Star Dome Universe.

Silver Wolf hears that Bronia will play games in the future.

In an instant, the eyes brightened.

As a top hacker and gaming enthusiast.

Silver Wolf also wants to make a game.

And Bronia has the same attributes as her, and she is an isotope.

So Bronia made the game in the future.

Very informative for Silver Wolf.

As a genius silver wolf.

Analyze this information at once.

Just when Silver Wolf was about to ask for specific details.

Bronia's quote didn't sell well.

Just let the silver wolf blindfold.

Will games made by game masters actually sell poorly?

Kafka also sensed that Silver Wolf's attention was extra focused this time.

So I also roughly guessed the interest point of the silver wolf.

"I think it's too expensive to sell?"

"Or whatever."

Silver Wolf said: "It's understandable that a brand new game didn't sell well early in the game. "

"As soon as someone starts playing."

"As soon as the new game is accepted, it will form a group of game fans and start Amway to the people around them."

"A lot of games have a process of getting up."

"Unless it's an old game factory, such as a big guy like a company endorsed."

"Otherwise, it's hard for a new game to sell."

Kafka nodded: "So it is..."

Before that.

Kafka didn't know that there were so many twists and turns in the original selling game.

Silver Wolf continued, "I still want to believe in Bronia. "

Kafka: "Because you're isotopes?" "

Silver Wolf: "Probably." "

"Or maybe it's sympathy between game masters."

Kafka: "But you are separated by two worlds. "

Silver Wolf: "But we're in the same live room. "


Kafka didn't say much.

Silver Wolf is also happy to share more about the game with others.

And Kafka is a person who does not interrupt others.

So just say it like this and listen to it.

Just when what the silver wolf said was rising.

In the live broadcast room, Lynn told the truth about Bronia's game sales explosion.

The whole person of the silver wolf looked at the live broadcast room like a lost soul.

People are stupid.

"How so?"

Kafka smiled and said:26 "It seems that the real situation and what you said are completely different things. "

"So what do you have in mind?"

The silver wolf had nothing to say now.

Poor sales are poor sales.

That's when someone buys it, and if it doesn't meet expectations, that's called poor sales.

Violent death means that no one buys it at all.

Doesn't that mean that the games made by Bronia have no market at all.

The silver wolf was still talking just now.

Now I was slapped in the face.

Kafka: "It seems that you need to change your strategy. "

Silver Wolf: "No, there must be other reasons!" "

The silver wolf panicked.

If only no one would pay for the game made by Bronia.

Then you are the same person.

In the future?

So it must be asked.

Then avoid these risks.

Silver Wolf asked immediately.

There was no waiting for Lynn's answer.

Instead, he got Walter's answer.

[Walter: Because Bronia substituted her own game understanding into the game, the difficulty of the game skyrocketed. 】

[Walter: Even the vast majority of people are strangled in the novice village without even being able to get out. 】

Walter's explanation came out.

The audience was directly strained.

Bronia herself is a master of the game.

And it is also one that is so powerful that it is close to invincible.

Her understanding of games is substituted into the games she makes.

That's for the average gamer.

It's a catastrophe!

For a while, the audience didn't know whether to sympathize or laugh.

In the school of St. Freya.

After seeing the ending of her future game, Bronia said very acceptably: "It seems that if you design the game again in the future." "

"It has to be designed according to Kiana's level."

Kiana crossed her hands angrily: "I wanted to comfort you just now, it seems that I don't have it now." "

Bud Yi: "If you can find the reason, you can avoid it in the future." "

Bronia nodded: "Just make it at the level of stupid Kiana, it will definitely be fine." "

Bronia held up a finger at the bud.

In the Star Dome universe.

The silver wolf also suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the reason." "

Kafka: "It seems that your fate has also changed slightly. "

Look at the silver wolf like this.

Kafka understood.

These two little guys deserve to be isotopes.

This can all think of going together.

Ignoring the silver wolf who was still thinking about the game.

Kafka looked at the live broadcast room, her eyes thoughtful.

I don't know what I'm thinking.


On the Star Dome train.

Walter knew that March 7 would ask, "Well, no need to ask." "

"I'll say it myself."

"The game that Bronia released was sworn at the press conference."

"Then the sales went dead."

