"Ye Liang, what did you photograph?"

Seeing Ye Liang return, Jiang Yurou asked a little nervously.

To be honest, although she asked Ye Liang to shoot evidence, in her heart, she still hoped that nothing happened.

She hoped that everything was Ye Liang's thoughts.

In that way, everyone is happy.

And Ye Liang did not say more, but said to her:

"Get out of here first."

After speaking, he picked Jiang Yurou up again and left her house lightly.

After the two of them left Jiang's courtyard far away...

Ye Liangcai said to Jiang Yurou:

"What I photographed, do you want to see it yourself, or do I tell you?" I think...... Or is it better for me to tell you directly. "

[Hahahaha... Yurou baby, seriously, see for yourself, I'm afraid you won't be able to stand it——! 】

[Laughing to death, that picture is simply too grounded. ] 】

"Ye Liang, what did you photograph?"

Seeing Ye Liang return, Jiang Yurou asked a little nervously.

To be honest, although she asked Ye Liang to shoot evidence, in her heart, she still hoped that nothing happened.

She hoped that everything was Ye Liang's thoughts.

In that way, everyone is happy.

And Ye Liang did not say more, but said to her:

"Get out of here first."

After speaking, he picked Jiang Yurou up again and left her house lightly.

After the two of them left Jiang's courtyard far away...

Ye Liangcai said to Jiang Yurou:

"What I photographed, do you want to see it yourself, or do I tell you?" I think...... Or is it better for me to tell you directly. "

[Hahahaha... Yurou baby, seriously, see for yourself, I'm afraid you won't be able to stand it——! 】

[Laughing to death, that picture is simply too grounded. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: Hmph, what can't stand it, I have long known the result from your heart.

She said:

"Brother Ye Liang, let me take a look."

Without seeing it with her own eyes, she felt that she would definitely not die.

After all, she didn't want to wronged her own father in her heart.

"Well, see for yourself."

Saying that, Ye Liang looked strange and returned Jiang Yurou's mobile phone in his hand to her.

Jiang Yurou picked up her mobile phone and began to look at it.

"Disgusting ——!!!"

But after a while, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but almost vomit the chicken soup she drank tonight.

I saw a sixty-year-old grandmother, wearing her mother's clothes, telling her father about divorcing her mother.

My own father, is his taste really so unique?

For the current life, what is he still dissatisfied with, he needs to find such an old woman to find excitement.

Moreover, he also let the old woman wear her mother's clothes.

It's too loud, isn't it——!!!


After vomiting, Jiang Yurou's gaze was a little embarrassed towards Ye Liang.

What Ye Liang said came true——!!!

If something else can be said to be a coincidence, what now?

His father would divorce his mother for status, and the prophecy of finding an eighty-year-old grandmother came true.

All the things that Ye Liang thought in his heart were really true.

In this way, is it true that he once hurt him, made him suffer for a lifetime because of himself, and finally even fell into the Heavenly Demon Heart Tribulation?

Looking at Ye Liang in front of him, Jiang Yurou suddenly felt apologetic.

It turned out that he had really hurt him so much.

In the future, I must compensate him well.

Even if he spat on himself in his heart, he couldn't get angry anymore.

Definitely not.

After thinking about these things, Jiang Yurou felt that her heart seemed to become open-minded in an instant.

Looking at Ye Liang in front of her, she felt that she could almost admit that she loved him.

"Yurou, don't be sad, in fact, men, it's all like this, it's nothing... It's just that your dad's taste is a little unique..."

Saying that, Ye Liang raised his hand, patted Jiang Yurou's shoulder, and said:

"Either way, it's always good to find out early, right?"

[Hahahaha, you deserve it, you also have today, laughing at the baby——!!! 】

Ye Liang: Uh...

Xiu Immortal Voice Pack, you really don't look at the atmosphere.


Jiang Yurou's forehead couldn't help but jump.

Can't be angry, can't be angry, what's the big deal?

This abominable fellow——!!!

Can't be angry, it's strange——!!!

Too much deception——!!!

She really couldn't bear it, and threw herself into Ye Liang's arms and bit him down.


At this moment, Ye Liang couldn't help but feel a flesh pain.

Good fellow, this woman belongs to a dog, biting people so willing to work hard?!

However, he was also an immortal cultivator, and the pain was just to make him sharper.

In fact, no matter how much strength Jiang Yurou used, she couldn't bite him.

He just thought that Jiang Yurou was too sad, so he raised his hand and comforted her.

