"Sister Bronia ten years later, I'm really looking forward to it."

Xi'er looked at the game screen in the light curtain live broadcast room.

There was a glint of excitement in his eyes.

It's not just Ciel.

Even Heishi did, after hearing that it was Bronia ten years later.

I also started to get excited.

"I really don't know my sister-sama in ten years."

"Is it still the same as it is now."

Xi'er: "Probably not, Sister Bronia will also grow up." "

Hei Xi smiled slightly: "But I still think that the current sister looks better." "

"Don't you think, Xi'er?"

Xi'er doesn't care about this kind of thing.

"As long as it's Sister Bronia."

"It's okay with the rest."

Hei Xi glanced at Xi'er with disgust: "Xi'er, you are really boring." "


Xi'er asked curiously, "But what, another me?" "

Ciel focused all her attention on Bronia.

Heishi notices more points.

"Since Sister Bronia and Bud Yi both appeared in ten years."

"And what about Kiana?"

Heishi was puzzled.

According to the feelings of the three.

There is no reason for this.

When Bud Yi appeared with Bronia, Kiana went and did not appear.

Moreover, according to Kiana's personality.

It must be that I wish I had been sticking with Bud Yi.

As long as nothing else held Kiana back.

It is unlikely to be separated from the bud coat.

That's why Heishi will feel.

It's very strange.

This also made Heishi a little uneasy.

Is there anything else going on in the future?

Look at Xi'er's innocent appearance.

Heishi did not continue to voice her doubts.

Just said simply: "Maybe because I grew up, everyone has their own things." "

"And Sister Bronia and Bud Yi also became the squad captains."

"A position similar to Himeko."

"So I think Kiana is leading another squad or performing some other mission."

Xi'er nodded: "Because when Kiana became the Law of Flame." "

"Already grown up."

Heishi just nodded.

Then continue to look at the live broadcast room, Lynn's operation.

Nothing more was said.

At this time, inside the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven.

Rita looked at Otto: "Lord Otto, if you follow what you say." "

"Maybe you're gone in ten years."

"Then who is the future Mandate Great Lord's Church?"

Otto smiled slightly.

After all, Mandate of Heaven is a super large organization that has been passed down for many years.

In your own future plans.

There was no intention of dragging the Mandate of Heaven into the abyss together, but gave the Mandate of Heaven a better destination.

In his heart.

There was also a candidate who could hold the position of the 153rd bishop of the Mandate of Heaven long ago.

Otto asked rhetorically, "Rita, do you think in the future." "

"Who else but me is qualified for the position of Archbishop of Heavenly Destiny?"

Otto smiled slightly.

You must know that in the Mandate of Heaven, in addition to the powerful Valkyries.

There is also a group of tough scientific research troops.

Those leaders also have the potential to become the leaders of destiny.


None of these people were in Otto's consideration.

Otto asked Rita like this.

I just want to know if Rita's thoughts are the same as herself.

And Rita replied with a smile, "I think it should be Lord Teresa." "

When Urandale heard the name Teresa.

"Let Teresa-senpai manage the Mandate of Heaven."

"No, the whole destiny has become lazy."

Hearing Lauderdale evaluate Teresa like this, Otto smiled directly and cheekily.

Rita also said: "Yes, Lord Teresa, she is occasionally a little lazy. "

Lauderdale still remembers.

When he first joined Destiny, he was assigned to Teresa for a while.

But Teresa is lazy and does not lead the team.

Let Lauderdale dislike Teresa every day.

Teresa was also afraid of Lauderdale.

The two formed an indissoluble bond from that time.

Later, Teresa also invited Lauderdale to St. Freya's Academy.

Rejected by Lauderdale.

The reason is that in St. Freya's Academy, I am afraid that I will also become lazy with Teresa.

Half dead to Teresa.

So when I heard Rita recommend Teresa.

Lauderdale would have said this.

Otto continued: "In fact, Teresa is just a rebellious and lazy adolescence. "

"It'll be good when you grow up."

Hear this sentence.

Lauderdale was even more speechless.

That's going to be 50 years old.

It's still puberty!

But if you're in Otto's shoes.

That's right.

After all, Otto is over 500 years old.

In his eyes.

