The academy is a place to learn, but apparently, no one can study today.

An explosive news was spreading throughout the academy.

That's about Colonel Jiang Yurou and the matter between Ye Liang and Zhao Ziyan...

Regarding Jiang Yurou and Zhao Ziyan competing for Ye Liang as a man, but in the end it became peaceful coexistence, and they both declared to each other that they would not monopolize Ye Liang's topic, which suddenly detonated the entire forum.


Everyone's three views exploded.

Men silent and women tears.

What an earth-shattering love triangle this is.

Even if it is the male protagonist in the anime, the girls are torn upside down in order to fight him.

But now, in the real world, they actually heard this surreal statement.

How does this allow them not to crack?!!

"You guys say, what the hell is going on, even if Jiang Yurou is it, why would Zhao Ziyan say such a thing?"

"yes, that's outrageous. "

"I see, the two of them, it's a competition. "

"That's right, there is no doubt that Zhao Ziyan is a latecomer, so, she knows that she is not as good as Jiang Yurou, and she said at the beginning that she does not mind Ye Liang having other women.

In this way, the possibility of Ye Liang agreeing is high. "

And Ye Liang, the ultimate scumbag, did not disappoint her, and he agreed to her confession. "

However, Zhao Ziyan only thought that Ye Liang would agree, but she did not expect that Jiang Yurou was not a vegetarian, and she also said that kind of thing. "

"Even Jiang Yurou said such things, Zhao Ziyan naturally could only take a firm attitude, and said such things again..."

After these two people competed, it was no longer meaningful who was right and who was wrong, and now both of them had cornered themselves, either following Ye Liang and serving him as a girlfriend, or consciously withdrawing. "

"Therefore, the two of them dug a pit and buried themselves, and only Ye Liang enjoyed the blessing alone?!!!"

"Lying groove, how can there be such a good thing in this world?"

"I don't believe it, and I absolutely don't believe when this kind of good thing doesn't fall on me. "

"Hehe, upstairs, do you have a girlfriend, just thinking about having two girlfriends?"

"Old Tie, pierced the heart. "

At this moment, the entire academy was discussing about the three of them.

For the fact that Ye Liang is an extremely high-quality scumbag, obviously no one will deny it.

A scumbag who can say shameless words such as 'only children choose, adults want all', and he really did.

It's also too disgusting (enviable).

At this moment, Ye Liang undoubtedly became the annual figure in the academy.

For a while, people who had not paid attention to Ye Liang began to pay attention to him.

Everyone felt that this time the matter was definitely not over.

After all, no one believes that a woman would be willing to accept her man and other women...

It seems that everything is calm today, and Ye Liang sits and enjoys the blessings of Qi people.

But in fact, no one knows when Jiang Yurou and Zhao Ziyan will tear up.

I don't know how many people are waiting for the moment when these two women tear up, waiting to see Ye Liang make an ugly appearance, in order to vent their depressed hatred today.

"Are these people so bored all day?"

At this time, Lu Yao'er was in a corner, listening to the discussions of several passing courtyard students about Ye Liang's affairs, and she couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Although she is now Ye Liang's person, after all, she is also a person from Purple Pole Immortal Star, and Purple Pole Immortal Star is her home.

Therefore, in the absence of Ye Liang's arrangement, she also had to help the Purple Heart Female Emperor with some favors.

For example, gathering intelligence about the earth, starting to build power on the earth, and so on.

She was idle, so she planned to start collecting earth intelligence from the Qingcai Academy.

But I didn't expect that these things were collected after collecting all day.

Isn't it normal for a man to have several women?

What is there to talk about.

"Huh, master?"

Just when Lu Yao'er looked bored, suddenly, she saw Ye Liang.

"Where is the master going alone?"

She looked curious, thought about it, and still didn't care about Ye Liang's affairs.

Ye Liang didn't order her to do things, she should already be grateful to Dade, how could she be qualified to manage what Ye Liang was going to do?

At this time, Ye Liang came to the roof alone.

Backhanded closed the roof door.

He came here, of course, for a reason...

It's not that he made an appointment, but he has been working on the new features of the Time Wheel since last night.

A new ability that can travel back in time to a point in the past.

This ability is naturally not small for him.

