"Hahahaha, the bud clothes are also too bad."

"It's too similar to learn what Bronia looks like."

March Seven was bud clothes to learn Bronia's appearance, and she kept laughing.

Xing said very sharply: "The expression of Bud Yi just now is the essence. "

"I always thought that only Bronia could do that expression."

"I didn't expect that Bud Yi, who got along with Bronia day and night, could also do it."

"That's because of the relationship that has always been together."

"So you can learn this essence expression?"

March 7: "Hahaha, yes. "

"That look from Bud Yi just now."

"It's exactly the same as Bronia's speechless little expression later."

Danheng: "Mr. Walter, while inheriting the power of the lawyer. "

"Will you inherit the character of that lawyer as well?"

Himeko: "The bud clothes have become as bad as Alicia." "

Walter: "Not really. "

"It should be said that Bud Yi is originally like this."

"It's just that this bud Yi you saw in the light curtain has just undergone a change not long ago."

"So it will make you feel a lot deeper."


March Seven immediately put away his smile and looked at Walter: "Uncle Yang, what happened to Bud Yi?" "

Walter was stunned: "Haven't I told you about this?" "

Everyone shook their heads.

Walter thought back.


It seems that I really haven't said anything about their background.

Walter organized the language for a moment, and then said: "Bud Yi's father, Raiden Ryoma, is the president of the ME Society. "

"And ME maintains long-term cooperation with us in anti-entropy."

"Before I met Kiana, Nha Yi was a pampered lady."

"Later, due to some changes, Nha Yi's life suffered major changes, which also led to the alienation of Nha Yi by the people around him."

This also made Nha Yi's personality change to a certain extent of "six six three". "

"During this period, it was also because of Kokolia that Bud Yi became a third lawyer and had an additional lawyer personality in his body."

"And Bud Yi is also worried that the awakening of the personality of the lawyer will hurt the people around him."

"So the bud clothes in the live broadcast room you see now will be relatively gentle and reserved to outsiders."

Saying that, Walter looked at the game screen.

And later, under the care of the people around him, Bud Yi gradually came out of these shadows and reconciled with the personality of the Thunder Law in his body.

March 7: "So it is, so the bud clothes were not damaged by Alicia." "

"It's that she's so bad in the first place."

Walter was stunned.

I've been telling the story for so long.

You came to such a conclusion?

But it seems to be right.

Bud Yi really seems to be such a character.

Walter: "If you want to say that, that's right. "

Star: "So it is, release nature belongs to yes." "

Himeko: "Coupled with the fact that the person on the other side is Bronia, there is no need for Bud Yi to hide herself." "

Danheng: "This is the side that is only shown in front of people who really trust. "

March 7: "Hahaha, but Bronia is so innocent." "

"Obviously I came to care about Bud Yi."

"It turned out to be shortened by Bud, but fortunately her teammates didn't hear it."

"Otherwise, it will really be the death of the society."

Walter: "I guess Bronia doesn't care about it." "

This sentence.

A few people only took Walter's evaluation.

Only Walter himself understands what this phrase means.

Because Bronia was before this.

The society has already died once.

However, it is not the kind of social death in the traditional sense.

At this time.

In the Valkyrie dormitory at St. Freya Academy.

Bronia looked at Kiana: "Stupid Kiana, don't learn." "

"You can't learn."

Kiana pinched her face.

But he couldn't learn the expression of Bud Yi just now.

Bronia looked at Bud Yi: "Sister Bud Yi, in the future, you seem to really like bullying..."

Bronia wanted to try to use me as a self-proclaimed.

But I can't get used to it.

After being entangled for a while, he still said: "Bully Bronia." "

Bud Yi shook his head without knowing how to explain.

"Bronia, you have to believe that I have no malice."

"I don't know why I became the way I was in the future."

Bronia replied, "Bronia doesn't think that Sister Bud Yi has malicious intentions. "

"I also understand that I believe in the future."

"Sister Bud Yi is joking."

Bronia looked at the live broadcast room: "I think we shouldn't have seen each other for a long time at that time." "

Bud Yi looked at Bronia.

Smiled slightly: "Yes, it looks like I haven't seen each other for a long time." "

Kiana: "Huh? "

"How do you see that?"

Fu Hua: "I heard it from their conversation. "

"Kiana, it seems that you didn't find out just now."

