Pre-civilizational era.

A group of heroes saw the grown up Grace appear in the live broadcast room.

Look at Grace above.

He looked at Grace beside them again.

Everyone was stunned.

I heard Grace's mature voice before.

It did occur to me that Grace might have grown up.

But I never expected it.

Actually grew up so much.

Alicia said in surprise: "Oh, can't you call little Grace anymore in the future." "

Vilvie: "It's really—like a big sister." "

Mebius: "yes, she looks really like her mother when she grows up." "

Grace: "Is this really, who I am when I grow up?" "

Pardophyllis: "There is nothing to doubt, Fu Hua recognizes it." "

"We believe in Fu Hua."

"Besides, except that the height and figure are not very similar."

"Grace, this is no different from you."

Aponia: "yes, that's nice. "

"The future Grace is not only fine, but also grows up."

"Not leaving with this era, like the rest of us."

Kosmo's eyes finally relaxed a lot: "Yes, Grace." "

"Finding you is the best outcome."

"And you've grown up too, grown taller."

"This is really the end."

Mei: "Yes, it seems that the boat rowing should have failed." "

"But you're okay, that's enough."

Vilvie: "It's a pity that those observations, if you can bring them back." "

"I believe that I can also provide a lot of experimental help."

Mebius: "As long as Grace is okay, those things don't matter." "

"Besides, even if you bring it back."

"You can't study it either."

Eden: "yes, the most important thing is that our little Grace is okay. "

Hua: "It seems that the future Grace will live with me. "

Grace: "It's okay, I like to live with Sister Hua. "

"And everyone..."

Grace looked at each of them.

All the heroes responded with a best smile from Grace.

It's like telling Grace.

This time with her.

They were all happy.

Qian Tribulation, who had always rarely spoken, said at this time: "If I can get you back, I can do it." "

Alicia: "Oops, our thousand calamities." "

"It's also a very warm boy."

Qianji: "Shut up! "

Kevin: "Regardless of the process, the end result is good. "

"After Grace returns to Earth."

"Although we are no longer there, there is still Hua."

"And humans have also defeated Honkai, which is good news for Grace."

Eden: "Yes, Grace. "

"You are the same as Hua, and your future is in the next era of civilization."

"And we're different."

"Our mission has been accomplished in this era of civilization."

Alicia: "That's right, little Grace. "

"If the future does not change, it will still develop along this timeline."

"You must remember."

"Even in outer space, we will always be with you."

Pardolphyllis: "Yes, little Grace. "

Sue: "It seems that everyone is very satisfied with this ending. "

"The last sentence that Fu Hua said."

"It proves that over the years, Fu Hua has never given up looking for Grace."

"I should have been sending communication signals to Grace."

Mei: "Well, it's also hard work for the future." "

Pardophyllis: "Wait a minute, that's back. "

"Why did Grace escape in an emergency escape pod after being attacked in the first place?"

"It will fall into a world bubble."

"Also discovered by Vita."

Alicia: "If you guessed correctly, Vita did it by analyzing the wreckage of the ark. "

"Got some information."

"I also knew the strength of Fu Hua, so I thought of this strategy."

For this case.

The three doctors also shook their heads together.

Vilvie first explained: "According to the design of the spacecraft itself. "

"If there is an attack, use the emergency escape pod."

"People in escape pods will be forced to sleep."

"Then the escape pod will activate the automatic regression procedure and return according to the route that the spacecraft flew."

"And energy replenishment on all the planets that have stayed."

"Until the return to Earth."

Mei: "The quantum sea is too mysterious, and occasionally there are cases where the world bubble borders the intrinsic world. "

"This led to the collision of the barriers of two worlds."

"After the collision, there will be a spatial rift, and then we can observe and enter the world bubble in the intrinsic world."

"Even the quantum sea."

"Of course, if you want to enter the Quantum Sea, you can also pass through the Sea Eye."

"But this is not the only way, and the cases of falling into the quantum sea for no reason are not without occurrence."

"The quantum sea is too mysterious."

Eden immediately gave a conjecture: "Maybe it was when Grace was about to return to Earth." "

"Or on the way back, I happened to encounter the world bubble and the intrinsic world bordering."

"Or whatever."

"As a result, Grace's emergency escape capsule did not fly back to Earth according to its intended trajectory."

