"What is that?!!!?"

At this time, Jiang Yurou, who had just walked downstairs to Ye Liang's house, was suddenly attracted by the powerful purple light that suddenly erupted in the sky.

At this moment, people all over the world looked towards the sky.

This scene of purple gas suddenly attracted the attention of meteorological bureaus around the world.

"Is it the aurora?"

"World-class auroras?"

"It's so beautiful——!!!"

On Xianxia Mountain, in the Xu family's mansion, Xu Yingbing, who was preparing to fall asleep, looked out the window.

"Aurora? This...... It's so beautiful, I have to call the master to see, forget it... Master, he knows for sure... Hmph, bastard master, I don't know if you forgot me. "

With that, she put the phone away.

On the opposite side of Ye Liang's house, Yan Qing cast his gaze out the window.

"What a beautiful aurora, what's going on?"

Inside an office building in a distant city, Ye Ziqian's gaze looked out the window.

"This is ... Strange..."

Her expression was inexplicable, and she said excitedly:

"My Ye Tiandi territory, what kind of immortal, dare to show off the divine powers?!!"

"Is this who is crossing the robbery?!!!?"

"This aurora, but I have never heard the forecast, are the people from the Meteorological Bureau not working?!!!

"This aurora is definitely not normal, maybe it is a god descending into the world."

"Oh, it could be the end of the world."

"Oh my God, it's a miracle, oh cake sellers——!!!"

At this moment, outside Huang Yan, countless gods and disciples were worshipping the aurora in the sky.

"This must be the descendant of our Ah San's saint."

"Asiba, this is obviously our Great Cold Immortal Cultivator."

"Gan, when did you Dahan also have immortal cultivators?!"

"Do you want a face?"

"The center of this aurora is obviously in our Huangyan Shenzhou——!"

"It is."

"This is clearly the cultivator immortal of our Divine State."


Such visions suddenly became hot on the Internet.

Everyone just watched it hilariously.

But I don't know what kind of crisis the earth is in at this moment.

If Ye Liang were not there, the earth would definitely be finished.

With Ye Liang here, the earth may not be finished...

Now, Ye Liang can only resign himself to his fate.

It really didn't work, and he didn't mind changing into the clothes of the Purple Pole Immortal Star on the spot, shouting things like 'the world belongs to the Immortal Star, eliminate the tyranny of mankind'...

When he cultivates later, he will have a chance to avenge the earth.

He can't have an accident, he's going to have an accident, and the earth is really over.

I saw Zhao Ziyan constantly casting spells in the air, and with the continuous urging of her aura, a passage faintly began to emerge from the air.

That passage gradually emerged, and even turned into substance.

The void seemed to be torn apart by this passage.

And at this time, on the other side, above the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

Lu Yunfei, Huang Gong, and all the high-level Purple Pole Immortal Star all felt the consciousness call from the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

"It's time——!!!"

"Hahahaha, it's ——!!!"

Facing the call of the female emperor, everyone became excited.

"Three thousand guards of the Divine Court, immediately deploy the space transfer array——!!!"

"Promise ——!!!"

With an order, the entire Nine Heavens, three thousand guards immediately took action.

Three thousand innate cultivators, practicing diligently day and night, is to be able to cooperate with the female emperor to use the space transfer array on this day.

The next moment, countless immortal sounds immediately sounded above the Purple Pole Immortal Star, and the sky was dyed with purple light.

At this moment, the Purple Pole Immortal Star seemed so sacred.

The Nine Heavenly Palace, high in the sky, everyone was excited.

This moment has finally arrived——!

With the opening of a huge spatial passage, the sky of the Purple Pole Immortal Star was finally connected to the sky of the earth.

From the Purple Pole Immortal Star, you can even see the lights of ten thousand homes below the earth.


Seeing this scene, Lu Yunfei couldn't help but laugh.

He held a halberd in his hand, swirled the halberd around, and laughed:

"The generals obey the order, go to Earth with me to meet the Purple Heart Female Emperor ——!"

"Promise ——!!!"

With Lu Yunfei's order, all the soldiers above the Purple Pole Immortal Star flew towards the sky.