Teresa's is indeed a child who has not yet grown up.

This is also Otto as a grandfather.

Preference for Teresa.

The Valkyrie knows how much Otto loves Teresa.

Lauderdale: "Bishop, listen to what you mean." "

"Do you really plan to give your place to Teresa in the future?"

Otto nodded: "Yes, she will definitely be a good heir." "


Speaking of which.

Otto smiled and did not continue.

At this time (cfea) Rita interjected: "I seem to have seen it before. "

"Lord Otto..."

Otto: "Rita, this matter is a secret. "

"Can't say it yet."

Lauderdale looked at Otto and Rita curiously.

Fortunately, she is not a gossipy person.

So I didn't ask any questions.

Otto said lightly: "Later, you will know." "

"And I believe it too."

"Teresa in the future will take Destiny in a better direction."

"As for me..."

Otto looked into the live broadcast room.

Those Teresa barrages.

Didn't go on.

It's in my heart, like saying it to myself.

It's like saying to everyone.

"And I am just a sinner who uses destiny as a tool."

At this time, in the live broadcast room.

Lynn has tuned up a brand new gameplay.

Then he said: "In the plot chapter of Honkai 3.

"There's a chapter about ten years later, called the Book of Post-Collapse."

"The plot involved in the post-collapse book is related to Walter's trip to the Star Iron World."

"We will connect and develop these later."

"Now let's go and see Bronia and Bud Yi ten years later."

Lynn clicks on a brand new game story.

[March 7: Here it comes, so excited and excited. 】

[Kiana: Although I don't have me, I can see the bud clothes ten years later. 】

[Bronia: Ten years later, Sister Bud Yi is indeed very exciting. 】

[Honkai Himeko: It's good to see what you will look like when you grow up.] 】

[Teresa: yes, look at how you little guys will grow up. 】

[Li Suxiang: Is there anything Fu Hua will look like when he grows up.] 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Don't think about it, old antiques are like that in this life. 】

[Fu Hua: If you say this, I can take it as your attack in life. 】

[Mebius: The Law of Knowledge is right, your Broken Beast Factor is special. 】

[Vilvie: Like Grace, it should be considered a special situation. 】

[Grace: I don't know. 】

[Pardophyllis: I wish I had been like this. 】

[Silver Wolf: The story chapters of this game are really detailed. 】

[Kafka: Ten years, that's a long time. 】

[Star: Compared to our universe, this point in time is not long. 】

[Kafka: No, the next decade will be long. 】

[Danheng: What does this mean?] 】

[March 7: I found that they star core hunters, and their speech is always mysterious. 】

[Himeko Hoshidome: Not just talking, but also doing things. 】

While discussing on the barrage.

The game's story graphics also began to play.

In a location similar to a warehouse.

There were several young children, discussing something. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As the picture moves.

Came to a corner position.

There were two other people standing there.

One had long silver hair with loose hair forming several turbine curls behind him.

He was wearing more advanced Valkyrie armor.

The other had long purple hair.

She wears white Valkyrie armor.

There are also some purple decorative embellishments on it.

These two people.

It hardly needs introduction.

Viewers in the live broadcast room.

Recognize it at a glance.

This is Bronia and Bud Yi ten years later.

And how it looks now.

The Law of Reason, the Law of Thunder and even the Law of Origin.

It's all completely different.

The temperament shown by the two is not just more mature.

Even the body shape has changed dramatically.

Especially Bronia.

At first glance it is simply unbelievable.

Just ten years.

Bronia can actually change so much!

From the previous small not point.

Long and as tall as the bud coat.

The figure has even become more bumpy than the bud clothes.

