Pre-civilizational era.

Alicia covered her stomach and kept laughing: "Hahaha, I'm really sorry everyone." "

"This time, I accidentally tricked you all."

Sakura: "No, it seems that Hua was not deceived by you. "

Pardolphyllis: "Sister Ellie, how can you be so bad!" "

"This is deceiving us."

"I was really about to cry just now."

Alicia: "Oops, Phyllis. "

"It's okay, this proves that you really like me."

Mebius withdrew his somewhat sad look.

He looked at Alicia with a hint of resentment.

"That's why I hate Alicia so much."

Alicia: "That's not right. "

"Professor Mebius, I noticed just now."

"You seem to be very sad."

Mebius mouthed hard: "No. "

Although the words are said so.

But the heroes also understand.

Mebius just has a hard mouth.

In her heart, she really didn't know how much she liked Alicia.

I just don't want to admit it.

It was precisely because of this liking that she saw that Alicia's amnesia became a completely different look.

will be sad.

Even in the eyes of Mebius.

The person standing in front of Bud Yi, if it becomes himself.

What kind of conversation will it be.

Everyone else is about the same.

So while accusing Alicia of cheating on them.

I also felt relieved in my heart.

The future Alicia is still the Alicia they know.

That's great.

At the same time, they are also happy for Bud Yi.

Alicia has not lost her memory of and her.

Velvi: "Alicia, you are so hateful, this time you deceived you." "

Mei shook her head and smiled: "It's really helpless, or I was deceived by Alicia once." "

Pardolphyllis: "Sister Ellie is the worst!" "

Grace: "Sister Alicia, you can't lie next time." "

Kosmo: "If she is obedient, she is not Alicia." "

Alicia looked at Hua curiously: "Hua, how did you find out." "

Hua spoke, "Because I found that Alicia doesn't seem to be sad. "

Eden: "What a nuanced observation, Hua." "

Su: "The next time this happens, let's still believe in Hua." "

"But I was going to be sure of my guess."

"What I didn't expect was that even the anchor lied to us along with Alicia."

Alicia smiled happily: "Yes, yes! "

"I didn't expect the captain to cooperate with me."

"If it weren't for the captain, it might have been debunked."

Kevin: "This kind of game is a bit boring. "

Qian Calamity: "Next time you play this boring game, I will kill you at 673." "

Aponia: "But if she doesn't play, she won't be Alicia." "

A lot of heroes.

They all smiled slightly.

Mei was the same, after taking a look at Alicia.

Smiling continued to look at the live broadcast room.

And those barrages that attack the anchor and Alicia.

Alicia looked at herself in the game screen.

He said lightly: "Everyone, let's witness the inheritance of the power of the origin together." "

Everyone watched the live screen of the game together.

[Kiana: Captain, you are really hateful! Bully us with Alicia. 】

[Knower: I'm really angry! ] 】

[Bud Yi: It's excessive! ] 】

[Bronia: Very excessive. 】

[Li Suxiang: I'm crying, captain, you want to accompany my tears. 】

[Alicia: Captain, thank you for playing with me.] 】

[March 7: You two are so hateful, hateful and hateful! 】

[Star: Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more unbelievable she is. 】

[Danheng: When you say this, should you pay attention to yourself first. 】

[Walter: Alas... I will actually be deceived by this kind of acting. 】

[Teresa: It's really abominable! Captain, you have no credibility with me. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Alas, it's good that this kid is okay, I'm worried about death. 】

[Otto: Unexpectedly, I was also deceived. 】

[Lauderdale: yes, it's really all routines. 】

[Rita: It seems that next time, I will have to carefully consider what the captain said. 】

[Teresa: It's just..."

Lynn watched the barrage of crusade against herself.

"Hahaha, everyone."

"Don't be so sad, I'm just to liven up the atmosphere for everyone."


[March 7: You have obviously been laughing, but you have never heard it. 】

[Bronia: Bronia must find the position of the captain! ] 】

[Xi'er: It's too much, actually deceived us with Alicia like this. 】

[Nha Yi: yes, it's really excessive. 】

[Teresa: Captain, you are really naughty! 】

[Honkai Himeko: Or Captain, you should come to St. Freya Academy to study for a while. 】

[Kiana: Great idea! 】

[March 7: No, no, no, come to the Star Dome train. 】

[Silver Wolf: Can you come to the Star Iron Universe first, and then give me the game? ] 】

[Kafka: Silver Wolf, your mind is really on the game. 】

Lynn continued, "Okay, okay, old guys..."

