"Purple Heart Female Emperor, let me see what kind of peerless female emperor you are."

At this time, Ye Liang naturally had his plans.

The return of the Purple Heart Female Emperor is also in his plan.

While he can't guarantee he's in control, at least he can keep himself from being so passive.

Isn't it?

It's time to decide the future fate of the planet——!

This time, Ye Liang did not put armor on himself again, because it was no longer meaningful.

Give Lu Yao'er time to be alone with Zhao Ziyan, and now Zhao Ziyan has awakened again and become the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

His identity as an immortal cultivator must have been known by Zhao Ziyan.

Therefore, he directly followed the undisguised breath and rushed over.

At this time, Zhao Ziyan was standing quietly on the artificial lake.

In the night breeze, the surface of the lake is gently echoing.

But she stood on the surface of the lake, as if standing on flat ground.

Until she felt Ye Liang's arrival, she began to get nervous.

And Ye Liang's gaze was also firmly fixed on the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

He originally thought that he would see a female emperor who was not very beautiful.


When he saw the Purple Heart Female Emperor, he couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

How is it still so ugly.


Lu Yao'er's gaze also cast towards Ye Liang at this moment.

At this moment, she was even more nervous than Zhao Ziyan.

Because the bull that Zhao Ziyan had blown on her before made her understand that Ye Liang was much more terrifying than she thought.

If Ye Liang was willing, he could easily kill the Purple Heart Female Emperor in seconds.

Don't look at the scene of the return of the Purple Heart Female Emperor just now, it is very spectacular, and there are even purple qi transformation dragons greeting, and a vision rises in heaven and earth.

But actually.

In front of Ye Liang, all this was nothing.

Lu Yao'er secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva...

Looking at Ye Liang, she knelt down without hesitation.

"Dad, Zhao Ziyan is the Purple Heart Female Emperor of our Purple Pole Immortal Star, and I have already awakened her cultivation and memory."

She said to Ye Liang.

And Zhao Ziyan's gaze also cast towards Ye Liang, and towards Ye Liang, she showed a kind smile.

At this moment, if she is not ugly, she can also be called a Lingbo fairy.

She spoke:

"Brother Ye Liang, I'm sorry, I've been hiding from you before, I am the reincarnation of the Purple Heart Female Emperor... I thought that you were just an ordinary person who hid it from you, and I learned through Lu Yao'er's mouth that you were actually an immortal cultivator. "

For Zhao Ziyan, Ye Liang absolutely could not be offended.

Although she has now become the Purple Heart Female Emperor, she is still far from Ye Liang.

The end of pretending to be forced in front of Ye Liang, isn't that looking for death?

Therefore, she definitely couldn't pretend in front of Ye Liang.

To be humble is to be humble.

However, Ye Liang's true strength had never been exposed...

She got the truth through Ye Liang's heart.

She can't reveal this secret of herself.

Therefore, while she had to remain respectful to Ye Liang, she couldn't let Ye Liang feel her nervousness at the moment.

Such a statement is obviously the most rivery.

As long as Ye Liang mistakenly thinks that she doesn't know his strength, the relationship between the two can continue.

In that way, with Ye Liang's personality, the chance of making a move on her is much smaller.


Looking at the Purple Heart Female Emperor in front of him, Ye Liang couldn't help but be surprised.

It's not me who said, Purple Heart Female Emperor, your appearance does not match your title.

Also, I made the Purple Heart Emperor a very ruthless character.

Your aura is different from what I imagined.

In Ye Liang's opinion, the Purple Heart Female Emperor must be a very domineering and ruthless woman.

However, this one in front of him, where is the Purple Heart Female Emperor, isn't this the state after Zhao Ziyan obtained the Golden Dan cultivation?!

Seeing Zhao Ziyan like this, Ye Liang naturally looked stunned.

[Oh? Is it? She already knows I'm an Immortal Cultivator? So does she know the strength of the Buddha-figure? I originally wanted to see her high-minded, self-righteous ugly appearance after she gained strength, if she knew my strength, would she not dare to pretend in front of me? 】

[I hope she doesn't know, otherwise, it's a pity.] 】

Ye Liang: I have the strength of a fart.

If he hadn't known his current level of cultivation, Ye Liang would really have been swollen by the voice of the Immortal Cultivation Voice Pack.

Zhao Ziyan: That's true...

She knew that Ye Liang was doing it on purpose.

Ye Liang clearly knew that by letting Lu Yao'er stay with her, she would definitely awaken and become the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

But he deliberately left Lu Yao'er behind.

