"You say, will Ye Liang agree?"

"If you want me, I agreed, Zhao Ziyan is too beautiful now." "

"But isn't Jiang Yurou beautiful? Wow, it's so tangled, which one should I choose?"

"Are you... What are you struggling with? It's not for you to choose. "

"Lying groove, yes, this is Ye Liang choosing, Ma Ya, my heart exploded, such a beautiful two girls, let Ye Liang choose?"

"It's so unfair, why don't I have this kind of beauty pageant opportunity?"


Ye Liang would definitely not agree, after all, there was no benefit in agreeing. "

"Yes, it's a bad reputation. "


"I think he will agree, anyway, the current Zhao Ziyan is really too attractive, even if they are all extremely beautiful women, but when it comes to attracting men, this kind of domineering woman is more attractive to men." "

Everyone in the class was talking about it, wanting to see how Ye Liang would choose.

And Ye Liang, choose a hair——!!!

Children make choices, he is an adult, of course, all of them.

Anyway, Jiang Yurou said it herself, she doesn't mind if he has another girlfriend.

He's afraid of a fart.

It's just that what he is worried about is the Purple Heart Female Emperor in front of him...

So, he asked:

"Are you serious?"

"I can swear. "

The Purple Heart Female Emperor said: "I, the Purple Heart Female Emperor, swear that as long as Ye Liang is willing to accept me as his woman, I will always follow him and will not betray him under any circumstances——!


Hearing this, Ye Liang was dumbfounded.

Jiang Yurou is an ordinary person, and he doesn't know how serious the consequences of swearing in front of immortal cultivators are.

It is impossible for the Purple Heart Female Emperor not to know.

Is she serious?

It's really weird.

At this moment, Ye Liang's face was puzzled.

After all, no matter how you look at it, the Purple Heart Female Emperor doesn't have to do this to him.

She is the high-ranking female emperor of Jindan, the lord of the first realm.

And himself, it's just a small refining period.

Could it be that this woman, ostensibly called the female emperor, is actually just a love brain?!!!

Or is her charm really so great that even a Jindan female emperor can condescend to nobility for herself?

If that's the case, isn't your charm a little too much?

This damn charm, I'm kind of in love with myself.

【Disgusting yue——!】

Ye Liang: ...

The other party had already sworn an oath, and Ye Liang naturally had no reason not to agree.

There is a cheap and does not occupy the king's bastard, really he Ye Liang is a fool?!!!

"Since you have to be my woman, I have to promise you." "

Ye Liang said: "After all, I am not a desperate person. "

[It's over... The Buddha-figure is entangled again, hey. 】

[To be honest, a woman of the strength of the Purple Heart Female Emperor is simply not worthy of the true strength of this figure. 】

Ye Liang: he~tui, the true strength of God TMD.

What is my real strength?

I still have to rejoice, fortunately, the Purple Heart Female Emperor can't hear the voice coming from my heart, otherwise, I don't know what to do.

Purple Heart Female Emperor: Not worthy?

I don't understand this, my Purple Heart Female Emperor may have poor strength now, but I will definitely practice hard, and one day I will be truly worthy of you."

As for the fact that you have other women, the Buddha-figures don't care at all.

Do you really think that Buddha-figures are the kind of love brain?

"I'm so ——!!!"

"It's too shameful. "

"Say cheating so freshly and vulgarly..."

"Jiang Yurou must be sad now. "

"Hmph, you deserve it, if there is a sincere person like me, you don't choose, you want to choose a scumbag like Ye Liang." "


At this moment, the entire eighth class was collectively fried.

What happened here was instantly posted to the forum by a person from the eighth class.

"Shocked, Ye Liang, a transfer student against the sky, just confirmed the relationship with Jiang Yurou not long ago, and found another new love, there is a plan and the truth——!"

At this moment, neither the Purple Heart Female Emperor nor Ye Liang managed the reaction of everyone in the class.

The Purple Heart Emperor's gaze looked at Ye Liang, and after getting Ye Liang's affirmative answer, she also showed a happy smile:

"Big brother, thank you, from today onwards, I will be your woman. "

"No thanks, it should be, you are so sincere with me, I will definitely not fail you." "

Looking at the Purple Heart Female Emperor in front of him, Ye Liang finally felt that he was under a lot of pressure.

