The birth of the Law of the Origin?

Also related to Alicia and Bud Yi?

Pre-civilizational era.

Just after experiencing the ups and downs of Grace's Ark project.

Now it's Alicia's turn.

And why are the two people of Alicia and Bud Yi related to the birth of the Law of Origin.

Isn't Bud Yi the Law of Thunder?

After hearing what Lynn said.

They all looked at Alicia in unison.

Alicia smiled slightly: "Bud Yi, it's really you." "

"It seems that the first time I saw your feelings, it was very kind."

"That's right."

After talking to herself, Alicia looked at these thirteen heroes who were gathered together by herself after getting along day and night.

Alicia smiled and said, "Everyone, you want me to explain it to everyone." "

"After reading it, I don't understand anything."

"Let me explain?"

Eden smiled and looked at Alicia, in fact, judging from the fact that Alicia had been paying attention to the performance of the lawyer just now.

She already had some speculation in her mind.

But she always believed in Alicia.

So didn't ask.

Even at this moment.

Eden just said lightly: "Ellie, I will always believe in you." "

Pardolphyllis smiled: "That's it, Sister Ellie." "

"Let's explain these things as you watch."

Sakura: "If it's Ellie, I'm relieved." "

Sue: "But before, it didn't mean that only four of us were the pioneers of the salvation plan to go to the next era of civilization. "

"And Alicia is not among them."

Mebius: "I don't care, I hate you a little bit anyway, Alicia." "

Alicia smiled and looked at Mebius: "Dr. Mebius, you often say this. "

Qianji: "Cut, this kind of thing doesn't matter. "

Aponia: "Since I met Alicia, her fate has not changed. "

Kevin: "It's the promised land of "377". "

"Perhaps, the intersection of Raiden Bud Yi and Alicia is in the promised land of the past."

"Anchor Lynn said it before."

"It is because of the relationship between the snakes of the world that Raiden Bud Yi has become a lawyer again."

Hear the three words of the world snake.

Mebius also smiled proudly.

This organization is inseparable from her.

Chinese; "In other words, the promised land of the past is as we expected."

"With our memories, we have gone to the next era of civilization."

Kevin nodded.

Mei: "That makes sense. "

"After joining the World Serpent, the lightning bud clothes have solidified the memories of all of us in the promised land of the past."

Vilvie: "In that case, Raiden is still a friend to all of us." "

Grace: "Then my memory will also meet Sister Bud Yi in the future." "

Kosmo: "How many of us do you know in detail." "

"Or maybe it's just a solo acquaintance with Alicia."

Alicia sighed.

"It's really disappointing, I thought you would break the casserole and ask me to the end."

"I didn't expect it."

"Everyone trusts me so much."

"I'm really flattered."

Su continued: "But fortunately, it was only us who got the news. "

"And not the other people."

"Otherwise, it may not end so well now."

The people that Sue is referring to here.

It is the other high-level of the fire moth.

They only have interests in their eyes.

If they knew that Alicia had a relationship with the mysterious Law of Origin.

Then those unnecessary investigations will be launched in the first place.

Under the guise of being for humanity.

The reason for today's meeting is taking place.

It's to avoid the eyes of those people.

Truly for the future of humanity.

Pardolphilis: "Those guys, if they are also watching here." "

"It must be noisy."

"I'm going to be like this for a while, I'm going to be like that."

"I get bored every time I see them."

Sakura: "But fortunately, this era of civilization has come to this point. "

"Many people in the Fire Moth also understand."

"Who is the leader who is truly for humanity?"

Sue: "That's right, now all we can do is gather all the forces that can be gathered." "

Mei: "Or maybe this is our new opportunity." "

Mei's eyes looked at the light curtain live broadcast room.

Everyone also understood what Mei meant.

Want to be in the future where Lynn broadcasts.

Find the silver lining.

Find a way to leapfrog the end.

The other side.

The Wise Scholar, who had already sat down, heard the names of Alicia and Bud Yi.

He stood up directly from the ground again.

"Did this scene finally come?"

The memory of the possession of the Knower is up.

After the Erosion Lawyer event.

Because of all kinds of intricate relationships.

This led to the internal disintegration of the thirteen Yingqi of the fire.

