"This change in bud clothes."

"Isn't it a little big?"

Quantum Sea.

Hei Xi in Xi'er's body, after seeing the change of bud clothes ~ .

It's all unbelievable.

Is this still the bud-clothes that were very well-behaved before?

It's just two people!

Who believes this!

But I have to believe it.

Nha Yi is really getting along with Ellie Hia.

Went bad together.

Xi'er: "Actually, I don't think it's that the bud clothes have become bad. "

"Maybe it's just that Bud Yi is like this."

"It's just that in the relationship with Alicia, I gradually let go of myself."

"Maybe this is also Alicia's ability."

Heishi thought about it.

It seems that this is the only possibility.

Maybe in the heart of Bud Yi.

She is such a person.

It's just that it hasn't been much open.

"You have a point."

"But it doesn't matter."

"The next thing should be the routine between Nha Yi and Alicia."

"I think there should be a lot to say between the two of them."

Xi'er nodded: "Yes, it's like if we meet Sister Bronia now." "

"I'll have a lot to say to her."

This time Heishi did not refute it.

Instead, he nodded faintly.

Oh, yes.

Isn't that the same situation?

The difference is that this may really be the last time Nha Yi saw Alicia.

And if they leave the Quantum Sea.

It's a fresh start.

Hei Xi spoke, "Then don't disturb the two of them." "

"Let's have a good chat between the two of them."

Xi'er nodded.

Continue to look at the live room.

At this time, the game screen in the live broadcast room.

The picture has shifted to a place that looks like a café.

But there is a lobby like what a conference room.

What about the people in the live broadcast room.

Only the Law of Knowledge and the pre-civilizational era recognized this place.

[Knower: Isn't this the base of the fire-chasing moth in the promised land of the past? 】

[Mei: More precisely, it's a base that was imitated. 】

[Vilvie: The structure of the promised land in the past is basically not much different from the outside world, except that he is a little smaller. 】

[Teresa: Can the technology of the pre-civilization era already make the world by itself? 】

[Himeko Hoshiki: It shouldn't be possible, humans can hide in it if they can. 】

Walter: That's not technically a world. 】

[March 7: But even if that's the case, it's remarkable. 】

[Silver Wolf: That's right, leaving your own backup through memory exchange, even our universe does not have such an ability. 】

[Kafka: Maybe the only thing that can be done is to remember the star god. 】

[Kiana: So it's amazing technology. 】

[Bronia: Well, theoretically it's great to be able to do this. 】

[Otto: It seems that there are many things left over from the pre-civilization era that have not been recorded. 】

[Rita: yes, like this technology of the promised land. 】

[Vilvie: Actually, you don't have to think so complicated, just think of it as a slightly more realistic game server. 】

[Silver Wolf: Another game? 】

[Bronia: Can you elaborate on this?] 】

[Kafka: Only by mentioning this two of you will you have spirit. 】

[Bud Yi: Bronia is like this. 】

Lynn looked at the barrage.

Vilvi is introducing the principles of the promised land of the past.

Just right.

You can concentrate on the next plot.

In the game screen of the computer.

Alicia came to the council hall with the bud clothes and said with a smile: "I like it here." "

"The council hall of the thirteen heroes, the hall of the promised land of the past..."

"It is also the most familiar and reassuring place in Nha Yi in the whole journey to the promised land."


Bud Yi looked at the familiar environment, and had mixed tastes in her heart: "Well, it is also the place where we first met. "

Alicia smiled slightly, and continued to use a flirtatious tone towards the bud clothes: "Then..."

"Do you want to catch up with me?"

"I really want to hear my own story."

Bud Yi smiled and said, "Weiwei's long letter should have passed everything about me to you." "

Alicia seemed to be coquettish: "But I want to tell me about it herself." "

Bud Yi nodded and said very spoiledly: "Okay." "

"I knew it was best for me."

The rest of the time.

Bud Yi told a lot about them.

It's about everyone around Nha Yi.

Kiana, Bronia, Ciel...

And after coming out of the promised land of the past.

A lot of stories that happened.

Alicia held her chin in one hand and looked at the bud intently.

While carefully listening to every story told by Nha Yi.

After listening, Alicia said in surprise: "Wow, Kiana..."

