At this moment, Zhao Ziyan's heart was extremely remorseful.

She is angry, she is repentant, she is unwilling——!!!

At the moment of contact with the Purple Pole Immortal Stone, huge memories, powerful cultivation, and everything were instilled in her mind.

She is just an ordinary earth girl, and she seems so small in the face of that huge amount.

At that moment, she really thought of herself as the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

She originally thought that she should be the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

However, reality slapped her mercilessly in the face.

The merciless and indifferent ridicule of the five people in the sky, the shameless face of the treacherous and ungrateful trick, made her feel as if her heart was pricked by needles at this moment.

However, what embarrassed her even more was ——!

All this, Ye Liang had reminded her a long time ago.

Although it was only in his heart, he had already said that she would regret it.

However, she was so confident at that time.

She thought she could be in control and save all her people.

But he didn't know that everything he did was just a joke in Ye Liang's eyes.

Fortunately...... Fortunately, Ye Liang didn't say it himself at that time, but just thought about it in his heart.

Now he pretends not to know, what he used to think is not so embarrassing.

However, when it is time to be embarrassed, it is still necessary to be embarrassed.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan didn't know how he was going to face Ye Liang's eyes.

"Now that we've arrived on Earth."

Lu Yunfei's gaze stared towards Zhao Ziyan, and said with a cold face:

"Then, Purple Pole Immortal Stone, you can return it to us, woman."

"What, may I ask."

At this moment, Ye Liang, who had not spoken, finally stood in front of Zhao Ziyan.

His gaze looked towards Lu Yunfei in the sky, and he asked:

"Since you said she is not your Purple Heart Female Emperor.

Then what kind of purple pole fairy stone do you have, can't anyone open the passage of the two realms for you?

Why not let Lu Xiaoer do it?

It's really not good, wasn't there a Li Zhe before?

Why not let him do it? "

“...... When is it your turn to speak? "

Lu Yunfei cast his gaze towards Ye Liang with a look of disdain.

"Hehe, you are the so-called Ye Liang, right?"

At this time, a relatively young-looking man cast his gaze towards Ye Liang:

"Just this cultivation, I thought how powerful it was, Lu Yao'er was actually scared by you, and she also used the mouth of the female emperor to scare us, haha... Unfortunately, the so-called female emperor is a fake, how can her words scare us?!! "

"Don't you think you can really scare us?!"


Ye Liang looked puzzled, his gaze looked towards Lu Yao'er beside him, and then turned to Zhao Ziyan on the side.

"You told them about me? How do you say that? "


Hearing this, Zhao Ziyan's expression changed slightly, and it was bad.

His true secret is about to be exposed.

Thinking of this, she quickly said:

"At that time, I didn't want to awaken as the Purple Heart Female Emperor, so I lied to Lu Yao'er, saying that you are very powerful, holding the sun and moon to pick the stars, there is no such person in the world, the golden pill, in front of you is nothing, I didn't expect that Lu Yao'er actually believed it."


Lu Yaoer looked at Zhao Ziyan with a surprised expression.

What the?

Your Majesty the Female Emperor, it turns out that you deliberately said so much before to lie to me?!!!

But how could I believe it?!!!


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ziyan actually blew himself like this in private.

It's so embarrassing.

If only I were really so powerful...

[Unexpectedly, you said quite accurately. 】

Ye Liang: Jun Nima, how can I have this ability?

Zhao Ziyan: Haha, it's cute again——!!!

"Woman, hand over the Purple Pole Immortal Stone, no matter what, after all, you saved our lives, I will consider giving you a good return in the future."

At this time, Lu Yunfei in the sky was still staring at Zhao Ziyan.

"Well, you don't seem to have answered my question yet."

Ye Liang said:

"There are so many people in this world, why do you have to choose Zhao Ziyan as your pawn?

Is there that Purple Pole Immortal Stone, Lu Yao'er or Li Zhe can't do this kind of thing? "

"yes, Daddy, why don't you let me do this kind of thing?"

Lu Yao'er asked with a puzzled look:

"Also, you guys are coming, the people of the Purple Pole Immortal Star?!!! There are more than 100,000 cultivators on the Purple Pole Immortal Star, and there are tens of billions of spiritual beings... What should they do? "


Hearing Lu Xiao'er's inquiry, Lu Yunfei looked impatient.