"Audience, let's continue with the plot."

"Let's witness the birth of the Law of Origin together."

Lynn shifted the conversation to the game screen.

I started to operate it myself.

The barrage turned a deaf ear to his crusade.

In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Bud Yi reacted immediately after hearing Ashlia's voice.

The loss in his eyes turned into surprise and looked at Alicia.

Bud Yi was not angry.

Not at all!

Because Alicia remembers her.

Without losing the memory between them.

So Nha Yi is particularly happy at this time.

Alicia asked happily, "How is it, Nha Yi?" "

"Weren't you taken aback?"

Bud Yi nodded, and then replied with a smile: "It is indeed the Alicia I know." "

Alicia: "Oh? So aren't you happy? "

"Of course it doesn't make a difference."

"After all, I'm in Bud Yi's heart."

"Of course, if you don't use such a romantic term..."

"I am not a real being, but a projection of the power of the origin in your heart."

"But because of this..."

"All that Nha Yi knows, all of Alicia..."

"It can be put together like this miracle..."

Bud Yi understood what Alicia meant: "So that's it." "

Alicia slowly descended from the air.

His feet landed on the starry ground.

The moment she landed

The whole space has changed dramatically.

Starlight flowing.

The original galaxy has turned a warm pink.

Alicia slowly walked in front of Bud Yi.

The two looked at each other...

The air quieted down for a while.

It was as if there were only two of them left in the world.

With the fact that there are really only two of them here.

Bud Yi spoke, breaking the silence here.

As if asking, he said in an affirmative tone: "So..."

"This is neither a promised land nor a stigmata space."

"It's my own lawyer core."

"What I have just experienced is the process of merging the power of the origin with myself."

Alicia nodded with a smile and said in a praising tone: "Oh, perfect answer." "

"It seems that after experiencing the baptism of the promised land."

"Bud Yi is already a detective..."

Bud Yi continued to ask his puzzlement: "That is to say..."

"Vilvie's back door..."

"It really..."

Alicia said happily: "If you are not careful, the bud clothes will be deceived again." "

Alicia looked in the other direction of space.

Where is a starry sky, vast. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But beautiful.

Not the deep darkness of space.

Rather, there is a light of hope everywhere.

Alicia began to explain, "Before being found by Bud. "

"The power of the origin has been sleeping for fifty thousand years."

"This is the prelude to the end and the harbinger of a new era."

"It is the starting point of the story of everything that has happened and has not yet come..."

"The Land of Origin"

Alicia is explaining the origin.

Also told Alicia.

The name of this place is called the Land of Origins

"The back door left by Vilvie is to use your heritage and memory."

"Awaken the miracle of slumber with that long letter."

"In anticipation, the Law of Origin who no longer exists."

"To be able to reappear in the deepest part of your soul."

Alicia turned her head and continued to look at the cfdb: "Actually, the bud has gone through from different angles. "


Bud Yi nodded slightly disappointed.

She probably understood in her heart.

This Alicia may not be the Alicia she met in the promised land of the past.

Alicia read the thoughts in Nha Yi's mind.

It's like a big sister who knows her heart.

"As long as Bud Yi remembers us, this story will not disappear."

"You see, I really didn't lie to Bud Yi, did I?"

Nha Yi nodded and snorted.


Lynn lived the conversation between the two.

While following the unknown audience, he explained: "To put it simply, it is the Vilvi of the promised land of the past. "

"In the heart of Bud Yi, a path has been opened that can lead to the land of origin and accept the inheritance of the law of origin."

"And what Nha Yi has to do is find this path and gain the recognition of the power of origin."

"Now the place where Bud Yi arrived."

"Even where the power of the origin is, it is a projection of her heart."

"The same is true of Alicia in front of her, a collection of all her memories of Alicia."

"It's Alicia in Nha Yi's heart, she is Alicia."

