The scene was changed, and the information of each star god and the summoner appeared one by one.

Huang Quan:

Before coming here, I was given a magic circle diagram, and I hastily drew a summoning magic circle on the spot. There are no holy relics, and I don’t know the spell. Just because she is too compatible, she completed the summoning of the heroic spirit when she drew her sword and left.

Below the information is a video of Huang Quan drawing a summoning magic circle between galaxies.


Everything will eventually return to nothingness, and nothing can be supervised by Him, but it was that girl who summoned Him with the [Sword] level————because she is closest to nothingness.

And below the information is his image in the universe. 】

《March 7: "I hope those star gods won't be angry if I do this!"

《Aha: "Aha won't be angry, after all, there are so many fun things."

《Sambo: "This scared me to death. It's not a good thing to be targeted by the god of fun."

《All the company: "Amber King, please forgive me! Kneel down jpg"

《Aha: "That idiot has no time to care about you, he is busy building a wall."

《Feixiao: "We apologized to Emperor Gong Siming, and Emperor Gong Siming just replied to us where the target is."

《Mockingbird: "I'm sorry, Lord God."

《Xi Pei: "It doesn't matter, I don't care about my children. I am infinitely tolerant of you and everything in the world."

《Huangquan :“…”》


《Xing Xiao:“Shouldn’t you apologize to my Lord?”

《Xing:“What to apologize for? I have reflected on myself three times. I am not wrong. I don’t need to apologize. It is His fault!”

《Xing Xiao:“Just wait!”

《Bai Lu:“Is this how it is used?”

《Fei Xiao:“That’s how it is used. I reflect on myself three times a day. Am I a little warlike? It’s not me who is warlike! It’s all the fault of Fengcaomin.

After reflecting on myself three times, I feel refreshed and more powerful in fighting.”


Marshal Xianzhou participated in this war to clean up the undead evil that poisoned the universe, and completed the summoning of heroes with the belief of Xianzhou in the Emperor Bow as the medium.

Below the information is a picture of her commanding six Xianzhous to conquer everywhere.


Revenge, patrol, hunting, he was summoned in the [Bow] class with only one purpose, to drive the enemies within his sight out of the world of the born.

Below the data is the scene of the Imperial Bow shooting out a light arrow to blow up the planet of the rich people.


Without carrying any holy relics, she sang a song "Ode to Harmony" for him and then awakened the Lord of Harmony with the wishes of all family members.

The benevolent Lord of Harmony embraced him in his arms, showing his tolerance for his family.

The picture on the side of the data shows Robin being embraced by Hippie.


The mother of the stars with one heart, the all-embracing god, was summoned in the [Rider] class, so he would not refuse the call of any family member.

Below the data is a picture of Hippie embracing the entire universe. 】

《Feixiao: "Is Emperor Bow Siming a bow? That's quite realistic."

《Hanabi: "When can the fight start? Lady Hanabi can't wait to see the blood flow."

《Aha: "Aha also wants to see them fight. But Aha is also a participant in the war. It's really boring. Hahaha."

《March Seven: "You don't want to have no fun in this state!"

《Hua: "When I get the Holy Grail, it will be the end of the people of abundance."

《Hu Lei: "When I get out, I will use you as food."

《Jingliu: "Welcome to you."

《Hu Lei: "The weather is nice today."

《Feixiao: "Why don't you come out and chat? I'm in the prison now."》

《Huai Yan: "The road design is good, the company's machinery is also good, but the biological tissue is a bit disgusting."》

《Dr. Zhenli: "The work of that mediocre group of people."

《Blade: "..."》

《Silver Wolf: "Is the Aren Luofu martial arts ceremony still lively?"

《Dan Heng: "!"》

《Jing Yuan: "!"》

《Jing Liu: "!"》

《Huai Yan: "You are in Luofu?"

《Yun Li: "Why don't you come to see grandpa in Luofu?"

【Pioneer. Xing:

Originally wanted to summon the Amber King with the Flame Spear, but because the Diamond got there first, the holy relic became

The star core in the body completed the summoning of the Heroic Spirit.

Below the information is a picture of the star being lifted up by Nanook with one hand and looking forward.


He brought destruction with absolute violence and disaster with pure malice. He was summoned. He is the most suitable Heroic Spirit for the [Berserker] level.

Below the information is a picture of him destroying one planet after another.


Using the cornerstone of the ten stone hearts as a medium, with the power of the Commander, he completed the summoning of the Heroic Spirit. With himself as the connection, he held the Command Spell together with the ten people.

Below the information is a picture of Diamond and the ten stone hearts bowing to the Amber King.


One of the oldest star gods, the winner of the last war of gods was summoned at the [Lance] level. After ending the war with overwhelming power, he appeared again in this war.

Below the information is a picture of him killing the ancient beast and killing the bug with three hammers. 】

《Star: "I see, if it wasn't your company, I would have been the one to summon the Amber King."

《Topa: "You're being unreasonable. We are the biggest guardian force in the universe. We are the legitimate descendants of the Amber King."

《Star: "I have a lance that the Amber King has blessed."

《Longjing: "That's not how it is. This can't be denied by a weapon."

《Star: "I have a lance that the Amber King has blessed."

《Zhenzhu: "That's not how it is. Diamond Shi is still the guardian of the order."》

《Star: "I have a lance blessed by the Amber King. The Amber King announced the arrival of the next Amber Age because of me."》

《Diamond: "Gold Dust gave her 100 million Star Qiong to make her shut up."》

《Gold Dust: "Okay."》

《Star: "Boss is generous."》

《March 7: "..."》

《Star Howl: "..."》

《Fen Feng: "Uh, ..."》

【Black Swan:

Using the tarot cards with countless memories of time as the medium to chant. The first time ended in failure, ready to do it again. At this time, the tarot cards, the crystal mirror, all the mirror images reflect the light of the heroic spirit.

Below the information is the scene where she and Fu Li face to face.


He was born in the moment when countless brilliant memories shone. The treasures piled up in the field called Shanjiantian were awakened by the black swan from countless memories and slumber.

Summoned at the [Spell] level, he changed from a spectator to an intervener, but his purpose was still to witness the end of this war.

PS: Thank you for the gifts from all readers.

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