“...... Ye Liang, so handsome, love you——!!!"

At this time, the Purple Heart Female Emperor had already turned into Zhao Ziyan's appearance.

Although this look is not as majestic as that of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, it makes people feel more lofty and proud.

But such a high-ranking female emperor was cheering for herself like a little girl, and Ye Liang was naturally very happy.

He raised his hand to greet the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

And at this moment, the two ugly women who followed the Purple Heart Female Emperor looked at their own female emperor like this, and couldn't help but secretly startled.

No, Your Majesty the Female Emperor, you are the female emperor of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, the first Golden Pill in history, and your ruthlessness is well known to the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star.

But now, you are actually like a little girl who has committed a fool's errand?

That's too, so what's that, right?

But think about it, this one called Ye Liang, Her Majesty the Female Emperor said that he was very powerful.

In front of him, Her Majesty the Female Emperor compares herself to an ant.

In order to please such a strong person, it is not incomprehensible that Her Majesty the Female Emperor would do such a thing.

Although they thought so, they were inevitably a little surprised when they looked at Ye Liang's expression.

I don't know what kind of Immortal Dao master Ye Liang, who seems to be a mortal on the surface, is.

"Groove ——!!!"

Zhao Ziyan's voice made everyone present come back from their shock again.

One of them asked Ye Liang:

"Ye Liang, didn't you just say that you can't play?"

"Lying groove, you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?!!!

"It's ——!!"

Does your mother know that you play well?"


Everyone looked shocked and surrounded Ye Liang, and the things that were still playing were thrown aside by them.

Now they want to know what happened to Ye Liang's goal just now.

It's a bit too much——!

Coupled with the fact that now Zhao Ziyan, the former ugly woman, the current big beauty is actually shouting to Ye Liang.

This made them even more envious and jealous.

"You're obviously so powerful, it's a bit too much to say that you can't play, right?"


Facing everyone's onlookers, Ye Liang said helplessly:

"I can't play, I'm too strong, it's going to be boring. "


Hearing this, everyone present froze.

Lying groove, it turns out that he said that he can't play ball, which means this?

That's too pretentious, isn't it——!!!


I feel that every word of this guy is pretending.

Seeing that Ye Liang was still saying this, everyone couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Pretend, pretend, so like to pretend, you are afraid that you are a bull into a fine——!

Even some people who had no ill feelings towards Ye Liang, and even some people who wanted to please Ye Liang, felt that Ye Liang's pretense was a little too much.


Although people pretend to be forced, but people really have this strength.

That's the biggest problem——!!!

"Gan ——!!!"

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but feel depressed.

It feels like your blood pressure goes up all of a sudden.

Damn it.

"Come again——!!!"

"I don't believe it, you can really make this ball boring. "

"Come ——!!!"

Although Ye Liang's performance just now was a little too exaggerated, it was precisely because that performance was too exaggerated that many people instinctively did not believe it...

In their opinion, Ye Liang may really have some ball skills, so he was lucky to do such an exaggerated thing just now.

Give him one more time, he must not be able to do it.

"Ball ——!"

"Here, here, hurry up——!!!"

"Well, the ball was snatched, it's all to blame on you——!!!"

After passing the basketball back and forth several times in everyone's hands, there was no ball.

Because everyone is holding their breath.

What Ye Liang said just now was really infuriating.

TMD, thought he said he couldn't play because he couldn't play, but he actually meant that he couldn't play because he was too strong to play with them.

Depend, who does this look down on?!!!

Is this what people say?!!!

If Ye Liang is not allowed to lose face today, they will not believe it.

Although it seemed that Ye Liang had several teammates, Ye Liang's words just now were too infuriating.

At this moment, everyone wanted to embarrass Ye Liang.

It doesn't matter if you win or lose——!!!

Team battles can be lost, and Ye Liang must lose face.

"Come, Ye Liang, Ball ——!!!"

