To be honest, Ye Liang didn't want his tricks to be exposed.

Although returning to the yuan is a near-invincible move, if this move is alerted in advance, the effect will be greatly reduced.

No matter how powerful the move, if it can't hit people, it will be meaningless.

And Ye Liang's own cultivation is too poor, even if he borrows the strength of others, it is normal to not hit people.

You think, if others had been prepared, they would have been defending against your attacks when they fought you.

All the attacks you hit have big misses, can you still hit?

Therefore, if Zhao Ziyan wants to cooperate with him, it is naturally better.

As for why Zhao Ziyan cooperated with him, of course, he could also understand.

Zhao Ziyan now looked as if she was injured, but that Huang Gong said that she was not injured.

Whether she was injured or not, who knows?

Come to think of it, Zhao Ziyan is also for safety.

"Welcoming the female emperor back to ——!!!"

At this moment, Huang Gong knelt in front of Zhao Ziyan and said again.

"Hmm. "

Zhao Ziyan nodded, his mind moved, and he completely urged the purple pole fairy stone in his body.

The next moment, I saw a purple light rising into the sky, and in the sky, it was instantly filled with purple light again.


I saw endless purple qi gathering in the sky to turn into a dragon, the dragon was tens of thousands of meters in shape, surging back and forth between the sea of clouds.

With an earth-shattering dragon groan, in the sky, the 10,000-meter huge purple dragon roared and rushed down from the air.

Its huge body shrank rapidly as it rushed downward, and soon rushed into Zhao Ziyan's body.

The moment it merged with the purple dragon, Zhao Ziyan's body instantly changed.

The medicinal power of the Immortal Skin Jade Muscle Pill that was originally swallowed by her seemed to be completely triggered at this moment, and it washed her body with it.

After all the pollution was removed, the red lotus broke the ground, and at this moment, Zhao Ziyan's body bloomed with a strong purple light in the air.

In the purple light, accompanied by the dragon groaning, Zhao Ziyan's skin instantly turned snow-white...

She originally looked ugly, but at this moment, she was like a chrysalis turning into a fairy butterfly, and in an instant, she had turned into a beautiful red lotus flower.

Too many beautiful things.

The long hair behind her was windless and gradually entangled.

Without anyone taking care of it, her hair automatically coiled into the style of a female emperor in ancient costume, with a high bundle of golden phoenixes, dressed in a purple emperor...

In an instant, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but be as beautiful as if she had changed someone, and even, even the clothes on her body were completely changed.

A purple imperial robe hunted on her body, and the fairy skirt danced, showing the dignity of the world.

This is the real Purple Heart Female Emperor——!

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan ceased to exist, and in this world, there was only the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

However, at the moment when the Purple Heart Female Emperor had just revealed her true body——!

Killing starts, people move——!!!

Huang Gong did not hesitate and attacked towards the Purple Heart Female Emperor with a wave of his palm.

"Bold ——!"

The Purple Heart Female Emperor drank sharply, waved her hand, and pressed her palm.


In the sky, a huge aura suddenly erupted, pushing away tens of thousands of meters of clouds in Fang Yuan, forming a huge cloud hole in the sky.

At this moment, the night sky was unprecedentedly cold and silent.

In the sky, the stars are everywhere.


Huang Gong sneered:

"Respectfully invite the female emperor to return to the Western ——!!!"

"Drink ——!!!"

At this moment, Lu Yunfei in the sky no longer pretended.

He directly took out the Excalibur Slashing Star, his figure flashed, and he stabbed behind Huang Gong.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but sneer and raise the corners of their lips.

Everything is unfolding according to plan——!!!

Duke Huang knew that the female emperor thought that Lu Yunfei was acting according to her arrangement and wanted to take his own life.

Lu Yunfei just pretended to kill himself, in fact, he was cooperating with himself to kill the female emperor.

Lu Yunfei knew that the female emperor thought that he was cooperating with her, and Duke Huang also thought that he was cooperating with him.

Only I know that as long as I kill these two people, in the future, this earth will be my Lu Yunfei's——!!

I, Lu Yunfei, have been floating for half my life, and I only hate the Lord before I know it, and today I will make my own decisions——!!!

Slashing the Star Divine Sword, the sword was like a star, and it slashed down towards the Huang Gong and the Purple Heart Female Emperor below.

The three-way trend has not broken out.