But he didn't know that Jiang Yurou, the big filial daughter, had now thrown aside Jiang Shixian's affairs.

Now, she just wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge on him.

After biting, the gas subsides, what to do or how.


At this moment, Ye Liang's gaze looked in the direction where he lived.

I saw that there, a purple pillar of light rose up into the sky, rolling up a large cloud in the sky, and around that direction, the clouds began to rotate continuously.

The terrifying cloud vortex makes people look like the end of the world.

Such a wonderful and terrifying scene, but because it was in the night, not many people saw it.

That pillar of purple light that rushed into the sky could only be seen by Ye Liang.

It was a spell light that only immortal cultivators could see.

"Zhao Ziyan, is she finally going to be restored to the Purple Heart Female Emperor?"

Seeing that purple pillar of light, Ye Liang was not in a hurry.

He deliberately left today, originally deliberately giving Lu Xiao'er a chance to see if she could make Zhao Ziyan truly awaken as the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

Now it seems that Zhao Ziyan is indeed the Purple Heart Female Emperor.


Ye Liang's brows couldn't help but furrow again.

According to Xiuxian Voice Pack, Zhao Ziyan was just a traitor to the earth.

Before, he felt that Xiu Immortal's voice package was talking nonsense.

But now, Xiu Immortal Voice Pack can even say such an outrageous thing.

Is it really nonsense?

If the Xiu Immortal Voice Pack is not nonsense, then why, Zhao Ziyan can really become the Purple Heart Female Emperor now?

Forget it, let's go and see it first.

Thinking of this, he said to Jiang Yurou:

"Yurou, let's go, we should almost go back."

"Huh? Oh..."

Jiang Yurou couldn't help but be stunned when she heard Ye Liang say that she was going back.

It's just been a while and I'm going back.

She hasn't had a good time yet.

I ate a melon from my own house...


Ye Liang, you bastard, did you deliberately bring me out to see my melons?!!!

She spat like this.

However, she naturally knew in her heart that Ye Liang definitely didn't mean it.

Because Ye Liang's true words have always been clearly heard by her.

There can be no mistake.

Helplessly, although she didn't want to go back so early, she could only follow Ye Liang and go.

[The galaxy is hanging upside down, the purple light rushes, this world may be dangerous. ] 】

Just when Jiang Yurou followed Ye Liang a few steps, she heard this voice again.

Ye Liang turned to her and said:

"Yurou, I may have something urgent later, I have to leave first, you go back by yourself."

[Fortunately, there are still Buddha-figures in this world, otherwise, in the face of this situation, there is no other way but destruction, and it is time for Buddha-figures to save the world. 】

[Jiang Yurou, I advise you to recognize the figure, at this time, don't pester the Buddha-figure. 】


Listening to Ye Liang's heart, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but be full of question marks.

World destruction?

What world destruction?

Save the world again?

How many times have you saved the world?!!

If you really have such a big thing, I naturally won't pester you, are you and my Jiang Yurou the kind of woman with a love brain who doesn't know priorities?!!!

"Well, Ye Liang, if you have something urgent, let's go first, I can go home alone."

Ye Liang said: "Okay, then you are careful on the road." "

[Stinky woman, hehe, I deliberately left you outside, what can you do?] Although the flying sword talisman I gave you can keep you safe, I just don't tell you, I want you to misunderstand me, despair of me, and leave me. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Xiu Immortal Voice Pack, do you know, you are very cheap like this.

Cheap is not cheap.

Jiang Yurou: Ye Liang——!!!

You are such a slut, I am so good to you, you don't make me angry and unwilling, right?!!!

I don't believe it, I haven't done enough.

Although this may not be what I think in my heart, I think I have done a clean job.

It's a man who will praise me.

That's why you're so cheap, ignorant of lifting, not only don't believe that I am sincere, but also have been hurting me in your heart.

Do you think I don't know that your broken charm is powerful and can protect me?

If you want me to despair against you and leave you, you are a pig's head and can't think of such a watery means?!!


Although she thought so, Jiang Yurou could only forcibly squeeze out a smile when she faced Ye Liang, and said to her:

"Brother Ye Liang, you go first."


Saying that, Ye Liang accelerated his speed and ran towards where he lived.

After entering the place where Jiang Yurou's line of sight could not reach, his figure shook and instantly disappeared in place.

And Jiang Yurou watched Ye Liang disappear, and couldn't help sighing slightly.

Hey, really, what happened to him, how did he develop to this point with Ye Liang's nasty guy?