I saw that after a person got the ball, he pretended to throw the ball in Ye Liang's direction.

At this time, in front of Ye Liang, there were several people who could intercept the ball.

These people all pounced in the direction of the ball.

One of them quickly grabbed the ball and headed towards himself.

"Hey, Ye Liang, how did you do it, don't move the ball when it comes?"

Seeing Ye Liang not moving, the man who threw the ball shouted.

"What's the rush. "

Ye Liang said, "Wait for him to have an addiction to touch the ball." "


Hearing this, the person who deliberately threw the ball to Ye Liang was dumbfounded...

Ye Liang, this guy, why is he not on the road?!!

However, the next moment, he saw Ye Liang attacking the opponent's basket.

Immediately, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

Aren't you hilarious?

Everyone is going to go to the basket, what's the use of you just passing now?

"Drink ——!"

I saw that the person who intercepted Ye Liang's ball was very excited at the moment, and seeing that the basket frame was in front of him, he did not hesitate and bent down to throw the ball.

The person on the opposite side also cooperated, and actually did not come to grab the basket, and now his own ball was determined.

Ye Liang, no matter how powerful you are, can you still snatch my board?

Is this possible?

Is it possible?

Can it?!

This goal, he is confident that he will definitely hit.

Seeing that the ball had flown out, everyone smiled.

And the girls on the side couldn't help but look worried.

If this goal is scored, won't Ye Liang be behind the pot?!!!

It doesn't matter if you get intercepted, but you don't move at all, it's a bad attitude.

However, the next moment, I saw a figure, like a floating light, instantly passed through the crowd to the bottom of the board, jumped up reflexively, grabbed the basket frame with one hand, and covered the ball that flew over with the other.


Seeing that the ball that was about to fly into the basket was directly covered by Ye Liang.


At this moment, the audience fell silent again.

Everyone looked at Ye Liang, who was holding the basket frame with one hand and hanging lightly on it, and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Groove ——!!!"

"Cap ?!!!"

"Cover your sister's hat, this is simply guarding——!!!"

"Did he play basketball as if it were football?!!! and he swooped in to intercept the ball?!!!?"

"Oh my God——!!!"

If you say that the moment Ye Liang voted just now can be said to be luck and strength.

So now he grabs the basket block, what to say?

This can't say anything about his strength, so what is strength?

At that moment just now, Ye Liang was the first to start, and when someone else's ball flew out, he rushed over, jumped, grabbed the basket, covered the ball...

This kind of thing is not something that people can do at all, right?

Is this human?

This is a monster, right——!!!


Compared to everyone's shock, at this moment, the fat sports academy master looked at Ye Liang's eyes as if they were glowing.

"Oh my God... This, this... What kind of strength is this? The young people are also amazing, right?!!!?"

"He's called Ye Liang, right, a new transfer student? If you can introduce him into the national team, then..."

At this moment, the sports academy master couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Then, the national basketball team will definitely dominate the world because of this person.

This is talent, this is talent——!!


No, you have to discuss it with him right away.


Ye Liang slowly let go of his hand, fell from the rebound, and gently clapped his hand.

"Guys, I'm sorry, I actually... Would love to play with you, but... I've tried my best to suppress my strength, apologize, playing with me is like that, there is no game experience at all. "


Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

God TMD tried his best to suppress strength——!!!

Just like this, you still say that you try to suppress strength?!!!

If you didn't do your best just now, I will TM give you a son——!!!

Based on Ye Liang's performance just now, naturally no one would really believe that he would not use his full strength.

However, even with all your strength, this is already too exaggerated.

Some even wonder if they are dreaming.

Otherwise, how could this happen?


Everyone looked at Ye Liang stunned, and Ye Liang helplessly prodded his shoulders.

It seems that the speed he used just now was a little faster, and what he did was exaggerated a little, which shocked them.

If these people knew what Ye Liang was thinking now, they would be scolded.

