The last class in the afternoon was a physical education class.

Physical education is something that most students like very much.

I believe that this kind of thing is the same all over the world.

Today's physical education class is about playing basketball.

In the basketball room, a fat sports academy teacher is explaining the skills of playing basketball to everyone.

Of course, there are very few people willing to listen to this thing.

What skills are not skillful, a messy RUA, can shoot the basket on the line.

There are no basketball masters in Ye Liang's class, so the basketball class is basically a group of rookie chickens pecking at each other.

Seeing that he was lecturing and listening to few people, the master followed the procedure and finished everything that should be taught, and then let everyone move freely.

"Come on, come on, get ——!!!"

"Oooooh ——!!!"

At this moment, the boys in the class are very excited and waiting for this moment.

And the girls are just as excited.

Although the rabbits do not eat the grass on the edge of the nest, there are many pairs of boys and girls in the class.

They naturally also want to see the boys they like be active at this time.

Some boys who don't like to play instantly shrink to the side, afraid of being ugly on the court.

And at this moment, Ye Liang undoubtedly became the most noticed person in the class in an instant.

Because he was the most noticed, and now he didn't shrink to the side.

"Ye Liang, are you coming?"

A boy clapped the ball in his hand and asked Ye Liang.


Ye Liang looked left and right and found that the other boys had long shrunk elsewhere.

Standing on the court are boys who like to play basketball.

Only he was still standing on the sidelines.

He shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't play basketball." "

Although basketball is an interesting sport, it has extremely high requirements for the strength of the player himself, adaptability and luck.

But, who is he?

He is also an immortal cultivator——!

As long as the ball falls into his hands, then he can throw it casually and it will hit.

The game becomes uninteresting in an instant...

Therefore, he doesn't want to play any blue ball with these people, which is too bullying.

However, he was heard saying he couldn't play.

Everyone who was preparing to play the blue ball couldn't help but grin.

I'm afraid you'll be able to play——!

You already have enough limelight, if you still play, you can't steal all the limelight?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

One by one, with bad intentions.

"Come on, come on, don't you know how to play? "

The boy who was patting the ball said.

At this time, some girls on the side also wanted to see how Ye Liang performed.

"Ye Liang, you just go on, come on, we are optimistic about you. "

"Come on——!!!"


At this time, a purple light fell, blue to the basketball court, and turned into three women.

One of them is peerless, temperament high school honorable, beautiful and peerless.

First, he is very burly and ugly.

One of them is thin and tall, and he is also ugly.

It was the Purple Heart Female Emperor who took Shangguan Wuyan and Shen Wuyan, and the three daughters fell to the edge of the basketball court.

The three people who appeared out of thin air did not attract the attention of the people on this side.

With the cultivation of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, it is naturally not difficult to cast a magic technique that will not attract people's attention.

"Your Majesty the Female Emperor, is this the earth?"

The two ugly women, Shangguan Wuyan and Shen Wuyan, looked around and asked the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

"Hmm. "

The Purple Heart Female Emperor nodded:

"He is what I call a real Immortal Dao master, Ye Liang. "

The Purple Heart Female Emperor pointed in Ye Liang's direction and said.


Following the gaze of the Purple Heart Female Emperor towards Ye Liang, the two ugly women couldn't help but be stunned.

"Your Majesty the Female Emperor, what are you kidding, isn't he a mortal?"

Both women looked towards Ye Liang with wide eyes.

No matter how you look at it, Ye Liang is a mortal.

"Huh, he's mortal?"

Hearing this, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

If it weren't for the fact that I could read his heart, I would probably think that he was a mortal.

However, at this moment, she heard Ye Liang's heart.

[A group of mortals, I think that in the beginning, this figure traveled through the universe in his previous life, and also played basketball with Ben Cai Tiandi... Even if Cai Tiandi is in front of this deity, it is not worth mentioning, but since you have this desire, the Buddha-figure will satisfy you and bully you. 】

Ye Liang: ... God's special Cai Tiandi.