Kiana: "Oh, it's not amused by the way Bronia speaks." "

"I didn't pay attention to these issues anymore."

"But I'm still curious why I didn't show up in the future."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "In the future, you will all grow into powerful Valkyries on your own. "

"Of course it can't be like this."

"Three people in a squad, often glued together."

"Your strength can completely train new people."

"The anchor also said just now that Bronia and Bud Yi are the captains of the Valkyrie squad."

Kiana nodded: "So it is. "

Bronia: "Stupid Kiana, there are many things to do when you grow up. "

Kiana cut it, and then looked at Bud Yi: "As long as I can be with Bud Yi." "

"I don't care what I do."

"With Bud Yi by my side, I can have a hundred of my own strength."

Bud Yi looked at Kiana with a smile: "Kiana, I won't leave Kiana's side either." "

Bronia: "If this is the case, then the future sister of Bud Yi must not bully Kiana." "

Kiana: "Bud Yi won't bully, right?" "

Bronia: "The current sister of Bud Yi, the future sister of Bud Yi is not necessarily." "

Kiana: "No!" "

"Bronia has decided not to use it anymore..."

Kiana: "Stupid Kiana is not allowed to learn Bronia's speech. "

Fu Hua looked at the two who were fighting.

The corners of his mouth also showed a smile.

Bud Yi looked at Fu Hua: "There is really nothing you can do about the two of them." "

Fu Hua: "I'm getting used to it slowly. "

"Bud Yi, you will grow up very well in the future."

"I can see it."

Bud Yi nodded and did not refute: "The squad leader is in the future." "

"It should be the same as it is now."

"It's really a pity that I didn't see the school principal and Kiana."

Fu Hua: "If you look at it, you will definitely be able to see it." "

"Everyone in the future."

The two ignored Kiana and Bronia, who were still fighting.

Continue to look at the live room.

In the story of the game.

Bronia looked at the bud clothes in front of her with her classic duck face.

Played by Bud Yi.

Bronia countered in a flat tone: "Aren't you too? "

"I remember a long time ago, everyone's impression of you was the most normal person in Saint Freya Academy."

"You have changed, since when?"

"I think it should be..."

See what Bronia looks like.

Bud Yi couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Haha..."

"Okay, okay, the Tao is it."

The two revealed each other's short looks.

It really made the audience a little embarrassed.

[Padofelis: Hahaha, Bronia began to fight back, I know the answer to this question..."

[Sakura: I guess I started with meeting Alicia. 】

Sue: That's a very reasonable answer. 】

[Alicia: How can you say that, Bud Yi is worse than me. 】

[Kiana: Hahaha, is Bronia going to talk about the embarrassment of Bud Yi. 】

[Honkai Himeko: These two guys, how old are they and still play like this. 】

[Li Sushang: Bronia launched a counterattack, and Bud Yi chose to truce. 】

[Silver Wolf: The text of this game really fits well with the character's personality. 】

[Kafka: yes, it's almost like the two of them are really standing together and talking. 】

[Teresa: What two little guys who don't grow up. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Rita: Lord Teresa, you are too. 】

[Lauderdale: It should be said that the two of them really deserve to be the people brought out of your Saint Freya Academy. 】

[Grace: Sister Bud, more and more like Sister Alicia. 】

[Aponia: Yes, but Bud Yi seems to have gone further than Alicia. 】

[Alicia: Of course, the future bud clothes will carry more than the power of the origin. 】

[Xi'er: Sister Bronia's voice really hasn't changed at all. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Hahaha, Raiden Bud Yi is admitting defeat, are you worried that Bronia will say something? ] 】

Lynn looked at the two old aunts who exposed each other in the barrage.

Commentary: "The two of them are not young now. "

"It's all the age of an aunt."

"Still fighting around like two small children, exposing each other..."

"As a captain, I'm also very helpless."

This is one place.

The whole plot was instantly pushed to a climax.

[March 7: Hello Captain, hahaha, they just look like they've grown up. 】

[Bronia: Captain, report your address. 】

[Bud Yi: Captain, I want to find someone to sharpen my knife. 】

[Alicia: I originally thought that the bud clothes were already very bad, and the captain was even worse, and if you talk like this, there is no girl who likes Oh Captain. ] 】

[Mei: It's too much.......]

