Yan Qing: "I don't know why, there is always a feeling... I don't seem to have been in a long time..."

At this moment, Yan Qing was in his own home, with a strange look.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she feels like a few years have passed since she came here.

Obviously, she and Ye Liang met every day, but they always felt that she seemed to be in a flash, and she had not seen Ye Liang for a long time.

It's strange that she should be able to complete the task like this.

Not to mention that it is difficult to make Ye Liang fall in love with her, or to let Ye Liang remember her.

"I'm Yan Qing, is my sense of existence so low?!"

Watching the TV news, but her mood is not on TV.

At this moment, she doubted herself a little.

With your own beauty, not so.

Took the initiative several times ...

It feels like it doesn't work every time.

It's not her fault, it's just because Ye Liang's bastard is too wary of her.

Also, there are many beautiful women around Ye Liang, and she has no advantage all of a sudden.

She didn't understand how she couldn't beat those little when she was once known as the most beautiful school flower.

After thinking about it, in the end, she determined the reason.

It's not that she is incompetent, it's just that the opponent is too cunning, if she wants to have further contact with Ye Liang, she must use some means.

Didn't Ye Liang like that tune?

She herself bought several sets of that outfit online, which were delivered today.

The first set, the JK sailor suit, was supposed to be for young girls, but she was very confident in herself, and if she wore this thing with her own figure, it would definitely be attractive enough.

The second set, a black silk bunny girl outfit, if you wear this set of clothes with her figure, the effect is needless to say.

The third set is a set of clothes similar to ancient costumes, in fact, it is a COS suit of a fox spirit, and that fox spirit is called the Nine Tails.

Looking at the three sets of clothes in front of him, Yan Qing was very confident.

As long as he wears them, he can hit Ye Liang's heart with one blow and make him love himself very much.

But the problem is that now Ye Liang is not alone at home, and she has missed the best opportunity to have a good relationship with Ye Liang.

If she wore this outfit to find Ye Liang, then those girls in Ye Liang's family would definitely mess up her good deeds.

So, she had to figure out a way...

Lead Ye Liang to her house.

And she, naturally, has a way to think of a way.

At this time, Ye Liang had already returned to his home with Jiang Yurou.

Jiang Yurou hinted to him like that, he was not stupid, naturally he knew that today he seemed to be able to play some things like Dengdua Lang.

Therefore, the two came back all the way, and they were relatively silent.

Jiang Yurou pinched the corners of her clothes desperately, wanting to hear Ye Liang's heart.

However, it didn't work...

During this time, she couldn't hear a single bit about Ye Liang's heart.

And Ye Liang, looking at Jiang Yurou's coquettish look, naturally looked forward to it secretly.

Next, tonight, the Buddha-figure will die in battle in the Desolate Sea——!!!

After coming to Ye Liang's house, Jiang Yurou said with some embarrassment:

"That... That, Ye Liang, I'll go wash up first. "

"Ahem, okay, you go quickly..."

Although Ye Liang was looking forward to being a scumbag in his heart, he was actually a little nervous.

After Jiang Yurou nervously ran to wash, he breathed a slight sigh of relief.

Looking down at himself, he couldn't help but be a little speechless.

"Really, what are you nervous about?!!!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get an additional reward for cultivating immortals: a bottle of energetic blue potion.

After drinking it, it can make you feel refreshed and energetic throughout the day. "

Ye Liang: "... System, are you looking down on me ?!

I need this thing?!!


I'm just curious what it smells like. "

Saying that, he took out the bottle of blue energetic potion.


Seriously, he doesn't believe that the system will give him something that doesn't make sense.

The system must have given him very useful things.

Although he didn't know what the use of this bottle of medicine was, he felt that he still had to taste it.

Thinking of this, he opened the lid of the blue medicine bottle, raised his head and began to drink.

Knock, goo, goo——!!!

A small bottle of medicine was drunk by him in three or two sips.

The next moment, his face turned red all of a sudden.

Groove ——!!!

This medicine is really used to replenish energy.

After taking a sip, he only felt that the energy in his body was actually beginning to rise wildly.

Heaven and earth spiritual energy that was originally difficult to absorb on the earth, and it was crazy self-generated in his body.

The powerful energy directly opened his sea of qi and guided his spiritual energy to rotate wildly in his body.

