At this moment, Zhao Ziyan was empty with the vestibule, and all the memories in his mind about his former role as the Purple Heart Female Emperor completely emerged.

She knew that she was not only the Purple Heart Female Emperor, but also knew the many exquisite arrangements she had made when she was the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

As the Purple Heart Female Emperor, she knew that she coerced ancient and modern, and no one in the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star dared to disobey her.

He was not born high, but because he was the only Jindan female emperor.

Once he is reborn and loses the power of the Golden Pill, what awaits him is the crazy counterattack of the ministers of the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

For the sake of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, she did not hesitate to take the risk of her life and reincarnate on her own.

However, she didn't want to be caught by the five ministers, so she knew how miserable her result was.

The five ministers were loyal to her on the surface, but even the blind could see it.

As soon as they are given the opportunity, some of them will immediately turn their faces...

If given the opportunity, no one wants to be subordinate to others.

This is human nature, especially for immortal cultivators.

So, she found Huang Gong, who was ostensibly the most loyal to her, and told him all her plans.

Let him help himself in secret, and tell him about some of his weaknesses and so on.

It was to make him rebel.

In this way, she can also justifiably slaughter Huang Gong——!

Some people may ask, among immortal cultivators, do they need so many reasons to do it?

Maybe immortal cultivators don't need it.

But, for the emperor needs.

As the female emperor of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, if she wants to be convinced by the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star, then no matter what she does, she must be justified.

Especially for such an important thing as killing ministers.

And...... What's more——!!!

Huang Gong is not just as loyal as he seems.

He is also a golden pill period——!!!

People are transitive, and if someone does something, the people behind will naturally follow suit.

Previously, there were no Golden Pill cultivators on the Purple Pole Immortal Star, so no one on the Purple Pole Immortal Star felt that the realm of Golden Pill was real.

But after her purple heart became the female emperor of Jindan, the road of Purple Pole Immortal Star Jindan was illuminated and opened, and it was not so difficult for people with real talent to become Jindan.

Huang Gong is a person who quietly became Jindan.

The same is Jin Dan, although Huang Gong's cultivation is not comparable to the Purple Heart Female Emperor, his connections in the Purple Pole Immortal Star are simply incomparable to Zhao Ziyan.

If Zhao Ziyan wanted to confront him head-on, the end would not be much better.

Huang Gong thought that he was hiding well, but he didn't know that Ziyan already knew everything about him.

Also know what he intends to rebel.

Therefore, Zhao Ziyan laid out everything in advance...

Earth is an excellent place to attack and kill Huang Gong.

Huang Gong thought that he had calculated everything, but he didn't know that all this was calculated by her Purple Heart Female Emperor and calculated in advance.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan only needed to deliberately show the flaw, and Huang Gong would attack him.

And she will trap Huang Gong at an unexpected moment.

When the time comes...

[At that time, Lu Yunfei will come from the sky, holding the female emperor star sword and slashing Huang Gong——!]

[All these calculations, the Buddha-figure has long known clearly. 】

Ye Liang: Oh, this, this is also too interesting, right?!!!

Is the above thing on the Purple Pole Immortal Star so wonderful?!!!

His eyes looked strangely towards Zhao Ziyan in front of him.

This woman is also too well calculated.

He couldn't wait to see the next scene.

Wait a minute......

I seem to have thought of something wrong.

Lean, almost forgot, this is Xiu Immortal voice package, the truth is not like this, not necessarily.

Although the Xiuxian voice pack really seems to have a certain ability to predict the future, in some cases, it is also a few nonsense.

It is still uncertain whether what Xiu Xian Voice Pack said is true.

At this time, Zhao Ziyan was already gasping deeply.

She really didn't expect that her calculation would have been clearly known by Ye Liang long ago.

He obviously knows everything, but he has been watching the excitement from the side?



God, what a terrible person Ye Liang is.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, and once again sighed Ye Liang's horror.

On this earth, I'm afraid Ye Liang really wants to have the final say...

Fortunately, he has always respected Ye Liang very much, and at most he spat on him a few times in his heart.


Her gaze looked at Huang Gong, who was saluting her in front of her, and couldn't help but sneer secretly.

Duke Huang, do you really think that you can hide from this emperor about becoming a Jindan?

