"This is Sister Bronia ten years later?"

Even Xi'er, who is closest to Bronia.

When I saw this scene, I was a little afraid to confirm whether it was Bronia.

After all, this change is really too big.

Except that you can vaguely see Bronia's feelings.

The rest really doesn't feel it at all.

Hei Xi said at this time: "Although there is some gap from when I was a child. "

"But I can still tell it's my sister."

"Sister-sama, this time, I really became an adult...~..."

Ciel: "But this is Sister Bronia whom we know." "

"It feels like the gap is a bit big."

"And it seems a little not very close."

Hei Xi spoke, "Isn't my sister always like this?" "

"Only in front of people you know, will you not be so indifferent."

"It's just the first time you've seen your older sister grow up, and it's normal to feel like this."

"Have you forgotten when my sister first came to the orphanage."

"Your fear of your sister."

Hei Xi mentioned this, and Xi'er thought of that memory.

Bronia had just been brought to the orphanage by Kokoria.

Many people are afraid of Bronia.

Even Xi'er is no exception.

In the later relationship, Er gradually regarded Bronia as his own family.

With extreme feelings behind him.

With Heishi's example.

Xi'er immediately understood what this feeling was about.

"Then she must be Sister Bronia, that's right."

Heishi smiled softly.

"You're weird."

"You have to think of that kind of thing to believe that this person here is my sister."

Xi'er was speechless.

"Because of the change in Bronia's sister."

"It's really too big."

Hei Xi nodded: "Yes, ten years is really a long time. "

"It's not surprising that there is such a change."

"What I'm curious about now is what we'll be like in the future."

"Are you still staying by my sister's side..."

Xi'er said affirmatively: "Yes, we will definitely always be by Sister Bronia's side." "

Heishi shook his head.

Silly girl!

But maybe it's such a simple silly girl.

It will cause Bronia's protection in the first place.

And then later.

Sacrificing himself also has to protect Bronia in turn.

Hei Xi looked at Xi'er's appearance.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Then continue to look at the picture in the live broadcast room.

"We will definitely do in the future."

Perhaps he was infected by Xi'er's optimism and simplicity.

Heishi also said this.

Xi'er suddenly grinned.

Hei Xi asked curiously: "What's wrong, what are you laughing at?" "

Xi'er replied, "No, it's just that suddenly I feel that the other me is much closer to me." "

Hei Xi was stunned: "What do you mean?" "

"Hasn't our distance always been like this?"

"Two souls share a body, is there anyone in the world who is closer than us?"

Obviously, Heishi is talking about this on the matter.

It's a very clever existence.

But on the emotional side.

She didn't seem very good.

And Xi'er is the same.

It was just a momentary feeling.

So now Heishi asked her so.

Xi'er couldn't answer for a while.

Heixi: "Strange, continue to look at the future sister." "

"I want to know my sister other than the changes that have occurred physically."

"What other changes."

Xi'er nodded vigorously.

She also wanted to know.

And on the other side of the live broadcast room.

In the Star Dome universe.

Kafka looked at the silver wolf interestingly: "Silver wolf, do you say that you will be as mature as Bronia in the future." "

Silver Wolf blew out a gum bubble.


The gum bubbles burst, and the silver wolf ate it back into his mouth.

He said indifferently: "This kind of thing is not important at all. "

"Compared to these, I am more curious about another sentence that the anchor said just now."

Kafka: "Are you talking about the plot of the post-collapse book connecting Walter's entry into the Star Dome universe?" "

As a teammate of the Silver Wolf.

Kafka immediately thought of what Silver Wolf wanted to say.

Silver Wolf nodded: "If it's really like the anchor said." "

"Then the company that will not publish this game will also be modeled on our world."

"Then make a game that goes up."

Kafka asked rhetorically, "If you were to plan this game." "

"Would you do the same?"

The silver wolf thought for a while, and then nodded: "Since the two worlds have found a junction." "

"Then these stories are not over."

"So I'm going to keep these stories going."

"The game is not just a pleasure and pleasure, but also the plot and those emotions in the game."

Kafka smiled: "I never thought that there were so many twists and turns to play the game. "

"But you're right."

"And I'm sure you should have also discovered that there is also a strange energy in the Honkai universe."

