Outside the village, the afterglow of the setting sun splashed on the land, and the farmlands were lined up in an orderly manner.

Various crops were planted in the fields, including grains, vegetables, and fruits, and they were classified and connected in an orderly manner.

It was not the season for crops to mature, but they had already taken shape. There were some small and green fruits hanging on various fruit trees, which looked thriving.

The receptionist saw them looking at the fields, turned around and asked with a smile: "How does it look here?"

"Both the degree of development and the overall planning are very good." Zhang Lie also nodded in agreement.

"If the whole country is like this, then for an agricultural country, there are few places in the sea that can surpass this."

Having said that, Zhang Lie did not believe that this island could really achieve this level.

But the receptionist's answer surprised him a little: "The whole country is naturally like this. The most basic principle we implement is equality and order."

"Equality and order? Order is hard to say, but I don't believe in equality." Zhang Lie did not think that the civilized world could achieve equality at all.

"Absolute equality is impossible, but relative equality is possible." The receptionist immediately retorted, but there was no dissatisfaction in his attitude.

"Let's see more." Faced with this attitude, it would be impolite for Zhang Lie to argue again.

The crowd walked all the way to the village. On the way, the farmers walking to the village sometimes turned around to take a look, with a little curiosity in their eyes, but then turned back silently, and no one spoke.

Zhang Lie felt that they were like a group of nobles, and the common people seemed to not live in the same world with them, and there was no way to communicate.

However, although these farmers did not speak, there was no fear in their eyes, which made Zhang Lie believe the receptionist's words a little.

"Maybe relative equality can really be achieved." Zhang Lie thought to himself.

As soon as he approached the village, Zhang Lie found the same characteristics as the farmland. The styles of various houses were almost the same, but the sizes were slightly different.

The receptionist introduced: "The house styles here are uniformly planned, and the houses are allocated according to the number of people in each family to ensure that everyone has the same living area, which is also a kind of equality."

Zhang Lie doesn't believe this: "Where is the village chief? Does he live in the same place?"

"Without a village chief, this country doesn't need these."

"No?" Zhang Lie was stunned, but he didn't ask any more questions, and planned to see it with his own eyes.

After a simple tour of the village, all the buildings are distributed in a circular shape, with a total of ten rings. The buildings are small inside and large outside. The houses in the outermost ring are the largest, and the whole is radial.

In addition, the wells at a fixed distance, the windmill located in the center of the village, and the firewood piles in the same position in front of each house all reveal a kind of planning and order.

After visiting the village, the receptionist took them to a room on the outermost ring:

"It's almost time for dinner. Since you are all special outsiders, the village will prepare a portion of food according to the number of people in each family after the meal is ready, and it will be delivered later."

Zhang Lie asked in confusion: "Don't you have any spare food for the reception? Do you still need the villagers to provide it?"

"No." The receptionist's answer is always unexpected. "Whoever grows the food belongs to him. It is not allowed to take possession of the people's things. This is an absolute rule."

"What about now?"

"You are all outsiders. In fact, these foods are provided by the whole country and will be distributed to them later."

After the receptionist left, Zhang Lie and his group looked at each other, and finally it was Husky who broke the silence first:

"Do you think this guy is reliable? Why do I feel that what he said is impossible to do?"

Kalifa pushed her glasses: "Based on my many years of experience as a secretary, this kind of equal distribution method is impossible to achieve. The workload is too heavy."

Bruno continued to add: "And no taxes are collected from the people, so it is impossible for someone to manage the distribution. If the manager has to work himself, then this is also unequal."

Zhang Lie did not speak, perhaps there is really a way, so let's wait and see.

As the sun was covered by the thick fog in the distance, the sky fell into darkness. Just as everyone was eagerly discussing the situation, it suddenly felt bright again.

It turned out that inside and outside the village, all the houses with people inhabiting had lights on and cooked, and the village became bright in the firelight.

As the receptionist said, every family had surplus food to cook, and it seemed that they cooked a lot.

You know, they saw the fields outside the village before, and the grain was about to mature. The scale of cooking now clearly showed that there was no shortage of grain.

Smoke rose from the chimneys, and the smell of grain gradually filled every corner, making Zhang Lie and his teamI also felt hungry.

"Maybe they can really do it, but how is it possible? Are there nobles who are not greedy for money? They would rather let the food rot in the warehouse than to hold it in their hands, and would rather let the civilians starve to death than to despise it. Would such rubbish really do such a thing?"

Martin still couldn't believe what he saw. This was told to him by his experience as a member of the lower class of society.

Soon, the receptionist came over with a cart with a bucket of rice and various vegetables, plus some meat.

"These are food. The meat is specially hunted. It is considered a banquet for guests who come for the first time."

Zhang Lie was not afraid of poison. There was no Magellan here. He didn't believe that there was poison on this island that could kill him.

"Everyone, eat." Zhang Lie had been hungry for a long time. While eating, he asked, "Are there any night activities here at night?"

The receptionist immediately raised his hands to his chest and crossed them: "It is forbidden to go out at night. Any activities must be carried out in your own room."

"Traveling should be everyone's freedom. The rule prohibiting travel is not appropriate. Who made this rule?" Zhang Lie wanted to trick her.

But Martin suddenly raised his head: "Oh, this is the captain, you are not surprised. The curfew rules are everywhere, especially those incompetent nobles, basically they like to do this, just for convenience!"

Zhang Lie glanced at him, Martin suddenly shuddered, and immediately buried his head to fight with the food.

"The person who makes the rules is not here. If there is a chance later, you will naturally meet him."

Zhang Lie saw that the receptionist did not mean to say more, so he stopped asking. Just like this person said, if there is a chance, meet and chat, if there is no chance, don't force it.

Everyone slept here at night. Being in a strange place, safety is naturally the main thing, and the difference between men and women is also arranged at the back, so Zhang Lie arranged the sleeping places according to their positions.

Martin is a lookout, so he sleeps at the door, which just fits his fruit ability. Huskies can also guard the house, and it is definitely not revenge for him being too stupid.

Bruno is a cook. As the saying goes, there is no difference between a cook and a fighter. So he sleeps in the middle of the hall and supports the front and back at any time.

Kalifa was the secretary, so of course she continued to sleep next to him.

After a hearty meal, everyone slept soundly, but at some point in the night, Martin and Zhang Lie suddenly opened their eyes.

There was a sudden sound of fighting outside, and with their perception ability close to observation, they didn't even notice any clues in advance!

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