The Purple Heart Emperor's expression changed slightly.

Cai Tiandi?

I don't know who it is, but he is actually qualified to play a small game like basketball with Ye Liang.

The more noble the person, the more difficult it is for others to play this worldly game with him.

That Cai Tiandi who can play basketball with Ye Liang is definitely not simple.

She put away her surprise and said to the two women beside her:

"Remember what I told you before. "

"Uh... Yes, Your Majesty——!"

Both women saluted the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

When they came here just now, the Purple Heart Female Emperor reminded them.

Ye Liang is a person who likes to keep a low profile, so Ye Liang often pretends to be an ordinary person.

You can't underestimate Ye Liang.

At the same time, there is no need to respect Ye Liang too much on the surface, respect is in the heart.

The female emperor had reminded them so much, they were still so careless, thinking of this, both of them couldn't help but feel guilty.

Although it seems that it is just a mortal now, how can they understand the real master?!


However, looking at Ye Liang's appearance, the two ugly women couldn't help but be puzzled.

Is Ye Liang really a master?

A real master, can actually play with mortals?

Gain insight.

At this time, Ye Liang did not know that the Purple Heart Female Emperor had brought two subordinates to the edge of the basketball court.

He was about to play basketball with these guys.

To be honest, in his previous life, he was not interested in basketball, but he also fantasized that he scored consecutive goals on the basketball court, which attracted cheers from MMs.

What I didn't do in my previous life, I can try it in this life.

"Ye Liang, it's up to you——!!!"

Soon, everyone on the pitch was on both sides.

And the people on Ye Liang's side said to Ye Liang:

"Don't let us lose——!"

"Come on, haha, Ye Liang big guy, make them look good. "

"Yes, yes, Ye Liang, we are optimistic about you, don't let us down." "


“...... Didn't you say you were going to take care of me?"

Seeing the people around him say this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

"Hahaha, Ye Liang, we believe you will be able to, come on. "


Take care of you?

What about dreams, you guy, one person occupies two beauties, both at the level of colonel flowers, and you still want us to take care of you?

If you don't make a fool of yourself today, we will be uncomfortable.

Everyone has already made up their minds that the team battle can be lost, and Ye Liang must lose face——!!!

"Ye Liang, come on——!!!"

"Come on, come on, Ye Liang, come on——!!!"

Although there are really many girls in the class who cheer Ye Liang.

Ye Liang nodded at them and smiled slightly.


The girls in the class screamed.

The current Ye Liang is not the Ye Liang of the past, and in the past, they felt that Ye Liang's family had no money and no value in communication.

But now who doesn't know that Ye Liang's money is so much that even Xu Changjun can be pitted to death?

There must be money in his family, and they have seen it with their own eyes, Ye Liang really spends money like water.

Millions, said to give to Zhao Ziyan.

If it weren't for that, how could Zhao Ziyan be with Ye Liang?!

How could she show her true face?

At the end of the day, it's all about banknote capabilities——!!!

[These vulgar fans have already cheered me on, Purple Heart Female Emperor, don't you really come out?]

I want to see how long you can endure not coming out. 】

Ye Liang: ???!!!

His expression changed slightly, Purple Heart Female Emperor?

Could it be that the Immortal Cultivator Voice Pack detected that the Purple Heart Female Emperor was nearby?

Why didn't I feel it myself?!

Purple Heart Female Emperor: Sure enough, has he already seen himself?

He was already so hidden, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't hide his perception.

Ye Liang's perception is really terrifying.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ziyan did not appear in a hurry.

After all, if she appeared as soon as she heard Ye Liang's heart, Ye Liang would definitely doubt it.

She had to wait a little longer...

"Okay, everyone, get ready to ——!"

At this time, the fat gymnasium master holds a basketball in his hand, and as long as he throws the ball into the air, the game begins.

"Start ——!!!"

Saying that, he blew the whistle in his mouth and threw the ball into the air at the same time.

After a chaotic rush, it was Ye Liang's people who snatched the ball.

