"This, how is this possible?"

"Why Cecilia?"

Teresa couldn't believe her eyes.

That stood in front of the three of Kiana.

It would actually be her best friend Cecilia Shania ~ T.

The previous holder of the Sixth God's Key, Kurobuchi - White Flower.

The strongest S-class Valkyrie of our time.

The hero of the Second Great Collapse, confirmed dead in the Second Great Collapse.

She is also Kiana's biological mother.

The legendary hero of Destiny.

But she was obviously dead.

The remains were completely lost in the Collapse Energy Fission Bomb.

Why is it still in that place.

Teresa's whole person was confused.

Even Himeko is the same.

I couldn't believe this scene in the game screen.

"Teresa, you calm down first."

"She may not be Lord Cecilia."

Teresa: "I know!" "

"But it's because I know she's not, after seeing her holding Cecilia's face in front of Kiana and them."

"That's why I'm so angry."

Teresa believes.

If it's the real Cecilia.

At this time, he will take the black abyss white flower to treat the three of them.

Instead of looking at the three with sneering.

And according to Lynn's previous preview.

This guy still seems to be an enemy.

Not friends!

Himeko suddenly thought of a possibility: "Teresa, do you say it will be a clone?" "

"If I'm not mistaken, some of the top-secret information we found before is in the Mandate of Heaven."

"There seems to be a record of this..."

Teresa's face sank: "Grandpa? "

Top secret information is not required.

Teresa herself is a clone-like being.

Even Teresa was born shortly after.

He also fought his own clones.

Could it be that this guy in front of him looks exactly like Cecilia?

Was it really cloned by Otto?

If that's really the case.

Otto is really too much!

That's my best friend.

It was because of her death that Teresa began to have some disgust with what Destiny did.

If Cecilia was really cloned.

If you still do this kind of thing.

Teresa didn't mind turning heads with Otto first.

But Teresa still has her own consciousness: "Wait first, see how the captain explains this existence later." "

"It's good that Kiana doesn't know that Cecilia is her mother yet."

"Otherwise, she will collapse when she sees this scene."

Himeko nodded: "Well, it will definitely be." "

"Lord Cecilia, what the hell is going on?"

As long as it is a Valkyrie of that era.

When addressing Cecilia.

will be added with honorifics.

Because Cecilia uses her own personality charm.

It conquered almost all the Valkyries of the time.

This makes her more than just the strongest Valkyrie of our time.

Or the most popular Valkyrie.

Of course, these stories are long to tell.

More on that later.


In the Valkyrie dormitory.

Bronia and Bud Yi and Fu Hua are three.

At the time of seeing the appearance of the enemy.

It was also a change of face.

Although they didn't know Cecilia.

But the hero of the second collapse, the S-class Valkyrie.

It is mentioned in the textbooks of St. Freya's Academy.

And it's a voluminous mention.

Only Kiana, who did not listen carefully in class.

At this time, he said suspiciously: "Who is this person?" "

"How it feels familiar."

Bronia: "Kiana, let you go to class well." "

"If you are found out by the head of the school, you don't even know her."

"It will definitely be hung by the head of the school with Judas."

Kiana's face changed: "Is it so terrifying." "

It is not difficult to see from this reaction.

Kiana is usually hung up by Teresa.

That's why it leaves such a psychological shadow.

Bud Yi nodded: "Yes, because the one in front of me is the strongest S-class Valkyrie of the previous generation, the hero of the second collapse." "

"Cecilia Shanyat!"

"At the same time, he is also the best friend of the school principal."

"In order to make her affairs known to more people, the head of the school has stories about Cecilia and the Second Collapse in the archives and books of St. Freya Academy."

Kiana: "No wonder, you guys are saying this person's name. "

"And this man's face."

"I feel a little familiar."


"No, didn't you say that Cecilia had been sacrificed just now?"


"She'll be here?"

"It will be in front of us in the future."

Bronia: "Kiana, otherwise you think we're surprised by something." "

Nha Yi: "It's really strange, why is that?" "

"She's so much like Lord Cecilia."

Fu Hua came up at this time.

Look into the live broadcast room in the light curtain.

Then he said something that shocked several people present: "She..."

"Doesn't seem to be human?"

