Kalifa reminded, "I haven't heard of any island with this situation. Should we be more cautious and ask the navy?"

Zhang Lie had just provoked Mort once, and he felt a little embarrassed to call again, so he made a decision directly:

"There is nothing to doubt. The sea is so big, and there happens to be such a big island blocking us right in front of us. I think the probability is too small.

And even if it is not the target island, it's okay. If it is an uninhabited island, we will go to repair it;

If there are people, it's better. It's unreasonable that the world government would not know about such a big island, so there is no problem."

As Zhang Lie explained, the others did not say more. The captain had made a decision, and they just needed to obey and execute it.

The ship moved forward all the way, and finally arrived near that area after half a day. It was indeed an island.

The reason why the island was not clear was that it was almost completely covered by fog, so it became difficult for the ship to move here.

The visibility of people on the ship was less than 30 meters. Although it couldn't be compared with the clouds, the fog could be said to be very thick.

Although their ship was not big, it was not small either. Now that they were close to the island, the depth of the sea water dropped sharply, and there were occasional reefs, so they could run aground at any time.

A Jin shouted loudly: "Captain, we can't find the port at all. It feels like this island is not often visited by people."

No need to remind him, Zhang Lie already understood that with such a thick fog, if it was an island on the route, there would definitely be guidance measures, but now it is completely invisible.

But since he was here, he was not going to retreat easily: "Keep going forward, leave the rest to me!"

Zhang Lie jumped into the sea in front, stretched out his hand to hold the knife, and after concentrating, he drew his sword and swung it out.

The blood-red light blade swept across the front, splitting a large reef in two, and flattening the top to ensure that a passage appeared.

Then Zhang Lie stepped on the sea water fiercely, rushed forward rapidly, cleared all threats along the way, and waited until he was close to the island before jumping out of the sea.

When the ship arrived here, Zhang Lie pressed the hull, stepped on the moon step, and finally stopped the ship before hitting the island.

"Okay, drop anchor, Ajin stays behind, and the others go ashore!" Zhang Lie turned and looked at the island behind him, "I want to see what's going on on this island!"

After the group landed on the island, Zhang Lie and Martin were the first to feel the breath of life before they walked far.

"Pay attention to the front, there are people or animals approaching us, there is no danger, don't be too radical."

Zhang Lie was the first to warn, he was worried that someone would be too alert and act rashly, and it would be bad if someone was hurt.

Sure enough, footsteps were heard in front soon, and it was obviously human.

After turning around a mound, a person appeared in front of everyone, with ordinary looks and ordinary clothes, completely dressed like a civilian, but very clean, without any patches, but his face was a little sallow.

In addition, Zhang Lie keenly noticed that the other party had a lot of calluses on his hands, either because he had been holding weapons for years or doing farm work.

As a woman, Kalifa is naturally friendly, so she stepped forward to ask about the situation:

"We came here by chance. May I ask where this place is? Who are you?"

The man smiled, and his smile was very bright: "This is the Kingdom of Equill on Vans Island. I am the receptionist. No one has been here for a long time. It is fate that you can come here. Please follow me to visit."

Zhang Lie saw that other people were looking at him, and after a little thought, he decided to go and have a look. In the world of One Piece, such islands are generally a bit secret and worth exploring.

If it was the New World, he would definitely turn around and leave, and he would not go wherever there is danger like Luffy, but this is a paradise.

"Then please help lead the way and introduce it."

"It is my honor, please follow me."

The receptionist turned around and left, and the smile disappeared immediately after turning around, his face became expressionless, and his eyes were numb.

At the Navy Headquarters, Mott was observing a simple sea map. This sea map was the first half of the Grand Route. Although it was very simple, it was extremely valuable and a top-secret document.

"Well, Zhang Lie and his team's route was from Barbaro Island to the next island. It would take about 25 days. There were no islands in the middle, so there was no need to worry too much."

At this time, the person next to him said, "Colonel, although it is true, I still have to remind you out of duty.

Twenty years ago, there was an island on this route called Vans. There was a Kingdom of Tiked on it, and it was also a member of the World Government. But later..."

"What happened later?" Mott was a little surprised.

"Later, I heard that a rebellion broke out, and then the entire island disappeared strangely. This is also when I was sorting out the maps of previous years.It was discovered at the time. Although it is incredible, the record is like this. "

Mott didn't think his men would make a mistake, but after thinking about it, he was ready to notify Zhang Lie:

"Although there has been no problem for 20 years, the Golden Lion can suddenly appear, so let's notify him."

The number was dialed, and no one answered after ringing for a long time. The Den Den Mushi on the other side was obviously fine, but no one answered.

Outside Vans Island, thick fog covered the area. Ajin was sitting in front of the cabin with a big move, his eyes constantly looking around.

On the table in the cabin behind him, the Den Den Mushi was ringing non-stop. It should be very obvious at this distance, but Ajin was unaware of it.

Mott tried a few more times, and the situation was the same as before, and no one answered, and he gradually began to worry.

However, Zhang Lie was outside after all, and it was possible that he couldn't hear or was inconvenient, but this matter could not be ignored.

"Find the map of that island. "Mott ordered his men, then stared at the Den Den Mushi and muttered, "Wait a little longer. If we still can't get through tomorrow, we'll send the navy to check."

Zhang Lie and others followed the receptionist into the island. The fog was getting thinner and thinner, and visibility soon exceeded 100 meters, and it was still decreasing.

I thought there would be an introduction to this situation, but the receptionist had no intention of speaking at all. Perhaps this was normal for him.

"Hey, receptionist, how far is it?" Martin couldn't help asking.

The man turned his head and smiled, "It's almost there. We'll reach the village in another mile. ”

This distance is very close, which means the fog is quite thick, otherwise they would have seen it as soon as they got on the island.

After walking for more than 200 meters, the fog suddenly dissipated, leaving only a thin layer, and the light of the setting sun also spread down.

The village is in front of us. It is not large and surrounded by regular farmland. Each farmland is equipped with some water conservancy facilities. Some farmers are carrying farm tools back to the village.

"It looks like an agricultural country, like a paradise on earth, but it is really impossible to develop business in such a thick fog. I just don't know how the civilians live."

The kingdom of this world naturally has kings and nobles. How can these parasites let the civilians live well? Especially in such a closed country.

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