
At this moment, Jiang Yurou was sitting in her place, with a calm look on her face.

Not only is her expression very calm, but her heart is also quite calm.

In the past few days, she has allowed herself to exercise and relax her mood.

Moreover, I don't know what happened, except that she felt a little embarrassed at first, she found that she was really not angry.

Probably, she also knew that she could become Ye Liang's girlfriend because she cheated and was a little too mean.

It was he who owed Ye Liang...

Moreover, he once said that he had other girlfriends, and he didn't mind, so Ye Liang agreed to let him be his girlfriend.

Speaking of which, he did not have the qualifications to blame Ye Liang.

I don't even have the qualifications to blame, then I'm still angry, angry, I really want to piss myself off, it's cheap that pair of dog men and women, right?

I'm not angry——!!!

Thinking like this, Jiang Yurou's whole person suddenly became cheerful.


Listening to the words of the same table beside her, she looked at the same table beside her with some surprise.

"Why should I be angry? Why should I be sad? Why should I beat Ye Liang violently?"

She asked rhetorically to her tablemates.


Hearing Jiang Yurou's question, the same table was dumbfounded on the spot.

No, if you ask that, you won't be able to fix me.


Why, I TM...

"Aren't you Ye Liang's girlfriend, isn't Ye Liang your boyfriend?"

She asked with a look of surprise.

Could it be that the news from the forum is false?

Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang were not dating at all?

Otherwise, how did she react this way?

"No, he's my boyfriend. "

Jiang Yurou said affirmatively: "Don't you know about the things that Ye Liang and I are already dating?"


Hearing this, the same table froze on the spot.

Do you know that Ye Liang is your boyfriend?!!

Your boyfriend has another girlfriend, can't you say something?!!!


She coughed lightly and asked:

"Since you're boyfriend and girlfriend, he has other girlfriends, why don't you react at all?

Hearing this, Jiang Yurou gave her a blank look.

"Of course I like him, what a shield, he's my boyfriend, it's real. "

Saying that, her expression was still a little proud.

If he hadn't heard Ye Liang's heart, he would definitely miss Ye Liang.

Then, he will look down on Ye Liang as Ye Liang thinks in his heart, hurt Ye Liang until five hundred years and can't walk out of the shadows, and he has also found a superb scumbag?

That kind of future, I don't want it.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou has great trust in the future foreseen in Ye Liang's heart.

In her opinion, not only is it so simple that she likes Ye Liang, but she and Ye Liang are also consumed and frightened, and, to tell the truth, even if it is for her own future, she needs to follow Ye Liang.

After all, she doesn't know what kind of scumbag she can find, and her future is too miserable.

Only Ye Liang can give her a real future, and she is convinced of this——!!!


Groove ?!!!

Listening to Jiang Yurou's words, looking at her seemingly proud look, the same table was stunned on the spot.

What are you so proud of?

I'm saying that your boyfriend is cheating, you are so bad to show it.

You are proud of the yarn, and people who don't know think that you have robbed someone else's boyfriend——!!!

And it was successful.

Now your boyfriend is cheating, hey——!!!


At this moment, the same table is really dumbfounded.

She looked at Jiang Yurou stunned and asked:

"Since he is your boyfriend, the real thing, and you like it, why aren't you angry, sad, and not messing with him now?"

Can you understand the mood of an ordinary girl who wants to watch the school flowers tear up?

You don't understand at all——!!!

At this moment, I heard that Jiang Yurou actually didn't want to tear Ye Liang and Zhao Ziyan, moreover, she seemed to be very proud.

I don't know if I'm proud of a hammer——!!!

"Why is he my boyfriend, I have to be angry, I have to be sad, I have to mess with him, I can be his girlfriend, I am already lucky, why should I make trouble with him because of this little thing like he has another girlfriend?!"

Jiang Yurou said casually:

"Isn't it the most important thing for me to be happy myself?!"


At this moment, as an ordinary girl, Jiang Yurou's table was completely dumbfounded.