As a sound of breaking came out of his body, Ye Liang's face turned red, and he felt that his cultivation was also rising wildly at this moment.

For a moment, the spiritual energy in his body continued to condense, and finally liquefied, forming a drop of liquefied airflow.

"Reiki liquefaction..."

Looking at his hands, Ye Liang couldn't help but be stunned.

"So easy, to achieve the innate realm, what kind of medicine is that bottle just now?!"

Wait, the effect of this medicine seems to be more than just adding cultivation to yourself.

Not only has the spiritual energy in his body been condensed to the extent of liquefaction, but his own strength has also hardened.

"Groove... System, the medicine you gave me, the effect, it's a little cool——!!"

Not only did he suddenly become a congenital realm powerhouse who really moved mountains and seas, but he also made himself energetic.

At this moment, Ye Liang feels like the strongest tough guy in history——!

Cultivation is a process that requires absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to replenish itself.

The innate realm is that it is integrated with heaven and earth, and is no longer affected by the external environment, and can balance itself with the trend of heaven and earth at any time.

If it is a place like the solar system that does not have the enchantment of the immortal domain, the innate realm can already travel the universe.

It's just that the speed may be slower, unlike Jindan, which is really freewheeling.

At this time, Jiang Yurou was washing, thinking that Ye Liang was waiting for her outside, she couldn't help but be very nervous.

Could it be that he really wanted to give Ye Liang an explanation today?!!!

Right at this moment.

There was a knock at Ye Liang's door.

Knock knock knock——!!!

With a knock on the door, Ye Liang came to the door and opened the door.


The next moment, a figure threw itself directly into his arms.

From his arms, a warm fragrance was brought.

"Groove ?!!"

As soon as he opened the door, he was thrown into his arms, and Ye Liang couldn't help but be stunned.

However, he naturally knew who the person who threw himself into his arms was.

Yan Qing, the beautiful big sister who lives opposite...


After being surprised for a moment, Ye Liang gently patted the other party's back and asked:

"What's wrong, Sister Qing?"

"Ye Liang, I... I'm so scared, something strange happens in my house. "

Yan Qing looked terrified and said to Ye Liang.


Ye Liang was puzzled: "What strange thing?!"

"You... Just come with me and take a look. "

Yan Qing said:

"I... Oh my God, it's terrible..."


Hearing this, Ye Liang raised his eyebrows:

"What the hell is going on?"

"You... Believe in this world... Are there ghosts?"

At this moment, Yan Qing pretended to hold Ye Liang, but in fact controlled the distance well and did not stick to Ye Liang.

And she, with a look of fear, asked Ye Liang.


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help frowning:

"You mean, you came across... Ghost?"

"yes. "

Yan Qing said:

"I'm so scared, can you show me?"

"Okay, let's take a look. "

To be honest, Ye Liang didn't know if there were ghosts in this world, but since there were all immortal cultivators, it was normal to have ghosts, right?

Seeing that Ye Liang believed his words so easily, Yan Qing was a little surprised.

Then, she couldn't help but be overjoyed.

My own acting skills are still okay.

[Fox spirit, don't you really think that your acting skills can deceive me, right? 】

[The Buddha-figure will accompany you to play tricks to see what skills you can perform, even if you jump into the sky in front of the Buddha-figure today, the Buddha-figure will not look at you more. 】

However, just when Yan Qing was still proud, she heard a voice from Ye Liangxin.

Yan Qing: Uh...

Hmph, this guy, really hateful, looks down on himself in his heart again.

The most depressing thing in the world is not that the person you like doesn't like you, but that the person you want to hook up with is a narcissist and treats you as an imaginary enemy.

On the other hand, you are really his enemy.

Are you angry or not?!!!

If it weren't for the fact that he could hear Ye Liang's heart, I am afraid that he would have been self-righteous and felt that he had hooked up with Ye Liang.

You can retire and become a big evil girl.

However, through Ye Liang's heart, she knew that Ye Liang had regarded her as an imaginary enemy from the beginning, and had been fantasizing from the beginning that she was a vixen who wanted to hook up with him.

And that's what she wanted, which is outrageous.

All this is as coincidental as a miracle.

Seeing that Yan Qing seemed to be still afraid, Ye Liang gently patted her shoulder and spoke:

"Let's go, don't be afraid, I'm here. "

Saying that, he walked into Yan Qing's room.