Alicia to save everyone.

To reunite those separated hearts.

Therefore, he began to reveal himself as the thirteenth lawyer and the law of man!

Later the upper echelons of the Fire Moth.

An investigation into Alicia was launched.

Only the moths of fire.

Always believed.

Alicia will not betray the Fire Moth.

Will not betray humanity.

But in the end, the identity of the Law of the Alicia was hammered.

In the pre-civilizational era.

What it means to be hammered as a lawyer.

This is well known to those who know the law.

Not to mention...

This was Alicia's purpose.

With your own death.

Reunited the remaining thirteen heroes.

Let them have enough strength to deal with the Ultimate Lawyer.

In the end, Alicia did exactly that.

Her death united everyone left.

But she was gone forever.

The Wise Man clenched his fists.

"What a bullshit lawyer."

"Everyone in the pre-civilizational era only learned about it at the last moment."

"Alicia is not some thirteenth lawyer."

"It's the original lawyer, the original lawyer!"

He is a natural lawyer!

In this respect, the Law of Knowledge and the Law of Origin are the same.

From the beginning, he was born as a lawyer.

and others who later became lawyers.

Not the same.

"I just don't know, they in the pre-civilization era."

"At such a time, know that Alicia is the Law of Origin."

"Will there be any movement."

The heart of the person who knows the law is a little worried.

Although I know that everyone's feelings are very good.

But after all, the person who knows the law is not Fu Hua, and he cannot trust other people 100%.

So in my heart, the identity of Alicia was exposed.

There are still some concerns.

The person who knew the law continued to look at the live broadcast room: "Speaking of which, this era of civilization can successfully defeat Collapse. "

"Alicia's credit is the greatest." 、

"If it weren't for her use of her power, she would have brought new possibilities to the lawyers, in this era of civilization."

"Maybe the final end of this civilization era will not be much better than the previous civilization era."

In the mind of the person who knows the law.

I remembered every lawyer who appeared before.

If there is no human emotion to bind them.

Perhaps the damage caused will be even more horrific.

In the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy.

The other three all looked at Bud Yi.

Bud Yi shook her head helplessly: "Kiana, this will happen in the future." "

"Even if you ask me, I don't know."

Kiana: "Do you still have to meet that bad woman in the end?" "

"But bud clothes, you must pay attention."

"You must not be damaged by Alicia!"

The scene where Alicia teased Bud Yi on the barrage before. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kiana is still vividly remembered.

Therefore, Alicia left Kiana with the impression of a bad woman.

Bronia glanced at Kiana, and then looked at Bud Yi: "But it's also strange to say. "

"It is clear that Lynn said that only four heroes from the previous civilization era have come to the current civilization era."

"So how did Sister Nha Yi come into contact with Alicia and obtain the inheritance from the pre-civilization era?"

Bud Yi: "This is also a place I don't understand. "

Kiana: "Is it a ghost?" "

Fu Hua: "There is no such thing in the world. "

"I think something left by some means of the pre-civilizational era."

"Found or touched by Bud Yi."

Bronia agreed with Fu Hua's statement.

"If only the squad leader could recover his memory at this time."

"We should know the answer to that question."

For this question.

Fu Hua could only apologize.

Kiana and the three understood very well that the answer could only be found in Lynn's live broadcast room.

At this time, Kiana suddenly thought of another question.


"When we fought Kevin."

"If I'm not mistaken, the Bud Yi at that time was still the Law of Thunder."

Several people nodded.

Indicates that Kiana is not mistaken.

Kiana continued: "In other words, Bud Yi is inherited by the Law of Origin. "

"It was after we fought Kevin."

Bud Yi: "In this way, the timeline of the story is indeed much clearer. "

Bronia looked at Kiana in surprise: "I didn't expect the stupid Kiana." "

"I'm actually starting to think about these things."

Kiana: "Of course, I'm also very smart, okay. "

Kiana raised her head proudly.

A look waiting to be praised.

But after waiting for a while.

I found that no one praised her.

When looking at other people again.

They have already set their sights on the live broadcast room.

Kiana: "You guys! "

In the live broadcast room.

Lynn is opening a brand new chapter of the game.

