a girl who loves to draw."

"Basically in the base of the Fire Moth, you find Grace and she is painting."

"Grace also uses color to distinguish everyone."

"Her ability also comes from drawing, which is a very tricky ability."

End of explanation.

Lynn continued to return his gaze to the game screen: "Next, Fu Hua will continue to explore." "

"Step by step, find this old friend of yours."

In the game screen.

Fu Hua after listening to Grace's voice.

There was also silence.

Analyze the authenticity of this speech.

This ability to leave information on the painting.

It is indeed Grace's.

This Fu Hua did not doubt.

That's not proof.

Grace is really alive.

It's in this world bubble.

At this time, Vita's voice continued to come out.

"I understand this Grace's feelings."

"The essence of life is expansion, which is neither reversible nor static."

Fu Hua after listening.

There are also some self-evaluations.

I remembered many old people in the past.

Just as Fu Hua was pondering and thinking about countermeasures.

Vita's voice continued: "I seem to have dug something again." "

Fu Hua was shocked.

Before she could react.

A tape appeared in front of Fu Hua.

It was also played automatically.

There is also a line of small print on the tape.

[Ark Log: 1261! ] 】

As the tape begins to play...

Grace's voice also came out.

"The weather was bad today, visibility was extremely low, and the snowstorm continued."

What follows is a piece of material replenishment.

Then Grace began to recount the situation on his planet.

"This dwarf planet is similar to Mars, it is a barren planet."

And at this time.

Everyone noticed that something was wrong.

Grace's voice seemed to have changed.

More mature?

The voice made by Grace before was obviously a little immature.

But now.

It's a big girl's voice.

[March 7: Did I hear it wrong, did you grow up listening to Grace's voice? 】

[Star: After so many years, it is so strange that individuals will grow up. 】

[March 7: It seems to be, too.] 】

[Pardolphilis: That's it, our little Grace grew up, isn't this a normal thing? 】

[Mei: I really didn't expect that the body of the fusion warrior would actually develop. 】

[Mebius: We didn't have a long observation of fusion warriors in our experiments, so there is nothing surprising about it. 】

[Kiana: But nothing has changed from the class leader. 】

[Teresa: Fusion warrior, will you grow up?] 】

[Honkai Himeko: This is definitely good news for Teresa. 】

[Otto: It turns out that Teresa is not growing up, but there is not enough time, no wonder it seems to have entered a period of adolescent rebellion now. 】

[Li Suxiang: As far as I'm concerned, do you think your voice has become better when you grow up? 】

[Vilvie: This is really an unexpected discovery. 】

[Alicia: Yes, yes, our little Grace must be a big beauty in the future. 】

[Grace: Thank you Sister Alicia. 】

[Mebius: It seems that you have time to study your body properly. 】

[Cosmoz: It's not these things that matter now. 】

[Aponia: That's right, first find out how Grace is doing. 】

It's a pity.

The tapes in the game screen don't provide much useful information.

The approximate information is that Grace often terminates sleep without permission.

Every time I encounter a star similar to Mars, I will immediately get up and observe.

Perhaps this is the reason.

As a result, Grace went through a long time.

The body produces new development.

This is also rare among fusion warriors.

The recording suddenly disappeared.

Vita said with some pity: "The recording is interrupted here. "

"That's not important, my purpose is to find Grace!"

Fu Hua is clear about his purpose.

These things are just proof that Grace is here.

And all she wants now is to find Grace.

At this time Vita said: "That's right! "

"Then let's hurry up and head towards the last loophole!"

Fu Hua's eyes narrowed.

I was very confused.

But he immediately followed.

When Fu Hua was running.

Suddenly, the game screen shakes.

Like what happened.

But calm soon returned.

Fu Hua's speed slowed down and said 4.8: "Xiaowei, this time the loophole." "

"It looks dangerous."

Vita said, "I don't want you to take the risk." "

"But the loophole has become so weird, does it also hint at little Grace over there."

"What terrible thing happened?"

Vita seemed to say this on purpose.

I am afraid that Fu Hua will not touch this loophole.

In front of the aperture of the vulnerability.

The white space seemed to be broken.

A harsh dark red color appeared on the ground.

It's like that piece is missing.

Fu Hua did not hesitate.

Even without what Vita said.

She won't hesitate in the slightest.

Because that's the only way to meet Grace.

Just when Fu Hua touched that loophole.

The whole game screen began to tremble.

Then it was as if some interference had been received.

The picture turned into snowflakes.

Then came the sound of a hurried siren.

Then an electronic voice sounded: "Warning! Warn! "

"An unknown object is approaching!"

"The automatic defense system has been turned on, and the dormant warehouse has been forcibly opened!"

This was followed by Grace's loud gasps.

A more mature voice asked anxiously, "What happened?" "

The voice of the prompt sounded again: "The damage rate of the ark has reached 23.27!" "

"Emergency escape pod open, please.......%............! %*......"


The last voice was completely inaudible.

Only the sizzle of electricity remains...


Fu Hua called out nervously.

[March 7: Has Grace been attacked by aliens?] 】

[Kiana: Are there still aliens in our universe?] 】

[Mei: What the hell is going on here? How did the Ark become so fragile...]


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