TMD, what else is this called?

That's probably 100 million points——!!!

At this time, a whistle sounded, and everyone recovered from the shock.

However, they were immediately shocked again.

How could Ye Liang do such a thing?

That's not something people can do at all, right?

No matter how much you practice, this is an exaggeration.

The distance that Ye Liang was from the ball just now was not something that people could catch up with at all——!!!


At this time, the sound of the whistle sounded again.

Once again, the sports academy teacher blew the whistle.

TMD, don't be shocked, I still have something to say to Ye Liang.

With a smile on his face, he came to Ye Liang and asked him:

"Classmate, your name is Ye Liang, right?"

"Yes, Master Liu. "

Ye Liang said.

"Cough, it's like this, classmate Ye Liang, the ball technique you play is really powerful, I have some connections in the national team, I don't know if you are interested, to develop in the national team?!"


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

It's really a folk who has its own masters.

Unexpectedly, this sports academy teacher, who looks fat and like a hairy pig, actually has a relationship with the national team.


He shook his head and said:

"I'm sorry, Master Liu, I'm not interested in sports..."

He is also an immortal cultivator, and it is enough to passively pretend to force him.

Wouldn't it be shameful to have to join a sports program?

"Uh, don't you believe me?"

Hearing that Ye Liang actually refused to enter the national team, Liu Yuanshi couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

He thought that Ye Liang didn't believe his words, and quickly said:

"If you don't believe me, I will immediately call the Ministry of Sports and ask the Minister of Sports to tell you personally." "

"Not really. "

Ye Liang shook his head and said:

"I'm really not interested in being able to play sports... If I were to participate in the sports industry, I would be a bully. "


Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but be stunned.

Depend, it's too pretentious?!!

However, this is also ah...

Ye Liang's strength is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Even the ball that has been thrown can be blocked first-come, what else can't he do?

If he participates in sports, no matter what it is, he is bullying others.

And the sports academy master couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

In sports, he has not seen pretending, but it is the first time that he has pretended to be so forced.

Moreover, he really can't refute the other party.

[Hey, this Immortal Venerable is just experiencing life, but he doesn't have the intention to pretend to bully, mortals, why don't you understand?]

Ye Liang: ...

In fact, just now I just wanted to pretend to be forced, otherwise I wouldn't have to do such an exaggeration.

Purple Heart Female Emperor: Indeed, no matter how boring a powerful immortal cultivator is, he has no time to play sports with ordinary people.

I'd better help Ye Liang say two words.

Thinking of this, the Purple Heart Female Emperor stepped forward a few steps and said to that Liu Yuan Master:

"Master, Ye Liang's future has a greater future, and sports is not the path he wants to choose. "


Liu Yuanshi, who was about to persuade Ye Liang a few more words, heard this, and only then did he react.

This is the Qingcai Academy, and the people in the academy have a great future, and some of them may be the way out for ordinary people.

However, it may not be for those here.

What a shame...

If this kid enters the national team, he will definitely be able to win glory for the country and overwhelm those foreigners.

His strength can be seen by blind people——!!

"Hey, you're not... Zhao Ziyan?"

Until this time, Liu Yuanshi finally noticed the face of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, and looked shocked:

"You... How did you become so beautiful?"

“...... Hahaha..."

Hearing this, the people around couldn't help but laugh and said to him:

"Master, don't you know yet, Zhao Ziyan is already very beautiful, she used to just deliberately wear ugly makeup. "


Hearing this, Master Liu couldn't help but be speechless.

And beautiful girls put on ugly makeup for themselves?

This girl is also so beautiful...

However, as an academy teacher, it is not good for him to praise the problem of a girl who is not beautiful.

His gaze moved to Ye Liang again, and he secretly thought that it would be a pity if such a talent did not enter the national sports team.

No, it's better to discuss it with the Minister of National Sports later.

See if he is willing to offer a high salary to invite him.


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