"But this is all news that I learned later."

"I knew Bronia would come to me."

"But not long after, I disappeared due to an emergency, and then I came to this world with the Void Manzo."

"You all know what happened after that."

March 7: "I really didn't expect it, Uncle Yang." "

"People like you are also suitable for opening a company and being a boss."

Walter: "There is no difference between managing a company and managing inverse entropy. "

"And I don't have to do anything."

"The former members of reverse entropy are all managed inside."

Star: "Understood, shake the palm cabinet." "

"No wonder Lynn wanted to say that about you just now."

Walter glanced at the star speechlessly.

Every time I speak, I am so direct and crumbly.

Walter went on to say: "My memory of the Honkai universe. "

"That's it."

"The rest is an adventure in this universe."

Danheng: "If you look at it this way. "

"Uncle Yang, it doesn't seem to be a coincidence that you came to this world."

Himeko also said: "A special disappearance led you to this world. "

Walt nodded: "Basically, it can be said that the Void Ten Thousand Hidden Troubles caused it." "

"But it's fine."

"In the end, our world is safe."

"I think I should be able to find a way to go back."

March 7: "Don't worry, Uncle Yang." "

"We'll definitely find a way for you to go back."

Walter: "Don't worry about this, let's finish our pioneering journey first." "

Star: "It seems that you really want to be a dispenser." "

Walter: "..."

March 7: "Okay, don't look at this. "

"Aunt Shuang will be old immediately."

"Get ready!"

Star: "It's a pity that there is no melon seed fries on the train. "

Danheng: "Do you really think of this as watching a movie?" "

Himeko: "I like that idea too. "

In the live broadcast room.

Lynn opens a new plot.

Then he said: "Here it goes, the combination of Bud Yi and Bronia." "

"Aunt Shuang flashed!"

[Bronia: Captain, do you really think that the future Bronia is very old? 】

[Nha Yi: It seems that the captain likes to be younger. 】

[Kiana: yes, the captain said it too much. 】

[March 7: Hahaha, how did they all become like Alicia. 】

[Alicia: Oh, oh, why are you learning from me.] 】

[Mei: The good ones don't learn, the bad ones learn. 】

[Mebius: Children should not learn from Alicia. 】

Lynn, who looked at the barrage, explained: "I can't be blamed for this kind of thing. "

"The main thing is that the captains are playing this terrier."

"But you must also understand that it is precisely because the captain likes you."

"I will enjoy playing these terriers."

After speaking, Lynn changed the topic: "Okay, here we go." "

With Lynn's explanation.

The resentment between Bronia and Bud Yi has also disappeared a lot.

Everyone watched the game screen in the live broadcast room intently.

Although the two said that they did not like to be called aunts. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But after all, this is a combination of skills after they have been separated for many years.

Still very interested in this.

The same goes for everyone else.

Want to see the future Bud Yi and Bronia.

What a powerful combination of skills that can be used.

It can be named such a cool name.

In the game screen.

As the picture lights up.

A huge blood-red platform appeared in front of the audience.

On a blood-red platform.

There is also an energy core suspended like an energy ball.

And it's even more terrifying.

It seems like there is a huge head on top of that platform.

That head looks like a robot.

It's like a huge monster again.

Lynn also explained: "This is the boss fight they will face. "

"You guys just understand it as a giant robot."

"Bronia and Bud Yi perform a combination to shatter its core."

With Lynn's commentary.

The audience understood what was going on.

But the robot was too big.

The level of discussion is also extremely high.

[March 7: This guy is too big. 】

[Star: It is bigger than the Doomsday Beast, and the attack power must also be an extremely powerful existence. 】

[Teresa: Is there such a big robot in our world? 】

[Otto: Is it research on reverse entropy?] 】

[Walter: Don't put any on our heads. 】

[Rita: However, the robot does not seem to be driven by energy such as Avalanche energy. 】

[Lauderdale: Well, it looks very special. 】

[Kiana: It's so big, this robot is really big! ] 】

[Bronia: If you use the power of the Law of Reason, can you build such a huge robot. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Of course it is impossible, unless you die. 】

[Fu Hua: What a unique energy. 】

[Mei: The red crystal on this seems to be a substance that has never been seen before. 】

[Vilvi: Such a big guy, if you can take it back and study it, it would be really great! ] 】

[Sue: It's really peculiar, I've never seen such a powerful scientific and technological capability. 】

[Silver Wolf: This kind of big guy as a boss is really difficult to break. 】

[Li Suxiang: This is also too unfair, how can humans fight with such big guys! ] 】

[Walter: That's such a big guy in the beginning.] 】

While it was being discussed on the barrage.