[Zhao Ziyan, do you think that next, you will definitely be able to show in front of me as you wish. ] 】

[Enjoy it, control everything in front of me, the feeling of being proud?]

However, just as Zhao Ziyan was thinking so, she heard Ye Liang's heart again.

Groove ?!!

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan suddenly had a bad premonition.

Looking at Huang Gong in front of her, she was not as disdainful as she was at the beginning.

Because she didn't know what Ye Liang was going to say next.

[Admittedly, your calculations are very wonderful. 】

Ye Liang's heart voice, and then said.

[You have calculated everything, but you have not calculated a little... That is, Lu Yunfei's old boy, who looked thick eyebrows, had actually really rebelled a long time ago. 】

[Ginger is still old and spicy, you think he is calculating you, but you calculated him in advance, but you don't know that all your calculations are meaningless. ] 】

[Because Lu Yunfei was a rebel from the beginning, you want to treat Lu Yunfei as your real killer, but he can kill you. ] 】

[According to Huang Gong's calculation, your end is ultimately an arrogant death under the sword he gave to Lu Yunfei. ] 】

Ye Liang: This... This Nima, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the mountain road here has eighteen bends.

Zhao Ziyan: Uh...

Lu Yunfei also defected?!!!

Her gaze looked towards Lu Yunfei in the sky, and saw Lu Yunfei pretending to struggle, breaking free from Huang Gong's shackles.

On the other hand, he nodded quietly to her.

Looking at Lu Yunfei's appearance, it seems to be saying, 'Your Majesty the Female Emperor, although you do it, your subordinates must go ——! desperately'.

Good fellow, it turns out that Lu Yunfei, this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, also defected?!!!

If according to the plan, he and Huang Gong really contained each other, then, when Lu Yunfei fell from the sky and slashed a sword towards him...

I am afraid that I really want the golden pill to be shattered and completely reborn.

Looking at Huang Gong in front of him, Zhao Ziyan breathed a slight sigh of relief, fortunately.

Fortunately, he could hear Ye Liang's heart, otherwise, he might be really dangerous.


Thinking of this, she had some expectations, if she really encountered danger, would Ye Liang save herself?!

In any case, he also worships him as a big brother, he looks at the excitement and sees the excitement, he should not save himself, right?

Now that he knows everything in advance, with precautions, it is expected that nothing will happen.

However, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If the boat capsized in the gutter, it would be embarrassing.

Well, here we go...

[However, you think that's the end of it?!]

Ye Liang: ... TMD, what else is the plot? Tell Lao Tzu——!!!

Zhao Ziyan: Poof——!!!

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

What the hell, how, and stories?

He has calculated enough, and he admits that Huang Gong's old dog's calculation is higher than his own.

But what else is going on?!!!

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan really almost roared out.

Is this plot too twisty?

What's going on——!!!

[Of course it won't end there.] 】

Ye Liang's heart voice said to himself at this moment:

[You and Huang Gong, this bad old man, naturally calculate each other, but you forget that the sandpiper mussels compete with each other, and the fisherman benefits. ] 】

[Lu Yunfei wants to kill more than just you, he wants to kill you and Huang Gong. ] 】

[If he is just an ordinary congenital consummation, he naturally can't hurt you, but who let you give him your Excalibur Star Slash?]

[What's more... In fact, he also quietly testified to Jin Dan decades ago and killed his wife and preached. 】

[I wonder, why are you so stupid, it's hard to think about it, the space passage is so large, why only five people squeezed in, it must be because of overload. ] 】

[Yes, probably, you think that the spatial passage can pass through a golden pill is already very difficult. ] 】

[But I don't know... It was two Jindan ——!]

Ye Liang: I'm special, take it, Xiuxian voice pack, you are also too good at making up?!!!

[The real result is that you and Huang Gong both died under the sword of Lu Yunfei, a man who seemed loyal and honest. 】

Zhao Ziyan: ... Belch.

At this moment, her gaze looked towards Lu Yunfei in the air again.

She never imagined that Lu Yunfei actually proved Jin Dan.

Huang notarized Jin Dan, after all, he has been cultivating for more than two thousand years.

However, although this Lu Yunfei has a good talent, in just two hundred years, he has proved the golden pill?

Isn't this going to catch up with a small part of yourself?!!!