He originally thought that this ability should only need to be used with a single thought.

However, this is not the case, and if he wants to use this ability of the wheel of time, he needs to comprehend it himself.

For most of the day, Ye Liang finally felt that he had mastered some of the true use of the wheel of time until now.

This was done only when the Time Wheel had been completely refined to him by the system.

I have to say that as a sword, the wheel of time is too profound.

Use the time wheel to travel back in time to a point in the past.

In this way, he may be able to use the time difference between the present and the past to practice.

"The wheel of time. "

After coming to the rooftop, noticing that there was no one nearby, Ye Liang shook his hand out of thin air.

I saw the passage of time.

A piece of time turned into a roulette wheel, forming a sword grid, giving birth to a sword body, and forming a sharp sword in his hand.

The gorgeous and unparalleled shape, as well as the not small time wheel on the sword grid, all show the extraordinary nature of this sword.

With the power of the wheel of time, he can appear at a certain point in the past, but because of the different strength he uses, the time he can stay in the past is also different.

If the time comes, he will be forcibly brought back to this moment by time.

With his current strength, it is only a few days that he can go back in time.

Moreover, every time you use this ability, you will have a CD with the current time of three days.

Originally, this was a trick to save lives, but what Ye Liang urgently needed now was strength, and there was no need to keep this trick to save his life.

I saw Ye Liang move the time wheel in his hand towards the sky, and above the sword grid, the pointer on the time wheel began to reverse wildly.

The next moment, Ye Liang swiped the sword in his hand forward.

Time, like an endless river, as long as you are in the flow of time, everyone is the water in the river, and it is extraordinary.

However, at this moment, Ye Liang, who was holding the wheel of time, went against common sense and slashed out with a sword, and a passage to the past appeared in front of his eyes.

The next moment, his whole person was swallowed up by the time passage and disappeared invisible.

Because Ye Liang's current use of the time wheel is not enough, he needs this method to open the time channel.

When he has reached a certain level of use of the time wheel, he can use it as if he were in his arm, and he can travel through time without opening a time channel.

The next moment, I saw that time passed for a while, and Ye Liang had already returned from cultivating for a few days in the past.

"I didn't expect that in the past time of cultivation, my cultivation rose so quickly. "

At this moment, he had been practicing for several days in the past.

At this moment, looking at the surrounding scenes, he secretly sighed that time was indeed magical.

In the past, not only has his cultivation increased a lot, but also, compared to now, it has only passed less than a moment.

He felt that not only had his cultivation improved, but his ability through the system had also improved.

For example, his defensive power, as well as the power of those martial arts spells, have been greatly improved.

Now he can already walk in the air...

"Perhaps, my cultivation rate is rising, even in the entire universe, is relatively fast, right?"

In just a few days, he has changed from a so-called five-fold rookie chicken to an intermediate rookie chicken with nine layers of refining gas.

As long as you cultivate a little for a few more days, you can break through from the refining period to the innate stage and become a real powerhouse——!

Thinking of this, Ye Liang couldn't help but show a little excitement.

The nine layers of refining qi can be overwhelming, the innate period, the four realms, each realm is different.

For the earthlings, it can be regarded as a fairy.

Although, he had only killed a few innate rookie chickens in seconds before...

Lu Yunfei and others: My food and your mother, I have the ability not to let the Purple Heart Female Emperor imprison us, you try to fight with us——!!!

Ye Liang didn't know how unjustly the real reason why Lu Yunfei and the others died in his hands was.

It's just a thousand years old.

At that time, even if Ye Liang and the Purple Heart Female Emperor did not cooperate a little, they would not all die.

Died so suddenly...

Thinking like this, Ye Liang reopened the door of the rooftop and got off the rooftop.

And Lu Yaoer, who was standing in the corner and inquiring about the information about the Qingcai Academy and other things, naturally saw him again at this moment.

"Yo, Yao'er, what are you doing?"

Ye Liang also noticed Lu Yao'er, and he came to Lu Yao'er and asked her.


Feeling the breath leaking out of Ye Liang's body at this moment, Lu Yao'er couldn't help but be speechless.

Master, how are you exposed——!!!

Weren't you still loading some kind of rookie chicken with five layers of refining qi before?