Because, he didn't care about the Purple Heart Female Emperor at all.

In his eyes, the Purple Heart Female Emperor may not be as important as Zhao Ziyan.

In the face of the courtesy of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, Ye Liang naturally did not want to pretend.

He spoke:

"How much strength I have, I'm just a rookie chicken in the refining period, and now you are the Purple Heart Female Emperor who is high above."


Hearing this, Lu Yao'er and Zhao Ziyan's two daughters couldn't help but twitch their faces.

Although knowing that you want to keep a low profile, you want to hide your strength.

However, you are also too low-key, right?!!!

You say that you are in the refining period, you talk about it, who will believe your nonsense?!!!

As long as it is an immortal cultivator, he will not believe it, right?!!!

However, what Ye Liang said, they can only believe it now.

Moreover, the more Ye Liang wanted to keep a low profile, the better news for them.

As long as Ye Liang kept a low profile in front of them, it proved that Ye Liang did not want to do anything to them.

They're safe.

At this moment, both Zhao Ziyan and Lu Yaoer secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Zhao Ziyan, she also did not debunk Ye Liang's lies, she said with a smile:

"Brother Ye Liang, you may just be a cultivator in the refining period, I may be a Golden Pill Female Emperor, but, I have already worshiped you as a big brother, then you are my eldest brother——!"

"Dad, I worshiped you as a father, you will always be my father——!!!"

Lu Yaoer also echoed on the side.


Looking at the kneeling woman in front of him, a salute, Ye Liang couldn't help but look strange.

Is this really the Purple Heart Female Emperor?

The Purple Heart Female Emperor in her imagination should be a peerless woman, with a beautiful appearance, and at the same time, a very powerful female emperor aura.

And this person in front of him, no matter how you look at it, looks like an ordinary girl.

According to Xiuxian Voice Pack, Zhao Ziyan will become a traitor to humanity.

And the one in front of her is already the Purple Heart Female Emperor, and she is not on the human side.

Naturally, there is no such thing as a betrayal of mankind.

It seems that the matter of Zhao Ziyan is Xiuxian's voice bag.

"I already know a little about the Purple Pole Immortal Star from Lu Yao'er."

His gaze moved to Zhao Ziyan and spoke:

"Now that you have become the Purple Heart Female Emperor, are you going to open the passage of the two realms and let the people of the Purple Pole Immortal Star go?"


Hearing this, Zhao Ziyan's expression was nervous, and Lu Yao'er on the side couldn't help but raise her heart.

Sure enough, Ye Liang was most concerned about this issue now.


Zhao Ziyan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said to Ye Liang:

"Brother Ye Liang, I know that you are worried that the people of the Purple Pole Immortal Star will disturb the earth after they come to the earth, but, Little Sister is brave, ask Big Brother Ye Liang to allow the little sister to temporarily lead the cultivators of the Purple Pole Immortal Star to the earth, and the little sister will definitely not let the people on the Purple Pole Immortal Star mess around casually——!"


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh:

"Are you kidding? You are the female emperor of the Purple Pole Fairy Star, you want to lead the people of the Purple Pole Fairy Star to the earth, it is your business, what do you ask me to do? I'm just a little rookie in the refining period..."

[What does she mean?] She is a Jindan power, what to do, but also ask me a rookie chicken in the refining period? Could it be that my true strength has already been known by her? Impossible——! 】

Ye Liang: God's true strength, isn't my real strength a rookie chicken in the refining period?

Zhao Ziyan: No, I seem to be a little too polite to him, which will make him doubt me.

I can't know his true strength, if he thinks about it, he will definitely guess it, I'm afraid of him, right?!"

Can't make him think that.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ziyan quickly spoke:

"Brother Ye Liang, even if you are a rookie in the refining period, you are the only person in this world who is really good to me, and my respect for you comes from the heart."

Although what she said was not entirely true, she did respect Ye Liang.

Although Ye Liang is a bastard with evil taste, he wants to see her ugly.

Even deliberately create conditions to let her gain ability, make her beautiful, make her a high-ranking female emperor, and want to see her float up and be ugly.

However, spitting and spitting, she still respected Ye Liang.

Because if it wasn't for Ye Liang, she didn't have these opportunities at all, didn't she?

Ye Liang: Look how good this girl is.

Who said she was callous before?

Also, Xiu Xian voice bag, you can see it, this girl is very good.

What betrays the earth, betrays all mankind, what wants to see her ugly, such words, don't say it later.

