The sound of the music was so beautiful that it was difficult to sing.

With the music, the picture changed again and several golden letters appeared.

In the vast universe, six immortal boats gathered and golden beams rose from the six immortal boats, forming a huge blue-gold summoning array.

A breath full of solemnity and majesty came out from the array.

Marshal Hua walked to the array and transmitted energy to it.

The array lit up, and countless blue light spots gathered in the array and finally turned into the patrol star god Lan!

"The arrow is on the string, and it is powerful in all directions!"

As this voice spread throughout the universe, the patrol officially announced its entry into the battlefield war. 】

《Star: "Sure enough. This is a big fight between star gods!"

《Diamond: "Whether it is the battle of gods or this war, we must give it a try!"

《Hua: "For the immortal boat and the emperor's bow, we will be fearless."

《March 7: "Hey, I'm a little curious why it's so troublesome for Diamond and the Alliance to summon star gods. Huang Quan summoned the void star god casually."

《Aha: "Because that pendulum doesn't care about anything, as long as you are strong enough to sleep on him, it's okay.

But Aha is different from other gods. Aha doesn't need you to summon , Aha will go by himself. "》

《Hanabi: "You are worthy of being the god of fun, hahahaha."

《Black Tower: "With so many star gods, the simulated universe needs to be reinforced."

《Screw Cobalt: "It is estimated that it needs to be reinforced by 500%. "》

《Star: "You have already done it?"

《Black Tower: "No, it is only 35% completed now."

《March Seven: "Among so many star gods, will there be Akiviri!"

《Silver Branch: "Goddess Idrila should also appear, I will offer everything to defend her."

【As the camera switches, the golden letters R i d e r appear first.

Then, each family in the universe emits a beam of light, forming a huge colorful magic circle in the universe.

And the robin walked to the magic circle and sang a hymn.

As the robin's hymn spread throughout the galaxy, the harmonious star god Xi Pei appeared behind her and embraced her.

"Those who have reached the end, go to the paradise that embraces everything, join the grand hymn and feast, and embrace you!"

As Xi Pei's voice sounded, He officially responded to the other star gods and announced that they would join the war together!

Then the scene changed and the golden letters C a s t e r appeared.

The Black Swan looked at the crystal-like magic circle in front of him and began to throw the tarot cards in his hand into the air.

Countless energies flowed out of the tarot cards and went to the magic circle.

That was the energy of memory, all the memories treasured by Liuguang Yiting.

But with the sound of broken glass, the magic circle collapsed directly.

She failed!

And when she was about to summon again, a crystal-like brilliance appeared on the back of the tarot card that fell from the sky.

The memory star god Fu Li came quietly.

He was both a participant in this war and a recorder of this war. 】

《Robin: "Me and the Lord?"

《Sunday: "My sister and the Lord are the perfect match."

《Star: "I never thought that Fu Li would play such a trick."

《Black Swan: "I didn't expect that I would participate in this Holy Grail War."

《Bai Lu: "Who will be the next Star God?"

《Star Howl: "The next one must be Lord Nanook, the Star God of Destruction! We will bring the most grand performance to this war.

And the final winner of the performance will definitely be our Destruction Faction!"

《Diamond: "The Amber King is the winner!"

《Robin: "I think the Lord will win."

《Su Chang: "The old man Emperor Gong Siming will definitely win."

《Star: "It's a pity that Akivli is no longer here. Otherwise, we can also get involved."

【The screen changes, Assassin appears with these golden letters.

Sambo stood on a platform and pointed his finger at the sky as the music played.

Countless masks of the Fool flew into the sky and formed a summoning circle with a smiley face.

Then a beam of light carrying various toys and circus equipment rushed into the sky.

Accompanied by laughter, various clown masks comparable to a planet appeared.

Finally, a black figure appeared, the Joyful Star God Aha!

"Aha doesn't want to fight, Aha just wants to have fun. Ha


Then his laughter tore the galaxy apart, and the bright starry sky in the distance quickly dimmed with his laughter.

Joy also joined the war!

As the music became more passionate, the golden letters of Berserker first appeared on the light screen and then were swallowed by flames.

Star looked at the desolate galaxy in front of him, and a golden light emanated from his chest.

The infinite golden light and the energy generated by the explosion of dozens of nearby stars together formed a summoning array with flame patterns.

As the infinite flames poured out of the array, a huge figure appeared from the array accompanied by flames.

"The cancer called civilization in the universe is quietly rising, and disputes are the only common language of intelligent creatures. If you want to welcome the new life, you must first throw yourself into destruction!"

As this voice sounded, the star god of destruction Nanook opened his golden eyes.

And the moment he opened his eyes, the infinite flames engulfed several nearby galaxies.

He joined the war with a destruction announcement!】

《Huanlong: "Impossible! This is impossible! ”》

《Xingxiao: “How could it be that little girl!”

《Xing: “It seems that I am still a step late. It is not bad to choose destruction.”

《March 7: “Why don’t you summon Akivelli?”

《Xing: “Do you want me to sacrifice the train as well?”

《Pam: “No, Pam!”

《Aha: “I thought I could have a good chat with Akivelli. I am so disappointed.”

《Sambo: “I didn’t expect that it was me, old Sambo, who summoned the God of Fun. I thought it would be Fireworks.”

《Fireworks: “Compared to fighting and killing, I prefer to watch you fight to the death and blood flow like a river! Hahahahahaha”

《Nanook: “War, destruction!”

《Xingxiao: “I understand, sir!”

《Iron Curtain: “What do you mean by this, sir? ”》

《Scott: "Remember, whatever the leader says, you must say what he said."

《Iron Curtain: "Why did I say Xingxiao has more power than me? I see."

《Xingxiao: "Shut up!"

【Then the scene changed, and the Star Gods stood on the starry sky and looked at the summoner below and said at the same time:

"Are you my master?"

Then the scene changed, and the information of the Star Gods and the summoner appeared one by one.


Before coming here, I was given a magic circle map, and I hastily drew a summoning circle on the spot.】

PS: Thank you for the gifts from all readers.

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