In the barrage.

At this time, the audience was engaged in a heated discussion about who was the idiot.

Lynn looked at the barrage above.

He said softly: "It's all stupid." "

At this time, the audience on the barrage was unwilling.

[Kiana: The captain is the biggest fool. 】

[Bronia: Yes, the captain is an idiot. 】

[March 7: That's right, the anchor is the big fool who deceives people. 】

[Star: I don't participate in the crusade, I'm afraid he will lie to me. 】

[Li Suxiang: Okay, there are no stupid people around me, so you are it. 】

[Alicia: Captain, I don't think you're stupid. 】

[Pardol Phyllis: Hahaha, it's all stupid. 】

[Nha Yi: How does it feel so childish. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: He is not only an idiot, he is still a villain! ] 】

[Silver Wolf: This is good, let you talk more, everyone is besieging you. ] 】

[Kafka: It seems that everyone likes anchors. 】

[Fu Hua: It's okay, it feels very kind. 】

[Kiana: I thought I was the only one who felt that way. 】

[Xi'er: I have it too. 】

【Bronia: +1】


【Lauderdale: +1】

Lynn didn't expect it either.

Suddenly, the big family besieged him together.

That's excessive.

But what kind of intimacy later.

Lynn probably knew.

Maybe it's because they're all their own Valkyries.

Lynn laughed and said, "People who call me stupid are stupid. "

In an instant, the barrage exploded again.

Lynn simply ignored it.

Continue to live the plot.

After Alicia and Nha Yi had finished talking a lot.

Time is finally coming to an end.

After all, Nha Yi came here for a purpose.

The outside world is still in dire straits.

So you can't stay too long.

So this can be regarded as the final farewell of Alicia and Bud Yi.

That's it.

After a conversation.

Alicia will make her mission a continuation of the pre-civilizational era.

All entrusted to Bud Yi.

Because they're all the same people.

Fight to save human civilization.

Fight for all the good in the world.

They are all heroes of civilization.

They are also their own heroes.

And what each of them wanted to do in the first place was not the great ideal of saving the world and saving all mankind.

It's about protecting everyone around you.

And everyone they love.

Alicia looked at Nha Yi and asked gently, "So... Ready to go? "

Bud Yi knew that the last moment was finally coming.

Nodded solemnly.

His eyes looked at Alicia with determination.


"I will be the Law of the Origin."

"To fulfill the mission I should accomplish."

Alicia covered her mouth and snickered, "What? "

"Haven't you noticed it yet?"

Nha Yi was stunned, not understanding what Alicia was saying: "Perceive what? "

Alicia went on to explain: "By the time she arrived here, Bud Yi had already become the Law of Origin. "

"Or in other words, it is because of becoming the Law of Origin that Bud Yi can reach this Origin Land."

"See me."

Bud Yi: "What is the beacon that Vilvi left behind?" "

When asking this sentence.

Bud Yi already has the answer in his heart.

The search for Alicia begins with stepping into the land of origin.

He is already the Law of Origin.

As for the Vilvi beacon...

Just believe it exists.

Alicia looked at the bud clothes with the eyes of a girl: "It seems that the bud clothes are a little bit of ritual to become the law of origin." "

"Like beautiful new clothes..."

"Or a little bit from the seniors... Education of love. "

"If Bud Yi really wants to, it's not impossible."

Bud Yi countered Alicia: "Both of these are please, Alicia." "

Alicia: "Bud Yi has become so greedy." "

"Come on, Nha Yi!"

Alicia took the bud shirt's hand and ran quickly.

The surrounding scene quickly receded.

Soon, he returned to the place of origin with Bud Yi.

The land of origin starlight flowes.

It's beautiful.

Spectators in front of the light curtain.

It's all so drunk.

There is such a beautiful place in this world.

Alicia walked in front and said happily: "Then, let's start..."

Bud Yi nodded.

Slowly followed behind Alicia.

Step by step, step by step.

Pre-civilizational era.

Alicia, who saw this scene, slowly stood up.

The other heroes also stood up together.

Bud Yi inherits more than just the power of Alicia's origin lawyer.

It is still the unfinished story of the thirteen heroes of the pre-civilization era.

Although I don't know that Bud Yi experienced such a story in the promised land of the past.

But since he could get the beacon from Vilvie's hand.

Then it represents.

She was recognized by all the memories of the thirteen heroes.

She is not just a descendant of Alicia.

It is also the descendant of the thirteen heroes of the fire.

