"Sister Ellie, is this what you look like after you transform into the Law of Origin?"

Pardophyllis looked at Alicia.

This look of Alicia.

Even if it is the thirteen heroes who are chasing fire.

It was also the first time she saw this look.

Alicia, the Law of the Origins!

Alicia nodded: "Yes, this is what my Origin Law Maker looks like." "

"Everyone, isn't it pretty?"

In the face of Alicia's question.

The heroes directly chose silence.

No more words.

They know Alicia too well.

I don't know what Elicia is going to do badly.

Just now, when Lynn mentioned the title of Promised Land Bully.

All the heroes said that this title is too right

Alicia doesn't just bully in the promised land.

In reality.

It is even more to kill everyone.

No one can do anything about her.

Some people even think that the title of Promised Land Bully is not very good.

It's still more appropriate to call it a British bully.

Watching everyone will not answer their own questions.

Alicia wasn't sad.

Instead, a sly smile.

At this time Eden looked at Alicia.

Smiled and said, "Ellie, no matter what she becomes." "

"As long as it's still Ellie we know."

"It just looks good."

Alicia clapped her hands happily: "You are the best for me." "

"My good Eden."

Padofelis then said: "However, this should not be the real Sister Ellie, right? "

Mebius explained: "Didn't Lynn say that just now. "

"The memories of the Promised Land have all disappeared because of an incident."

"So the current Alicia is neither a memory in the promised land."

"I don't think it will be the Alicia in front of us."

Alicia nodded, "That's right, Dr. Mebius." "

"But unfortunately there is no reward."

Alicia was meant to answer.

But suddenly Wei Wei smiled: "So now I don't know what's going on." "

"Let's keep watching."

"The captain and Bud Yi should take everyone to uncover the mystery together."

Wilvie shrugged helplessly.

From Alicia's sly little expression.

Everyone knows.

Alicia must be lying to everyone again.

I want everyone to continue watching the live broadcast room by themselves.

Since Alicia doesn't say it, everyone can only watch it.

The other side of the live room.

On the Star Dome train.

March Seven was still amazed at Alicia's appearance: "This is also too good-looking." "

"Xing, have you ever seen such a good-looking girl."

Star shook his head.

March Seven looked at Danheng.

Danheng also shook his head and said that he didn't either.

Himeko is the same.

Even Himeko, a person who has been on a pioneering journey for many years.

If you haven't seen it.

Not to mention others.

When March Seven looked at Walter: "Uncle Yang, have you seen Alicia before?" "

Walter shook his head: "I just know Alicia's story." "

"The Inheritance of the Law of Origin."

"The only one who has seen Alicia is the bud clothes who have gone to the promised land of the past."

"And some other members of the World Serpent."

"Later, although Nha Yi made the portrait and story of Thirteen Yingjian."

"But portraits are just portraits after all."

"You should know what I mean."

March 7: "Understood, Alicia on the portrait is not as good as Alicia in the live broadcast room." "

Xing shook his head speechlessly: "It's not as realistic as in the live broadcast room." "

"After all, the concept of beauty."

"It's hard to be documented."

March 7 seems to understand and not understand.

Isn't it just a matter of taking pictures?

Saying that, March 7 picked up his camera and clicked at Alicia in the game screen in the live broadcast room.


Himeko looked at March Seven's movements and smiled slightly.

Then looked at Walter: "Mr. Walter, is this Alicia the one in the live broadcast room?" "

March Qiyi was stunned: "Is there still a lot of Alicia?" "

Xing and Danheng looked at each other.

Then the IQ on March 7.

Shaking his head helplessly.

Himeko explained, "Lynn said that before. "

"The thirteen heroes that Bud Yi encountered in the promised land of the past are memories."

"And in the pre-civilizational era Alysia was a Buddha-figure."

"Perhaps this Buddha-figure has fallen in the final battle against the final one."

"But the memory Alicia is also gone."

"That's why you Uncle Yang, this Alicia is that Alicia."

For this question.

Walter could only shake his head.

Then said: "Neither, this Alicia is more like a projection of the origin power." "

"And Alicia in the pre-civilization era did not die because of the end of the confrontation."

"It was killed by the others who chased the fire moth."

"More precisely, she begged for her own death."

What the???

After hearing this answer.

Several people were shocked.