He spoke:

"The space passage can only accommodate the five of us, moreover, opening the space passage will make the already unstable Purple Pole Immortal Star even more unstable, and now the Purple Pole Immortal Star may have been completely destroyed."


Hearing Lu Yunfei's answer, Lu Yao'er looked stunned, and after a long time, she finally sighed and stopped talking.

Although she knew that under the destruction of the world, if some people wanted to survive, there would definitely be more people sacrificed, but this was too much...

Moreover, she is also a person who survived by luck, and she is not qualified to express her opinion.

Lu Yunfei's gaze turned towards Ye Liang again, and he spoke:

"Seeing that we may still need to use you in the future, I will give you an answer."

Not everyone can use Purple Pole Fairy, and Purple Pole Fairy will automatically choose who it is suitable for.

Only those who are recognized by the Purple Pole Immortal Stone are likely to obtain the strength of the Jindan level in an instant, and they will not be eaten back.

Now you understand, right? It's not that we don't want to choose others, we can't. "

"So it is."

Ye Liang's gaze glanced at Zhao Ziyan, "Now that she is a Golden Pill powerhouse, you dare to ask her for the Purple Pole Immortal Stone?" "

"If she is really the Purple Heart Female Emperor, of course we dare not ask for her."

Lv Yunfei said:

"But she's not... Everything she will know is given to her by us, even if she is now Jindan, but she is seriously injured, and now it is difficult to even stand up, we have expected this scene. "

"Oh, then you guys are really powerful, the technique of crossing the river and demolishing bridges is admirable."

Ye Liang sighed in admiration.

"Before crossing the river, the fate of the person who built the bridge has been calculated."

[Hahaha, Zhao Ziyan, now, what are you in mood? ] Aren't you still as happy as you were just now? 】

[Do you understand, what is it called not listening to the old man, suffering a loss in front of you?! ] 】

Ye Liang: ... TMD, hindsight, has a hairy use, laughing at others in his heart.

Might as well have some useful rewards.

Zhao Ziyan: ... It feels bad, numb, and I won't love anymore.

You didn't tell me, if I hadn't seen through your thoughts, the devil would know this.

Forget it, my pot, my pot.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan was very embarrassed.

Although she didn't want to admit it, it was clear that this time, her choice might almost cause the earth to fall.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a Ye Liang on the earth, I am afraid it would be complete.

"Boy, the mouth is very sharp, it seems that you haven't suffered before, right?!!!"

At this time, the largest cultivator looked at Ye Liang a little unhappy.

He was about to launch an attack on Ye Liang...

However, at this very moment.

Zhao Ziyan's expression changed——!

Although she knew that Ye Liang was very strong, he also knew that Ye Liang's true temper was very bad.

If Ye Liang was implicated in this incident, would he be angry and cut himself off?

It's hard to say this kind of thing.

She quickly forcibly lifted a breath, and her figure flashed, blocking Ye Liang's face.

"What the hell is this?!!!

He was about to attack Ye Liang, but that brute unexpectedly found that there was a law in front of him.

With the power of that law, he simply couldn't use any Immortal Cultivator's ability against Ye Liang to attack Ye Liang.

Moreover, in his mind, a voice sounded.

"Pretend to ——!"

It means that he can only pretend to be more aggressive than Ye Liang before he can attack Ye Liang.

"The laws of the earth? This is the law of the earth? What the hell is pretending——!!! "

At this moment, the brute couldn't help but look speechless.

Is there really such a law in this world?

If you want to attack the other party, you have to be more pretentious than the other party?!!!

Hmph, it's just pretending, can it be rare to defeat him?

"Boy, do you know who is standing in front of you now?"

He shouted to Ye Liang:

"Say my name, frightened, I am the first warrior of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, that is, Lu Yunfei is the first fierce general of my Purple Pole Immortal Star, and the light is not my opponent——!

He looked condescendingly at Ye Liang.

And Ye Liang just looked at him lightly.

Not Jindan, right?

