
At this moment, looking at the people who had disappeared in the sky, Lu Yaoer couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Are their own fathers, and those few, really gone?

Next, what should I do?

Her gaze looked towards Ye Liang and the Purple Heart Emperor.

Theoretically, she and these two can be regarded as enemies.

However, she didn't want to be implicated as the enemy of the Purple Heart Female Emperor and Ye Liang because of that unreliable father.

Not to mention how terrifying Ye Liang is, let's say the Purple Heart Female Emperor, she doesn't look like someone who can tolerate her survival, right?

It's over, it's dead——!!

At the moment, she stood in place, a little overwhelmed.

And Zhao Ziyan and Ye Liang's gaze finally cast towards Lu Yaoer.

"Ahem... Dad, you are so powerful, you solved all the villains from the Purple Pole Immortal Star in one move, it was too strong——!!!"


Seeing Lu Yao'er like this, Ye Liang finally reacted.

"Just now, I seem to have heard that you called one of their fathers, could it be that one of them is your father?"

Ye Liang asked Lu Yao'er.

[If this is the case, does it have to be cut down and rooted? Gee, this little girl, the figure is not bad, quite strong, what a pity to kill. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Zhao Ziyan, who was standing beside Ye Liang, couldn't help but twitch his face.

Although Ye Liang is a strong man, he sometimes thinks about things that are out of tune.

Even sometimes, I will think about some infuriating things in my mind.

She spoke:

"Lu Xiao'er, your father's intention to betray me has been destroyed by me and Brother Ye Liang, what do you say?!"

Lu Yao'er's gaze looked at the two in front of her, and first glanced at the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

He shifted his gaze to Ye Liang again.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor or something, really not as big as Ye Liang's threat——!!!

She knelt directly to Ye Liang again:

"Dad, you are my father, that Lu Yunfei, he is not a person, he not only secretly killed my mother, but also... He was still mad and wanted to beat my idea, and I already hated him in my heart.

He had the intention to kill the thief and was powerless to start.

Today, Dad and Her Majesty the Female Emperor killed Lu Yunfei, the human-faced beast-hearted disciple, and killed well——!!!

I'm so happy, I'm so happy.

Dad, I wasn't really convinced of you before, but now, I do.

You have avenged me greatly, and in the future, you will be my greatest benefactor, and I will do whatever you let me do. "

"Uh... Is what you said true or false?"

Looking at the big filial daughter who decisively sold her father in front of her, Ye Liang was a little speechless.

Even Jiang Yurou, the big filial daughter, has never seen her selling her father so happily.

"It's true, I can swear ——!!!"

Saying that, Lu Yaoer quickly swore to the sky.

"Lying groove, in this world, is there really such a person?"

Hearing this, Ye Liang looked shocked:

"Killing his wife, and also having bad intentions for his daughter, just killed him directly, it was really cheap for him."

The most hated thing in this life is this shameless person. "

"Dad, that guy Lu Yunfei is actually a big villain with a beast heart, you killed him, I'm too late to be happy——!!!"

Lu Yaoer said to Ye Liang.

If Lu Yunfei knew that he had just died a short time ago, he would have been belittled by Lu Yaoer, a big filial daughter, into a villain bug, and I don't know what he would think.

"Don't... Don't call me daddy, I always have an unlucky feeling when you call me daddy. "

Ye Liang said.


Hearing this, Lu Yaoer asked Ye Liang:

"Then what should I call you?"

"Well, just call me... Host it. "

Ye Liang said seriously:

"It's really not okay, it's okay to call me brother..."


"Yes, master brother ——!!"

At this moment, Lu Yaoer couldn't help but be very excited.

Great, survived, whew——!!!

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Since Brother Ye Liang has decided to accept you as a servant, I won't embarrass you either. "

The Purple Heart Female Emperor looked at Lu Yao'er in front of her and said to her:

"But after all, you are a person from the Purple Pole Immortal Star, and the Purple Pole Immortal Star is in trouble, I still hope that you will help." "

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty——!!!

At this moment, Lu Yaoer was even happier.

Sure enough, the female emperor was also afraid of Ye Liang's master.

It is only right to choose to rely on Ye Liang...

