Pre-civilizational era.

After hearing that Cecilia finally saved so many people using the Black Abyss White Flower.

The hearts of everyone were in awe.

And the same fighters who are fighting against Honkai.

The heroes' action against Cecilia to save everyone.

It's even more admirable...

Pardolphilis: "Cecilia's last blow was really cool. "

"Saved everyone with his own blood ..."

Alicia: "Also as the master of the black abyss white flower." "

"I can't help but feel a little proud..."

Mebius: "But I really didn't expect that such a special blood would appear in the next era of civilization." "

"Being able to decompose the collapse energy..."

Mebius thought for a moment and said with interest: "If you can make good use of it and study it." "

"Maybe we can create a stronger weapon against Honkai."

Sakura: "Dr. Mebius, your ideas are always experimental. "

Vilvi: "You should get used to Dr. Mebius' brain circuitry, but she's right. "

Mei: "Indeed, this kind of blood has never been found even in our time. "

"It's really unique."

Eden: "Could it be that Otto has already studied it?" "

"I believe that with his character, he should not let go of such a powerful blood."

May continued: "It is precisely because of the strength of this blood that the difficulty of research will skyrocket. "

"It's a shame."

"One of the strongest S-class Valkyries, and such powerful blood."

"Just like that, it was sacrificed."

Hua: "If it is because of saving people and dying, I believe Cecilia will not regret it at all." "

Sue: "No, judging by what Walter said earlier. "

"Maybe Cecilia's death is also fueled by Otto."

And judging from Teresa's reaction in the barrage just now, "four nine zero", it seems that Otto also concealed the truth of the second collapse. "

Pardophyllis: "Isn't this guy the Archbishop of Destiny of Heaven?" "

"How does it look so bad."

Alicia: "Phyllis, no one said that the archbishop of Destiny must be a good person." "

Hua: "That's right. "

This, as a member of the fire-chasing moth.

It's also very clear.

Fire Moth high-level those corpse vegetarian guys.

Not a good thing either.

But the moth of fire is in the eyes of the world.

It is the heroic organization that fights against Honkai.

It is humanity's hope against collapse.

At the same time, it is also the last bastion of mankind.

With such a stark contrast.

Pardolphyllis understood.

But he still asked with some doubt: "Up to now, it seems that there is no information about the feather rabbit in the content that the anchor said." "

"The only thing we know now is that Cecilia looks exactly the same as the feather rabbit."

Mei thought for a while and then looked at the live broadcast room: "If I'm not mistaken." "

"It was this last blow that produced a special mutation."

"Only then will Shanyat's stigmata space appear in the Innate World."

Mebius: "Mei, you mean related to imaginary space?" "

Pardolphyllis: "Wait, wait a minute, Sister Snake!" "

"Isn't it Stigmata Space?"

"Why is it pulled to the imaginary space again."

Vilvi: "Little Pado, this involves a lot of knowledge. "

"Let me explain it briefly to you."

"I probably understood Dr. May's guess."

Pardolphilis: "Sister Vilvie, then you try to speak as plainly as possible." "

"You know, I'm not very good at that."

Aponia: "Is it because of the core of the Law of Death in the White Flower of the Black Abyss?" "

Su: "The core of the lawyer is the key to the door of imaginary space, is it for this reason?" "

Vilvie nodded: "That's right." "

"I think the situation at that time may have been like this, and the energy that Cecilia had to consume to use that move was also extremely huge."

"At that time, Shanyat's stigmata power may have been used to the extreme."

"At the same time, it also turned on the zero rated power of the black abyss white flower."

"In that moment."


Wilvie made an exaggerated exploding gesture.

"In an instant, the three worlds that were originally different were opened up in this instant."

"Imaginary space, stigmata space, intrinsic world."

"In this extreme situation, the boundaries of the world are broken."

"Then the imaginary space and the stigmata space, these two spaces originally have extremely powerful power."

"Maybe it's because of the entanglement of the two forces."

"Only then did the stigmata of Shanyat descend into this world as a human being."

Mei nodded: "This is the only possibility." "

"And we want to make these extreme conditions happen."

"Only accidents are possible."

Others may think it's simple.

But several PhDs were well aware of breaking the boundaries of three spaces in one instant.

At the same time, keep the three in sync.

This kind of thinking is simply fantastic.