At this moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor's heart moved, her clever hand waved, and she turned her palm to the sky:

"Forbidden ——!!!"

In an instant, a purple divine light burst out, like a dragon shadow, and the dragon shadow soared into the sky and pressed downward.

In this space, everyone seems to be imprisoned——!


At this moment, Huang Gong naturally felt the murderous intention from behind him.

He didn't expect that Lu Yunfei was so greedy that he actually planned to kill him and Zhao Ziyan together.

And Lu Yunfei did not expect that the female emperor could actually see through his murderous intention after restraining Huang Gong.

At this moment, she even used a full-scene confinement method.

Although this method could only imprison him for a moment, he knew that his target had been exposed.

Next, the situation is likely to develop into a combination of the female emperor and Huang Gong to get rid of him.


Her murderous intention was hidden so secretly, how did the female emperor know?

In a short moment, everyone became flustered.

And at this moment, Ye Liang moved.

I saw that his mind moved, and the sword came out at will.

"Sword Qi Technique, Time Turns ——!"

At this moment, Ye Liang flew up, and behind him, a huge time wheel emerged, and as his hand shook it out of thin air, the Ultimate Flying Sword Time Wheel appeared in his hand.

One sword cut out, ten thousand swords pneumatic.

In the sky, it instantly turned into a sword radiance.


Huang Gong and Lu Yunfei, who were preparing to wait for the end of their confinement to die with another person, couldn't help but change their expressions.

They originally thought that even though the female emperor had the law to imprison others, how easy was it to imprison them?

The female emperor herself must have no way to act...

No one can help the female emperor.

However, at this moment, I saw the huge wheel of time behind Ye Liang begin to turn.

Time is ruthless, never leaving anyone, and where the sword qi passes, it is the golden pill period, and it is simply difficult to resist the slightest.

They only felt that endless sword qi flew out from Ye Liang's sword, piercing their bodies to pieces.

Where the body was cut by the sword qi, it was as if it had been melted by something, and it dissolved little by little.

Even the two fierce winds and brutes in the sky who had not yet understood the situation were wrapped in sword qi.


The next moment, the confinement was lifted, whether it was Huang Gong or Lu Yunfei, both of their bodies were already full of holes.

Moreover, after that special sword qi entered their bodies, it was no longer controlled and wreaked havoc in their bodies.

Since Ye Liang got the opportunity to strike, he naturally showed no mercy, and slashed through with another sword.

"You... Who the hell are you——!!! divine?"

"Ye Liang, spare your life, as long as you spare my life, I will be loyal to you and be a horse for you as a cow and a horse ——!!!"

At this moment, Lu Yunfei, who was in the sky, was afraid and angry, and actually said words of mercy.

For him, begging for mercy didn't seem like a big deal.

As long as you can survive, anything is fine.

He used all his strength to relieve the sword qi in his body, but it was useless.

This sword qi was beyond his understanding.

What the hell is this thing?!!!

"Hehe, how can a person who is controlled by time be worthy of asking others for mercy, and how can a person without time still have a life, you, don't joke." "

Looking at everyone in the sky, Ye Liang casually put away his time wheel and said with a calm face.

However, it is only a few refining periods, even if I don't make a move, Zhao Ziyan wants to destroy you, I am afraid it will be easy.

I really don't know where the courage to rebel with your strength comes from.

The next moment, everyone in the sky slowly disappeared.

Before disappearing, they were all casting unwilling and puzzled gazes towards Ye Liang.

They thought that when they came to Earth, they would be able to have fun.

But they didn't expect that the first day they came to Earth would be their festival.

This is an extremely bizarre way to die.

No one knows exactly how they died, or if they went where.

At this moment, they are running out of time.

People who don't even have time naturally can't appear in this world again.

This is the power of the wheel of time, among low-level cultivators, there is no solution.

At this moment, the crisis of the earth seems to be completely lifted...

At this moment, Lu Yaoer was in a confused circle.

What is this situation again?

Why did one moment say it well, and the next moment, everyone suddenly moved their hands?

Ye Liang and Zhao Ziyan cooperated to kill all the people who came on the Purple Pole Immortal Star?

Moreover, it is still so that you can't even see people?

What kind of weird spell is this?!!!

Although one of the dead people seemed to be her father, Lu Yao'er didn't care much.

Because she knew what Lu Yunfei had done.

For that father, she had no feelings at all.

