
The Purple Heart Female Emperor naturally would not obediently listen to the class, and she still came to Earth to teach now, but it was just for Ye Liang.

After she established a relationship with Ye Liang, she would naturally return to the Purple Pole Immortal Star to deal with matters about the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

Therefore, she did not pay attention to the discussions in the academy at all.

It's just that when Ye Liang went out for a while just now, she felt an extremely powerful and terrifying aura appear on the rooftop.

But in an instant, Ye Liang's breath returned...

At that moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor understood that Ye Liang must be doing something like saving the world again.

This small earth, which looks very simple, is actually the land of crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

It is Ye Liang's strength, and he must also personally go out to suppress the crisis.

Moreover, after he returned, his breath was actually a little unstable.

Not only did it leak out, but it also became a ninefold refining qi.

Before, he pretended to be a five-fold refining qi...

It immediately revealed his true strength, which was far from being as simple as refining the five layers of qi.

I don't know what kind of enemy he fought with at that moment just now.

When Ye Liang returned, she looked at Ye Liang's eyes with a little more admiration.

"What's wrong, looking at me like that?"

Ye Liang asked.

"It's okay. "

The Purple Heart Female Emperor shook her head, Ye Liang wanted to keep a low profile, of course she would not deliberately expose Ye Liang's behavior.

She just said:

"I'm not too young, big brother, when are we going to have a child to inherit the throne?"

Although she was the female emperor of the Purple Pole Immortal Star before, she did not value power very much.

She just wants to do what she loves.

Even saving the Purple Pole Immortal Star is her personal ambition.

Now that she has Ye Liang's bigger goal, the matter of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, she doesn't want to care much about it.

Therefore, she felt that it was time for her to put the matter of having a baby on the agenda.

At that time, give the purple pole fairy star to the child to manage, beauty and nourishment.


The Purple Heart Female Emperor suddenly came to such a sentence, which made De Ye Liang couldn't help but be a little stunned.


Looking at the Purple Heart Female Emperor, Ye Liang thought about it, but finally did not say it.

What do you cultivate?

What do I practice?

I'm afraid I can't even break your defenses——!

She's kidding herself, well, but I like it.

[Hehe, if you want to get the essence of the Buddha-figure, you still need to work hard. 】

[It's a pity, you, who are already the Purple Heart Female Emperor, feel that it is not as fun as Zhao Ziyan. ] 】

[Just look at the way you look, you are not interested in many things. 】

Ye Liang: Play Nima... If these words were heard by the Purple Heart Female Emperor, she would not be able to live after school.

Purple Heart Female Emperor: Well, it seems that Ye Liang's sense of expectation of me is not high enough.

Do I have to make some changes, do something that he didn't expect?

And everyone around listened to their conversation, and they couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

GodTM's succession to the throne, which country are you from, there is an imperial throne to inherit.

However, when the boy listened to this voice, he was envious.

Ye Liang, this bastard, actually let Zhao Ziyan take the initiative to this extent, and he didn't really want to agree.

It's outrageous.

Throughout the day, the class spent in shock, envy, envy and hatred.

After school, the Purple Heart Female Emperor looked at Ye Liang, who was packing up and preparing to go back, and said to him:

"Ye Liang, I have already taken leave in advance, I want to go back to the Purple Pole Immortal Star today, and I may not come back until the matter of the Purple Pole Immortal Star is dealt with. "


Hearing this, Ye Liang had some regrets, he had just confirmed the relationship, so you ran?

What a date...

[Purple Pole Immortal Star, it's not as calm as expected, I'll help you first, and then see how much you can handle. ]

If I don't have to, I won't reveal my true strength. 】

Ye Liang: Daily blowing +1,6666——!

The Purple Heart Female Emperor's brows couldn't help but frown.

Purple Pole Immortal Star is not calm?

What's going on here?!!!

Although the Purple Pole Immortal is an immortal star, for the Golden Pill cultivator, it is just like that, what else can be not calm?

Unfortunately, he can't be sure what is going on, otherwise he can find a way to set his heart.

Listening to him, those things are also troublesome to deal with by yourself.

"In that case, then you should go and get busy first. "

Hearing the words of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, although Ye Liang had some regrets, he still did not detain her.

In his opinion, the things that a figure like the Purple Heart Female Emperor has to deal with are naturally big things.