She is the high-ranking Jindan female emperor, and she is just a rookie in the refining period, even if she swears now that she will follow her forever.

However, if the relationship status of people is too bad, dissatisfaction, unwillingness, unwillingness and other emotions will slowly appear...

It's not about love or not.

It's human nature.

Between men and women, no matter which party is too strong, the weak party will be inferior, the strong party will be proud, and something will definitely happen over time.

Therefore, I can't keep doing this.

After school, find a time to start cheating practice——!!!

On the Qingcai forum, many people click to watch some posts every day.

Because these posts are all interesting stories that happened in Qingcai.

Of course, many people care about what happens around them.

For example, the news that Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang had officially held hands before was spread through this forum.

This matter caused quite a stir in the entire Qingcai.

It's even more sensational than the emergence of a ninth supermassive planet in the solar system.

At that time, looking at the post, many of Jiang Yurou's suitors exploded their lungs.

They had pursued Jiang Yurou for so long, and she didn't agree, but now, she actually held hands with a newcomer.

Wouldn't that prove that they were too incompetent?!!!

Especially Xu Changjun, at that moment, he hated Ye Liang even more, and in his heart, he also scolded Jiang Yurou to the point that he couldn't do it.

In his opinion, Jiang Yurou is the woman he fancy.

The woman he fancy followed others, which made him feel that the top of his head was glowing green, and his anger exploded.

Originally, he still thought that after the Jiang family's housework was handled, he would calmly get Jiang Yurou into his hands.

But at that moment, he was furious——!!!

The same is...

Today, Zhao Ziyan's sudden transformation into an extremely domineering big beauty is also spread rapidly through this forum.

Many people are still in shock and doubt.

How ugly Zhao Ziyan was before, everyone who knows knows it.

But now, who is this big beauty who seems to have put on a hundred layers of dermabrasion and beauty effects?!!!

For this change, some people say that Zhao Ziyan deliberately played ugly before.

Some people say that Zhao Ziyan was originally ugly, but now he wears makeup.

Some people also say that Zhao Ziyan was originally ugly because he had a skin disease, but now he is better.

I don't know Zhao Ziyan, after reading the introduction in the post, I can't help but secretly feel sorry.

So beautiful, why didn't I see her before, if I saw it earlier, I must take advantage of the void.

Take her heart.

And those who know Zhao Ziyan are regretting it.

When he let Zhao Ziyan do so many homework for himself, why didn't he think of having a good relationship with her?


Just when everyone was still shocked by the news that Zhao Ziyan suddenly became beautiful, another shocking news came into their eyes.

"Shocked, Ye Liang, a transfer student against the sky, just confirmed the relationship with Jiang Yurou not long ago, and found another new love, there is a plan and the truth——!"

"What, Ye Liang cheated?"

"No, it's only been less than a day since he confirmed the relationship with Jiang Yurou, right?"

"Ma yes, hurry up and take a look. "

"Groove ——!!!"

When people watching the post click into the post and see the content, they can't help but explode.

"Good guy, really cheating, the object is actually Zhao Ziyan?"

"I'll go, it's too awesome——!!!

"@姜雨柔, your husband cheated on him, do you know?!!!"


At this moment, Jiang Yurou really didn't know.

She knew right away, though.

Because the table mate next to her handed her the phone.


"Colonel Jiang Yurou's boyfriend Ye Liang, a new transfer student, a new semester figure, just confirmed the relationship with Colonel Jiang Yurou less than a day, and then cheated.

The object of cheating is still his tablemate Zhao Ziyan.

A miracle woman.

Originally, Zhao Ziyan's skin was very poor and the person was very bad, but somehow, he suddenly became very beautiful, and Jiang Yurou was crushed.

Moreover, she also took the initiative to confess to Ye Liang, and Ye Liang shamelessly agreed.

Now, let's look at how the relationship between Ye Liang, Jiang Yurou, and Zhao Ziyan should be handled.

Does Jiang Yurou get angry?

Will she quit the relationship in anger?"

Jiang Yurou: I quit Nima——!!!

Looking at the post, she couldn't help but scold in her heart.

Let the old lady quit?

Can youTM speak?!!!

The old lady came first, then Zhao Ziyan came later, and she retreated if she wanted to retreat.

If you're sad, cry. "

At this time, the same table sitting next to Jiang Yurou said to her:

"Cry, it'll be better. "

Jiang Yurou is a colonel flower, as her tablemate, there are usually many people who come to please her in order to get close to Jiang Yurou.