Silver Wolf: "You mean Honkai can?" "

Kafka nodded: "That's right. "

"Avalanche can appear with civilization, and the purpose is to destroy civilization."

"Isn't this the same thing that the Star God of Destruction wants to do?"

Silver Wolf replied, "Indeed, I thought the same way at the beginning. "

"Could it be that some extinction lord was making trouble with it, but it doesn't seem to be the case later."

"It can only be said that Honkai seems to have a similar fate to Nanuk."

"But by no means to the same extent."

Kafka: "Yes, but the similarity is worth noting. "

"After all, the ending of Elio's script."

"You should know that too."

Silver Wolf: "I know, so I will pay close attention to this aspect in the future." "

Kafka smiled.

"But Silver Wolf."

"Aren't you really curious about how Bronia grew into the way she looks in the future."

"If only I figured out what was going on."

"Maybe you still have a chance to develop."

Kafka said wickedly.

The silver wolf glanced at Kafka calmly: "If you often have to carry out tasks." "

"Such a figure is a burden."

Hearing this, Kafka smiled.

Sure enough.

A child is a child after all.

You'll understand later.

"Okay, since you are so thoughtful, then I won't say it."

"But if it's really like you think."

"There is a story connection between the two universes."

"Maybe in the next live broadcast, Lynn will really release the game of our universe."

Silver Wolf nodded: "Yes, I've been looking forward to this. "

Kafka: "It's only in terms of games that you can be so focused." "

At this time, in the live broadcast room.

Everyone expressed their feelings about Bronia growing up.

And the story of the game continues.

Ten years later Bud Yi and Bronia.

It seems that deliberately came to this corner position to talk.

I don't want my team members to hear it.

A little anxious look could also be found in Bronia's eyes.

Then Bronia asked worriedly, "Bud Yi, does your injury really not matter?" "

Bud Yi replied with a smile: "Well, it's okay. "


"Don't you believe Sister Bud?"

Bud Yi's eyes are bad.

Speaking is also completely different from Bud Yi in the live broadcast room.

Instead, it became more like Alicia.

It's like inheriting the law of knowledge.

That was the case when she prodded Alicia.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

Just now, Bronia didn't call Sister Bud.

Everyone still thinks it's nothing.

After all, they are such big people.

It's normal to change the title.

As a result, Bud Yi said so.

The taste has changed a little.

It was as if Bud Yi was deliberately bullying Bronia.

While expressing that you are okay.

Don't forget to provoke Bronia.

How bad!

And Bronia's expression did become a little flustered.

After all, the title of sister Bud Yi.

She really hasn't called for a long time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Now Bud Yi suddenly brought up.

Some nostalgia at the same time.

I'm a little embarrassed again.

After all, he is now a squad leader.

And it's long.

It's not the little one who followed Bud Yi before.

"I..... No..."

"I just..."

Bronia's panicked little look.

It is true that it was pinched by the bud clothes.

And this scene.

Everyone from the pre-civilizational era.

Too familiar.

That's how Alicia grabbed everyone.

It can be said that there is no difference at all.

Pardophyllis looked at the bud clothes, and then looked at Alicia beside her: "Sister Ellie, the future bud clothes are different from you." "

"The others are completely different from you!"

"It's so similar even when you bully."

Alicia smiled and replied, "Phyllis, it's not right for you to say that. "

"Maybe that's what Bud Yi looks like?"

Sue looked at Bud Yi and then at Alicia.

Then he looked at Mei.

Mei also noticed Sue's eyes.

Directly chose to ignore.

But Su still said: "It was a little different before. "

"It turns out to be exactly the same when I grow up."

Mei: "Su, next time, this kind of thing doesn't need to be specifically brought up. "

"Everyone will see for themselves."

"I'll judge for myself."

It is naturally the plum face of Bud Yi.

The most funny thing is that Ying Wei thinks.

It is obviously a bud clothes, but it looks exactly the same as Mei.

When I grew up, I behaved like Alicia.

In the end, this is the inheritance of the thirteen heroes of chasing fire.

It's still only the two of them.

Mebius: "Then I think that maybe my memory in the promised land of the past should not have a very good relationship with Bud Yi." "

Sakura: "I don't think. "

Hua: "Yes, you and Alicia have always had a good relationship. "

Alicia: "That's it, I gave you a dress, have you forgotten Professor Mebius." "

Mebius heard the skirt.