And Lu Yunfei, Huang Gong and the others had already taken the lead in flying into the sky and entered the huge spatial passage directly.

But after a few of them entered, the three thousand innate cultivators who were originally excited and ready to keep up couldn't help but change their expressions.


This space passage is only enough to accommodate a few of them.

The moment Lu Yunfei and the others entered the spatial passage, a powerful force of destruction immediately descended on the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star.

The Purple Pole Immortal Star completely collapsed——!!!

All the cultivators who were still in the Purple Pole Immortal Star could not run, and all of them would fall along with the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star.


"What's going on?!!! here?"

The destruction of the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star was simply desperate for the three thousand cultivators who were still on the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

Innate cultivators, facing the destruction of the world, have no way to escape.

"We were deceived, we were deceived, and we became a group of outcasts——!!!"

"Damn, I didn't expect that General Lu with thick eyebrows actually rebelled, and they had already decided to abandon us——!!!

"God, I hate it——!!!

At this moment, the remaining three thousand cultivators above the Purple Pole Immortal Star couldn't help but look desperate.

Watching the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star collapse from the outer heavens, the Nine Heavens, the Eighth Heaven...

After opening the spatial passage, with the entry of Lu Yunfei and others, the spatial passage was completely closed again.

At the same time, the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star seemed to have lost some kind of support, and the of a thousand miles collapsed in the anthill.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the entire planet began to collapse.

Everyone who remained in the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star couldn't help but look at the sky with a look of despair.

They don't have any way to save themselves.

At this time, Zhao Ziyan, who was maintaining the passage of the Purple Pole Immortal Star on Earth, instantly felt a huge pressure hit.

She felt that she was not opening any spatial passage at all, but was fighting against the power that could devour the entire world——!!!

This huge pressure suddenly reached the limit of what she could bear.


She couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of spiritual blood and fell directly from the air.

And in that huge passage, at this time, several figures finally jumped out quickly.

As if they were desperately fleeing for their lives, they waited for the spatial passage before they breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, start tidying up your demeanor to make yourself look less embarrassed.

"Her Majesty the Female Emperor ——!!!"

Seeing Zhao Ziyan falling from the air, Lu Yaoer couldn't help but be shocked.

She quickly flew into the sky to pick up Zhao Ziyan.

Ye Liang stood below and looked towards Lu Yao'er, who flew into the sky.

His originally expectant brows couldn't help but furrow.

What about the most basic trust between people?

Lu Yaoer, you are an immortal cultivator, what safety pants are you wearing, immortal cultivator——!!!

Safety pants are used to prevent villains.

You can also guard against a gentleman like me?!!!

Gan ——!

At this moment, Ye Liang felt as if he had been deceived.

The clothes worn by Lu Yaoer are obviously very similar to those sexy costume banshees in the game, and they look very charming.

However, she actually wore safety pants and took ——!!!

At this moment, Lu Yaoer had already received Zhao Ziyan from the air.

After she caught Zhao Ziyan, her eyes looked towards the spatial passage in the sky.

But I only saw that the spatial passage was closing little by little.

In the end, the entire spatial passage disappeared completely.

The aurora in the sky, all visions disappeared.

At this moment, Lu Yao'er looked puzzled.

What is the situation?!

Why did the spatial passage disappear?

Why are only these few people coming out?!!


In total, only five people appeared in the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

Lu Yunfei, Huang Gong, and three others are also veterans of the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

"Is this the Earth? Sure enough, as reported by Li Zhe and Lu Yaoer, the aura was a little thin. "

Feeling the aura in the air, Lu Yunfei said.

"Although the aura is thin, it is better than the Purple Pole Immortal Star."

Another very large cultivator spoke.

His name is Mankui, and he is the first warrior of the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

Looking at their expressions, it was obvious that they had expected that the spatial passage behind them would be closed.

Therefore, after the escape, they were not nervous at all, but began to discuss the affairs of the earth.

And Lu Xiaoer below finally couldn't bear it.

She opened her mouth and asked them:

"What's going on? Father...... Why are only a few of you coming? What about the rest? Why did the spatial passage suddenly close?! "

Lu Yunfei's gaze lowered his head and looked towards Lu Yao'er, with an indifferent expression.