More than just passing on their stories.

And their spirit.

And the names they carry.

Alicia pulled up the hem of her skirt.

"Now, let's welcome the birth of the New Origin Law." "

"That's nice."

"To be able to witness this scene with everyone while we are all still there."

Eden: "Ellie, your efforts are worth it." "

Pardol Phyllis: "Yes, Sister Ellie." "

"Sister Bud Yi is not the only one who is recognized by you."

Thousand Calamities: "I didn't recognize that lawyer." "

Aponia: "A thousand calamities, a good boy can't lie." "

Grace: "Cosmo said the same. "

Sakura: "I don't know the memory, have I studied knife techniques with Bud Yi." "

Hua: "My memory, my future should be very recognized by Bud Yi." "

Sue: "This scene has really never happened before. "

Thirteen Yingqi stood up en masse.

Welcome the birth of the lawyer.

This scene is indeed bizarre.

Mei smiled and said, "It's okay, from this moment on. "

"The one who is the law of origin is a member of the thirteen heroes of the fire."

"It's not just Alicia."

Alicia: "Well, I'm here to thank you." "

Mebius: "It's a bit annoying to look so formal." "

Vilvie: "Okay, don't talk about it. "

"Here we go."

[March 7: I knew there must be something completely new. 】

[Star: So the moment Bud Yi became the Law of Thunder again, she was the Law of Origin. 】

[Knower: That's right, it's just that she didn't find it, so she still needs a little guidance from Alicia. 】

[Kiana: Is Nha Yi going to change into new clothes?] 】

[Xi'er: It must be beautiful.] 】

[Li Suxiang: Why is it so easy for you to change your clothes.] 】

[Otto: The birth of the Law of Origin. 】

[Lauderdale: Does that mean that Bud Yi will become stronger! ] 】

[Teresa: It's really a blessing to watch my students grow up little by little. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Yes, Bud Yi really does not disappoint and worry. 】

[Walter: This scene can finally be seen. 】

[Danheng: This should be the first time to witness the birth of a lawyer. 】

[Alicia: Everyone, let's witness the birth of the Law of the Origin. 】


At the same time, Lynn left her keyboard with both hands.

Bud clothing does not need to be manipulated.

Himself walked in the direction of Alicia.

"Gentlemen, let us witness the birth of the Law of the Origin."

In the game screen.

Walking forward with the bud clothes.

Alicia's ethereal voice resounded throughout the Land of Origin.

Through the live room.

This ethereal voice was also heard by all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

Alicia's figure flew by: "Let the ballad that no one sings, start singing again..." (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!) )

"Write a new chapter for the dusty story of history."

"A pure and innocent soul, embark on a journey."

Alicia's voice just fell.

A footstep came slowly.

Came to Bud Yi's side.

A light shadow and bud clothes walked together, shoulder to shoulder towards the front.

Bud Yi when he saw this light and shadow.

A gentle smile appeared.

[Pardolphilis: It's me! It's me who is by my side with Sister Bud. 】

[Otto: That should be the thought in Raiden Bud's heart, that is, the memory of you. 】

[Alicia: You see, Bud Yi really remembers all of us deeply...]

[Grace: Sister Bud, remember me too..."

[Sakura: I have it too...]

[Mebius: There is actually me? 】

[Teresa: It's really touching, the story between Nha Yi and Thirteen Yingji. 】

[March 7: These people are the thirteen heroes of the fire! ] 】

[Kiana: In the future, I will also go to the promised land with Nha Yi. 】

[Star: Are you worried that Alicia will snatch the bud clothes. 】

[Alicia: No, I can't take the bud clothes. You can all come, we welcome you. 】

[Pardophyllis: Yes, everyone must come]


In the game screen.

At the time of the appearance of the phantom of Padophelis.

Alicia's ethereal voice also followed: "May the beast of plunder love its body and give freedom to empty dreams." "

After Padofelis.

Another light and shadow came from the rear.

Came to Bud Yi's side.

The look of that light and shadow.

People of the present era of civilization.

Recognized it immediately.

It's Fu Hua!

And in the pre-civilizational era, when it was in the throne.

The name she should be called more should be Hua!

Alicia: "May the feather of the dust bless his body and grant the perseverance of the floating life." "

[Kiana: Squad leader, look it's you! ] Squad leader...]

