"Hey, have you heard, Zhao Ziyan has become a big beauty. "


A boy who was drinking breakfast milk heard another boy's excited voice, and couldn't help but squirt out the breakfast milk in his mouth.

"TMD, early in the morning, what joke are you telling me, just Zhao Ziyan's ugly look, can she become a beauty?"

"It's true, you see, she's coming..."

At this time, Ye Liang and Zhao Ziyan had just arrived at the door of the classroom.

But the news that Zhao Ziyan turned into a beautiful woman had already reached the class in advance.

Many people cast their eyes towards the door of the classroom with an incredulous look, wanting to see how beautiful Zhao Ziyan is now.

Of course, many people feel that this must be just a joke, how can Zhao Ziyan become beautiful?!!

Then, they saw Zhao Ziyan, who came in with Ye Liang.


"Groove ?!!!"

"How could it be ——!!!?"

"It's too beautiful, isn't it——!!!!

"Am I dreaming? TMD, why are you pinching me?!!?"

"I'll see if you're dreaming. "


When they saw Zhao Ziyan, everyone in the entire class couldn't help but boil.

No one expected that the current Zhao Ziyan would actually become so beautiful.

Different from the previous look that made people look disgusted, now she is simply like a completely different person.

The skin is as white as snow, slippery as jade, the hair is as long as a waterfall, the shoulders are like a knife, and the waist is like a flowing pill, although he is dressed averagely, but he is not at all imposing.

The whole person stood there, and naturally had an aura that overwhelmed the class.

She just swept over with a faint glance, and let the people who were still amazed by her beauty take their gaze back.


"Why do I feel that Zhao Ziyan seems a little scary now?"

"No, it's not scary, it's called aura. "


"Why didn't I notice that she was dressed so beautifully? "

"Hehe, save it, don't look at who Zhao Ziyan is standing on now. "

"Uh... Ye Liang, doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"You don't already have a girlfriend, and there are usually many girls around you." "

Ye Liang's girlfriend is Jiang Yurou, can this be the same? "


In the midst of the discussion of everyone in the class, Ye Liang and Zhao Ziyan sat back in their places.

"Look at you, as soon as you become beautiful, the people in the class look at you differently. "

Ye Liang smiled at Zhao Ziyan beside him.

[Hey, it's a pity, I originally wanted to see how you floated after becoming beautiful, but now I can't see it.] 】

[I knew it earlier, I directly made you beautiful before, and it was a pity to see how you reacted. ] 】

Zhao Ziyan listened to Ye Liang's immortal cultivation voice package voice in his ears, and naturally only felt that it was his heart's voice.

She was silent.

Ye Liang, this guy, is good at everything, that is, he is usually idle and has nothing to do, and he likes to see others ugly.

What good can he get by making her ugly?


"Do you like the way I look now, big brother. "

She asked Ye Liang.

"Like, why don't you like it. "

Ye Liang said:

"Seriously, if I could have a girlfriend like you, I might wake up laughing in the middle of the night." "

Ye Liang just said so casually.

However, Xiu Xian's voice pack spoke up again.

[Let me praise you first and make you proud in front of me.] 】

Purple Heart Female Emperor: If you praise it, you have naturally heard a lot.

But there really isn't one that can make you proud.

I was born with this nature...


Looking at Ye Liang in front of her, she felt that for him, she could put away that arrogant nature.

Thinking of this, she said:

So, I'll be your girlfriend, do you promise?"


At this time, the students sitting before and after Ye Liang and Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Now that Zhao Ziyan has become so beautiful, does he actually want to stick to Ye Liang?

However, thinking about Ye Liang is not bad.

He is handsome and capable, and his family seems to have a lot of money.

Zhao Ziyan has become beautiful, and he also needs an object.

Ye Liang had such a good relationship with her before, and now she naturally wanted to find Ye Liang as an object.


There are really many girls in the class who have ideas about Ye Liang now, but the only one who really has the courage to make a move is Zhao Ziyan.

How did they know that the current Zhao Ziyan is no longer the former Zhao Ziyan.

Even, it can be said that she is the culprit of the real ninth planet that appeared in the sky.