[March 7: No, I believe that this is Bud Yi on the side, what does this have to do with Bronia?] 】

[Walter: Although you don't believe it, she is indeed Bronia. 】

[Star: Is this a special recipe?] 】

[Himeko Hoshidome: Isn't this a bit too exaggerated. 】

[Pardophyllis: If it weren't for the turbo duck in the back, I wouldn't have been able to tell it was Bronia. 】

[Xi'er: This is... Sister Bronia? 】

[Li Suxiang: Huh? Is there anything strange, I can recognize it as Bronia. 】

[Rita: Miss Bronia's growth is estimated to make Lord Teresa very envious. ] 】

[Teresa: I don't, even if it is my student, in my eyes it is also a child. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Yes in terms of age. 】

[Vilvi: This change is even more exaggerated than the size of Grace. 】

[Mebius: Could it be that this also has something to do with the power of the lawyer?] 】

[Hua: Can you change this aspect of becoming a lawyer? 】

[Knower: Isn't this change a bit exaggerated, it took Grace 50,000 years, and this is only ten years. 】

[Kiana: I can still recognize Bud Yi, Bronia's gap is really too big. 】

[Bronia: Is this really the future me?] 】

[Otto: It would be better if I could see Teresa in the future. 】

On the barrage.

All to this big duck duck.

Showed extreme shock.

Yes, no matter who saw the duck duck ten years later.

I have to blurt out a lying groove.

Lynn first played the plot of the book after Honkai.

The shock was no less than theirs.

After all, the changes before and after are really huge.

To convince everyone, Lynn went on to explain: "Shocking enough. "

"When I first met, it was just like everyone else."

"I even wonder if the game has a new character."

"But I can guarantee that this is Bronia."

"The real Ghost Fire Girl Turbo Duck Bronia Zajček."

"Beside her is the future bud clothes."

"She hasn't changed much, it's just more mature than she was ten years ago."

"And it has changed..."

Lynn said this and will not continue.

Because the audience in the live broadcast room will feel the huge change in Bud Yi.

It was completely lawfully transformed into the appearance of Alicia.

Lynn said and suddenly thought of another question: "Teresa should be very hit at this time." "

This is in the conference room.

Teresa kept looking at Bronia in the game screen.

Then look at his sad 12-year-old appearance.

It's only been ten years!

And he has been for several decades, and he is still like this.

Who is this reason with???

Teresa also compared Himeko and Bronia in passing.

The conclusion was reached.

In the future, when she grows up, Bronia will be even older than Himeko!

Himeko spread her hands.

She knew what Teresa was thinking.

After all, Teresa has expressed jealousy of her figure more than once.

"Teresa, there's no way around it."

"And you don't have to be discouraged."

"After all, it has now been confirmed that fusion warriors are not not growing up."

"It's just a matter of time."

Teresa gritted her teeth.

Is that a matter of time?

That's tens of thousands of years!

"Don't want to discuss this."

"Whatever, I've already taken my life."

Teresa said unconvinced.

Growing up that kind of thing.

It is only possible in dreams.

But jealousy is jealousy.

Teresa is seeing what Bronia and Bud Yi look like in the future.

There was also a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

"These two future little guys."

"It's really reliable."

"And I seem to see your shadow on the body of Bud Yi."

Teresa looked at Himeko.

Ji Zi smiled lightly and said very proudly: "Of course." "

"Nha Yi is my student."

"But I really didn't expect that in the future, she would become the captain of the Valkyrie squad and work part-time."

"According to my previous vision, when the collapse is completely defeated."

"Bud will open a restaurant, with Kiana."

"Bronia might work in games or the computer industry."

Teresa: "It's also possible that it was really influenced by you." "

"That's why you became a teacher?"

Himeko suddenly became even more proud.?

Be a goal for students.

What could be more proud of as a teacher.?

But Teresa changed her tone and continued, "But I hope. "

"She doesn't want to learn your bad habit of drinking together."

"If that's the case, I'll be very distressed."

Himeko: "Teresa, you don't understand." "

"Drink a little alcohol once in a while to sleep more comfortably."

"Don't you like to drink with me once in a while?"

Teresa shook her head: "It's just you pulling me." "

"I only have two drinks with you when I have time."

"It's not like you drink every day."

Himeko smiled faintly.

"Yes, drinking every day is not a good habit."

"Bud Yi, Bronia."

"You who can see the future, see what you will be like when you grow up."

"What a relief..."

Himeko said this from the heart.

Changes in these two children.

None of it matters to Himeko.?

What matters is what they look like in the future.

Still so beautiful and powerful...

Himeko: "But it's a bit of a pity that I didn't see Kiana." "

Teresa: "Maybe you're on some other mission." "

"Look at the two of them."

"I believe that Kiana's changes must be great..."


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