"Instead, it fell into the world bubble."

Mei nodded: "It seems that this is the only possibility." "

At this time Wilvie shrugged.

A nonchalant attitude: "Well, this kind of thing is not something we should worry about." "

"Leave it to the future to worry about."

"As long as Grace is okay."

Everyone nodded in unison.

That's right.

As long as Grace doesn't have an accident in the future because of the Ark Project.


Everyone will feel guilty for the rest of their lives.


"Finally found Grace!"

In the Valkyrie dormitory at St. Freya Academy.

Everyone was amazed at the dramatic changes in Grace.

Kiana is also very happy.

A child who had been wandering outside for years came home.

What could be happier than that?

Although before this video, everyone's impression of Grace was limited to appearing on the barrage.

But she is the same as Fu Hua and all the people who fight against Honkai.

It is for the sake of human civilization to embark on this road.

Success or failure.

For the entire human civilization.

All heroes!

So the triumph of the hero deserves to be cheered by everyone.

Fu Hua when he saw Grace wake up from his dormant warehouse.

Although there is no memory.

But the touch in your heart can't be wrong.

That's engraved in the heart.

A feeling that is completely different from memory.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Great, Grace. "

Bronia: "Squad leader, it seems that you have another reason to wait in the future." "

Bud Yi: "Yes, squad leader." "

"Maybe with the guidance of this game, we can find Grace faster in the future."

Fu Hua nodded with a smile: "Yes." "

"I believe in the future and see the moment of Grace."

"A burden that I have carried for many years in my heart, I finally let go."

Fu Hua seemed to have a sense of empathy.

It's like how the two Fuhua feel at this moment.

Across time and space.

It's connected.

Fu Hua: "I really want to recover my memory quickly." "

Kiana and the three were stunned at the same time.

This is the first time.

The squad leader volunteered to recover his memory.

When this issue was mentioned earlier.

Fu Hua looked like he didn't care.

He also said that previous memories are not very important.

And from this moment on, it seems that Fu Hua's previous memory has greatly improved.

It seems that previous memories.

It's not all bad.

There are also some that are worth remembering.

And deeply engraved in the heart.

At the same time.

The Law of Knowledge on the top of the mountain.

After seeing what Grace looked like when he grew up.

First surprised.

And then cheered.

"Wuhu !!"

"Great, the old antique has finally found Grace."

"She finally doesn't have to worry about it anymore."

Has all the memories of Fuhua.

So the one who knows the law knows best.

Since the Ark side did not play the information according to the prescribed time.

Fu Hua is constantly trying to contact the Ark.

But each time it was a disappointment.

But Fu Hua never gave up.

It wasn't until the time when I lost my memory later that it stopped for a while.

Later, after the memory was restored.

Fu Hua continued to look for Grace.

But she was alone and didn't tell anyone about it.

Because in Fu Hua's opinion. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It was her responsibility.

So you have to shoulder it.

All this time, Fu Hua never gave up.

"Is this the so-called obsession, and there will be an echo?"

The Knower: "When did I become so theological?" "

"Because you've been with old antiques for a long time?"

The Knower shook his head.

Shake off the weird thoughts in your head.

Then he continued: "Vita is it. "

"This time, even if you have a little credit."

"Let's not worry about you first."

Those who know the law are very generous.

Originally, she had planned to if Vita deceived Fu Hua.

After passing through that door, Grace's words were not found.

Just stop watching the live broadcast right away.

Go directly back to Fu Hua and tell Fu Hua everything that happened here.

Then guard the rabbit for that what Vita is.

Beat her up hard!

Now it seems that it is not necessary.

"What a good luck for old antiques."

"Grace is back like this."

The Law of Knowledge looked at the big Grace in the live broadcast room: "If I meet Grace in the future." "

"How am I going to introduce myself?"

The idea of the lawyer.

It's still very jumpy.

I was just thinking about Vita just now.

It's about what the future will call it.

Of course.

Some people rejoice, naturally some people are sad.

For example, Teresa in the conference room of St. Freya's Academy at the moment.

At first, I was really happy to find Grace.

But Teresa was immediately unhappy.

Look at your body.

He looked at Grace's body again.

The same fusion warriors.

In the beginning, it was the same little girl!