"You... What did you say?"

At this moment, she was a little skeptical of her life.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

What age do I live in?!!!

She didn't believe how Jiang Yurou's brain was wrong, and she actually said such words.

And looking at the same table so shocked, Jiang Yurou looked proud, and raised her head again:

"This kind of thing, tell you that you don't know, mortals like you can't understand my feelings. "

"Groove ——!!!"

At this moment, the same table was dumbfounded on the spot.

Am I mortal?

Are you a fairy——!!!

Immortal, please tell me, how did you come up with this idea?

Your boyfriend cheated on you, and you actually treat it as a trivial matter?

Do you actually think that it is a lucky thing to meet such a scumbag in this life?

Me, how can I understand your brain circuits?!!!


And at this moment, all the classmates around Jiang Yurou were equally dumbfounded.

Especially Li Xiaofeng, who once pursued Jiang Yurou, was even more afraid at this moment.

It must be the one named Ye Liang, what kind of demon method he would do, and what strange spell he cast on Jiang Yurou, so that she said such a speech as if she were mentally retarded.

Otherwise, how could Jiang Yurou say such a thing?

Fortunately, before he had a chance to offend Ye Liang to death, he was scared to death by his spell, and now he didn't dare to provoke him, which can be regarded as a good result.

I heard that Xu Changjun was still trying to get him recently.

Hehe, that guy, really looking for death.

Fortunately, if Xu Changjun makes something wrong with himself, he may be able to take another place in his family.

There is no doubt that what Jiang Yurou said was immediately uploaded to the forum by the whole class.

Shocked, Colonel Hua Jiang Yurou knew that after her boyfriend found another girlfriend, she didn't seem to be sad at all, not angry, and said that it was just a trivial matter, as long as she was with Ye Liang, she was very happy. "

"Groove ——!!!"

"What, is this really what Jiang Yurou said?"

"No, no, no? I cracked ——!!!."

At this moment, in the entire forum, all the young men and women couldn't help but widen their eyes and look at the news on the forum.

"This must be fake, right?"

"It's not fake, I'm Colonel Jiang Yurou's classmate, this is really what she said in person, although it may be a little different, but the meaning is definitely the same." "

"Groove, what's going on?"

"What about the second daughter's husband?"

"This picture, a little wrong, I have to check, is there a rule in our world that a man can find two girlfriends." "

"Why did Jiang Yurou say that, she wouldn't really care that Ye Liang had another girlfriend, right? "

"Hehe, what do you know, this is called advancing with retreat, great wisdom and foolishness, you think Jiang Yurou is very stupid? In fact, her purpose is to demonstrate to Zhao Ziyan ——!"

"That's right, Jiang Yurou's grades are not bad, in the academy, she is also in the top of the spear, how can she be stupid, this is a trick." "

Jiang Yurou said such words, no matter how faceless Ye Liang was, it was impossible to break up with her. "

"And other women want to get close to Ye Liang, but they have to see if she has that face, it is destined that she has that face, Jiang Yurou's bottom line is also placed here, she doesn't even care about multiple girlfriends, see what you do." "

"Lying groove, it turns out to be like this, so to speak, Jiang Yurou is really tall." "

"Too high——!!!"

The same table, who was still pretending to be in shock, saw the analysis of those people in the forum, and suddenly couldn't help but change his expression.

She looked at Jiang Yurou with a shocked expression.

"Yurou, I didn't expect it... I didn't expect you to be so powerful, high, it's really too high, I misunderstood you——!!!"

Although she wanted to watch the tearing scene, after all, she had known Jiang Yurou for so many years, of course, she would not want Jiang Yurou to lose.

Therefore, Jiang Yurou's wonderful performance still made her admire it out loud.


Jiang Yurou had a question mark on her face.

Did you do anything?

What I just said should be a very incredible and irrational thing, right?!

Why did you actually look at me in shock, look at your expression, as if I invented the electric light.