[Kiana: In other words, neither Alicia in the pre-civilization era nor Alicia in the promised land of the past does not exist. 】

[March 7: So the ending is still so sad? 】

[Pardophyllis: Although I already know this ending, I am still sad. 】

[Star: In other words, this is Alicia that Bud Yi believes. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Hey, hey, can you not be so sword-minded when you speak! ] 】

[Xi'er: But it's still very romantic, isn't it? 】

[Alicia: No, no, no, you're wrong! That's me, it's what I look like in Bud Yi's heart, as long as Bud Yi remembers me and remembers us. 】

[Eden: We will not disappear, and the real death is not the cessation of breathing, but the oblivion of all. 】

[March 7: Sounds complicated.] 】

[Bud Yi: I...]

[Alicia: To put it simply, no matter which Alicia is me, there is no difference Oh bud clothes. 】

[Alicia: I will understand when you go to the promised land of the world in the future. 】

[Walter: That's so, so Nha Yi has been telling your story since then. 】

[Silver Wolf: That must be a good story. 】

[Kafka: It's like the perfect script in Elio's eyes. 】


With Lynn's explanation.

Everyone can understand it.

What is the origin of this Alicia.

But she is still Alicia.

That won't change.

In the game screen.

Alicia continued to explain to Bud Yi.

Why are you here.

Why did it respond to the call of bud clothes.

Like a teacher who answers questions.

Explaining everything to Bud Yi.

"However, Bud Yi can come here."

"This area uh, uh, a result that even Vilvie can't be sure of."

"A true miracle!"

"And the reason why the miracle happened must be because Nha Yi really wanted to see me?"


Alicia looked at Bud Yi badly.?

Teasing Bud Yi in a sultry tone.

Just like when Nha Yi just stepped into the promised land of the past and met her.

But this time.

Bud Yi grew up.

Will no longer be so passively prodded by Alicia.

Looking at Alicia.?

Remembering what happened in the promised land of the past.?

Then Nha Yi nodded vigorously: "Hmm! "

"I've always wanted to..."

"Would love to see you again..."

"Tell you my answers, tell you that I found a way forward."

"Tell you..."

"I will always remember."

Alicia immediately became shy.

She didn't expect it!

Bud Yi actually became so direct!

Will also be prodded!

"After a while, Bud Yi became more and more frank."

"That's a foul."


"I'm not going to throw in the towel!"

"On this occasion, how can you let Bud Yi prevail."


"Let's change places, okay."

"Change to a more suitable place for girls!"

Alicia raised her hand with a smile...

Snapped his fingers.

Then the scene in the Land of Origin changed dramatically.

The two came to a place that seemed to be resting and drinking coffee.

At this time in the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Everyone looked at the bud clothes in the game screen in disbelief.

Kiana swallowed her saliva: "Bud Yi, this is you?" "

Bud Yi's face was slightly red.

How could he do such a thing?

Poked at Alicia.

What's all that going on?

How could he say something like that.

Bronia analyzed: "Is it because I became the Law of Thunder?" "

"So Sister Bud Yi's behavior has also become more bold?"

Fu Hua nodded: "The consciousness of the lawyer does affect emotions or personality to a certain extent. "

Bud Yigang wanted to say that the squad leader was right.

But Fu Hua took a twist.

"But it's not right, Bud Yi can obviously control the power of the Thunder Law very well."

"It shouldn't affect it."

Bud Yi: "I..."

Kiana looked at Nha Yi: "Nha Yi, you must have learned from Alicia." "

Bronia nodded: "Yes, sister Bud." "

"You like this are really sultry."

Kiana was teary-eyed: "Yes, Nha Yi didn't say these things to me." "

"It's excessive."

It's clear.

Bugs are jealous.

Everyone on the barrage at the same time.

It was also ridiculed.

[The Law of Knowledge: Hahahaha, the bud clothes have become Alicia's appearance. 】

[March 7: It's hard to learn well after learning badly, you can't cheat like Alicia. 】

[Pardophyllis: It's over! Sister Ellie broke Sister Bud Yi. 】

[Grace: In the future, if Sister Bud Yi comes to the Promised Land, will she bully people with Sister Alicia. 】

[Sue: This possibility cannot be ruled out. 】

[Kevin: Then don't let her in. 】

[Walter: It turns out that it started here and gradually deteriorated. 】


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