Damn, the effect of the blue potion just now has occurred.

Not only has his strength increased greatly, but his energy has also become very vigorous.

This time was thrown into Yan Qing's arms, and he couldn't cover it at all.

If he let her throw herself in his arms, he was afraid that he would be ugly.

[Let me guess, this time you plan to use what way to hook up with the Buddha-figure, must be self-righteous, and want to deliberately say something like the like to the Buddha-figure like before, but unfortunately, the Buddha-figure never eats this set. ] 】

Ye Liang: That is, there is something practical, lying in the groove, and I can't think about it.

If you think about it again, it's really ugly.

Clean ——!

At this moment, Ye Liang wanted to calm himself down, however, as soon as he was about to calm down, his body was rushed by the surging heaven and earth spiritual energy and boiled again.


Special ——!!!


Since he couldn't get clean, Ye Liang had to endure the excitement of the bottle of potion.

With Yan Qing, he walked towards her room.

Ye Liang looked around and asked Yan Qing:

"Where are the weird places you said there are ghosts?"

"Right in my bedroom, wardrobe, ——! all the time"

Yan Qing said with a scared look.

As she spoke, she closed the door.

"Uh... What are you doing behind closed doors?"

Ye Liang turned his head and asked Yan Qing.

If ordinary people are afraid of ghosts at home, shouldn't they open the door and be ready to escape at any time?

"Brother Ye Liang. "

Yan Qing didn't expect to call Ye Liang to her house so easily, and she was quite surprised.

I don't know if the girls in Ye Liang's family are gone.

Fortunately, she didn't really want to hook up with Ye Liang, she just wanted to take away his heart.

"Actually, I lied to you just now, hee-hee. "

Yan Qing said with a smile.

[Sure enough, this fox spirit is eyeing the face of the Buddha-figure at a glance, and wants to deceive the Yangyuan of the Buddha-figure, where is it so easy, bah——!]

Ye Liang: ...

Looking at Yan Qing, who was smiling in front of him, he asked:

"Sister Qing, you called me over, is there something wrong?"


Yan Qing grinned at the corner of his lips and said to Ye Liang:

"Actually, I recently had someone I like, and I want to confess to him. "


Hearing Yan Qing's words, Ye Liang couldn't help but be suddenly a little stunned, raised his head, and looked towards her.

Won't it, in this world, there are still people who need Yan Qing to take the initiative to confess?

Who is that silly fork, grass——!!!

[Why, shouldn't you want to say that the object of the confession is me, really think that I will believe you, you will try it, at that time, I am afraid that you will not be able to cry. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Uh, could the object of the confession be me?

If it were really me, I would take back that silly sentence.

Yan Qing: Gan, I've seen a narcissistic person, but I've never seen you so narcissistic.

Although you guessed correctly, do you think I really want to confess to you?

I'm not for my freedom yet.

Hmph, mother and son, both shameless narcissistic goods, no good thing.

She was speechless for a while in her heart, her face twitched, but her mouth said:

"However, I don't know what kind of dress the person I like likes, so I want to ask you to come over and give me a reference." "


Hearing this, Ye Liang was speechless for a while:

"Why, do you still want to change clothes for someone you like?"

"Of course. "

Yan Qing said seriously:

"The person I like is a rich and handsome man who looks handsome, temperamental, and rich on the surface, but in fact, he is a sullen man who likes to look down on people in secret, and if I don't dress to make him look good, he will definitely refuse." "

Ye Liang: "Is it?"

Ye Liang was a little disappointed, it seemed that what she liked was not herself.

He is not the kind of sullen man who likes to look down on people behind his back.

[It seems that the person she likes is not a Buddha-figure, and the Buddha-figure is not a sullen man... Hehe, it's really a mortal fetus in the flesh, I don't know how powerful the Buddha-figure is, I have known the Buddha-figure for so long, and I will look at other men, it seems that I can't see the charm of the Buddha-figure in ordinary women......】

Ye Liang: ...

Yan Qing: WDNMD, the old lady likes you, you say that the old lady hooks you up, the old lady likes others, you say the old lady has no vision?!!!

Co-authorship is justified, right——!!!


(It's not very good today, it's even slower, forgive me.) )

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