This is a true Golden Pill Female Emperor who is like a god to mortals.

In the face of Zhao Ziyan's inquiry, Ye Liang looked strange.

Just kidding, right?

She is only a small refining period, but she is a high-ranking Jindan powerhouse.

She actually said that she wanted to be her girlfriend?

Fake, must be fake.

Thinking of this, he spoke:

"Huh... Don't joke with me, where am I worthy of you." "

[Hehe, really floating, all want to be my girlfriend, it's not so easy, at least, it's absolutely not okay to talk about it, let the Buddha-figure see first, where are your advantages as my girlfriend. ] 】

Ye Liang: ... God's special advantages.

Purple Heart Emperor: ——!!!


The Purple Heart Female Emperor originally thought that the gap between herself and Ye Liang was too big, and Ye Liang definitely couldn't look at herself.

Therefore, he must have thought the same in his heart.

However, the moment she heard his heart, she couldn't help but be brightened.

Because, on the surface, Ye Liang didn't seem to have the intention of refusing directly.

He just wanted to see if he could do it, and if he could show his qualifications as his girlfriend.

Isn't this a godsend?!!!

To think of her Purple Heart Female Emperor, the Lord of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, who commands 100,000 cultivators, naturally relies on cultivation and means.

However, all this is not so simple.

More importantly, she has absolute self-confidence.

Even in the face of any challenge, she cannot lose——!!!

Don't want to lose either——!!!

At this moment, Ye Liang actually wanted to give her this opportunity, so why didn't she take advantage of it?!!!

Perhaps, she will hold Ye Liang's future all of a sudden?!!!

Now, she still has many advantages in facing Ye Liang.

First of all, Ye Liang is now playing low-key, and he doesn't want anyone to know his strength.

All he showed was the cultivation of the refining period.

What he revealed was the cultivation of the Golden Pill Period.

So, theoretically speaking, his own identity, status, is much higher than his.

In such a situation, confessing to him yourself will have an advantage in identity.

This is also the reason why Ye Liang will say 'he is not worthy of himself'.

With such an advantage of status and status, you can act a lot more boldly.

Second, he could hear Ye Liang's heart and keep abreast of his psychological movements.

Even if Ye Liang was no longer vicious, his thoughts were transparent in his opinion.

No matter how many thoughts he has, in front of him, he must obediently reveal them.

Under such circumstances, how can you lose?

Third, he already has a relationship with Ye Liang, he is his little sister, and he is by his side, and he can handle some small things that he doesn't want to trouble for him.

This is also a big advantage.

In short, it is not as difficult as he thinks to become Ye Liang's girlfriend.

As long as Ye Liang is really willing to give a chance, then everything is possible.

Thinking of this, the Purple Heart Female Emperor's pair of beautiful eyes with purple light quietly stared at Ye Liang, and said with a smile:

"When I was ugly, you alone could afford to look at me, and now although I have become beautiful, in my eyes, you are the only one. "


Listening to the words of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, Ye Liang couldn't help but be stunned.

No way?

A Jindan female emperor will confess to a small refining period?

This, too, is too fake.

Is everything written in the novel true?

But, it can't be.

How big is the gap between refining gas and Jindan——!!!?

Can she see herself?

[Think of me that way?] This surprised me.

What can be done now, the Buddha-figure is the least good at rejecting a woman's love.

Troublesome. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Purple Heart Female Emperor: Aren't you good at rejecting a woman's love?

At least, not for me now.

Hearing that Ye Liang exposed his weakness in his heart, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but get even more excited.

She couldn't help but brighten her eyes, feeling that she was more confident in taking down Ye Liang.

Ye Liang, on the other hand, said very honestly:

"Cough, what, purple heart, Zhao Ziyan, I know, you are joking with me, you already have a girlfriend, I'm afraid you forgot." "

The Purple Heart Female Emperor raised the corners of her lips: Huh...

Sure enough, he's not the kind of person who is good at rejection.

This is interesting, obviously there are a lot of bad interests in the heart, but I am not good at rejecting others.