You have suddenly become a Qi Refining Ninefold now, I don't even know how to cover it up for you, hey——!!!

Since you want to pretend to be low-key, can you keep a low profile?

Don't let people easily perceive your breath?!!!

"Cough, master, your cultivation?"

Lu Yao'er did not answer Ye Liang's inquiry, but asked him rhetorically.

"It's nothing, recently I have occasionally realized that my cultivation has broken through. "

Ye Liang said casually.


Hearing this, Lu Yao'er couldn't help but look stunned.

Lying groove, you are good to make up a more credible reason?!!!

God's special occasional understanding.

Do you know how many years it takes for an average person to go from innate five-fold to Qi refining nine-fold?

The talent is poor for more than a hundred years, and even if the talent is good, it is still necessary for dozens of years.

The talent is super good, such as himself, he has also cultivated since he was a child, and he has not refined Qi Jiuhe until now.

Before you were still refining qi fivefold, this time you will go to refining qi ninefold.

Make up such words to deceive people, won't your conscience hurt?

Oh, it turns out that there is no conscience, then forget it.

"Yes... That's right... Ha ha...... Then congratulations to the owner. "

Lu Yao'er couldn't help but twitch her face.

In particular, this ghost reason, no one you say to listen to it will believe it.

"Well, master, you better restrain your breath a little, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. "

Thinking that Ye Liang wanted to be low-key and did not want to be high-profile, Lu Yaoer felt that it was still necessary to remind the master.

She said to Ye Liang.

"Hmm... You're right, too. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang nodded and was about to converge his breath.

Even Zhao Ziyan, a female emperor of the Golden Pill Period, did not open her breath all day to scare people.

Your own little Qi refining ninefold, don't get too carried away.

But at this moment, the voice of the system sounded in his head.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get an additional reward for cultivating immortals: the Primeval Breath Technique.

A set of methods specially used to change one's own breath, which can change one's own breath, down to mortals, up to two great realms higher than the host itself. "

"Groove, this is good. "

It's really what comes to what.

Ye Liang immediately received information about the exercises of the Primordial Breath Technique.

With this technique, he can control his breath at will.

When necessary, this thing works quite well.

If he works well, this thing might save his life.

Some enemies are very intimidating, and seeing your breath is so strong, it is impossible to turn around and run on the spot.

After learning the Primordial Aura Technique in an instant, Ye Liang did not hesitate and put it into operation.

The next moment, all the breath on Ye Liang's body converged.

This feeling of using exercises to converge the breath is indeed much better than relying on instinct to converge the breath.

As long as it is not a big scene, the average person will not be able to see their strength.

After gathering his breath, Ye Liang asked Lu Yaoer:

"I said, "Son, see how I am now?"

"Well, master, you are so powerful, your breath suddenly converged. "

Lu Yao'er felt Ye Liang's breath that was completely gone, and only felt that he was standing in front of her at this moment, like an ordinary person.

And her heart couldn't help but vomit.

MMP, you're taking me for a fool, aren't you?

Where is someone who has just broken through and can converge his breath so freely?

I really thought I couldn't see if you were pretending or what?!!!

Although she was scolding in her heart, she naturally had a flattering smile on her face and praised Ye Liang:

"I've never seen someone as awesome as you. "


Hearing Lu Yao'er's praise, Ye Liang couldn't help but blush.

I just learned a practice, you have praised me to the sky, how can I be embarrassed?!!

"What are you doing here?"

He asked Lu Xiaoer casually.

"Master, Her Majesty the Female Emperor wants to establish a force on the earth so that she can act on the earth in the future, I am collecting intelligence for her, and I want to start with the Qingcai Academy. "

Lu Xiaoer replied.

"Building power on Earth?"

Hearing this, Ye Liang was a little puzzled:

"Could it be that there is still something wrong with the Purple Pole Immortal Star, otherwise why does she need to build a force on Earth?"

"No, don't get me wrong, master. "

Lu Xiaoer said:

"It's not that something happened to the Purple Pole Immortal Star, it's just that Her Majesty the Female Emperor wants to get closer to you more, for the convenience of living on earth, she did this, master, don't misunderstand." "


Hearing this, Ye Liang shook his shoulders, even if he wanted to misunderstand, what else could he do?

Sure enough, I still need to practice hard.


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