But after he got the ball, he did not rush to attack, nor did he rush to find a position.

Instead, his eyes searched and saw Ye Liang standing on the side, with two people from the other side guarding in front of him.

At this moment, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips and show a bit of a bad smile.

Directly threw the ball towards Ye Liang.

At this moment, many people raised the corners of their lips.

"This guy is really bad, deliberately gave the ball to Ye Liang, now there are two people around him, he wants to be able to grab the ball, that's strange." "

At this moment, both sides of the ball were waiting to see the moment when Ye Liangqiu was snatched away.

And the two people guarding Ye Liang naturally knew tacit understanding, one large one guarded Ye Liang, and the other small one hurriedly stepped forward to catch the ball.

Seeing that this ball was about to be cut off in front of Ye Liang...

However, at this moment, Ye Liang put his body to one side, and the whole person fell directly from the big man.


Seeing this scene, some people laughed secretly.

Ye Liang This is also too dish, even if the ball is not snatched, no one touches him, he poured it himself?

However, the next moment, he saw that Ye Liang, who was about to fall to the ground, directly passed the person who intercepted him at an incredible angle in an instant, and ran to the person who snatched the ball, spun around, grabbed the basketball that flew over, and then threw it towards the rim on the side without hesitation.


At this moment, everyone was stunned——!!!

"Lying groove, what the hell is this, light gong ??!!!"

How could one person go straight past the defense of two people when he fell to the ground close to forty-five degrees, and then one turned around and grabbed the basketball?

It's not scientific——!!!

The people on the court were dumbfounded, and so were the girls who were cheering.

The fat academy master who had just served the ball couldn't help but be stunned.

However, the next moment, something that shocked them even more happened——!!!

I saw that the basketball fell directly into the basket frame lightly, and did not even make a little collision.


There was silence.

At this moment, there is not a single person who does not stay still.

"Groove ——!!!"

The tall classmate who was defended by Ye Liang was stupid at the moment.

Until now, he hadn't reacted to how Ye Liang broke through his defense with the kind of action that only exists in martial arts movies.

That kind of action, normal people can't do it at all——!!!

And all the girls who watched this scene were even more shocked.

They saw Ye Liang's actions just now.

Ye Liang was simply like a fluttering person, like a puff of light smoke, perhaps, a gust of wind, a phantom, instantly passed the two people in front, snatched the ball into his hand, and completed it in one go.

What's more, he also shot a three-pointer from a long distance.

The whole action is simply like hanging Weiya, moving like clouds and flowing water.


At this moment, the girls collectively screamed.

"Ye Liang, Ye Liang ——!!!!"

"So handsome, oh my God——!!!"

"Ye Liang, I love you——!!!!"



At this moment, everyone cast their eyes towards Ye Liang in surprise, and the cheers around them made them understand that what they saw just now was not a dream.

Ye Liang really did that kind of thing?!!!

After a ball shot, listening to the cheers around him, Ye Liang was not too happy, but just felt a little cool.

After all, what could not be done before the crossing was easily done after the crossing.

In the past, he never thought that he would one day be able to cause so many girls to scream and be stared at by so many people with astonished and shocked eyes one day after another.

Can this feeling be said to be unpleasant?

[Hey, the Buddha-figure does not want to bully people, but unfortunately, the strength of the Buddha-figure does not allow... You can't let the Buddha-figures fight you back and forth, right? 】

Ye Liang: ...

"Ye Liang, so handsome——!!!"

At this moment, a voice sounded in Ye Liang's ears.

His gaze followed the voice and looked in that direction, and he saw that Zhao Ziyan didn't know when he appeared there.

She was cheering happily in Ye Liang's direction, cheering, waving her hands, bouncing.


Seeing this beauty that suddenly appeared, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Purple Heart Female Emperor, although you are now Zhao Ziyan, but you are also a Jindan Female Emperor, there is no need to exaggerate so much?!!!

And the people who were in shock finally reacted.

"Lying groove, Ye Liang, didn't you say you can't play?!!!


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