"You are really too high, your move is really powerful, it looks like you don't care about other women around Ye Liang, in fact, you have blocked all the retreats of other women." "

The same table said: "In this way, the entire academy, I am afraid that no one can rob Ye Liang with you anymore." "


Jiang Yurou wondered again.

What is to retreat into progress, isn't he telling the truth?

Don't you really think that I have any calculations?

Nothing, not at all.

In any case, my relationship with Ye Liang has been determined to this point, that's all.

At this time, in the eighth class classroom, someone brought his mobile phone to Ye Liang and smiled at him:

"Ye Liang, look, your girlfriend responded. "

"Let me see?"

"Lying groove, Jiang Yurou is also too generous, God, this kind of girlfriend, it's really touching." "

It seems that Jiang Yurou doesn't seem to have any intention of breaking up. "

"Brother Ye Liang, what are you going to do to get rid of her?"

Someone asked Ye Liang.


Hearing the boy's words, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while:

"Who said I'm going to dump Jiang Yurou?"


Hearing this, everyone present froze.

They all looked towards Ye Liang and Zhao Ziyan.

"It's not... You don't dump Jiang Yurou, and you still promise Zhao Ziyan to be your girlfriend?"

Someone asked.

I'm a boy, and there are exactly two girls I like, and they both happen to like me, so we just take it for granted, don't we?"

Ye Liang looked taken for granted.

At this moment, the whole class looked at Ye Liang blankly.


River Nyima ——!!!

"You... You're going to ?!!! them all."

"Yes, children make choices, adults want them all." "

Ye Liang said: "Don't you choose one when you meet a girl you like?

"Groove ——!!!"

"You dare to say this in front of Zhao Ziyan?"


Everyone's gaze cast towards Zhao Ziyan, hoping that she could give Ye Liang a little more strength and give Ye Liang a big ear.

However, the Purple Heart Female Emperor just sat next to Ye Liang with a smile and said:

"Big brother, he has a girl he likes, of course the little sister has to support him, how can I let him struggle to make a choice?"


At this moment, the three views of the class exploded.

What the heck?!!!

"You... You, Zhao Ziyan, do you know what you're talking about, isn't Ye Liang already your boyfriend?

"yes, that's too unreasonable, isn't it——!!!

"What do you think?"

Everyone around looked at Zhao Ziyan with a shocked expression, they really didn't understand how she could say such words.

If she had been an ugly woman before, she would have been fine, and she would have lost money on backwards.

But now, Zhao Ziyan is simply a superb beauty.

Moreover, looking at her temperament, she is also a very domineering type, how can she watch Ye Liang say such shameless words.

"Monopolize him?"

Looking towards Ye Liang, the Purple Heart Female Emperor said:

"Although I also want to monopolize him, but in that case, he will definitely be uncomfortable."

If he is uncomfortable, I will be distressed.

And as long as he's happy, I'm happy.

In this way, he is happy alone, and I have two happiness.

In that case, why should I monopolize him?"


At this moment, the whole class petrified, everyone lost color ...

A gust of wind blew and the class fell silent.

"Groove ——!!!"

"Cow ——!!!!"

"Served ——!!!!!"

At this moment, everyone extended their thumbs to Ye Liang.

No one could believe that Ye Liang was actually so bullish that Zhao Ziyan and Jiang Yurou both said such words.

One is to take Ye Liang as happiness, and the other is to take Ye Liang's happiness as his own happiness.

How did he do it?

Is he a fairy?!!!

Otherwise, how could he do such a thing, this is impossible——!!!

Fake, must be fake——!!!

The three views exploded, and at this moment, the whole class felt that their heads were buzzing.

No one can believe that what they hear is the truth.

Didn't you wake up?

Soon, Zhao Ziyan's words were also spread on the forum.

At this moment, the people of the entire academy couldn't help but split.

A Jiang Yurou said this kind of thing, it already made them very cracked, and now Zhao Ziyan actually said this kind of thing?

Oh my God, what a snap——!!!


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