"What a brave child, and just listen to the description of Bud Yi."

"I think she's so cute."

Alicia accused as if she was complaining: "I actually quarreled with such a cute girl." "

"Bud Yi, you are very bad!"

Nha Yi: "Well, I know. "

"So, we have reconciled seriously."

Alicia: "Bronia is also very good, and she took the initiative to become a lawyer." "

"In our time, this was simply unthinkable."

Bud Yi: "That's thanks to you." "

Alicia smiled and replied, "I'm just the beginning of that one percent." "

Then Lynn also began to explain.

What did Alicia and Nha Yi mean by this passage.

After Lynn finished speaking.

The current era of civilization includes the heroes of the pre-civilization era.

Finally understood.

Why the lawyers, the current era of civilization.

No longer a puppet of Honkai.

It is even possible to fight for humanity on this side of humanity.

Do this kind of thing that was completely incomprehensible before the Wen Min era.

It turned out that this was entirely because of Alicia's power.

It has nothing to do with various studies.

Alicia's power opens up one percent possibility.

And the trust and bond between people.

The remaining ninety-nine percent was replenished.

So there is a group of lawyers, who fight for humanity.

Warriors who fight for all the good in the world.

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

After hearing this news, Otto's face changed.

"It turns out that the Law of Reason became like that because of the Law of the Origin."

"But why is the Law of Emptiness?"

Otto is not stupid and smart.

A little thought will make it clear.

The original law of emptiness also has his own consciousness.

Will be afraid, will be afraid.

It will even have different feelings for Cecilia.

Why does she hate humans so much and want to kill them all?

The reason is simple.

Because Destiny conducted all kinds of inhuman experiments on her.

It made her hate the world.

I hate human beings.

But Otto figured it out, which does not mean that Otto repented.

He now knows the truth about the lawyer's consciousness.

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the Cyline plan and the experimental product K423.

Otto thought carefully for a moment and understood: "So it is." "

"There is no need for an extra useless consciousness to come out."

"It only takes conviction and emotion to be strong enough to conquer the power of the lawyer."

"The power of the lawyer."

"So is Walter Joyce, and so is Walter Young." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"And the Third Lawyer."

"The law of thunder, the law of fire, the law of knowledge."

"It seems that it is getting more and more interesting."

"You really provided me with a new research idea."


[March 7: We have known for a long time, and Uncle Yang has already told us just now. 】

[Li Suxiang: Eat alone, right? 】

[Kiana: So our lawyers' ability to retain their consciousness is actually all the credit of Alicia. 】

[Bud Yi: No wonder we are completely different from the lawyer in the record. 】

[Teresa: In this way, Alicia is the hero of the victory over Honkai. 】

[Alicia: No. I just started that one percent. 】

[Pardophyllis: The power of the Law of Origin is also too powerful. 】

[Star: If this is the case, why can't this power be exercised in the pre-civilization era. 】

[Alicia: Because I couldn't do it at the time, I was not familiar with the power of power, and in order to do this, I had to use power before the beginning of the era of civilization. 】

[Mei: Understood, only in this way can we ensure that every lawyer born next will be influenced by the power of the origin. 】

[Alicia: That's right, it's the smartest Dr. May. 】

[Vilvi: So, the Laws can fight for humanity because of our Alicia. 】

[Pardophyllis: Sister Ellie is the best. 】

[Alicia: And if it weren't for Virvi's sealing of the power of origin, the new law of origin born in the era of new civilization would also invalidate this power. 】

[Walter: In other words, the stakes are too great. 】

Lynn: "That's right, when Alicia died, there was no guarantee that this power would succeed. "

"So please ask Kevin before you die, if there really is a self-aware lawyer."

"Be sure to show him."

"Walter, so you now understand why in the Quantum Sea, Kevin asked you to join the World Serpent with Bronia, right?"

Walter in the Star Dome train was stunned.

The tip in Lynn is small.

Walter finally understood.

Why was he and Kai Wenming Ming enemies in the first place?

Later, Kevin wants to join the World Serpent with Bronia.

Completely counterintuitive.