Seeing Ye Liang's easy sword to destroy everyone, Lu Yao'er just secretly spoke.

This guy, who previously claimed to be a rookie in the refining period?

This is the rookie in the refining period?

If this is all a rookie, then isn't it directly a dish?

Hiss...... Oh my God——!!!!

I have all gone to the Purple Pole Immortal Star to report before, let you not provoke Ye Liang, who thinks that they just don't listen?

Well, it's dead, it's all your own fault.

And if Lu Xiao'er only had a very powerful understanding of Ye Liang's strength.

Then, Zhao Ziyan's shock to Ye Liang was countless times higher.

Because she really didn't expect Ye Liang's attack to be so terrifying.

The person who was swept away by his sword qi didn't know what kind of injury it was, and actually disappeared directly in place.


At this moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor's cognition of Ye Liang had changed from mysterious and powerful to divine——!!!

In her opinion, if Ye Liang was not holy, how could he do such a thing?

In the future, you must be careful.

This time the matter was so big, Ye Liang was not angry with himself, it was already his luck.


After Ye Liang wiped everyone out with one move, the Purple Heart Female Emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She saluted Ye Liang and said.

"Brother Ye Liang, thank you, we cooperate really well. "

What terrifying level did Ye Liang's strength reach?!!!


Looking at the Purple Heart Female Emperor in front of her, with such a beautiful face and domineering aura, Ye Liang really found it hard to believe that she was actually Zhao Ziyan before.

That ugly and weak girl...

Now that I think about it, people's aura really has a lot to do with their face and clothing.

If it weren't for her beautiful and noble face, if she weren't wearing this gorgeous purple imperial robe, her appearance and charm might have been greatly discounted.

Of course, changing into other clothes, with her current face and figure, it is also a different kind of charm.


Seeing Ye Liang staring at her face, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips slightly.

No matter what, his beauty is still very capable of fighting.

Let Ye Liang look at himself like this, it seems that he will be safe in front of Ye Liang in the future.

"Where do we call it cooperation, it is simply a seamless cooperation, as if it is a different body." "

Ye Liang said with a casual smile.

I didn't kill her just now, and I don't know if I will regret it in the future.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get an additional reward for cultivating immortals: the time wheel ability is unsealed, which allows the host to travel to a certain point in time in the past. "

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Ye Liang's mind.

That's the sound of the system's reward.

"Travel to a point in time in the past?!"

Hearing this, Ye Liang's eyes couldn't help but brighten.

Now his cultivation is still too shallow...

With someone like the Purple Heart Female Emperor, it is too dangerous.

Especially she also called herself big brother.

If one day she suddenly goes crazy and wants to do something to herself, it will be ?!!

However, if you have acquired the ability to travel to a certain point in time in the past, then you don't have to be afraid.

Not only can I go back to the past to practice, but I can also go to the past to brush the system rewards.

That's the coolest thing——!!!

With a system in it, isn't it easy to become stronger?

With luck, one wave will fatten.

It was as if I had suddenly acquired the Time Wheel before.

At this moment, facing the Purple Heart Female Emperor, Ye Liang also had some confidence.

[Why, there are always people who do not want to listen to the words of the Buddha-figures, although the situation is somewhat unexpected by the Buddha-figures, but the consequences of letting the Buddha-figures take action, this is it. 】

[Once the Buddha-figure makes a move, he really doesn't understand what it means to show mercy to his subordinates. 】

Ye Liang: It's just killing a few congenital rookie chickens, let's see if you can.

Zhao Ziyan: ... Indeed, Ye Liang's move was too terrifying.

Killing two golden pills in an instant, two congenital consummations, I can't imagine it at all, how can this be done.

Thinking of this, the Purple Heart Female Emperor said to Ye Liang:

"Brother Ye Liang, next, I'm really going to open the passage of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, you... You won't be angry, will you?"

"What can I be angry about. "

Ye Liang said with a smile:

"I'm a little gas refining rookie, even if you want to be angry, you won't listen. "

[Buddha-figures are not unsympathetic, although I don't know why you respect Buddha-figures so much, but Buddha-figures will allow you to have face. 】


The Purple Heart Female Emperor just smiled and didn't say anything.

Why do I respect you so much, and you don't look at how terrifying the strength you show is.

It's also thanks to you that you are just a rookie chicken in the refining period, do you really treat others as blind?!!!


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