This comes and goes easily, what is there to detain.

However, he said with some pity:

"It's a pity, I haven't reached the innate realm yet, otherwise, I can also accompany you to the Purple Pole Immortal Star to play, I'm really curious, what kind of place is the Immortal Cultivation World." "


Hearing Ye Liang's words, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but be speechless.

Good fellow, you really dare to say ah, you haven't reached the innate realm, I'm here, right?!!!

Although I know that you are very low-key, you are also a little too low-key, right——!!!

Do you dare to say that you have not reached the innate realm?

Seeing that you kill the innate strong in seconds, like killing ants in seconds, even the two Jindan powerhouses have been given seconds by you.

You have not reached the innate realm, then who dares to say that you are innate?!!!

Forget it, he has to force his low profile, and he doesn't have to talk to him more.

In the future, try to hide something for him in front of him.

"Big brother, then I'll go first, see you later——!"

Saying that, the Purple Heart Female Emperor turned into a purple light, rushed out of the window, took a turn, rushed straight to the sky, and instantly disappeared on the earth.

Ye Liang's gaze looked out the window, and when he looked up, he really couldn't see the figure of the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

He couldn't help but sigh.

This is the power of Jindan, it is really too strong.

The entire solar system, for her, simply came and went freely.

I have to reach the golden pill period, and I don't know how long it will take.

Maybe a year? Two years?

In short, it should be a long time.

If he let Lu Yao'er know Ye Liang's thoughts, I am afraid that he would not be able to resist rushing over and slap this shameless guy.

God has proved Jindan in a year or two, and you really have the face to say this.

Ordinary people don't dare to think about becoming Jindan, right?!!

One or two years to prove Jindan, good guy, do you still think it is a long time?

Awesome ——!!!

Just as Ye Liang was looking out the window, his mobile phone rang.

"Hey, Brother Ye Liang, are you free today?"

On the other side of the phone came Jiang Yurou's voice.

Of course it's free. "

Ye Liang said with a smile:

"Is there something going on?"

"Something, I want to date you, just the two of us. "

Jiang Yurou said.

"Oh, woman. "

Ye Liang nodded.

"Really? Great. "

Hearing this, Jiang Yurou was happy:

"Then I'll come to you. "

Saying that, she hung up the phone and rushed towards Ye Liang.

To be honest, Jiang Yurou was really a little worried that Zhao Ziyan's delicate cheap thing would blow something to him around Ye Liang.

Let him not agree to date himself or something.

Now it seems that his charm is not low, even if that delicate cheap thing is by Ye Liang's side, he can't stop his date with Ye Liang.

You can see her wonderful expression later, hahahaha——!!!

When Jiang Yurou came to Ye Liang's side happily, the whole person was stunned for a moment.

"Ye Liang, are you alone?"

She asked.

"yes. "

Ye Liang said, "Who else do you want?"

[Hahaha, stinky woman, looking at your appearance, you don't want me to hug left and right, and you just agreed to your dating request, right?]

[Hahaha, looking at your appearance, it seems a little disappointed, do you want to see something?]

[Do you want to show off your might in front of someone? Your expression is really wonderful——!!!

[Looking at your expression, my heart is overwhelmed——!]

At this moment, Xiu Immortal Voice Pack was laughing at Jiang Yurou in a very mean voice.

Ye Liang: The time to bully Jiang Yurou on a daily basis has come again.

Such a lowly voice, I can't listen to it anymore.

Fortunately, Jiang Yurou couldn't hear it.

Otherwise, she must have gritted her teeth in anger.

Ye Liang cast his gaze towards Jiang Yurou, and saw that Jiang Yurou was looking at him with a gentle and sweet smile on his face at the moment.

"Yurou, what are you doing smiling so happily?"

Ye Liang smiled at Jiang Yurou:

"Is it so fun to date me?"


Jiang Yurou laughed so hard that he gritted his teeth and hated it to the bone.

She opened her arms towards Ye Liang and pounced directly.

"Brother Ye Liang, it's really good to be able to date you alone, thank you so much, you must have deliberately supported Zhao Ziyan and that Lu Yaoer, right?"

After throwing herself into Ye Liang's arms, she said so.

"It's not. "

Ye Liang shook his head and said:

"Zhao Ziyan has something to do herself, she left first, and next, she may take two days off. "

[Stinky woman, let me go, obviously not very beautiful, the words in the mouth are quite beautiful. ] 】

Jiang Yurou: Stinky Ye Liang, where am I not beautiful?