[Walter: Because at that time, Bronia and I were the laws of reason with our own consciousness. 】

Lynn: "That's right, later you two would rather die than from him and didn't force you." "

"In the end, I found Bud Yi and helped Bud Yi become the Law of Thunder."

"Then let Nha Yi enter the promised land of the past world to meet Alicia."

[Alicia: I don't have to meet anyone now, I already know that I will succeed. 】

[Pardolphilis: It turns out that Boss Kevin absorbed Bud clothes into the world for this reason! ] 】

[Kevin: What else do you think? 】

[Pardolphilis: I thought it was because of Mei..."

[Mei: Huh? 】

[Mebius: Alicia, your hand is so long that it reaches out even for the next era of civilization. 】

[Alicia: Anyway, the end is good, right, Professor Mebius. 】

[Vilvie: In any case, this move by Alicia infinitely raises the possibility of defeating Honkai. 】

For Alicia's dedication.

All the viewers in the live broadcast room affirmed.


There was no such move from Alicia.

In the next era of civilization, no matter how strong they are, they will not be able to defeat the Ultimate Law.

The pre-civilizational era is a good lesson in the past.

Strong as Kevin.

Standing on the ceiling of humanity, there is no room for progress.

After an all-out blow.

It only caused the final lawyer to be shut down for 12 hours.

This is the limit of what humans can do.

In front of the light curtain live broadcast room.

Mei gently pushed her glasses and looked at Alicia: "I didn't expect it." "

"The triumph of mankind in the end."

"It was the lawyer who made it."

"It is also the one who conquers the law."

Alicia: "I wouldn't have been able to do this without everyone's help. "

"So I can't give all the credit to me alone."

Eden smiled and looked at Alicia.

"Ellie, you really love every human being in the world."

Sue: "To be precise, you are the first lawyer with self-awareness." "

Alicia shook her head: "I am the original lawyer, as for why I love humans so much. "

"I think human beings deserve to be loved so much by me."

A piece of nonsense self-questioning.

But the heroes all understood.

That is, love does not need any reason.

Alicia loves everyone equally.

It is possible to pay for them.

In the end, a whole new possibility of the next era of civilization to defeat collapse was achieved.

Pardophilis: "Then Sister Bud Yi should also be the same person as Alicia." "

"That's why I was chosen by Sister Ellie."

"Become the inheritor of the Law of Origin."

Aponia: "Let's just wait and see." "

"From the Law of Thunder to the Bud of the Law of Origin Evolve."

Everyone will look at the game broadcast room expectantly.

After the homely talk.

The topic is finally back on track.

game screen,

Alicia, who listened to all the stories, had a smile on her face.

"Thank you for telling me this and hearing about the changes that a new generation of people has made."

"I'm really happy."


"Of all these stories, do you know which one touched me the most? Bud Yi..."

Nha Yi: "I always think I won't hear any serious answers." "

Alicia said wickedly, "Then don't tell you." "

"I want to know, Alicia." "

"Tell me."

Alicia smiled and said, "The answer is... Every paragraph. "

"Really, it's a long story."

Bud Yi: "After all, it encompasses the entire promised land of the past, doesn't it?" "

"I am very happy that I chose to step into the promised land of the past and witness your story."

"This story got me out and made me grow."

"It ended up being a part of me."

"And I will continue to pass on your deeds and will."

"Let generations of people know that there was such a group of people."

"Live vigorously, brilliantly and dazzling..."

"Not only the story of Yingji, but also the story of Kiana, the story of Bronia, the story of Fu Hua..."

"The story of all those who gave their best for all those good things."

"Who called my side, all this kind of fool who doesn't think about himself..."

That's the end of it.

All the audience in the live broadcast room laughed unconsciously.

After all, everyone has such a fool on their side.

[March 7: Alas, I think I have such a fool as Xing around me. 】

[Star: Did you say the opposite. 】

[Bronia: There's a stupid Kiana next to me. 】

Kiana: I know, Bronia. 】

[Li Suxiang: I don't seem to have one around. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Yes, old antiques are also stupid too. 】

[Padofelis: There are more fools around me, Amar, a thousand calamities...]

[Thousand Calamities: Little Kitten, do you want to die? ] 】

[Grace: Isn't the idiot Sister Pado?] 】

..... Small..

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