And after the excitement, she couldn't help but feel a pang of loss.

Today, what she encountered seemed to be no less than a lot.

I don't know what her life will be like after that...

"Brother Ye Liang, I'm going to open the passage of the two realms first. "

At this time, the Purple Heart Female Emperor said to Ye Liang:

"This time, I promise it won't happen again. "

"Well, if you need help, just say, although, with my little cultivation, I can't help you much. "

Ye Liang said with a smile.

[The Buddha-figure doesn't want to care about these nosy things, as long as it doesn't make noise with the Buddha-figure, if the Buddha-figure exposes his true strength, it will be too troublesome after that. ] 】

Ye Liang: So I have the real strength of Mao, hey, listening to the blind blowing of Xiuxian voice bag every day can be regarded as a kind of joy in life.

Purple Heart Female Emperor: It seems that Ye Liang does not want to expose his real strength, there is a reason, it may not be like I guessed, but simply want to keep a low profile.

Anyway, be careful.

"No need to help, big brother, if you have this heart, the little sister will be very satisfied." "

At this moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor smiled.

Then, her gaze looked towards the sky.

This time, she wanted to really save the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

"Little sister went first, she won't come back tonight, please ask the eldest brother and Lu Xiao'er to go back first." "

Saying that, her figure turned into a purple light and instantly disappeared on the earth.

After the purple light rushed out of the earth, it went straight towards the edge of the solar system.

Since the earth was protected by Ye Liang, then she could no longer regard the earth as the residence of the people of the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

During her time as Zhao Ziyan, she also studied seriously.

The people on the Purple Pole Immortal Star are born with different physiques than the earthlings, and they don't necessarily have to have such a good living environment on the earth to survive.

But not everyone has that good physique.

At the very least, there must be a place where people can barely live.

At that time, many immortal cultivators could naturally use their own power to change the entire planet.

There are many planets in the solar system, but the Purple Heart Emperor chose for a long time, and in the end, she chose Mars.

Originally, with the size of the Purple Pole Fairy Star, it would be better for her to choose Jupiter.

But Jupiter's environment is too terrifying, and it is difficult for people under the innate to survive on Jupiter.

You can only use Mars to take all the people over, and then find a way to transform Jupiter.

After coming to Mars, the Purple Heart Female Emperor no longer hesitated.

She directly urged the magic to truly open the spatial passage.

She had already prepared everything, as long as she restored the Golden Pill cultivation now, she would be able to save the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star.

Instead of the wrong method in the previous part of the false memory, you can only bring a small number of people over.

At this moment, above the Purple Pole Immortal Star, countless people were falling into chaos.

"It's over, it's over, we're abandoned. "

"Damn, I have long known that the five ministers are unreliable——!!!"

Could it be that Her Majesty the Female Emperor also abandoned us?"

"Hehe, does this still need to be said, the female emperor and the five ministers are together. "

"You fart, it was you who supported the five ministers the most, the female emperor was dedicated to the Purple Pole Immortal Star, how could it be ——!!!that shameless five ministers can be compared"

"Hmph, then how you say it can't change the fact that the female emperor will no longer appear——!"

The Purple Pole Immortal Star was in despair, and the immortal cultivators who originally occupied the Ninth Heavenly Palace all descended from the Ninth Heaven to the Eighth Heaven, and to the Seventh Heaven...

Everyone could only watch the entire planet collapse.

Just then——!!!

In the sky of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, a huge spatial passage appeared.

"Look? What is that?!!!?"

"Oh my God——!!!"

"It's a spatial passage?!!!"

"Look at the fairy star ——!!!"

At this moment, huge pillars of purple light suddenly appeared on the ground of the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star.

These purple pillars of light formed a huge formation of hundreds of millions of miles in the air.

This formation flew towards the spatial passage in the sky on its own, and landed on the spatial passage.

With the support of this formation, the already huge formation has become as stable as golden soup at this moment.

At the same time, the voice of the Purple Heart Female Emperor came from inside the spatial passage.

"Purple Pole Immortal Star, all immortal cultivators listen, the space channel has been opened by me, anyone can pass through on their own, the passage can be maintained for a whole day, all innate cultivators, in this whole day, must try their best to save the non-innate beings on the Purple Pole Immortal Star... Uh..."