[Bronia: Stupid Kiana, that's Hua, and the class leader is still a little different. 】

[Teresa: It's really not changed in more than 50,000 years. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Is this the Hua of the year? 】

[Fu Hua: This is how I used to be, and I haven't changed much from me now... 】

[Hua: That's what I look like at this moment. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Cut, you have basically not changed much except for the change of clothes. 】

[Otto: The Red Kite Immortal really hasn't changed at all. 】

[Li Suxiang: It's really exactly the same, it's so present. 】

[March 7: I don't know why, it's really touching to see this moment. 】

[Himeko Hoshidome: Maybe it's because in our hearts, we also long for such a group of people to support us and move forward with us. 】

[Star: Are you talking about more March 7? 】

[Walter: That's a good description, don't describe it that next time.] 】

[March 7: I'm still here! 】

[Xi'er: Really moved, looking at the light and shadow of the heroes. 】

[Pardophyllis: Everyone is really standing by the side of Sister Bud. 】


In the game screen.

Alicia's ethereal voice was still echoing.

The light and shadow of the heroes.

Under the praise of Alicia.

One after another, they appeared next to Bud Yi.

Accompany the bud clothes to move forward.

"May the scroll of the world bless its body and grant the innocence of the stars."

"May the serpent of the realm love its body and grant it infinite thirst."

"May the whistle of dawn bless its body and give the will of the rising light."


"May the sword of embers love its body and give it the ideal of salvation."

So far.

Except for Alicia, who is chanting songs in the air.

The twelve Fire Heroes all came to Bud Yi's side and followed Bud Yi forward.


Alicia slowly descended from the air.

Flutter around the side of this bud coat.

It was as if some sacred ritual was being performed.

"May the unblemished love bless him and give him the return of his true self."

"We hereby celebrate the birth of the Law of the Origin!"

After reading, Alici stretched out her hand to Bud Yi.

Gentle said: "Next, it's the turn of Bud Yi to shine." "

"Today's heroine, are you ready?"

Bud Yi will his own hand.

It was given to Alicia's hands.

A gentle nod snorted.

Alicia took Bud Yi's hand and brought Bud Yi into the air: "Next, I will leave this stage to you." "

In the land of origin.

Colorful energy surged towards the bud clothes in the air.

And gathered around her.

At this moment, Bud Yi finally felt it.

The power of origin that appeared in himself...

And not like before.

Didn't notice anything.

After mastering the power of deep origin.

The light of Bud Yi's whole body exploded violently.

Countless cherry blossom petals fall.

The appearance of the bud clothes has also changed dramatically.

Black-red Thunder Lawyer armor.

It turned into a vivid pinkish white.

Behind the bud robe was also a white light wheel full of divinity.

Above rune Liu Zhuang.

It seems to have amazing powers.

The original red sword also became the same color as the origin armor on his body.

Bud Yi is not only the same as Alicia at this time.

Full of gentle divinity

Hidden in the eyes of the endless sea of stars.

And there is a human nature, which cannot be described in words, greatness.

At the moment in the hands of Bud Yi 4.1.

I don't know when a brilliant and moving flower will be condensed.

And those who were in the land of origin before.

Including Alicia disappeared at this moment.

The original place of liveliness.

At this moment, only Bud Yi is left.

Bud Yi gazed gently at the flowers in her hand.

Slowly he spoke, "Thank you, Alicia." "

"It's an amazing feeling, they're here."

"The power of the Law of the Origin..."

"And your heart..."

"I will carry out our will throughout, so you will always watch me."


Flowers in hand.

After listening to what Nha Yi said.

It began to drift away slowly.

Turn into a little starlight.

Not so bright though.

But it seems to be filled with an inexhaustible light.

Illuminating the way forward for those who come after us.

In the end, the picture is also frozen in this divine one.

Lynn also spoke at this time: "So far, Raiden Bud Yi has inherited the power of Alicia and inherited the story of the thirteen heroes. "

"With the wealth of the heroes left over from the pre-civilization era."

"Transform into the Law of the Origin."

The final concluding remarks are finished.

Lynn also wiped the game screen.

Go back to the main screen.

And the audience was still deeply shocked by the breath that the Origin Law showed when he was born just now.

Of course, this does not include Alicia herself.

The Law of Knowledge and Walter.

After all, they are the Law of Origin.

The other two have already seen the Law of Origin.

"Kafka, do you feel it?"

Although Lynn has returned to the main interface of the game.

But Silver Wolf still remembers what it looked like.

Kafka nodded: "Well, it's a powerful force. "

"That's a force that can change fate..."


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