Bronia's voice came from the game screen in the live broadcast room.

As if to remind, I think it is shouting: "Bud Yi! "

Immediately after that, the voice of Bud Yi appeared: "Well, let's smash it together!" "

The game screen is given directly to that energy ball.?

On this huge platform.

It also emitted a blood-red enchanting light.

At the same time behind that.

The robot's huge head is there.

It was as if he was staring at his own energy ball.

But Bronia and Bud Yi.

It was a powerful Valkyrie who had experienced countless battles.

Such an aura could not threaten the two of them at all.

The figure of Bud Yi suddenly appeared in front of the energy ball.

This time it's not the plot.

Instead, Lynn was manipulating the bud clothes ten years later.

Dance the knife in your hand.

A powerful attack was launched against the energy ball.

While the sword in Bud Yi's hand is cut out, it can also fall with the power of thunder.

A constant slash at the ball of light.

It's like weakening its defenses.

Lynn used the operation to continuously hit numerical objective damage.

Special skills are then activated.

Again to the ball of energy.

This time the numbers became more objective.

The outermost energy barrier visibly dimmed down.

Just as Lynn manipulated the bud clothes to cut out the last one.

The voice of the plot is finally triggered.

Bud Yi said in a very domineering tone: "End it!" "

"Bronie 310 Ya!"

Then comes a very powerful big move animation.

Bronia and Bud Yi rushed towards the target together.

Bronia spoke, "Let's go on!" "

In an instant, the two turned into two streamers.

One blue, one purple.

Began to deliver extremely fast slashes at that energy ball.

The two can no longer be found in the picture.

All that's left is a full screen of slashes.

The slash is also divided into two colors.

Represents Bud Yi and Bronia respectively.

The ball of energy hit the duo.

It's as clean as being chopped and chopped.

It's fast.

Like lightning.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room finally understood.

Why is the name of this set of combination skills called Shuanggu Electric Lightning?

This is the case.

It's really apt.

And it is also proven from the side.

Bronia and Bud Yi of the future.

Still as strong as ever.

It is worthy of being two of the three royal families who saved the world.

After slashing in a row, I don't know how many times.

The figures of Bronia and Bud Yi reappeared on the game screen.

The two were suspended in the air.

Turn your back to the energy ball.

Suddenly, the two turned around at the same time.

Powerful slashes converged from the tips of the two at the same time.

Bud Yi: "Target! "

Bronia: "Break!" "

An X slash.

One is purple, the other is blue, and it washes directly past.

That energy ball was directly shattered under this powerful slash.

Then the picture cuts to a vista.

The huge robot seemed to howl.

The stones on his body began to fall.

When seeing this vista.

The audience once again felt his enormity.

But no matter how huge it is, there is no strong impact from the combination of Bud Yi and Bronia just now.

[March 7: Handsome Handsome!! It's really handsome! 】

[Lauderdale: It turns out that the battle can still be like this. 】

[Bronia: Sister Bud, it seems that we will have to cooperate more in the future. 】

[Kiana: It's okay with me, I also have a big sword in the future! ] 】

[Bud Yi: You two...]

[Fu Hua: Why don't three people use the combination technique together, isn't this more powerful? 】

[Star: yes, or add your squad president, plus Teresa, plus..."

[March 7: You stack arhats! 】

[Li Suxiang: It's so cool! ] 】

[Pardolphilis: It turns out that the battle can still be fought like this. 】

[Sakura: No, you have to have such a tacit understanding as the two of them to do this. 】

[Hua: That's right, the battle of ordinary people, one more will only get in the way. 】

[A Thousand Calamities: Fighting is fighting! ] What to do with so many bells and whistles. 】

[Sue: But it makes you stronger, right, Kevin. 】

[Kevin: It should be. 】

[Mebius: The exception is Kevin, he is strong on his own. 】

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