In the pre-civilization era, wasn't Alicia everyone's partner?

Why would they still be killed by their own people.

Walter continued: "That changed Kevin's story. "

"That thing about Sakura."

"You should have seen it too, right?"

March Seven nodded: "Sakura died in battle, and Kevin made a promise to defeat Honkai no matter what the cost." "

Valte nodded, "Sakura died after fighting her sister. "

"Her sister is the Law of Erosion, but there is no way for the Immortal Law of Erosion to awaken."

"And the person who killed Sakura's sister is also human."


Walter walked towards the crowd of the Star Dome train.

Told that tragic story.

Because of the subsequent influence of an eroding lawyer.

The story that almost led to the entire fire thirteen heroes falling apart.

In the end, it was Alicia who sacrificed herself and reunited everyone.

After listening.

March Seven had tears in her eyes.

Previously, I watched Alicia teasing Bud Yi on the barrage.

I have always looked out of tune.

I thought that Alicia was really a bad woman.

The result was not expected.

She actually chose to blow up her identity in that situation.

With your own death.

In exchange for the remaining unity of thirteen heroes.

In order to fight the end.

At the same time, Walter also said: "Are you all strange. "

"Why are the lawyers, who were in the former civilization of the Ming Era, all the apostles of collapse."

"Just know how to destroy and destroy human civilization."

"And in our civilizational era, the lawyer began to have human emotions."

Several people nodded.

Walter looked at Alicia in the game screen in the live broadcast room: "This is because all this is the credit of Alicia." "

"She is the one who made this era of civilization."

"I am no longer affected by the consciousness of Honkai and have my own consciousness."

"No longer a puppet of Honkai..."

In the Star Dome train.

Walter tells stories about Alicia.

At the same time.

In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Bud Yi saw Alicia again.

The excitement in my heart is unconcealable.

The voice said with a hint of trembling: "Sure enough, it's you..."


“...... Hia..."

Alicia chuckled, "You're calling me." "

"The lawyer of the new era, Raiden Bud Yi?"

In Alicia's words.

Not with a trace of emotion.

It's as if you don't know the bud clothes in front of you at all.

Bud Yi's whole person was like being struck by lightning: "Alicia...? "

Alicia still answered mechanically: "What's wrong?" "

"The new generation of lawyers..."

There is still no trace of emotion in the words.

It's like a machine that only answers questions.

In an instant, the bud clothes were lost.

Viewers in the live broadcast room.

The little expression of loss at the moment of seeing Bud Yi.

Also infected.

Although they don't know what happened between Alicia and Nha Yi.

But from before.

Bud Yi approached in the direction of Alicia.

When he was embarrassed to shout the broken sentence.

Everyone can understand that Alicia has a very important place in the heart of Bud Yi.

It's like.

Separated from a very good friend for many years.

Suddenly, one day when we met.

You greet you with a warm past. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What I got was a hello from the other party, please ask you which one.

The feeling is almost the same.

And what Nha Yi and Alicia went through together.

It will inevitably make the relationship between the two more profound.

So that sense of loss and frustration.

The bud coat will be more pronounced and heavy.

The audience can see it.

Nha Yi almost held back her tears.

It's very uncomfortable.

[Kiana: Nha Yi, don't cry, Captain, what's going on? 】

[Alicia: It seems that this is just a projection of the power of the origin, and there is no memory with Bud Yi, and Bud Yi is going to be sad. 】

[Bud Yi: Is that so?] 】

[March 7: Huh? How so? 】

[Li Suxiang: In that case, Bud Yi is not unbearable to die. 】

[Bronia: Sister Bud, you must be strong, I believe Alicia will definitely not want to see you like this. 】

[Pardophyllis: How so, this is just a projection of Sister Ellie, that is, there is no memory of Sister Ellie. 】

[Sakura: In other words, at this time, Alicia only has the power of the Origin Inheritor. 】

[Walter: It seems to be. 】

[March 7: This is too cruel, obviously Yayi wants to see Alicia so much. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Raiden Bud Yi, did you originally meet such Alicia? ] 】

[Xi'er: Didn't the sister of Bud Yi die sadly at that time. 】

[Silver Wolf: Are you all about to cry when you see her? 】

[Kafka: It's a really uncomfortable feeling. 】

[Star: I didn't cry on the spot, I should have been considered very strong. 】

[Teresa: Nha Yi has always been a very strong girl, but at this moment I like that she is not so strong. 】

[Honkai Himeko: yes, I hope she can cry. 】

[Himeko Hoshidome: Maybe she doesn't want to show a weaker side in front of Alicia. 】

[Kiana: Bud Yi...]