Bronia looked at Fu Hua in surprise: "Squad leader, what do you mean?" "

Fu Hua shook his head and rubbed his chin with one hand: "I don't know, but the feeling she gives me is not human." "

"It's not a broken beast, and it's not a lawyer."

"In short, she is an existence that we have never seen before."

"As for why she looks like Cecilia..."

"Maybe we need anchor Lynn to answer for us."

And inside the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven.

Otto after seeing the other coming out.

It was also his eyes narrowed: "This is..."

Rita: "Cecilia... My lord? "

Lauderdale's eyes straightened directly.


Have a familiar feeling?

It was the first time she had seen Cecilia like this.

Obviously, when I came into contact with Cecilia's photos before, I didn't feel this way.

It was as if something had been stirred in my heart.

It feels very strange.

It's the same feeling as seeing Kiana in the live broadcast room.

Lauderdale will feel this way.

Buried deep in the heart.

It didn't show it.

Intuition told her.

She must have something to do with Kiana and Cecilia.

Rita looked at Otto: "Lord Otto..."

Otto shook his head: "Cecilia's was indeed sacrificed in the second collapse. "

"So I don't understand either."

"Why is this person in front of the three of Kiana in front of you?"

"Will look so much like Cecilia."


"It should be said that it is exactly the same."

Rita and Lauderdale were clear.

If it's Otto.

When you ask him, he will definitely admit it.

Although the man is bad.

But it has its own principles.

So when Otto denied that the other party had a relationship with him.

The two believed it.

Otto continued: "This should be what Lynn mentioned just now. "

"Let's be mentally prepared."

"It's really surprising."

Rita: "yes, I didn't expect Lord Cecilia to appear in front of Kiana in this way." "

Lauderdale: "She may not be Lord Cecilia. "

Otto: "Don't worry, Teresa can't help but start asking." "

"Let's see what Lynn answers."


On the barrage, Teresa was the first to can't help it.

[Teresa: Captain, why is this enemy exactly like Cecilia's.] 】

[Honkai Himeko: Captain, this is the person you just said we all know. 】

[March 7: What's wrong?] What's wrong with this person? 】

[Star: It seems that everyone who has collapsed the world and the era of civilization knows her. 】

[Kiana: So why does she look so similar to Lord Cecilia. 】

[Li Sushang: Who is Cecilia again? 】

[Knowledgeable Law: Captain, you don't need me to help you explain it this time, but this time the story is very long. 】

[Walter: Otto, her birth has something to do with you. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Otto: But I don't know her. 】

[Teresa: It's related to grandpa again. 】

[Silver Wolf: Does a game character resonate so much.] 】

[Pardophyllis: So who she is, let's explain. 】

[Alicia: It's not good to hang other people's appetites like this, Captain. 】

[Eden: I feel like I'm watching a suspense movie. 】

Lynn looked at everyone's reaction in the current era of civilization.

It was also expected.

After all, the appearance of Cecilia.

It is indeed a bombshell news.

But unfortunately, this person is not the Cecilia everyone imagines.

Lynn first declined the kind offer of the Law of Knowledge.

I just let you install it once.

Keep letting you load the words.

My popularity is still gone.

Lynn began to explain: "First of all, let me introduce you to this. "

"Her name is Mistelin Shanyat, one of the cadres of the world's snakes, codenamed Feather Rabbit."

"And she is neither human nor broken."

"It is an alternative life form born under extreme limits, the crystallization of Shanyat stigmata space."

"So you can understand it in another way, that is, the stigmata space has become refined by itself!"

This paragraph may be in the eyes of everyone in the Star Dome Universe.

There is nothing strange about it.

After all, there are thousands of races in the Star Dome universe.

Anything can be brought to life.

There is even a bug in history that almost became a star god.

So the people of the Star Dome World.

It has long been known that all kinds of different life forms have been seen.

But the people who collapsed the world.

They were all stunned.

Especially the heroes of the pre-civilization era and Mei.

The stigmata is a database of vast amounts of genetic data.

Pass the power of our ancestors through the stigmata space.

Passed on to offspring.

It is also one of the means left by their former civilization era to the next civilization era to fight collapse.


Due to the peculiarities of the stigmata space and the stigmata itself.

May even brings some legacy of the pre-civilizational era.

Give to stay inside.

Those waiting to open the stigmata will use the legacy of these pre-civilizational eras.

But in the countless experiments of Mei and others.