It's completely impossible to replicate.

Vilvie continued: "So the existence of this guy is simply like a theory..."

Mebius: "Yes, it is only possible in theory. "

"Sometimes I really can't admire the contingency of the world."

"Sure enough, this world is the biggest experimental site."

Mebius looked at the feather rabbit in the game screen with two glowing eyes.

It was as if he wanted to catch her back and study it properly.

If Lynn had heard their discussion.

High and low to three of humanity's smartest guys.

Thumbs up.

Because their guess was right.

And there is no difference at all.

The feather rabbit is an individual born under such extreme conditions.

At the same time, Lynn also told the process of the birth of the feather rabbit in the live broadcast room.

And due to the peculiarities of the feather rabbit.

Although she is the stigmata crystallization of Shanyat.

Came into the world as Cecilia.

But her attributes are the complete opposite of Cecilia.

Cecilia's holy blood can dispel the Collapse Energy.

But the feather rabbit's is the demon blood that condenses the collapse energy.

Perhaps this is also because of the stigmata curse.

Lynn continued: "After witnessing the disaster he brought to him, all he wanted to do was to understand himself. "

"I don't want to bring disaster to the world."

"Later, after knowing that the stigmata plan of the World Serpent was implemented, she could die."

"So decided to join the World Snake, codenamed Feather Rabbit!"

After hearing the experience of the feather rabbit.

The audience in the live broadcast room all expressed sympathy for the hatu.

The crystallization of Shanyat.

As a life form indirectly created by Cecilia.

She has the same heart as Cecilia wants to protect everyone.

But fate played a joke on her.

There is demon blood on his body that can condense the energy of collapse.

She was destined to go anywhere.

will cause a catastrophe.

Ordinary people have no way to approach her at all.

After seeing that you can only bring disaster, you can't die.

This pain.

Perhaps only the parties concerned can understand.

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Otto after listening to this story told by Lynn.

His eyes narrowed slightly: "It turns out that this happened in the first place." "

"No wonder there was such a huge collapse energy reaction in the first place."

"So much so that all the troops that approached died at the beginning."

Rita: "Lord Otto, do you know what happened?" "

Lauderdale: "There are so many things you are hiding." "

Otto said helplessly: "That matter has always been an unsolved case. "

"After all these years, if Lynn hadn't mentioned it."

"I almost forgot about it."

"In addition, it was really strange that happened at that time, so it was sealed."

Rita: "So what happened?" "

Otto recalled: "After the second collapse incident, the finishing troops went to the battlefield to finish up. "

"But in the place where the Void Law fell, a huge collapse energy suddenly erupted."

"The special forces in charge of that area are all out of touch, and everyone close to that location will lose consciousness and die."

"Wait until the Valkyrie with the strong resistance of Honkai arrives."

"No remaining personnel were found."

"We even thought a whole new lawyer had been born."

Otto: "So the fact that the feather rabbit was born has already killed a lot of people." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Otto nodded: "That's right, it's almost all the special agents in Siberia at that time." "

Lauderdale was shocked.

"At that time, the feather rabbit saw that scene, how desperate he was to die..."

Rita: "So later the feather rabbit had the idea of looking for death." "

"But because of its own particularity, it is not an easy task to want to die."

Otto: "Unexpectedly, in the end, she actually joined the World Snake." "

"If it had been discovered by Destiny first."

"Maybe we can go further in the study of stigmata now."

"After all, our artificial stigmata is still flawed."

Otto's face was a little pitiful.

Artificial stigmata is the power of stigmata studied by Heaven based on the Natal stigmata.

Can give ordinary Valkyries the power of stigmata.

But the side effect is longevity.

The longer the artificial stigmata is used.

The stronger the strength.

The higher the damage to the body.

Otto has always wanted to improve the artificial stigmata.

But there is no direction.

If only there were feather rabbits.

Otto felt he could alter some of the side effects of the artificial stigmata.

In this way, Destiny will have more powerful Valkyries.

The strength against Honkai can be increased by several points.

[March 7: The feather rabbit is so pitiful...]

[Silver Wolf: This is a character who has been full of tragedy since birth. 】

[Teresa: I was a little angry when I saw her using Cecilia's face, but now..."