I'm beautiful everywhere, it's you who are blind and talk a few times.

If it weren't for the fact that this girl is so beautiful, could you have been fascinated by this girl in your last life?!!

The heart was against Ye Liang's 'heart', but Zhao Ziyan's face was stacked with a smile, and he took Ye Liang's hand and said:

"Well, that's really good, Brother Ye Liang, let's go, let's start a date for the two of us." "

"Okay. "

Ye Liang said:

"Where to go on a date?"

"Come with me, you haven't had fun in this Jiangzhou, there are many fun places in Jiangzhou." "

Jiang Yurou said:

"Let's go to the amusement park first. "

Ye Liang: "Yes, no problem, you just decide." "

[Hehe, amusement park, are you still a child?]

Jiang Yurou: I'm a child, what's wrong? Today this girl won't let you play the amusement park project, this girl will be your surname——!!!

Soon after...

Jiang Yurou looked at the haunted house in front of her, and her face twitched.

Her gaze turned to Ye Liang beside her and said to him:

"Brother Ye Liang, there is nothing to see in the haunted house, let's play in another place?!"

At this moment, her feet were trembling.

Isn't it, Brother Ye Liang, aren't you an immortal cultivator?

You are an immortal cultivator, and you will be interested in this haunted house?!"

Wouldn't it, wouldn't it?!

"I haven't been in a haunted house in my life, I'm really curious, let's go, go inside." "

Ye Liang was very interested in the haunted house.

He really hasn't been in a haunted house in his life, so he is very curious about it.

[Hahaha, Jiang Yurou, weren't you still very arrogant just now? 】

Jiang Yurou: ...

Woo hoo, I thought Ye Liang, this bastard, would be a little nicer to me today.

It's hateful, I don't believe it, I can't melt the heart of this bastard in my own beauty.

"Uh... Good...... Well..."

Although she was very afraid, Jiang Yurou thought of Ye Liang by her side, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

She hugged Ye Liang's arm tightly and followed him.

[Gotta think of a way to throw this stinky woman down and scare her well.] 】

At the moment of entering the haunted house, the voice of Xiu Immortal Voice Pack sounded again.

Ye Liang: ... Am I special, Xiuxian voice bag, are you a child?

That's too bad fun, isn't it?

Throwing his female companion in a haunted house is also too unhuman, and...

Throw beautiful women in a haunted house and are not afraid of being picked up.

Jiang Yurou: ...

Am I special——!!!

Can you throw the old lady down, the old lady calls you daddy——!!!

Thinking like this, Jiang Yurou opened her arms and hugged Ye Liang deadly.


Ye Liang's face was speechless:

"It's not... I understand your fear, but there is no need to hang it all over me, right?"

"I want you to melon, I like it. "

Saying that, Jiang Yurou directly hung up on Ye Liang.


Although he was speechless, but a beautiful woman hung on himself, Ye Liang certainly did not feel that he had suffered a loss.


Inside the haunted house, there was soon a sound of ghosts crying wolves howling.

The real haunted house is still very scary, not the kind of small haunted house that only costs a little money to arrange.

In the dark haunted house, there are naturally some men who take advantage of the female companions around them.

And their female companions are mostly intentional to cooperate, and the two sides confirm each other's intentions and hook up together.

After a while, Ye Liang came out of the haunted house holding Jiang Yurou, who had soft feet.

He said speechlessly:

"Strange, why isn't it scary at all?"


Looking at Ye Liang in front of him, Jiang Yurou was also speechless.

You TM an immortal cultivator, what are you pretending to be in front of me, isn't your purpose to scare me?

Well, congratulations, you made it——!!!

She cursed to death in her heart, but forced a smile on her face, but said:

"Brother Ye Liang, I don't want to play anymore, let's go back, there is no one else in your house today, right?!"


At this moment, Ye Liang's expression couldn't help but change slightly, and his eyes looked towards Jiang Yurou in his arms.

Even if he didn't understand it anymore, he knew what the implication was.

Jiang Yurou blushed slightly and looked away, anyway, she is also a girl.

It is also too humiliating to take the initiative to ask such words.


(I wonder, why is this book supported by so many people and the grades are good, but why don't you give a good recommendation?)

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