Even the finalization of the stigmata plan and the finalization of the plan.

None of the Stigmata Spatial Perfections have ever happened.

Mei was puzzled: "We have tried all kinds of extreme situations. "

"Under what circumstances does this mutation occur?"

"There was even a conscious body..."

What is the difference between this and creating people out of thin air?

Mebius looked at the feather rabbit in the live broadcast room and also said his thoughts: "Maybe the birth of the feather rabbit." "

"Which Cecilia is they talking about?"

Vilvie: "It seems that the feather rabbit looks very similar to the person named Cecilia." "

Alicia: "Unfortunately, we don't fight with stigmata. "

"Otherwise, the understanding of the stigmata will be more profound."

Mei shook her head: "The awakening of the stigmata is too harsh after all. "

"There are very few individuals among humanity who can awaken stigmata."

"Most of them will die due to infection and will not awaken the stigmata."

Mebius: "So that's why Project Stigmata is the worst plan. "

"The essence is to let the human beings who can awaken the stigmata enter the stigmata space to live."

"It's shameful to escape, but it's useful."

The crowd was silent.

Mebius's words are very realistic.

So there's no way around it.

But now everyone's attention is on the feather rabbit.

They are all curious about how she came to this world.

At this time, in the sea of quantum.

Hei Xi looked at the feather rabbit: "This guy seems to be somewhat similar to me." "

Xi'er said in surprise: "Another me, what do you mean by this?" "

Heishi went on to explain: "Essentially, I am also a kind of stigmata, an awakened stigmata in your body. "

"But because it mutated, it became a second consciousness in you."

"It's like lawyer consciousness and human consciousness."

"A special protection mechanism derived from the power that the body cannot control."

"But Stigmata Space, how did it become like this?"

This is something that Heihi cannot comprehend as a stigmata.

Not to mention that Xi'er is still ignorant of most of these concepts.

But Ciel knew something else was more important.

Xi'er pointed to the live broadcast room: "Maybe the captain will know what all this is all about." "

Heishi nodded: "Except for the Law of Knowledge and Walter, who know the future." "

"Now the only one who can answer us is the captain."

Heishi is also aware of this fact.

The audience listened to Lynn.

A brief introduction after playing the feather rabbit.

Lynn continued: "If you want to talk about the origin of the feather rabbit, you can't talk about Yue who died when the second collapse was that year..."


"Sorry, a bit of a mouthful."

"The strongest S-class Valkyrie of the previous generation, Cecilia Shanyat, who died in the second collapse."

"After the Second Lawyer, the Void Lawyer, was defeated, the collapse of the whole body could be in a state of explosion at any time."

"Later, the collapse energy will explode, and the whole of Siberia will usher in the baptism of the collapse energy."

Lynn slowly told the story of the second collapse.

In a trance.

Viewers in front of the live broadcast room.

They all saw that scene.

"And Cecilia, who is the Shanyat family, their family's blood has the special effect of purifying the collapse energy."

"So to save the people of the entire European continent."

"Cecilia uses the Sixth God Key, Black Abyss White Flower's Zeroth Power Rated Holy Blood, to liberate White Flower Yu Blood!"

"Release the Shanyat Holy Blood in your body through the Black Abyss White Flower."

"Destroy the collapse energy that swept across Siberia in an instant."

"Humanity that saved everyone in that area."

In a trance.

Everyone seemed to see a warrior standing at the top.

In his hand was a long black and white spear.

The end of the spear is bright red blood condensed.

With this move, drain the blood of your whole body.

Anybody knows.

After such a move is released, it is absolutely certain to die.

But the warrior was undaunted.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Just release this trick directly.

Saved everyone.

[March 7: Cecilia, so great..."

[Kiana: Why, I shed tears when I hear this story. 】

[Teresa: It turns out that this is the truth of the second collapse that year, Cecilia died to save everyone, not killed by Celine. 】

[Bronia: It seems that Destiny has done a lot to hide this matter. 】

[Walter: Otto is more like hiding another of his plans. 】

[Lauderdale: Bishop, you've done all the bad things. 】

[Bud Yi: Lord Cecilia, you are the greatest Valkyrie. 】

[Mei: I didn't expect that Heiyuan White Flower still has such a function, or is it specially developed by you...]

[Alicia: Black Abyss White Flower... You met the best host...】

... Fourth....

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