So soft-hearted, no wonder he said not to help himself before, but when he needed it, he reached out and moved the Purple Pole Immortal Star to the solar system.

Moreover, it also used methods to restabilize the structure of the Purple Pole Fairy Star and the solar system.

You know, the purple pole fairy star is a fairy star.

At the beginning, the Purple Pole Immortal Star suddenly cut off its aura, so it was in danger of collapsing.

And now the Purple Pole Immortal Star has not only been re-stabilized in structure, but also seems to be able to regenerate aura.

This is simply a great boon for the people on the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

The 100,000 cultivators and hundreds of millions of living beings of the Purple Pole Immortal Star all felt that this was the merit of her Purple Heart Female Emperor, and they were grateful to her.

But she knew that all this was done by Ye Liang.

Ye Liang is the kind of really good person who has done good things and does not want to leave a name.

If Ye Liang knew what the Purple Heart Emperor thought, he would definitely have a black question mark on his face.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing?!!!

Ye Liang really didn't know, he still had the ability to save the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

If he had the ability, why would he be like this now, uh, low-key?!!

No matter what, you don't have to pretend to be a refining period, right?

Facing Ye Liang's answer, the Purple Heart Female Emperor smiled and said:

"What's wrong with having a girlfriend, you can't afford to have one more girlfriend, or what? "

Now that he knew that he would not go to himself now, the Purple Heart Female Emperor gradually became bold in speaking.

She was not the kind of person who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

She doesn't want to die, it's just that there are still things that haven't been done, and she has to work hard to do it, that's all.

It's different from people who simply don't want to die and don't dare to challenge danger.

To put it bluntly, the nature of the Purple Heart Female Emperor is actually very daring.

Even in the face of people whose strength status is much higher than her, she dares to open her mouth to pursue.


As soon as these words came out, the students sitting in front of and behind the two couldn't help but be shocked.

Groove, this, this is also outrageous——!!!

The boy sitting nearby felt that his heart was broken, and at the same time he was shocked.

They were just thinking that Ye Liang already had a girlfriend, and they definitely had a chance.

Zhao Ziyan suddenly became so beautiful, of course, it would make many of the classmates have ideas.

Although there is a Ye Liang in the middle, Ye Liang already has a girlfriend, so for them, Ye Liang is not a threat at all.

But now, what did they hear?

Zhao Ziyan actually said, what's wrong with having a girlfriend?

What's wrong with having one more girlfriend, it's really not okay, she can still raise Ye Liang?

Groove, merciless——!!!

Listening to this, Ye Liang was a little shocked.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor wouldn't be serious, would it?

"Don't worry. "

Just when Ye Liang looked shocked, the Purple Heart Female Emperor said again:

"Although I am a reincarnated person, I don't have a husband in my two lives, and I am not the kind who plays very much, if you want me, you will definitely not suffer."

How about it, big brother, think about it, have another girlfriend. "

"Groove, won't you?"

At this time, the boys and girls around couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

How to think, I can't understand how Zhao Ziyan said such words.

Isn't she a girl?

Don't know how jealous?

Or is this a retreat?

On the surface, it seems that she doesn't mind that Ye Liang has a girlfriend, but in fact, she is showing Ye Liang her generosity?

Let Ye Hao think about it, which is better between her and Jiang Yurou?

Well, it's possible——!!!

High, this trick is really high.

With such conditions, which boy would be willing to refuse?

However, unfortunately, her current object is Ye Liang...

Ye Liang's girlfriend Jiang Yurou is not bad at all.

Even if Ye Liang was for his own reputation, it was impossible to abandon Jiang Yurou and choose her, right?

In this way, Bai Gao has such a good means.

What a pity.

Many people are not optimistic about Zhao Ziyan's confession, because in their opinion, Ye Liang will agree to be her girlfriend unless she is a pig.

Jiang Yurou's conditions are not bad, why give up Jiang Yurou, bear a bad reputation, and just change a girlfriend?

Moreover, no one knows whether what Zhao Ziyan said is true or false.


(It's more than a hundred chapters, can I ask for a full order without face? Although the full binding does not necessarily guarantee that the author writes well, it can definitely make the author write quickly.) )

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