By what!

Teresa looked at Himeko's chest and then at Grace's.


The gap is really big!

Of course, Teresa is not referring to the gap between Himeko and Grace here.

It's the gap between herself and the two of them.

"Why, grandpa clearly told me."

"Because of the special physique of the fusion warrior, I have to maintain such an image for the rest of my life."

"But why is Grace okay?"

Teresa's aggrieved tears swirled in her eyes.

Himeko didn't know how to comfort Teresa for a while.

Teresa has always stayed at the age of 12 because of her appearance.

There have been a lot of oolong jokes.

So Teresa's annual birthday wish is to grow taller quickly.

But it's almost 50 years old.

Teresa is still the same 12-year-old.

Himeko said at this time: "Teresa, don't be discouraged. "

"Doesn't Grace's appearance tell you a truth."

Teresa looked at Himeko: "What? "

Himeko replied, "Developmental period? "

Teresa's face darkened.


Grace doesn't even know how many years he has been adrift in space.

to grow up like this.

Of course, it's not that Teresa can't afford to wait for this time.

Instead, Teresa worries that the rest of the planet can't afford to wait for this time.

How long does a fusion warrior live.

Fu Hua and Kevin interpret it.

Not counting the frozen 50,000 years.

The two of them are also real, more than 5,000 years old.

On Earth.

The average life expectancy of human beings has not even reached a hundred.

Teresa was really worried until the day she grew up.

The group of people around them don't know how many eras of reincarnation.

Look at Grace again.

It's really jealousy that separates the hostage wall!

For a long time, all Teresa's grievances and melancholy turned into a long sigh: "Alas, forget it." "

"Let it be."

"What if you grow a centimeter taller that day?"

When she heard this, Himeko was stunned: "Wait Teresa..."

"You don't still have that kind of Roar height ruler that sticks to the wall in your house, do you?"

Himeko knew that thing.

Many people at home will buy it for the development of young children.

The amount is increased.

That's why Himeko thought so subconsciously.

Teresa's face turned red sharply.

Himeko knew she was right.

But the end is also coming.

Teresa's hand touched Judas, exuding a murderous aura.

Himeko: "Teresa, don't worry." "

"I'm sure I won't tell this secret."

"Stop, what kind of binding action are you!"

"Himeko, you're so big!"

The fragrant scene here.

Lynn was destined to be out of sight.

Because of Lynn's gaze at this time.

Paying attention to the settlement reward that pops up in front of you.

Just now, after putting Grace out of the cabin after growing up.

This plot is over.

The system's popularity settlement page also popped up.

"The twelfth live broadcast is over."

"Popularity Settlement: Interact with the audience and gain popularity: 2575"

"Play the story of Honkai 3 game, gain popularity points: 3167"

"Plot explanation and Q&A, gain popularity value: 2100"

"Play Grace Lori and Royal Sister, before and after growth charts, gain popularity value: 3934

"Total Popularity: 76374/72000"

"The popularity collection task is completed, and the reward is distributed!"

"Live Mission Completion Reward: Consciousness Capture"

"Consciousness seizure: a very special ability that can eat away at a person's consciousness, and after eating away consciousness, it can invade the other person's body."

"New Mission: Gain Popularity 82,000"

"Current Popularity: 76374/82000"

Lynn saw this reward later.


Isn't this what Vita did to Fu Hua just now.

It's just that what Vita didn't expect was that Fu Hua's spirit was so tenacious.

So it failed.

"What evil path exercises?"

Lynn read it with a look of disgust.

Evil path exercises are evil path exercises.

This is the reward you deserve for streaming.

As long as I put it away and don't use it.

That's not an evil practice.

After doing this, Lynn looked at the barrage again.

Viewers can't wait for the next live broadcast.

Lynn smiled and said in the live broadcast room: "The next live broadcast. "

"Earlier, we talked about the inheritance of Himeko and Kiana."

"This is a legacy that belongs to the era of civilization."

"Next, the plot I want to play for you is the inheritance across the era of civilization."

"Continuation of the will."

"The Birth of the Law of the Origin!"

"And this live broadcast, the protagonist related to is the thunder and lightning bud of the current civilization era."

"The second seat of the thirteen heroes of the former civilization era, the true self Alicia!"

..... Beg..

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