Could it be that his own certificate of Jindan really inspired the people of the Purple Pole Immortal Star so much?

There won't be other Jindan, right?

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan's back sweated coldly.

One Jindan, she can still deal with it, but two Jindan, she doesn't have a weapon in her hand now, it's a bit troublesome to deal with.

If he hadn't heard Ye Liang's heart, I'm afraid he would have died and wouldn't have known that his method of death was so tortuous.

Although you may be able to protect yourself, the risk factor is too great.

A mistake in one move may be between life and death.

No, I can only ask Ye Liang for help.

But he couldn't expose that he could hear Ye Liang's voice.

Moreover, Ye Liang had the intention to pretend to be weak, even if he asked him to help, he might not only not make a move, but would sit idly by.

Gotta find a way.

With ——!

Zhao Ziyan's eyes lit up, and he immediately had an idea.

Since Ye Liang wants to pretend to be weak, then he will rely on him.

Thinking of this, she said to Ye Liang:

"Ye Liang, wait for the moment I recover my cultivation, this one called Huang Gong will definitely attack me, moreover, the people in the sky will definitely attack me, I will desperately restrain them for a moment, since you can kill that blue phoenix in seconds, I restrain them for a moment, you should be able to kill everyone in seconds, right?


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be stunned.

What, Xiu Immortal Voice Pack really said nonsense.

The plot is completely different from what Xiu Xian Voice Pack said.

What Jindan, where in this world are there so many Jindan?

It's just a bunch of congenital rookie chickens.

Since Zhao Ziyan wants to cooperate with himself, it is naturally the best.

"Okay. "

He said to Zhao Ziyan:

"None of these guys are honest, if you think clearly about dealing with them, then I will cooperate with you." "

[Hiss... Strange, what's going on, why is the plot development different from what the Buddha-figure expected——!?

[Zhao Ziyan actually asked the Buddha-figure to help her? 】

[If she can't completely imprison the other party, the Buddha-figure doesn't want to work hard. 】

Ye Liang: God's true strength.

I'm just a rookie, where does my real strength come from?


If Zhao Ziyan could imprison these four dicks for a moment, then he could indeed take all their lives in an instant.

My Excalibur Time Wheel is already hungry and thirsty.

"Then it's settled. "

Zhao Ziyan, who listened to Ye Liang's words in his heart, couldn't help but feel proud.


I don't want to expose my strength, I know you are like this.

You must want to wait for me to die, oh no, faint, and save the world again.

I don't know why you like to keep a low profile so much.

What's so good about being low-key?

Only by being high can people be truly feared.

"Wait until I order, let's make a move together——!"

She said to Ye Liang again.

"Rest assured, the four innate consummations are just that. "

Ye Liang said casually.


At this time, Huang Gong knelt in front of Zhao Ziyan, with a respectful look, quietly waiting for Zhao Ziyan to return to become a real Purple Heart Female Emperor.

His eyes were so respectful, but his eyes were very proud and confident.

When he looked at Zhao Ziyan, his eyes also had a bit of mockery.

Zhao Ziyan, do you think that you have seen through all my calculations, laid out in advance, and want to calculate me in applause?

Hehe, you don't know at all, Tulu Yunfei, who you rely on, has already betrayed you a long time ago.

Not long after you told him your plan, Lu Yunfei had already told me all your calculations.

Otherwise, I would have really been calculated by you...

Unfortunately, today is your time to die——!

In the sky, Lu Yunfei pretended to struggle while looking towards Huang Gong and Zhao Ziyan below.

There was a hint of unconcealed sarcasm in his eyes.

Duke Huang, female emperor, you two calculate each other, you all treat me as an honest person?

Hahaha, today, let you know, what is the real mantis cicada catcher, yellow finches behind——!

At this moment, only Brute Kui, Fierce Wind, and Lu Yao'er below were looking at Zhao Ziyan with a shocked face.

Could it be that Zhao Ziyan is really the Purple Heart Female Emperor?

Three actors are already in the atmosphere, and the three of them are still in the sewers ...

I was pitted and couldn't find my way.


(Thank you to readers for the 588 tip of 'War Nameless', if someone tipped, gave flowers, gave monthly passes, gave praise tickets, did not get my thanks, it was my fault, I may sometimes be blind and did not see, but as long as everyone is generally supporting, the update will not break.) )

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