It's not Jindan's garbage, what is it to pretend to be forced in front of me?!!!

Although he is just a small rookie refining qi, he is a man who has received the blessing of the system, and he is given for nothing in front of him in the innate period.

Although it may be a little difficult to face five at the same time...

He spoke:

"Do you know who the Buddha-figure is? Buddha-figure, Seven Xuan Immortal Venerable.

Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road? At first sight, the Seven Mysteries became empty.

Even the person who was already standing at the apex of the fairy road had to obediently lie down when he saw me.

You've been standing above me for a long time, and fortunately I don't mind these formal things, so I didn't rush to strike.

You should be glad that you are still alive——! "


At this moment, Mankui heard the voice of the law of the earth.


In terms of pretending, he lost to Ye Liang.

Therefore, he lost the qualification to take the initiative to attack Ye Liang.

Lean, this earth cultivator, how can he pretend so much, he can pretend so much, why don't he put the sky in?


"This law of the earth, it's so annoying——!!!"

After losing the qualification to attack, the brute looked at Ye Liang with an unhappy look and said to the people around him.

In this world, there is one thing that is the most depressing.

That is, someone is better able to pretend than you, and you can't do anything with him.


Everyone around him turned their gazes towards the brute and asked him:

"What did you compare to him just now?"


Mankui's face turned red and he said:



Everyone froze.

Everyone cast their gazes towards Ye Liang in amazement.

In this world, there are still people who regard pretending as a specialty?!!!

"I'll try."

The young man faced Ye Liang, his mind moved, and he was about to attack.

Then, he also saw the law of the earth.

At the same time, he was afraid that a voice would also come out of his head.



At this moment, the young man couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, a smug look appeared.

Handsome, this can also be called a specialty?

He can do anything with strong winds, especially handsome——!!!

His figure moved, and he slowly fell from among the five people to the ground, in front of Ye Liang.

"Do you know, who is the most handsome man in the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star?"

He pointed at Ye Liang and said:

"Give up, handsome, you are not my opponent——!"

Saying that, he also flicked his bangs to the side of his face.

"Today, the world witnesses, my handsome, into the bone marrow, how can you be compared to a mortal?!"

Ye Liang: "??!!! "

【Disgusting——!!!! 】

What is this guy doing?

Who says he is handsome?!!!

Such a shameless, but also a forced thing, he really has the face to make it?

At this moment, looking at the fierce wind in front of him, Ye Liang couldn't help but look disgusted.

"Ugly, you lost."

At this time, the voice of the law of the earth sounded in the mind of the strong wind.

He lost the qualification to attack Ye Liang.

Lying groove, this law of the earth is still insulting?

Gan, it's too much to bully people, bullying them is outsiders, right?!!!

He cursed and retreated.

"This law of the earth is still cursing, where am I ugly?!!"


Hearing this, the remaining four people couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

At this moment, among the five people, the only woman slowly walked out.

She was dressed enchantingly, no more than Lu Yao'er, but she looked a little out of line with what she was wearing.

That's it.

She wanted to see if under this law of the earth they really couldn't attack Ye Liang.

Is this person really so powerful?

"Yes song."

At this moment, a voice sounded in her head.


Right song?

Haha, isn't that her strong point?!!!

Thinking of this, her gaze cast towards Ye Liang.

However, this kid's specialty is also the right song?

Kind of interesting.

Fortunately, let you see what level the first song god of the Purple Pole Immortal Star is.

She said:

"Boy, you dare to sing with me, if you don't dare, you will directly admit defeat——!"


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but look puzzled.

What the hell, right song?

This should not be some special custom of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, you have to roar two voices before starting a war.

It should be that the other party triggered the law of challenge of the earth, and if she wants to attack herself, she must first challenge her own strength.


Do you have a pair of songs in your specialty?

By the way, my music seems to have been added a few times.

I always thought that I didn't sing well, but later I learned that I sang well.

At that time, he didn't know that he sang very well, and in order to prevent himself from losing, he also cheated and let Yang Ting sing a melon skin song.

This guy, want to challenge yourself to sing?

I don't know how well she sings.

And try it with her.

Before all the defense, did not give her a chance to shoot, I don't know how to fight.


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