[Kiana: I can't even want to die, how uncomfortable it must be. 】

[Walter: yes, but it's fine. Later, she and we became comrades-in-arms. 】

[Bud Yi: If it's true, then it's really great........]

[Alicia: But fortunately, she is not on the side of Honkai. 】

[Pardolphyllis: yes, that's great. It would be better to be Kiana's partner. 】

[Knower: I don't think it's very good. 】

[Xi'er: Then why did she fight Sister Bronia next? 】

[Bronia: I don't know, but I believe she doesn't have any malice. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Stigmata becomes essence, and the world is really big. 】

The conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Teresa looked at the barrage.

After learning about the life of the feather rabbit.

I didn't feel so disgusted with her appearance in my heart.

But this made Teresa understand one thing.

That's the truth that Otto told her about what came after!

It's all fake!

"Cecilia's death is inseparable from grandpa!"

"That battle, there must have been a lot going on after I fell into a coma."

Himeko nodded.

Destiny is known to all.

It was Cecilia who defeated the Law of Emptiness.

The squad she led was wiped out.

But this is the news from Otto.

Before, everyone thought there was no problem.

Treat Cecilia as a hero.

But now it doesn't seem that simple.

At least the story of Cecilia bloodletting to save people.

Otto never mentioned it.

There is also no such passage in the version circulated by the Mandate of Heaven.

So it was Otto who blocked the truth at that time!

Teresa's tone was a little angry: "Grandpa, wait for the live broadcast to end." "

"I'll definitely go back and ask you for a clear question!"

Himeko asked curiously, "Teresa, Otto said this to you when you first woke up." "

"Don't you have doubts?"

Teresa: "I doubted it. "

"But what Grandpa said at the time."

"It doesn't matter what the truth of this story is."

"I want to have absolute say and ability in the face of the collapse outbreak in the future."

"It is necessary to raise the status of destiny and appeal to all."

Himeko sneered after hearing this.

That's right.

But it just sounded awkward: "Lord Bishop, you can really speak!" "

Delisa shook her head: "The specific truth still needs to be discovered slowly." "

"Let's talk about the rest later."

"Let's keep watching the live broadcast."

"As a stigmata crystal, I wonder what her fighting methods are like."

Himeko nodded.

They fought with stigmata.

But watch the stigmata fight on its own.

This is really the first time!

It is estimated that it is also the only time.

In the game screen.

After the rabbit simply finished a few words.

Just walked towards the three.

Almost at the same time, people's consciousness began to blur.

Directly passed out.

Bronia didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

But there is no longer the strength to resist.

The two eyes were black and fainted directly.


The game screen suddenly goes into darkness.

Lynn explained: "I'll tell you briefly about the next plot. "

"Probably the feather rabbit took 1.8 and they went through their own story."

"It also told Bronia the origin of the name Mistelin."

"The person who gave her this name is Alexandra Zajček!"

"That is, Bronia's mother."

"According to the relationship between Feather Rabbit and Bronia's mother."

"Should Bronia call Feather Rabbit a little aunt?"

"That's the relationship."

[Xi'er: Bu... Bronia's sister's little aunt? 】

[Kiana: This relationship is probably jumping too fast. 】

[Teresa: This is too much of a coincidence, right? 】

[Bud Yi: I really didn't expect that there is actually a professional relationship here. ] 】

[Star: So this one is an alternative mother-son bureau? 】

[March 7: How can you describe it like that.] 】

[Otto: I really didn't expect that there would be relatives in the end. 】

[Walter: Yes, there are so many coincidences in the world. 】

[Himeko Hoshidome: Mr. Walter, seems to know more things. 】

[Danheng: I guess I'll talk about it next. 】

[Alicia: Oh, Kevin is really excessive, let people fight with their own people. 】


[Sue: yes, the future Kevin is really excessive. 】

[Silver Wolf: Is this also a reversal? 】

[Kafka: Sometimes fate is so unreasonable. 】

[Lauderdale: In that case, can Bronia let go of her hands and feet in the next battle? 】

[Rita: I think so, Bronia is a person who cares about the big picture. 】

[Kiana: Don't worry, Bronia, if you can't get your hands off, you will hand it over to the future me. 】

[Bronia: Bronia doesn't know her, and if she really wants to fight, Bronia won't show mercy. ] 】

[Xi'er: Sister Bronia...]


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