She also did not accept the benefits of others, and wanted to persuade Jiang Yurou to associate with a certain son.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yurou never listened to her...

She originally thought that Jiang Yurou's eyes would be high and how good the people she fancy were.

Unexpectedly, what she fancy is just a scumbag.

Haha, it only took one day to derail.

I'm afraid the two haven't even kissed yet, right?

Although she looked worried, she was actually waiting to see Jiang Yurou's joke in her heart.

On the other side, Zhang Xin and Yang Ting were also watching this post, and both laughed tacitly.

"Jiang Yurou, you still think how good the man you are looking for is, isn't he still a superb scumbag?"

"I've told him before that poor people don't have to be honest. "

Although Ye Hao is not poor, it is clear that he is still not honest. "

"It's still good for my family Yang Ting. "

Originally, Zhang Xin was still very jealous of Jiang Yurou, after all, the current Ye Liang, no matter what aspect, seemed to have overwhelmed Yang Ting.

However, now Ye Liang's derailment suddenly made her regain her confidence.

At least, the man he is looking for is very solid and will not cheat.

Wouldn't it be like Ye Liang, how old was this relationship, and then cheated on him?

At this moment, Zhang Xin was looking forward to seeing Jiang Yurou's sad look.

Thinking of this, she directly dialed Jiang Yurou's phone.

"Hey, Yurou, I saw on the forum, your family Ye Hao seems to have cheated, eh? I told you before, Ye Liang is not trustworthy, why don't you listen to me, now it's okay..."

Before her words fell, Jiang Yurou hung up the phone directly.

"Groove ——!"

Seeing Jiang Yurou hang up her phone, Zhang Xin couldn't help but scold.

What is the most depressing thing in this world?

It is that you have a belly of false feelings and pretend to want to tell others, and as a result, others do not talk to you at all.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou hung up Zhang Xin's phone, and she didn't even want to be polite with her.

She just looked at the post on her phone in front of her and began to think.

What to do next——!

TMD, who dares to approach Ye Liang, is really not simple.

First play ugly, let yourself relax your vigilance, and when you don't pay attention, don't confess to your boyfriend facelessly.

Hehe, really think that in this way I will care and make a big fuss?

Then, disgusted by Ye Liang, he offered to break up with him and give up the position to you a shameless little bitch?!!!

Think beautiful.

Not only will I not be angry, I will also be very generous.

Yes, generosity, a little more generosity——!!

With unconscious force in her hand, she squeezed the phone so hard that it creaked.


The same table beside her looked at her like this, and couldn't help but look stunned.

Good guy, how does Jiang Yurou look a little scary now?

This is not right, in my own impression, Jiang Yurou is not a very soft girl?

At this time, shouldn't she cry out and be ugly?

Why did you look at her and make you feel dangerous——!!!

The same table, who was originally laughing at Jiang Yurou in his heart, was frightened by Jiang Yurou's breath at this moment, and he was a little afraid to speak.

At this moment, she was a little curious again...

What is Jiang Yurou going to do next?

Will she run to the eighth class and tear up with the woman named Zhao Ziyan?

The two school flowers tore for a boy, and that scene must be recorded in the history of the entire young talent——!

However, just as she was waiting for Jiang Yurou to make any moves.

Jiang Yurou just sat there quietly, and after constantly taking deep breaths, she adjusted her facial expression and atmosphere, and showed a smile.

This emotional convergence kung fu was practiced in just a few days.

If people know this, this kind of acting skills, I don't know how many big directors are going to invite Jiang Yurou to film.


Seeing that Jiang Yurou was just sitting here, saying nothing and doing nothing, her fellow table couldn't help but froze.

"Yurou, you... You're just sitting?"

"How else?"

Jiang Yurou is not the simple girl she used to be now, as a movie king, she sees human accidents better than anyone.

Whether this guy next to her was kind or evil, of course she could tell.

Therefore, she couldn't help but sneer, and then, rhetorically, asked:

"What do you think I need to do?"

"You're not angry, not sad, don't go to Ye Liang and let him give you an explanation?"

The same table said to Jiang Yurou:

"If it were me, I would definitely not be able to stand it, I would definitely be very angry and sad, and then go and beat Ye Liang, that scumbag." "


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