I am also a slut.

It was obvious that he was so angry by Ye Liang every day, but he couldn't help but want to hear his heart.

Is this a habit of being scolded?

At this time, Ye Liang was at home.

The moment the Purple Pole Immortal Stone came into contact with Zhao Ziyan's blood, it immediately burst out with the ultimate immortal light.

The whole piece of immortal stone turned into a huge purple aura ability, which combined with Zhao Ziyan's blood and integrated into Zhao Ziyan's body.

The next moment, a powerful purple light erupted in Zhao Ziyan's eyes.

This purple light shot straight into the sky...

On her body, a huge purple glow also erupted, and this purple glow, as if turned into a purple dragon, swirled around the purple qi on her body in the air above her head.

Ang ——!!!

In the sky, from time to time, there seemed to be a long groan of the purple dragon.

And Zhao Ziyan's whole person slowly floated into the air.

Around her body, the purple aura became more and more intense.

The powerful purple aura seemed to turn into a woman's shadow behind her.

That woman's phantom appearance is exactly the same as Zhao Ziyan, although it is only a purple qi state, but she looks much more beautiful than Zhao Ziyan, who looks exactly the same.

What's more, there is a powerful and unparalleled aura on her body.

Under the suppression of this aura, Lu Yaoer, who was in front of Zhao Ziyan, couldn't help but kneel on her knees.

This is the unparalleled aura of the Jindan level, which is not something that she can compete with in this small refining period.

Purple Pole Immortal Star, the Purple Heart Female Emperor, descended on the earth at this moment with the long chant of the purple dragon.

Looking at his hands, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but look surprised.

"I... Is it really the Purple Heart Female Emperor? "

The memories that came to her mind, as well as the powerful and inexhaustible mana, reminded her that she was not an earth woman.

She is the unparalleled female emperor of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, the female emperor of the purple heart.

These memories don't seem to be fake, and the matchless golden pill mana on her body is not fake.

She is the unparalleled female emperor, in order to win a ray of life for the Purple Pole Immortal Star, she did not hesitate to use her great powers to let her reincarnate on the earth, wanting to open the passage between the two realms to the earth, and cooperate with the cultivators left behind on the Purple Pole Immortal Star to save the Purple Pole Immortal Star from fire and water.

It turned out that the Purple Pole Immortal Star really did not intend to invade the earth.

After arriving on Earth, they will leave Earth for a period of time and go to the universe to find other suitable places to live.

Looking at his hands, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but be surprised.

What Ye Liang thought, what happened when he betrayed the earth?

Could it be that he originally had, after receiving 100,000 cultivators to the earth, he attacked the earth with his backhand.

So he was mistaken for an eternal sinner of the earth?

Will he be mistaken for a traitor by the future Ye Liang?

If so, it is not impossible.

However, no matter what choice he made in the previous life, in this life, he definitely won't and doesn't want to attack the earth.

Not to mention that in his heart, although the earth is not good, it can be regarded as a home, let's say that he does not have any strong feelings for the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

However, she is really the Purple Heart Female Emperor, so she is obliged to save all her people from the crisis.

Her gaze cast towards Lu Xiao'er beside her.

As soon as his mind moved, the purple light in the sky dissipated, and the purple dragon also broke through the clouds and disappeared without a trace.

The original powerful and matchless momentum was put away by her.

"Lu Xiaoer, you did the right thing."

She said to Lu Xiao'er:

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid Bendi wouldn't have recovered to his state by now, and he wouldn't be able to make a truly correct judgment."

"Greeting Her Majesty the Female Emperor to return to ——!!!"

Lu Yao'er knelt in front of Zhao Ziyan and saluted her:

"Doing things for the Purple Pole Immortal Star is the ——! I should do"


Zhao Ziyan nodded and said:

"Go out with Bendi."

After speaking, she turned into a purple light, disappeared into the house, and came to the nearby park.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yao'er couldn't help but secretly startled...

Is this the strength of Jindan?

If you don't see anything at all, the person is gone.

However, she could feel that Zhao Ziyan's breath was nearby, leading her over.

Therefore, she said no more, flew out of the window, and headed towards the nearby artificial lake.

Although her flight speed is not bad, compared to the thought of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, compared with the instantaneous thousands of miles, it is naturally not much worse.

When she came to the artificial lake, the Purple Heart Emperor was already standing here waiting for her.

No, she was not waiting for Lu Yaoer, but someone else... Ye Liang——!


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