Lynn looked at the barrage and unconsciously snickered.

Alicia is so bad.

The barrage must also follow to deceive everyone.

Lynn didn't believe it.

Alicia of the pre-civilizational era will not know the truth.

But since everyone is now deceived by these two Alicia.

Isn't it too much to add another fire yourself?

Follow Alicia to lie to everyone.

Is this a mixed scam with his wife?


It's quite exciting.

Then Lynn said in a rather pity tone: "Yes." "

"Nha Yi has experienced so much with Alicia in the Paradise of the Past."

"In the end, when Alicia left, she didn't say goodbye properly."

"That's why Bud Yi at this moment is so eager to find Alicia."

"Unexpectedly, Alicia had no memory of her at all."

"Just a projection of power."

Lynn said in a pitying tone.

Language is contagious.

The audience in the live broadcast room was infected.

Under double stimulation.

Everyone seems to feel the same way.

[March 7: Anchor, don't hand over knives anymore, I can't stand it. ] 】

[Li Suxiang: So one second Bud Yi was so happy, and this second became so knife. 】

[Star: How happy I laughed just now, how uncomfortable I am now. 】

[Silver Wolf: When I think of this in the future, I should not be able to help but slap myself. ] 】

[Kafka: yes, how you laughed just now, how uncomfortable it is now. 】

[Otto: Life is like that, just get used to it. 】

[Walter: You don't seem to have the power to say this. 】

[Padofelis: Sister Ellie, how can you forget Sister Bud. 】

[Sakura: How does it feel a little strange. 】

[Fu Hua: I feel this way too. 】

[Hua: Me too. 】

Sue: It's not surprising that you feel this way, after all, Alicia is not such an honest person. 】

[Alicia: Sue, it's really hurtful that you speak, obviously the current atmosphere is so sad, even the captain said it. 】

[Li Suxiang: Yes, yes, even the captain said so. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Although I did not witness the inheritance of the origin at that time, the bud clothes did mature a lot after they came out, I think it was because of this incident. 】

[Star: Is it possible that she also learned badly from Alicia?] 】

[March 7: Don't say the star, Alicia must be real. 】

When everyone was sad because Alicia didn't know Nha Yi.

Bud clothes in the game screen.

It seems like accepting reality.

His face is much better, though.

But the eyes have been filled with loss.


"Is that so..."

Bud Yi didn't know how to speak: "I..." (Okay) Alicia said with concern: "What's wrong?" "

"Your expression seems to be sad."

Bud Yi took a deep breath, and then shook his head: "No..."

"I'm okay..."

Just when Bud Yi was about to accept reality.

Alicia in front of her finally couldn't hold back her smile.



Bud Yi was shocked and immediately looked at Alicia.

I saw Alicia covering her mouth.

He smiled brightly and said, "Oh, oh, oh..."

"I've always wanted to try it!"


All the viewers in the live broadcast room understood.

They were deceived!

And it's not just being tricked by Alicia in the game.

was also deceived by Alicia in the live broadcast room.

And deceived by the captain!


This is a serial scam!

In front of the computer.

Lynn also laughed very unkindly: "Hahahaha, I don't cooperate well with Alicia." "


"You really don't see it at all."

【March 7:??? 】

【Bud clothes:??? 】

【Kiana:??? 】

[Pardolphyllis:??? 】

[Hua: I know that Alicia is not sad at all. 】

[Fu Hua: No wonder I thought it was a little strange just now. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: You are sick! 】

[Walter: Another lie? 】

[Alicia: Hahahaha, I've always been like trying this feeling. 】

[Pardolphyllis: Sister Ellie, you are a big villain. 】

[Xi'er: It's really worthy of being a bully in the promised land! ] 】

[Star: It seems that what I said is right, the later bud clothes must also learn from Alicia. 】

[Kiana: The three of you have joined forces to deceive people! Only】


"It's sick!"

"These people are really sick!"

"Is this kind of thing fun!"

The law of knowledge is angry.

The fists are hard.

It's a pity that the target for revenge could not be found ...


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