[Oh? Would she actually really respect me? This is quite unexpected... Now she thinks I'm a rookie in the refining period, and she still respects me so much, it seems that she really respects me. 】

Ye Liang: What she thinks, I am a rookie in the refining period, okay?

"Hehe, since you respect me so much, then I asked you not to open the passage of the two realms, are you willing?"

Ye Liang said with a casual smile.

[Try her again, if she really respects me, she may not be able to give her a chance.] 】

Try your sister, I'm just daring and joking.


Zhao Ziyan, who had collected all of Ye Liang's heart, couldn't help but be speechless at this moment.

Ye Liang is really a bastard with bad taste.

He waited anytime and anywhere to see himself float up because of the great strength he had gained, and swell in front of him.

At that time, he will directly burst out of strength...

At that time, there is really no place to die.

Fortunately, his respect for Ye Liang came from the heart.

She saluted Ye Liang:

"If Big Brother Ye Liang doesn't let me open the passage between the two realms, I won't open it, but...

My memories tell me that the Purple Pole Fairy Star is a peace-loving world.

After the people of the Purple Pole Immortal Star arrive on Earth, they will definitely not mess around, and besides, I will also restrain them.

Forgive the little sister for daring, please agree to it. "


Looking at Zhao Ziyan's appearance, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Could it be that what purple pole fairy star is really a peace-loving world?

The 100,000 cultivators of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, after coming to Earth, can they really obediently be restrained?!

Seriously, Ye Liang didn't believe it.

But now, the Purple Heart Female Emperor has spoken, what can he do?

He was a small Qi refining cultivator, and now he could only watch.

So, he laughed:

"Since you said so, then I naturally agreed."

[Just give you a chance, I hope that the Purple Pole Immortal Star in this life can be different... You, don't be sorry. 】

Ye Liang: Give a chance to Mao, people are dignified female emperors, give you some face, do you really think you have a face?

But then, it's really going to start my home turf.

He went on to say:

"But if something happens, you're responsible."

And hearing Ye Liang's 'heart's 'heart's Zhao Ziyan in his heart, he couldn't help but show joy.

Great, he agreed——!!!

She quickly said:

"Thank you big brother for agreeing, I will be in charge——!"

"Great, the Purple Pole Immortal Star can come ——!!!"

At this moment, Lu Yao'er couldn't help but look excited.

She also said to Ye Liang:

"Thank you, Dad, I thank you for the 100,000 cultivators of the Purple Pole Immortal Star."


Ye Liang just smiled.

If you really can't control the situation later, the first one will sacrifice you to the sky, hum.

At this moment, it was quite a dangerous moment for Ye Liang.

Ye Liang didn't know what would happen if the Purple Heart Female Emperor appeared.

However, he knew that if he just waited for the Purple Heart Female Emperor to appear, then he would definitely be very passive.

Instead of this, it is better to take the initiative to attract the Purple Heart Female Emperor out.

Next, whether it is a blessing or a curse depends on Providence——!

After getting Ye Liang's consent, Zhao Ziyan was naturally very excited.

Next, she will begin to open the two realm passages.

Seeing that Lu Yao'er was still kneeling to him, Ye Liang smiled at her:

"What are you doing on your knees there? Get up. "

"Oh, thanks Daddy."

Hearing Ye Liang's pardon, Lu Yao'er also breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, Ye Liang really counted when he spoke.

To say that you don't care about the arrival of the Purple Pole Immortal Star is that you really don't care.

If Ye Liang knew what she was thinking at the moment, he would definitely be speechless.

He wanted to care, but did he have the ability to care?

Even now, he can only adapt to the situation.

His gaze looked towards Zhao Ziyan.

This directly connects the passage between two completely unrelated worlds, and I don't know how Zhao Ziyan opened it.

Can you learn from this yourself.

If you can learn a little, it would be good.

Zhao Ziyan got Ye Liang's consent, and naturally he was not verbose.

She shook her figure directly, instantly turned into a purple light, rushed into the sky, danced in the air, and changed the magic in her hand.

With her movements, a huge purple pattern slowly appeared in the sky, and this pattern turned into endless mysterious runes and formations in an instant.

In that heavenly domain, it seemed that something was slowly emerging.


In an instant, the wind and thunder rolled in the sky, and the wind roared.

Vaguely, Ye Liang also seemed to hear Zhao Ziyan's magic technique.

One by one, hidden in heaven and earth, handed over to thunder.

The entire earth began to have strong auroras at this moment.

Between heaven and earth, a purple divine glow suddenly appeared.

This is no longer a spell, this is a vision of heaven and earth, which even ordinary people can see.


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