[Teresa: It's only been ten years since you are an old aunt? 】

[Star: Say a girl is old, your path is narrow, captain. 】

[Himeko Hoshiki: If you can find Mr. Lynn now, the two of them will kill without hesitation.......]

[Silver Wolf: Of course. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Hahahaha, this nickname is good, I will call them that in the future. ] 】

[Fu Hua: Have you ever beaten the Law of Origin? 】1

[Knower: Of course, are you looking down on me, old antique! ] 】

[Sue: Maybe it's just that you can't beat it. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Sue, do you think that I am the same waste as the Law of Knowledge in the pre-civilization era? 】

[Otto: Oh? There was a quarrel...]

[March 7: Can't fight. 】

[Star: Is there popcorn on the train?] 】

On the barrage.

Grumpy lawyer.

I don't know how, so I quarreled.

But Lynn wasn't surprised.

The one who knows the law is this temper.

Other people in the live broadcast room will not calculate with her.

So be grumpy and grumpy.

Everyone treated her like a child.

More people are paying attention to the game plot in the live broadcast room.

Lynn looked at the angry Bronia and Bud Yi.

Can I be blamed for this?

Not yet the aunt called by Walter's son.

In the game screen.

After Bud Yi apologized, Bronia changed back to a normal duck face.

Bud Yi surrendered and said, "We haven't seen each other for a while. "

"I just can't help but tease you."

Bronia looked at the sincere bud clothes.

She wasn't angry either.

It's just a-for-tat for a tooth.

But Nha Yi actually said so.

Bronia said generously: "Well, Bronia forgives..."


I almost said that I leaked my mouth.

Almost in front of Bud Yi.

Started calling herself Bronia again.

Sure enough, the habit of so many years in front of Bud Yi.

It's not that you can change it if you want to.

Bronia coughed twice.

Broke the awkward atmosphere: "I mean, I forgive you. "

Bud Yi: "Thank you. "

"But I didn't expect you to return to the front line so soon."

When it comes to this problem, Bronia can only say helplessly: ""Alahato" violent..."

"Poor sales."

"I haven't decided on a new direction yet."

"Everyone in the studio also needs a vacation to relax."

Then Bronia said, "I wanted to contact Mr. Walter. "

"I wanted to hear his opinion, but I just heard the news of his disappearance."

Bud Yi nodded: "So it is." "

Bronia continued: "And I also promised Mr. Walter. "

"Do our part."

"Even now after the collapse is gone."

Bud Yi looked at Bronia wistfully: "It's been so many years. "

"Your serious look still hasn't changed at all."

When the plot gets here, there is nothing to watch later.

And except for this plot.

Lynn also prepared other surprises.

"The plot here ends in this position, I'll introduce it to you by the way."

"Bronia in the future, in addition to serving as the captain of the Destiny vs. Collapse 5 Bad Squad."

"I also worked in the company that Walter opened as a veteran game master."

"Bronia led her team to design and develop a game, Alahato."

And this game, if Bronia changed her words just now, it should be "violent death" correctly! "

"Except for a few popular ones, almost no one buys the game."

Lynn told the truth about Bronia's game.

The audience was amused at the same time.

And some couldn't help but sympathize with Bronia.

This is also too miserable...

But the audience can't understand that Bronia is obviously a game master.

How can the sales of the game explode?

Then Lynn continued: "As for the disappearance of Walter, I believe I don't need to say it again. "

"This irresponsible boss left his employees to travel to another world on his own."

"Poor Bronia, I want to find the reason because of the violent death of sales."

"As a result, the boss is gone."

A word from Lynn.

Walter, who was now on the Star Dome train, turned dark for a while.

Did you stop this kind of thing yourself?

The point is that he himself does not understand how he came to the Star Dome Universe now.

Lynn's voice continued to come from the live broadcast room: "Of course, the plot prepared for everyone must be more than that. "

"As the two of the three strongest Valkyries, I will show you the skills of the two in ten years,"

"And the combination technique of the two of them who have been separated for many years, "Double Aunt Electric Lightning"! "

Saying that, Lynn began to enter part of the game content of the Post-Honkai book.

[March 7: Double Aunt Electric Lightning? Why does the name of this move sound so informal. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Hahaha, do the two aunts refer to the two aunts of Bronia and Bud Yi? ] 】

[Silver Wolf: Can the streamer reveal more information about the game's violent death?] 】


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