"Yao'er, put down the woman in your hands."


Lu Yao'er was still waiting for Lu Yunfei's answer, but suddenly heard Lu Yunfei's words, which made her stunned.

"Father, what do you say? She is Her Majesty the Female Emperor——! "


Hearing Lu Yao'er say that Zhao Ziyan was Her Majesty the Female Emperor, the five people in the sky couldn't help but laugh up to the sky.

"What female emperor majesty, she is just a pawn created by us."

"A chess piece that allowed us to successfully come to Earth from the Purple Pole Immortal Star."

"She is not the female emperor of our Purple Pole Immortal Star."


Hearing the words of the five people in the sky, Lu Yao'er couldn't help but look shocked.

And Ye Liang, who was still thinking that there would be a hundred thousand cultivators coming to the earth, couldn't help but look confused at this moment.

What is this situation now?

Say that there are 100,000 cultivators, how come there are only five left?

But...... If there are really 100,000, then I will have a headache.

But if there are only five people... Well, I'd be happy to see the liveliness.

What is this situation now?

Zhao Ziyan is not some purple-hearted female emperor, but a chess piece created by this F5?

How did things start to get interesting?

Looking at the five people in the sky, Zhao Ziyan also looked shocked.

She wiped the injury at the corner of her mouth and asked with a shocked look:

"What do you say? What pawn?!! "


Hearing Zhao Ziyan's question, the five people in the sky all showed mockery to her.

"You don't really think that you are the female emperor of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, right?"

Lu Yunfei spoke:

"A woman, don't think too much, the so-called Purple Pole Immortal Stone is just a magic weapon created by our people in the Purple Pole Immortal Star that can make people's cultivation reach the legendary Golden Pill realm in a short period of time, your so-called Purple Heart Female Emperor's memory and cultivation are all fake, you are just an ordinary ... The ugly earth woman, who actually thinks that she is the purple-hearted female emperor of our Purple Pole Immortal Star, hahaha, laughs to death——!!! "


Hearing this, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but look shocked:

"You said that my memory, as well as Xiuwei, are all fake?!!!"


Ye Liang, who was on the side, couldn't help but be a little stunned when he saw this scene.

This plot is starting to develop in an interesting direction.


Lu Yunfei stood in the air, staring at the three people below, but his eyes stared at Zhao Ziyan and said:

"At the beginning, we predicted the demise of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, so we thought of today."

"The demise of the Purple Pole Immortal Star is inevitable."

"Even if it is a person with great consummation, there is no way to escape from the Immortal Domain Enchantment, and can only destroy together with the Immortal Star."

"Unless someone can open a two-realm passage in another world and cooperate with the people on our Purple Pole Immortal Star, it is possible to create a passage that accommodates the number of innate powerhouses that are not too many."

"In order to create such a person, all of us on the Purple Pole Immortal Star went all out to create a Purple Pole Immortal Stone, a fairy stone that could allow anyone to possess the strength of the legendary Golden Pill cultivator in an instant."

"Only lifeless senshi can be sent to Earth."

"Since a long time ago, we have sent out the Purple Pole Fairy Stone to the Earth on the Purple Pole Fairy Star."

"And today is also the day our purpose is achieved."

"This ugly woman got the Purple Pole Immortal Stone, opened the passage between the two realms for us, and saved us from the crisis of destruction."

"Logically, we have to thank her... However, she is just an ordinary low-level mortal, and she does not deserve our thanks. "

Every time Lu Yunfei said a word, the corners of the lips of everyone around him rose a little.

And Zhao Ziyan's eyes were a little more angry.

At this moment, she is extremely remorseful, and she really fell for it.

Ye Liang was right, he eventually became a sinner of the earth——!!!

It turned out that his own memories, his own cultivation, and his past were all fake.

It was these people who created to deceive themselves——!!!

Damn it——!!!

Just look at the rhetoric of these five guys, they will never be good people when they come to Earth.

Fortunately, fortunately, there is still Ye Liang on the earth.

Even if they become sinners of the earth, traitors of the earth, and lead foreign enemies to invade, they will definitely not be able to please——!!!


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