At the same time, he also began to explain the plot before and after.

"Before, we have seen Kevin kill the Royal Three Family in a second."

"After losing to Kevin, all three know how huge the gap in strength between them and Kevin is."

"So it becomes especially important to improve your strength..."

"In this context, Nha Yi follows the message left by Alicia."

"Embarked on the path to becoming the Law of the Origin."

"And the Law of the Origin is a Law Maker who has not been recorded."

Lynn looked at the barrage.

As he expected.

Many people are already asking what kind of lawyer the Law of Origin is.

[Teresa: In the materials left by the pre-civilization era, there is no record of the Law of Origin. 】

[Otto: It turns out that in addition to the recorded lawyer, there is another lawyer. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Are this Origin and Endowment two corresponding power laws. 】

[Lauderdale: How is the strength of the Origin Law compared to other Lawyers? 】

[Rita: After Bud Yi became the Law of Thunder, his strength is already good, but he is still not an opponent in front of Kevin, and then the Law of Origin should be very strong. ] 】

[Alicia: It seems that everyone is really curious about the Law of Origin. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: After receiving the power of the Law of Origin, the lightning bud clothes will not use it at all. 】

[March 7: So you're revealing the shortness of the bud coat?] 】

[Li Suxiang: These lawyers, or something, all sound super powerful. 】

[Silver Wolf: Of course, I just saw that they are all S cards in the anchor's card library. 】

[Bronia: Well, I also noticed that the level is indeed very high. 】

[Xi'er: When it comes to games, Sister Bronia seems to be more interested. 】

Lynn looked at the question on the barrage.

Sold a pass: "A story about the Law of Origin." "

"Let's explore it in the next live broadcast."

"Next, the game begins."

"This place is the inheritance place that hides the power of the origin."

"Bud Yi came here according to the guidance of the coordinates."

In the game screen.

It's a white space.

In the very center, it seems that there is a castle.

The direction of the castle is the direction of the bud clothes.

Lynn's hand rested on the keyboard.

Controlling Bud Yi, he ran in the direction of the castle.

At this moment, two other bud clothes appeared next to Bud Yi.

One wears the original pink Valkyrie armor.

The other one was wearing a white sweatshirt.

The bud suit controlled by Lynn is wearing the black and red civilian clothes of the Thunder Law.

All three gums run in the same direction.

They all hold a knife in their hands.

The steps are all the same steadfastness.

Lynn went on to explain: "Because of the peculiarity of this place, bud clothes of different time periods are projected. "

"Proof of Bud Yi from before to now."

"The heart that wants to protect everyone around me has not changed from beginning to end."

"All this time, she has been firmly on her own path."

"That's the romance of this game."

Saying that, Lynn herself smiled heartily.

Then continue in the direction of the castle.

At the same time, the plot voice of Bud Yi also sounded.

And Bud Yi in the running did not speak.

It proves that this is Bud Yi's inner monologue.

"We want to protect the world because we meet the people of 4.7 important here."

"Laugh here, fight here."

"We want to protect the world because this is where we exist."

"There is no substitute for the only place to return."

As Bud Yi approached that castle.

A gentle glow of white but not dazzling fills the entire screen.

"We all understand and understand."

"At this time, we are closer to the origin than ever before."

"It's all closer..."


Bud Yi's inner monologue.

Incomparably sincere.

The audience in the live broadcast room understood.

Bud Yi This is showing his heart.

Showing Alicia his determination.

So she approached the origin at this moment.

Approached Alicia.

After the white glow gradually receded.

The three buds come together and become the Thunder Lawyer Bud Clothes.

The double horns on the head are especially eyed.

The white castle is gone.

It proves that the bud clothes have entered the white castle at this time.

Bud Yi stands in place.


With his eyes slightly closed, he took a deep breath.

Spread your arms towards the sky.

Open your sincere eyes.

Use all the strength of your body.

Shouted loudly, "Respond to me!" "


In the live broadcast room.

All the audience was stunned at this moment.

In the Star Dome train.

March 7, which was still in a state of emotion.

Directly forced by this dry sentence of Bud Yi.

Then there was laughter: "Hahahaha!!! "

"Bud Yi, what's going on."

"How come it's still broken!"


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