Glancing at Alicia: "I threw that kind of thing a long time ago." "

"I stay in the lab every day."

"I still prefer this white coat for experiments."

Alicia said with some pity: "Oh, hey, people just see that you often wear that kind of clothes." "

"There is no girl look at all."

"That's why you wear that beautiful dress."

"This is a lot of hard work that has failed me."

Mebius chuckled.

Then he ignored Alicia.

Instead, he looked at the game screen in the live broadcast room: "It's really like Alicia." "

[March 7: This is simply a copy of Alicia, and the tone and expression of the bullying are exactly the same. 】

[Star: Are you familiar with Alicia?] 】

[Danheng: Just watched the one just now. 】

[March 7: I see people very accurately, well, if you don't believe it, ask Padopelis. 】

[Pardophyllis: Yes, exactly the same as Sister Ellie. 】

[Xi'er: Bud Yi is bullying Bronia's sister. 】

[Alicia: Sister Xi'er, this is not bullying, this is because I like it. 】

[Kiana: I didn't expect Nha Yi to become so bad when she grew up, and I liked it more. 】

[Honkai Himeko: You two...]

[Lauderdale: It's really not kind to bully your former teammates like this. 】

[Nha Yi: I don't know what's going on, it has nothing to do with me now. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Hahaha, I am also familiar with such a lightning bud clothes. ] 】

[Fu Hua: Are you saying that you were already like this at that time? 】

[The Law of Knowledge: It's still relatively convergent. 】

[Teresa: I think I must have met Bronia. 】

[Walter: No, that's what the future bud clothes are. 】

【Bud clothes:......】

[Silver Wolf: The growth personality of the game characters is also very well portrayed. ] 】

[Li Sushang: It doesn't feel much difference. 】

[Bronia: I didn't expect that Bronia would actually be bullied by Sister Bud. ] 】

In the Valkyrie dormitory.

Bronia looked at Bud Yi with her classic duck face: "Sister Bud Yi, why will you become so bad in the future?" "

Bud Yi looked helpless: "I don't know." "

"Maybe the captain is lying to us, that's not me."

Kiana: "No, I can feel that it's Bud Yi." "

"Such a bad bud clothes look very good."

Fu Hua: "It seems that when I was in the promised land of the past, I was most influenced by Alicia." "

Bronia looked at Kiana: "Stupid Kiana, I accept your proposal just now." "

"But if Sister Bud Yi goes to the promised land of the world."

"We'll go with us."

Before being bullied.

Bronia didn't say that.

Sure enough, when the fist does not hit himself.

It doesn't hurt.

This time, Kiana was not happy: "I think this kind of bud clothes are also quite good." "0

"You're right, Nha Yi!"

For this question.

Bud Yi chose not to answer.

It's really Taishe who died.

The contrast between before and after is really huge.

Especially myself at this time.

and the ten-year-later bud in the game screen.

Although the appearance changes.

But the character is real, spanning a large class.

Bud Yi said helplessly: "Let's continue to watch the live broadcast first, Kiana." "

Kiana nodded vigorously: "Good! "

In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Bronia calmed her emotions a little.

Then coughed lightly twice to ease his embarrassment.

"Ahem, a long time ago."

"I don't need to call you that anymore."

Bud Yi nodded and recalled, "Yes. "

"When you started calling me Bud Yi, I was a little unaccustomed."

"It's a little lonely."

The tone of this bud Yi speaks.

It's like receiving some grievances.

Bronia didn't know how to answer for a while.

Thought that Bud Yi was really unhappy.

Thinking about whether to use the original title of sister of Bud Yi.

Although the words shouted now are a little twisted.

But if you can make Bud Yi happy.

It's nothing to shout.

Just don't shout that in front of the players.

Just when Bronia was tangled.

Bud Yi continued: "By the way, and when you just started to change your name. "

Then Bud Yi learned Bronia's appearance and Bronia's tone.

"Bronia has grown up, and Bronia has decided not to call herself by Bronia anymore."

Bronia knew right away.


【Kiana: Hahahaha!! Bud Yi really seems to have learned ah. 】

[Pardolphilis: Sister Bud is even worse than Sister Ellie, hahaha, laugh me to death. ] 】

[March 7: Yes, yes, this is obviously intentional...]

..... Piece..

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