Just when the Purple Heart Female Emperor wanted to order all the innate cultivators to take those non-innate beings away from the Purple Pole Immortal Star, and try to save the creatures on the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

Suddenly, she saw a scene that shocked her.

I saw that in the vast void, a huge hand suddenly stretched out.

An incomparably huge hand——!!!

Very, very huge hands.

The entire Purple Pole Immortal Star, in front of this hand, was like a small ping-pong ball.

And the Immortal Domain Enchantment that was originally wrapped in the Purple Pole Immortal Star, in front of this huge hand, was more like a thin layer of foam, which broke with a light touch.

That giant hand slowly stretched out to the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star, and then, holding the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star, disappeared into the void.

The next moment——!

In the sky above Mars, in the endless space of space, a huge and incomparable hand suddenly appeared.

That hand is so huge that it is no more frightening than Jupiter in the distance.

In that hand, there was also a purple planet in his hands.

The purple planet is much smaller than Jupiter, but much larger than the average solar system planet.

After the giant hand put the purple planet into the solar system, it seemed to pinch a magic trick in the void, and a strange force entered the purple planet and also entered the entire solar system.

The solar system, which had one more planet out of thin air, was re-stabilized.

Can you imagine what it would be like for a hand bigger than the whole of Jupiter to pinch the spell in the void?

Even the Purple Heart Female Emperor who was in the Golden Pill Period could only look at that huge hand stunned at the moment...

In front of that giant hand, she felt as if she were an ant.

After everything was done, the hand slowly disappeared into the void.

At this moment, everyone on the Purple Pole Immortal Star, as well as the Purple Heart Female Emperor who was on Mars, couldn't help but look at everything in amazement.

Who is that giant hand that appeared out of thin air?

Who saved the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star in an instant?!!!

"Is it a female emperor? It must be a female emperor——!!!"

"It must be a female emperor, only a female emperor can have such a power to save the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star. "

"Yes, only the female emperor has the possibility to save the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star. "

"The female emperor really did not fall, she has never forgotten us. "

"Long live the female emperor——!!!"

For a moment, the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star sounded with cheers for the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

And the Purple Heart Female Emperor was confused at the moment.

Who am I, where am I? What am I doing?!!

He was just about to rescue the people of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, why did a mysterious giant hand suddenly appear and save the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star for himself?

Moreover, that hand also moved the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star to the solar system...

Not only did this kind of thing happen, but it also stopped the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star that had begun to collapse.

It even restabilized the structure of the solar system.

Who is the owner of this hand?

Is he God?!!!


The Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

She has been a female emperor for more than a hundred years, and she thinks that her strength is superior, but she did not expect that she had calculated desperately all her life, wanting to save the Purple Pole Immortal Star, but she was not as casual as others.

The owner of that hand, who the hell is it?

Could it be——!!

It was Ye Liang?!!!

At this moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor already had a guess.

At this time, the only person who happened to help her save the Purple Pole Immortal Star was Ye Liang.

As for why Ye Liang didn't personally come forward to help her, it was because Ye Liang was now in a low profile.

He thought he didn't know how powerful he was, but he didn't know, he didn't know why, he could hear his heart.

I knew he was so powerful.

At this time, only Ye Liang is willing to help himself and has the ability to help himself.

Guessing this possibility, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but show a little emotion in her eyes.

Ye Liang not only made her feel her own insignificance, but also moved her.

Ye Liang, thank you, I will definitely repay you for everything you have done to me——!

At this moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor's hand tightly squeezed her palm.

Although she is in the Purple Pole Immortal Star as the Extreme Female Emperor, she also has a Golden Pill cultivation, which is comparable to a divine existence.

But there was actually no one in the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star who could really make her feel close.

She will desperately save the Purple Pole Immortal Star, and it is only because she wants to save the Purple Pole Immortal Star, not for anyone.

But now, someone who is more holy than her, but who is kind to her, appears in her heart.

How could this not move her?

At this time, Ye Liang, who was watching TV with Jiang Yurou and Lu Yao'er in his home, couldn't help but sneeze.

What saved the Purple Pole Immortal Star, he had to have that ability, that was strange.


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